EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen Larson PROD. #60227 Robert Foster November 25, 1985 (F.R.) SUPV. PRODUCERS: Burton Armus Rev. 12/ 3/85 (F.R.) Bruce Lansbury PRODUCER: Gino Grimaldi KNIGHT RIDER REDEMPTION OF A CHAMPION by E. Nick Alexander _______________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. BRENTWOOD HILLS MOTOR COURT - NIGHT - HIGH WIDE ANGLE Exquisite single-story bungalows, spaced a good distance apart, sits on the sloping hillside of this motel complex. As the camera slowly pans downs and to one of the bungalows, we find a two-door sedan parked in front, a dim light shining through the window, and we hear: DAMON (V.O.) It was billed as the greatest fight of the decade -- and many think it was.... INT. BUNGALOW - NIGHT - FIGHT ON TV SCREEN (Videotape replay -- little or no sound) Both fighters, bruised and bloody are in the middle of the ring. Keeler tags Grant with a hard, jolting, straight left, and then crosses with a crushing right hand...The punch nails Grant, flush on the cheekbone, sending him crashing into the ropes. Keeler goes in for the kill, blasting away with both hands. Grant bobs -- lets go a wild overhand right. Grant slips under it, lands a left, unloads a devastating right to Keeler's temple. The blow jerks Keeler's head sideways... his knees start to buckle...the bell sounds, ending the round. The referee steps in between the two fighters. Over the round we hear: DAMON (O.S.) Keeler, the champion -- Grant, the contender -- went at each other round after round...The fourteenth was the most punishing three minutes of boxing that this sports writer has witnessed in a career that spans over four decades -- neither fighter giving quarter -- neither man listening to the dictates if his body that had to be saying, 'Stop... stop.' The TV screen now shows Doctor Jack Simmons (late forties, dressed in a tuxedo) talking to the fight announcer at ringside. Over the above: DAMON (O.S.) At the end of the fourteenth round, fight Doctor Jack Simmons, commen- tating at ringside, had the champion, Keeler, convincingly ahead on points. Angle adjusts and we see the elegant old sports writer, Damon Leland (sixties) sitting on the far side of the room, viewing the video replay of the fight, as he talks into his tape recorder. Sitting next to him, an attractive woman in her early thirties, Jean Tremount. TIGHT ON DAMON his eyes riveted to the TV screen. DAMON As you know, I am now deaf -- perhaps too many years of the roar of the crowd...Yet, this affliction lead this sports writer to the discovery of 'why' the champion, Keeler, hit the canvas in the fifteenth round and lost his title. THE TV SCREEN now shows Keeler's corner between the fourteenth and fifteenth rounds. The corner man, working frantically on Keeler, as he whispers something to his trainer, Spiderman (early fifties). Over the above: DAMON I now can support that statement with documented proof. RESUME ANGLE - DAMON AND JEAN Jean tenses as Damon continues: DAMON And I intend to use that proof to stop the rematch between Grant and Keeler. Damon turns off his tape recorder, turns, facing Jean: DAMON That's basically how I'll start my TV spot Sunday evening. Damon reaches down, picks up a file (medical report) from the coffee table in front of him, and glances at it. DAMON ...And it will be your documents that will get it done. As they both rise, apprehension mirrors Jean's face. JEAN How can I be sure that I won't be implicated?... DAMON My reputation...forty years I've never revealed a source. (sad smile) I'm much too old to change.... Damon reaches into his jacket pocket, takes, from it, an envelope that obviously has money in it, hands it to Jean. DAMON Thank you. You're doing the right thing -- probably saving a man's life. Jean nods, takes a thin silk scarf from her handbag, places it over her head. Both move towards the bungalow door. EXT. BUNGALOW - NIGHT The door to the bungalow opens, Jean exits, moves to her car (her back to the camera's eye). As she starts to enter, camera zooms back to: INT. LATE-MODEL SEDAN - NIGHT Parked alongside one of the other bungalows, within viewing range of Damon's cabin. Two hard-looking men are in the front seat. Behind the wheel, Blue Lightning (ex-fighter); in the passenger's seat, Dino Benson (lean, stone cold). Both men have their eyes riveted on Jean's car as it pulls away. INT. DAMON'S BUNGALOW - NIGHT Damon, his back facing the bungalow's door, takes the phone off its cradle. He then takes, from his pocket, a battery- run electronic device, the size of a cigarette pack. On its face are two raised dots -- one red, one green. He places the device next to the phone's receiver, dials a number. The red dot flashes once...twice...and then the green light glows steadily. Damon now speaks into the phone. DAMON Devon, I know I'm being terribly mysterious.... INT. FOUNDATION - NIGHT - INTERCUT AS NEEDED Devon is sitting behind his desk, phone to his ear, listening intently. We hear Damon's filtered voice come through the receiver: DAMON (filtered voice) I must see you to explain it all in detail, tomorrow.... INT. DAMON'S BUNGALOW - NIGHT - ANGLE FAVORING DOOR The doorknob starts to turn as Damon continues speaking into the phone. DAMON (into phone) And, if you will get all information possible on the death of a man named Samuells -- Aireon, Massachusetts.... The door flies open and, with catlike moves, Benson enters and starts to cross towards Damon. DAMON (into phone) ...Year -- 1978. I believe you'll find.... Benson reaches Damon -- delivers a killing karate chop to the back of Damon's neck. The phone flies from his hand as he crashes to the floor. INT. FOUNDATION - NIGHT - ON DEVON as he reacts to the sound he has heard over the phone... hangs up and urgently dials. DEVON Kitt, where is Michael? I must speak to him. INT. DAMON'S BUNGALOW - NIGHT Damon is crumpled up on the floor. Blue, on the far side of the room, takes a small glass-shielded candle from his pocket and lights it, as Benson crouched, leans into the bungalow's fireplace and turns on the gas. We hear the "zzzzzz" of gas escaping as Benson calls across to Blue, who is placing the candle on a table: BENSON Put that candle up as high as you can get it -- buy us some time to get away from here. As Blue stretches to place the candle on the top shelf of a floor-to-ceiling bookcase: CUT TO EXT. APARTMENT TERRACE - NIGHT - ON MICHAEL Michael, with an exasperated look on his face, is whispering into his comlink. In the b.g., on the far side of the terrace, is a beauty, seated at a table that has wine chil- ling, candles glowing, and roses. MICHAEL Kitt, try to explain to him how much this evening has set me back -- catered dinner -- wine -- and do you have any idea what yellow roses cost. K.I.T.T. Michael, we are on twenty-four hour call...And I find nothing important about the price of roses. MICHAEL Of course not you never pay cash. K.I.T.T. Michael. You have certain obligations I have certain obligations. INT. K.I.T.T. - NIGHT - TIGHT ON SCREEN Devon, tight-jawed, trying to control himself, barks out: DEVON Tell him that Damon Leland's life may be in danger! MICHAEL (reacting) I'm on my way.... CUT TO INT. DAMON'S BUNGALOW - NIGHT The zzzzzzing of the gas escaping is heard as we pan the room, past Damon's body, up to the flickering candle. EXT. BUNGALOW - NIGHT - BEAMS OF HEADLIGHTS cut through the darkness as K.I.T.T. screeches to a stop. K.I.T.T.'s door opens and, as Michael bolts out: MICHAEL Keep the scanners peeled! Give me a readout. NEW ANGLE ON MICHAEL as he starts to move, cautiously, towards the bungalow. Through his comlink: K.I.T.T. Michael, I detect one inert human form -- barely discernable vital signs -- yet I'm receiving two odors on my olfactory scan. Michael, reaching the door, starts to turn the doorknob. K.I.T.T. One, a perfume...The other... (alarmed) Michael duck.... MICHAEL reacting to K.I.T.T.'s warning, leaps, head first, away from the cabin -- hits the ground -- tumbles, as: THE CABIN explodes!! DISSOLVE TO INT. SEMI - DAY Devon, RC3 and Michael are going over the series of events involving Damon Leland. Bonnie is at the control panel. MICHAEL It was the furthest thing from an accident...No one uses his fireplace when it's eighty-five degrees outside -- it was murder. All eyes turn to Bonnie, as: DEVON Damon was talking to me...He was working on a boxing story...it had to do with the ex-champ, Keeler. BONNIE Kitt has broken down the components of the smell he picked up on his olfactory scan. A mixture of natural gas and 'Joie de Vei.' RC3 I didn't think that could cause an explosion.... BONNIE A timing device caused the explosion. The Joie de Vei is a perfume. DEVON Explosive -- but not that uncommon.... MICHAEL (nods, agreeing) I knew a lady who bathed in it. It was like walking through a field of violets. RC3 I can think of worse things.... Devon shoots RC3 a look, then: DEVON Bonnie, Leland mentioned the death of Samuells. What did you get on the run down? BONNIE Very little...In 1978, two men by the name of Samuells died in Aireon Massachusetts. Simon P. -- seventy- two years old...James T. -- thirty- two...Both deaths are listed 'natural causes.' Michael, looking across at Devon: MICHAEL The fight, the death of Samuells and Lelands could tie in together.... BONNIE (reads) Keeler, age thirty-six, pro eleven years, forty-six wins, six losses, thirty knockouts, turned pro in 1976, managed by Lou Davis since 1978. MICHAEL '78...The year Keeler hooked up with his manager, Lou Davis and the year Samuells died.... RC3 What's Davis got to do with this?... MICHAEL Maybe nothing...or maybe forty mil- lion reasons -- called 'dollars.' It's what Keeler's rematch is worth. RC3's reaction...Then: CUT TO EXT. TRAINING CAMP - DAY - ESTABLISH INT. TRAINING CAMP - MOBILE BUILDING - ROYAL DAVIS OFFICE - DAY Davis, a good-looking, forties, well-dressed polished...He paces nervously, checks his manicure, sprays his breath, looks into one more mirror to unsure his collar lays perfectly...Blue stands on the far side of the room, watching, anticipating...Benson enters the room. Davis turns on him immediately.... DAVIS ...You let a chick stroll away from that cabin. You didn't see her face ...you don't know who she is...you mess up and I can lose it all. Benson, tight-eyed and deadly: BENSON Keep breaking my chops Davis, and the first thing you lose is me. This stops Davis in his tracks. Benson points to Blue.... BENSON I'm not one of your 'ex-pugs,' Davis. I'm a professional... (beat) I said I was reading the morning papers -- all of them. No one has stepped forward -- man or woman. DAVIS Not yet -- Time makes people run scared and their mouth starts movin'! BENSON (shrugs, casually) If someone else has to be killed -- I'll get it done. (beat) And for you it only cost money. On Benson's half smile: CUT TO INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - ON MICHAEL - MOVING SHOT behind the wheel, maneuvering the curves of a narrow moun- tain road. A beat...Then: K.I.T.T. Michael, I feel I need more data for my information bank. MICHAEL Buddy, there's not much to give -- except that, for weeks, Damon Leland had been indicating in his sports column that he was going to try and stop the rematch between Keeler and Grant. K.I.T.T. Did Leland have that kind of power? MICHAEL If he had proof that someone was 'dirty,' he could publicize it.... K.I.T.T. Michael, sometimes I find your colloquialisms colorful -- but confusing. I assume 'dirty' doesn't mean 'unwashed.' MICHAEL 'Dirty,' means that, when Keeler went down from a badly thrown left hook in the fifteenth round, maybe -- just maybe -- it wasn't all sportsmanship and athletic ability. K.I.T.T. Can you prove that? MICHAEL Not yet, for now I think I'll just squeeze and hope somebody yells. K.I.T.T. I'm afraid I do understand that Michael.... Michael laughs. EXT. MOUNTAIN ROAD - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. slowing as he approaches a dirt road turnoff. Fronting the turnoff is a huge sign that reads: "KEELER TRAINING CAMP CLOSED TO PUBLIC -- AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY." K.I.T.T. makes his turn onto the road and proceeds towards the camp. A high chain link fence cordoning off the acreage that comprises the training camp. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - MOVING SHOT Michael looks up at the top of the fence and then around to see if there is a way to breach the security. K.I.T.T. They're checking press cards.... MICHAEL Then we'll have to have one. As they drive on Michael hits the proper buttons. INSERT - K.I.T.T.'S PANEL as it is activated and proceeds to execute a series of codes to copy a press card.... EXT. TRAINING CAMP - PARKING LOT - DAY A dirt area half-filled with press-tagged cars. Michael parks, gets out, and walks towards the entrance and its guard.... EXT. GUARD GATE - DAY The Guard, an ex-pug in civilian clothes, steps out to Michael, who hands him his press card...He reads it. GUARD (astonished) The Tombstone Variety...never heard of it.... MICHAEL Forty bucks a year will make you a subscriber...how about it? GUARD That's what the other eight sub- scribers say? MICHAEL (on the move) To tell the truth they get it for nothing. Michael smiles, moves through the gate past the guards, looks and starts up a tree-line path. EXT. KEELER'S MOUNTAIN TRAINING CAMP - FULL SHOT The area is crammed with people. Press photographers snap away with their cameras as celebrites from the fight world mingle with friends and family. Exotically clad waitresses move among the visitors, passing out hors d'oeuvres and soft drinks. A huge tent, with side flaps removed, covers a ring and workout area. Sparring partners bank away at heavy bags... One shadow-boxes in the ring. Training camp personnel go about their business. Angle adjusts to find: DAVIS surrounded by a circle of reporters, giving a press con- ference. Off to one side, in a group of ten to twelve people, are Doc Simmons, Jean Tremount, and a woman in her early thirties who, we will learn later, is Mrs. Ruth Keeler. Davis nods to his PR man, who spots out his well-used speil, his arms waving, his eyes popping, his voice at an emotional shout. As Michael approaches. PR MAN (overflowing with energy) They're gonna forget that Rumble in the Jungle!..They're gonna forget that Thriller in Manila!..That was a prelim...When they're asked, 'What was the greatest fight of this century,' every fight fan in the world is gonna shout, 'The battle in Butte!..The battle in Butte!' When they talk about the greatest fight ever, there's gonna be just one memory that stands alone -- the memory of Keeler -- and Grant -- standin' toe to toe under that northwestern sky!!! Michael moves into Frame, joining the press as Reporter #1 shouts from the crowd to Davis.... REPORTER #1 What about it Davis? Why Butte?! It's not exactly the fight capitol of the world! DAVIS Because my heart is with the working man. Those people that can't fly to Vegas, Atlantic City or Tahoe to see a championship fight.... REPORTER #2 (with a chuckle) Your heart may be with the working man, but you held out for forty million dollars for the TV rights. DAVIS (smiles) I never said I was dumb. The working man gets his fight, the promoter gets his profit.... MICHAEL How much slimmer would your profit have been if Keeler hadn't gone down in the fifteenth?! Davis glares at Michael, then tries to joke his comment off, with: DAVIS The Lord works in strange ways.... MICHAEL Damon Leland wrote that Keeler's over-used -- over fought -- and over-aged -- and should think twice about stepping into the ring again. And, if Damon Leland was alive, I gotta hunch Keeler wouldn't! Davis glares at Michael. DAVIS But old men begrudge younger men that can stand tall. MICHAEL The last time I saw Keeler he wasn't standing tall! He was flat on his face from a punch that, two years ago, he would have laughed at! Who's he standing tall for, Davis -- for himself -- or for your forty- million dollar purse?! Davis controls himself. DAVIS You think Keeler's over-used? Talk to the expert. Talk to the man who gave him his pre-training examination! Doc Simmons! All eyes turn to Doc Simmons. A beat...and then Simmons takes a step forward. SIMMONS (smiles, gestures) Bo Keeler's a phenomenon...He's got the heart and lungs of a nineteen year old. I've never seen a more magnificent example of clean living in my entire career. If any of you reporters would like a photostat of his medical examination.... Simmons, indicating Jean Tremount. SIMMONS ...feel free to call my secretary, Miss Tremount.... Before anyone can respond, Davis, glaring at Michael: DAVIS Members of the press can pick up their news kits on the way out! Davis pushes his way through the crowd, heading back towards his office area. Ad-lib murmurs from the crowd as they start to disperse. ON MICHAEL his eyes tight as they trail after Davis. A beat...and then Mrs. Ruth Keeler moves into frame, stares at Michael. Michael's eyes turn to her. Another beat...and she asks: MRS. KEELER ...Who and what are you? MICHAEL Nothing special, just a man who has a lot of unanswered questions. MRS. KEELER I'm Ruth Keeler. And you're special to me...You're the only one outside of Leland who's sounded off like that. MICHAEL I still didn't get any answers. MRS. KEELER I don't think you expected any, but I'd like you to ask those questions to my husband. Michael stares at her, stunned. MICHAEL Why help me? MRS. KEELER Because I'd also like those answers. Meet me at the turnoff entrance to the camp. My husband's doing road work. I'll take you to him. On this, Mrs. Keeler spins and walks away. SERIES OF CAMEO SPOTS FEATURING WELL-KNOWN FIGHTERS WIDER The crowd continues to leave the camp. Michael's eyes trail after Mrs. Keeler. At the point when she passes the tent-covered training area, something catches Michael's attention: A COMPACT TV SURVEILLANCE CAMERA fastened to one of the tent's poles, angled towards the boxing ring. RESUME ANGLE ON MICHAEL as his eyes scan the area, noting two other surveillance cameras. He then sees: MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - A MOON-FACED, EX-HEAVYWEIGHT FIGHTER JERRY "RED" "tapes" the hands of one of the sparring mates. NEW ANGLE as Michael crosses to the training area, then moves to Jerry's side. Jerry gives the fighter a "tap" on his hands, the fighter moves away. Jerry looks up at Michael. JERRY You need something, mister? MICHAEL Yeah -- an expert's opinion. You were at the Grant-Keeler fight. Tell me what you think happened in that fifteenth round. JERRY ...You tell me. I just tape hands and mind my business.... MICHAEL Keeler either totally ran out of gas -- or he took a 'dive' for the big money in the rematch. Something catches Jerry's eye. JERRY Pal, that kinda talk can buy you nothing but trouble. This broken nose don't make me dumb. MICHAEL I remember when you fought...You were never afraid.... JERRY You saw me fight? Michael nods.... JERRY Then stop asking questions or I could lose my only fan.... Jerry moves out as Michael's eyes catch: NEW ANGLE Davis, flanked by Benson, Blue and two other ex-pugs. Davis issues a command. DAVIS Take him to his car...Make sure he doesn't want to come back! Benson remains at Davis' side as Blue and the two others move forward. ANGLE FAVORING MICHAEL as Blue and the two pugs start to close in on Michael. Michael raises his left hand up to his mouth as if to wipe his upper lip. Into his comlink: MICHAEL Kitt, I think I'm about to get my head handed to me. K.I.T.T. Apparently they didn't enjoy being squeezed. OMITTED EXT. TENT - DAY Two of the pugs have closed in on Michael. One makes his move and Michael kicks out at the heavy bag. The bag swings -- catches the pug flush in the gut -- sending him sprawling! Michael backs out to an open grassy area as the other pugs continue to close in. Blue circles Michael to cut off his escape route. Michael's head spins, from in front of him, to Blue, circling. MICHAEL Fellas, what happened to freedom of the press?? SCENE The answer is obvious, they make a move at Michael. Michael plants his feet -- fakes a punch with his left at the pug coming from the left -- throws a straight right, shoulder high, at the pug on his right. He goes down, as: MICHAEL into comlink. MICHAEL Kitt, I can use your company. K.I.T.T. comes barreling out of the trees and into the clearing, slows as he bores into the fray. ANOTHER ANGLE Blue leaps aside and spins to face K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T.'s driver's door flies open, catching Blue flush -- like a left hook to the solar plexus. Blue drops where he stands. WIDER and we see Michael duck under a wild right from one of the pugs and then lands a left hook to the exposed rib. MICHAEL is in a "give and take" with one of the men. The first pug down regains his feet and comes charging. OMITTED FULL SHOT - THE CAMP Davis has called, "Hey, Rube," and the remainder of the "camp people" are racing towards the clearing! ON MICHAEL - INCLUDING K.I.T.T. His eyes go wide as he sees the reinforcement charging towards him. MICHAEL Kitt, I think we've overstayed our welcome! Michael bolts into K.I.T.T. -- K.I.T.T. spins his wheels -- makes a "half donut" and is full bore, headed for the trees, as we: FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. MOUNTAIN ROAD TURNOFF - DAY Mrs. Keeler's car is parked adjacent to the sign that reads: "KEELER TRAINING CAMP." K.I.T.T., with Mrs. Keeler in the passenger's seat, is maneuvering back onto the dirt road as we hear: MRS. KEELER (V.O.) ...Make a right when you come to the first junction...What kind of car is this?... INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - MOVING SHOT MICHAEL It's an '86...I got an early delivery.... K.I.T.T. Really Michael.... MRS. KEELER It talks...what'll they have in '87.... MICHAEL Quieter cars. MRS. KEELER (points) My husband does his work in the viaduct.... This triggers off something in Michael's mind. His eyes tighten with thought...then: MICHAEL ...A fighter usually runs in the morning. MRS. KEELER A lot of things have changed, including schedules. If they hadn't, I wouldn't be sitting in this strange car with you. Michael starts to say something. She stops him, with: MRS. KEELER Let me finish...I don't know who you are -- I only know you asked the same questions I've asked my husband. I'm not getting any answers. I hope you can. They reach the junction. Michael spins the wheel, makes the turn. MICHAEL Mrs. Keeler I don't understand the rematch...Bo Keeler has always said he fights for money...I know you and Bo have a beautiful home and well over two million dollars in solid investments. So, why the fight? Tears start to well up in Mrs. Keeler's eyes. A beat... then: MRS. KEELER There is no sane reason for him to take any more punishment. I watch him, every morning, getting out of bed -- piece by piece -- every muscle -- every joint -- in his body aching. I hold back while he stands under a scalding shower, trying to numb the hurt. And when he comes out, I ask, 'Why? Why are you doing this to yourself?..We don't need any more....' The tears rolling down her cheeks stop her from continuing. As she wipes them away: MICHAEL And he never gives you an answer. MRS. KEELER Oh, yes. Things like...'You wouldn't understand...' And he's right. EXT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - MOVING SHOT K.I.T.T. slows as the viaduct comes into view, edging the roadway. Up ahead, we see a "bend." K.I.T.T. pulls over and stops. EXT. VIADUCT - DAY - ON KEELER AND SPIDERMAN jogging in silence, rounding a long, sweeping curve in the viaduct. Stay with this until the bend reaches a straight- away and Keeler looks up and reacts. NEW ANGLE and we see Michael and Mrs. Keeler on the edge of the viaduct, directly in front of the approaching Keeler and Spiderman. ANOTHER ANGLE Keeler and Spiderman, reaching Michael and Mrs. Keeler, jog in place for a beat...Keeler glares at his wife, and then they take off again. Michael looks across at Mrs. Keeler, then camera stays on Michael as he jumps down into the viaduct, races to catch up with Keeler and Spiderman. Reaching them: SCENE Spiderman drops a pace behind as the camera tracks. KEELER I don't know how you got my wife to lead you here but I don't like it. Now, what's your problem? Michael's eyes tighten, lock on Keeler. MICHAEL Damon Leland's death. He came into town to stop this rematch. Somebody didn't want him to. KEELER So, what do I have to do with that?! I'm up to here with you 'no-name' press guys.... MICHAEL My name is Michael Knight. KEELER So? MICHAEL So talk to me, Keeler. Aside from money, tell me why you want to subject yourself to the punishment you're going to get from Grant. KEELER (beats) I didn't get a shot at the title 'til I reached thirty. I fought in every smoker and barn you ever heard of. No ranked fighter would give me a shot...I traveled too long a road to give up the title after one loss. Their jog in the viaduct has led them back to the outskirts of the training camp. They stop. Michael, baiting him: MICHAEL No ranked fighter would give you a shot until you signed with Davis back in Massachusetts? KEELER You got it. Aireon. Massachusetts. I was working a part-time job between smokers.... ON SPIDERMAN tensing. SPIDERMAN Champ, you'd better get back to camp for a 'rub' before you begin to tighten up. BACK TO SCENE Keeler moves to, and starts to climb up, a steel ladder riveted to the side of the viaduct. Keeler lets this sit for a quick beat...Then: KEELER Give Spider a number where you can be reached. I'll see to it that you can ask anything to anybody. I got nothing to hide. Keeler turns his back on Michael, starts to climb the ladder. Michael hits him with: MICHAEL What's the name 'Samuells' mean to you? Keeler freezes, then answers: KEELER Zero.... ON SPIDERMAN And we see panic in his eyes. MATCH CUT TO INT. DAVIS' TRAINING CAMP OFFICE - DAY - ON SPIDERMAN The panic remains in his eyes as he states: SPIDERMAN When he asked about Samuells, I started to shake. Davis, I can't handle that kind of pressure. WIDER and we see that Spiderman is talking to Davis. Benson is on the far side of the room. SPIDERMAN ...If he starts comin' down on me, I'm afraid I might say the wrong thing...Just cut me loose -- let me walk away and disappear. Davis, holds a long silent beat.... DAVIS You want out, you have it.... SPIDERMAN (relieved) Thanks Mr. Davis. DAVIS But only after you make a move for me. Do it and you'll even walk away with money in your pocket. Spiderman stares at Davis, not wanting to hear what he has to say. CUT TO INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - MOVING SHOT traveling the mountain road, leaving the camp area. Michael asks: MICHAEL Pal, the security system at the training camp has television surveillance. I'd like to know if they're 'taping.' INSERT - K.I.T.T.'S PANEL being activated. Then: K.I.T.T. The system does include that capability. MICHAEL Good. I want to tap in and record all of Keeler's sparring sessions. CUT TO EXT. SEMI - DAY - ESTABLISH INT. SEMI - DAY - ON MONITORING SCREEN The screen shows Keeler in the ring with one of his sparring partners. Keeler is wearing a full face/head protector. The sparring partner is initiating the action; Keeler, taking the defensive approach. (The sparring partner does not throw a punch at Keeler that is higher than chest level.) Time is sounded and we go: WIDER and find K.I.T.T. parked in the semi; Michael, Devon and RC3, with their eyes glued to the screen. Bonnie is off to one side. DEVON You're right, Michael...It's the same in every one of the tapes...Keeler keeps backing off. MICHAEL ...And Keeler's the kind of fighter that knows only one way -- keep coming in -- keep attacking. He's changed his training pattern and his style... There's got to be a reason.... RC3 ...It looks like the man is totally out of sync. MICHAEL So was Spiderman when I asked about Samuells...Bonnie, has any added information come in on Samuells? BONNIE I rechecked the report...both men named Samuells simply died of natural causes. Michael's eyes lock on Devon. MICHAEL Nothing is ever as simple as it seems.... Devon, reading him, nods. Then: DEVON RC, check with the airlines...you're flying to Aireon. RC3 I like it...an investigating reporter asking important questions. MICHAEL As long as you get some important answers. RC3 exits. Devon and Michael again turn their attention to the monitoring screen. MONITORING SCREEN and again Keeler, with a sparring mate, on the defensive. MICHAEL (O.S.) There's got to be something here that we're missing.... BACK TO SCENE DEVON Maybe we're making too much of it, Michael. Perhaps Keeler feels that's the only way he can beat Grant. Michael shakes his head "no." MICHAEL My hunch is that he doesn't have any choice.... Michael is interrupted as K.I.T.T. comes through his comlink, with: K.I.T.T. Michael, the number you gave Spiderman has been dialed. Michael bolts to K.I.T.T., leans in his window. MICHAEL Connect me. CUT TO INT. DAVIS' OFFICE - DAY - ANGLE FAVORING SPIDERMAN - INTERCUT MICHAEL AS NEEDED Spiderman, sweating, has the phone to his ear. Across from him -- Davis, Blue and Benson. SPIDERMAN (into phone) I gotta make this quick -- I don't like what's goin' on. I'm willing to tell you some things, but not here at camp. MICHAEL (into phone) Where?... SPIDERMAN (into phone) Where you first saw us in the viaduct ...Follow the curve. It will take you to the catch basin -- eight o'clock tomorrow morning. I'll be there. Spiderman hangs up, looks across to Davis. DAVIS Relax...You're halfway there. Spiderman nods, crosses the room, opens the door and exits. The door closes behind him. Davis turns to Benson.... DAVIS (to Benson) ...Kill them both. On Benson's casual nod: DISSOLVE TO EXT. VIADUCT - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. winding his way along the edge of the viaduct. A beat... then move: INT. K.I.T.T. - NIGHT - MOVING SHOT Michael, eyes tight: MICHAEL Kitt, all systems on alert. Spiderman's 'turned over' too easy. K.I.T.T. You do have an alternative, Michael. Arrange for a new meeting place. Michael shakes his head "no." MICHAEL If he's straight, I don't want to give him time to change his mind. EXT. TOP OF DAM - DAY We find Spiderman in the shadows -- a man who doesn't want to be here. Camera zooms to: BENSON on high ground, carrying a high-powered automatic rifle, equipped with scope. He looks across to and signals: BLUE crouched, armed with the same type of weapon. Receiving Benson's command, he starts his move to the opposite side of the dam. EXT. CATCH BASIN DAM - DAY K.I.T.T. approaches the basin from the upstream side. There is a small pond of water where the stream is dammed on its way to the spill gate. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael sits at the wheel and waits for K.I.T.T. to complete his scan of the area. K.I.T.T. Michael, I have no way of determining what is on the other side of the dam. It is too large and solid a structure. I believe you should use extreme caution. MICHAEL Thank you, buddy. I intend to do just that. He opens the door and steps out. EXT. CATCH BASIN - DAY Michael crosses the base of the dam and finds a series of steel rungs, on its face, leading up to the top. He begins to climb. EXT. TOP OF DAM - DAY Spiderman stands with his back protected by one of the huge concrete pillars. Michael climbs onto the rim and looks around. SPIDERMAN Over here.... Michael crosses to him. Their eyes lock. MICHAEL Let's get to it. You and I both know Keeler's waltzing through his training sessions. He either intends to make the rematch short and sweet for Grant, or there's something wrong with him. Spiderman is shocked by the bluntness of the question and is caught off guard. SPIDERMAN How did you find out? CUT TO BENSON angling his rifle. BENSON'S POINT OF VIEW THROUGH SCOPE Michael and Spiderman appear in the scope. (No crosshairs.) RESUME ANGLE - MICHAEL AND SPIDERMAN Michael reacts and hits the deck as the sound of a shot is heard. Spiderman's eyes go wide as he's hit...He crashes to the cement next to Michael. BLUE sighting through his scope, firing round after round. RESUME ANGLE - MICHAEL AND SPIDERMAN Michael lies flat and pulls Spiderman towards him as shot after shot ricochet off the cement. Michael yells into his comlink. MICHAEL Kitt...we're in a crossfire! I'm coming down...Give me a smoke screen.... K.I.T.T. Of course Michael.... INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Lights race across his panel. EXT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Smoke from K.I.T.T. starts to work its way up the dam. EXT. TOP OF DAM - DAY Bullets continue to cascade around Michael, as K.I.T.T. comes through his comlink, with: K.I.T.T. Michael, you're up too high. The smoke dissipates before it can reach you.... MICHAEL Then I'll come closer...buddy! Michael reaches out for Spiderman and drags him towards the edge of the structure. Reaching it, he cradles Spiderman in his arms. CLOSER ANGLE and we can see that Spiderman's life is slipping away. MICHAEL Hang in...just hang in. SPIDERMAN (forcing the words) Davis sent them.... Another salvo of bullets explodes around them. Michael takes a deep breath, then, taking Spiderman with him, slides off the edge of the dam. EXT. SIDE OF DAM - DAY - THE LONG SIDE Michael, cradling Spiderman, makes the long slide down the side of the concrete barrier and splashes into the pool of water below. And into the safety of the smoke. BLUE Lowering his rifle, he can't see. BLUE'S POINT OF VIEW - SCOPE SHOT K.I.T.T.'s smoke has blocked the entire area. BENSON lowering his rifle, shaking his head. EXT. BASE OF DAM - DAY K.I.T.T. screeches into frame, Michael shoves Spiderman inside. INT. K.I.T.T. as Michael tromps on the accelerator. VIADUCT K.I.T.T. speeds out of the smoke and to safety. INT. K.I.T.T. Michael turns to Spiderman.... MICHAEL I'll have you in a hospital in minutes. CLOSER as Spiderman speaks -- the words barely audible: SPIDERMAN ...Tell the Champ he didn't snuff Samuells. MICHAEL (stunned) What?... Spiderman starts to speak...his mouth quivers but no words come. A beat...and then he dies. TIGHT ON MICHAEL K.I.T.T.'S VOICE He's gone, Michael. Michael's reaction.... FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN EXT. FOUNDATION - DAY - ESTABLISH Then move: INT. FOUNDATION - DAY and find Devon, Michael and RC3 in a war council. RC3 has an astonished look on his face. MICHAEL Spiderman died saying Keeler didn't kill Samuells. RC3 It fits the facts I picked up... Simon P., the old guy, died peacefully in his sleep. James Samuells got fired for drinking, went on a three- day binge. Died in his bathtub...Hot water -- blood alcohol over 1.4. (shrugs) He bought the farm. A beat to let this settle in...Then: Michael shakes his head "no." MICHAEL There has to be a string that ties it all together. Or, why would Damon Leland want us to check on Samuells' death?! Michael paces. MICHAEL Let's go back to square one. Damon Leland was trying to stop the rematch. He must have known something no one else knew. RC3 Could he have heard something in the post-fight 'rumble'? (correcting) I don't mean 'heard' -- I know he was deaf. But maybe he was given some inside information. ANGLE FAVORING MICHAEL - INCLUDING DEVON AND RC3 Michael's eyes tighten with thought. RC3 has triggered something. Devon shakes his head "no." DEVON Damon wasn't at the fight. He watched it in his home -- on television. MICHAEL Maybe that's the point. Let's watch the fight the way he watched it. (beat) Without sound. Devon and RC3 shoot a look at Michael and we: CUT TO INT. MASTER CONTROL ROOM - DAY Devon, Michael, RC3 and Bonnie are watching the large monitor. The last few seconds of the fourteenth round are in progress -- without sound. Keeler lets go a wild, overhand right. Grant slips under it, lands a left, unloads a devastating right to Keeler's temple. The blow jerks Keeler's head sideways...His knees start to buckle... The bell sounds, ending the round. The referee steps in between the two fighters. The tape continues to play as Bonnie asks: BONNIE What are we looking for, Michael? MICHAEL I'll know in the next minute.... ANGLE FAVORING MONITORING SCREEN as it shows Keeler's corner between the fourteenth and fifteenth rounds -- the cornerman, working frantically on Keeler, as he whispers something (inaudible) to his trainer, Spiderman. MICHAEL Freeze on that, back it up and blow it up -- then tell me what Keeler is saying. Tell me what Leland heard. As her fingers play across the keyboard: RC3 (gestures) You've lost me.... MICHAEL Damon Leland could read lips. ANGLE ON SCREEN The picture on the screen enlarges, and we see Keeler mouthing some words. A beat...and then hear the sound of the computer typing out words. (Or electronic voice.) BACK TO SCENE Bonnie waits for the completion of the print-out, tears it off, hands it to Michael. He reads it out loud. MICHAEL Spiderman -- I can't focus...My arms are numb. I don't know if I can lift them...I'll try...I'll try.... Devon and Michael exchange looks...Then, Devon glances at the screen. DEVON Bonnie, give us a shot of Keeler's eyes. Bonnie activates the system, and an extreme closeup of Keeler's eyes appears on the monitor. MICHAEL Look at his right eye. It's dilated ...possible concussion, brain injury. RC3 Then how did he pass the pretraining medical for the rematch? On Michael's look: CUT TO EXT. POSH MIDVALLEY MEDICAL COMPLEX - DAY comprised of single-story buildings of Spanish decor. Find K.I.T.T. parked in the visitor's lot in front of one of the buildings, then move: INT. MEDICAL BUILDING - OFFICE - DAY Jean Tremount is sitting at her desk. Michael stands before her, scanning a copy of the medical report. There is a nervousness playing behind her eyes as she watches him flip through the pages. JEAN The boxing commission has copies of all Keeler's medical reports. MICHAEL Like you said, 'copies'...I have to verify them against the originals... it's routine. Michael looks at Jean, smiles as he charms her.... MICHAEL Besides, if I wasn't sent here I'd have never met you, you're a very attractive woman, Jean.... Jean seems flustered but pleased. JEAN Thank you, Mr. Knight. MICHAEL You're a rare combination of both looks and aroma...what scent is it you're wearing? JEAN Joi Die Vei...it's all I ever use.... ON MICHAEL A knowing beat, then: MICHAEL And you were wearing it the night you met with Leland and he was killed. Michael flips the file on the desk...the papers scatter to the floor...Michael gets stronger. MICHAEL Now where's the brain scan on Keeler ...is that what you sold to Leland? NEW ANGLE Jean starts to panic.... JEAN I don't know what you're talking about...I don't know a Leland and if you want a copy of the brain scan you'll have to see Doctor Simmons.... MICHAEL Or maybe you didn't sell anything... maybe you were there to set up Leland's murder.... JEAN No...No...I didn't do that! MICHAEL Then why were you there?! JEAN (coming apart) I can't live with it any longer... (blurts it out) I did sell Leland the brain scan! She breaks. MICHAEL I'm not here to hurt you. Pull yourself together. I'll take you someplace where you'll be safe. Davis is covering his tracks with dead bodies. As Michael leads her to the door: OMITTED EXT. MEDICAL COMPLEX PARKING LOT - DAY - ON DOCTOR JACK SIMMONS crossing the lot from the far side -- directly opposite the spot where K.I.T.T. is parked. He stops in his tracks as he sees: SIMMONS' POINT OF VIEW - MICHAEL helping Jean into K.I.T.T.'s passenger seat. As Michael crosses to the driver's side: RESUME ANGLE ON SIMMONS Panic registers as he takes cover behind one of the parked cars. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - MOVING SHOT As they pull out of the lot: MICHAEL Kitt, can we reestablish files that have been erased from a disk? K.I.T.T. Michael, I appreciate the fact that you think my capabilities are inex- haustible, but, I do have my limits. MICHAEL I only asked. JEAN It talks. MICHAEL It still didn't tell me what I wanted to hear.... On Jean's frightened and confused reaction. Then: INT. SIMMONS' OFFICE - DAY Simmons races from the reception area into his office and freezes. Panic mirrors on his face as he stares down at: KEELER'S FILE strewn on the floor. INT. DAVIS' OFFICE - DAY - INTERCUT AS NEEDED Davis is sitting behind his desk, his eyes bulging, the phone to his ear. Benson is across from him. DAVIS You told me you destroyed those files! SIMMONS (into phone) I did! These are fraudulent! But Jean typed up the original medical report. I don't know what's going on -- but you didn't pay me enough to lose my license. I plan on covering myself -- up -- down -- and sideways. ON DAVIS Davis slams down the phone. DAVIS I don't intend to go to jail. (to Benson) You've never been in so you don't know what it's like...They take away everything. Everybody dressed alike and you eat out of tin plates. I've got millions of dollars and I'm not going to eat out of tin plates!! He stares at Benson. Benson, with a half grin, shakes his head "no." BENSON ...I'll get to Michael Knight...he may be a 'pro' but I know his next step. For enough money, I'll get your troubles washed away. Davis holds a beat, then nods.... CUT TO INT. SEMI - DAY Michael, Devon, RC3 and Bonnie listen while Jean reveals her self-imposed nightmare. JEAN Keeler's cat scan showed brain damage -- neuropathy of the arms. Jack called Davis and told him that, if Keeler went in the ring again, he could suffer a permanent paralysis -- Davis bought him off. MICHAEL Does Simmons know that you're aware of all this? JEAN I'm aware of everything that happens to Jack...I've been a lot more than his nurse for nine years. DEVON Why did you contact Damon Leland and not the authorities? JEAN For the money. Jack will never leave his wife. I told myself it would be a down payment on a new life. I had wasted all these years. Bonnie, feeling empathy, intercedes. BONNIE Jean, that's enough for now. Come with me -- freshen up and, if you want to talk things out -- I'm here. All wait for Jean and Bonnie to exit the room...Then: RC3 Someone with as fine-tuned a body as Keeler has to know if something is wrong with him. Michael nods, agreeing. He moves to the phone, picks up the receiver from its cradle, dials a number. INT. KEELER HOME - DAY - TIGHT ON MRS. KEELER - INTERCUT MICHAEL AS NEEDED Mrs. Keeler has the phone to her ear. MRS. KEELER (into phone) No...Michael, Bo isn't home. MICHAEL The training camp is closed for the day. I have to reach him.... MRS. KEELER (into phone) He left a little while ago. Said he wanted to think...My guess is you'll find him in the L.A. viaduct. There's an access ramp at Fourth. Camera pulls back and we see that Benson holds a gun on her.... CUT TO EXT. LOS ANGELES VIADUCT - DAY The wide, concrete canyon, with a monolithic wall protecting each bank, stands, waiting, as K.I.T.T. drives down the access ramp and proceeds along the smooth bottom. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - MOVING SHOT Michael looks around and then asks: MICHAEL Kitt, scan ahead and see if you can locate Keeler. INSERT Lights play on K.I.T.T.'s panel and, on the display screen, we see a three-dimensional diagram of the viaduct, with a red dot indicating a figure a mile ahead, around a bend. K.I.T.T. I have a jogger a mile ahead. Michael's eyes look ahead as K.I.T.T. speeds on. EXT. VIADUCT - DAY K.I.T.T. winds around the bend and disappears. Camera stays on a huge iron door off to the side of the bank. It swings open and water begins to gush from the dark interior of its tunnel. EXT. BEND - DAY - LONG SHOT ON JOGGER running, with a towel over his head. A beat...and K.I.T.T. comes into frame. The jogger looks back over his shoulder. CUT TO CLOSE ON JOGGER and see that it's Blue -- not Keeler. Blue starts to race towards the side wall of the viaduct. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - ANGLE THROUGH WINDOW - MOVING SHOT Blue scurries up the cement wall to gain the top. K.I.T.T. Michael, why is he running away from us? Before Michael can answer: CUT TO EXT. VIADUCT - DAY - WIDE ANGLE Suddenly the floodgates on both sides of the viaduct start to open and the water bursts through, like torrents of rain. ANOTHER ANGLE - A SERIES OF FLOODGATES opening, one after another -- the water erupting from within, bursting into the air!! ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. caught in the center of this deluge of water! INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - MOVING SHOT The windshield and windows are blurred -- sound of torrents of water crashing K.I.T.T.'s outer frame resounds and resounds! K.I.T.T. Michael, the flood control systems are being purged! Michael, white-knuckled, gripping the wheel: MICHAEL Give me everything you've got! Michael is jolted back in his seat as K.I.T.T.'s engine roars as he shifts to maximum power! ANOTHER ANGLE - K.I.T.T. A blur in this manmade hurricane. The storm of water is relentless as it continues to crash down on K.I.T.T.! INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - MOVING SHOT The incursion from the floodgates shaking K.I.T.T. like a toy! K.I.T.T. Michael, I'm starting to lose traction -- I don't know if I can outrace it! ON MICHAEL speechless -- his eyes transfixed -- as the muffled roar of the onrushing wall of water grows louder and louder. FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN EXT. VIADUCT - DAY K.I.T.T. -- sliding -- spinning -- screeching -- clears the gauntlet of cascading water. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - MOVING SHOT - ON MICHAEL Michael's eyes dart from side to side, trying to find an escape route...He sees it! MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW an incline leading to a huge flood control tunnel. MICHAEL Kitt -- the tunnel! EXT. VIADUCT - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. bolts into motion -- his projections come out as he obtains the super speed. INTERCUT - K.I.T.T. AND THE WALL OF WATER that has built from the purging of the systems in its race to the entrance of the tunnel. Then, at the moment that the water is about to engulf K.I.T.T., he reaches the incline and, in a blur, disappears into the mouth of the tunnel. INT. FLOOD CONTROL TUNNEL - DAY K.I.T.T. pulls to a stop. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael exhales, and then looks forward. MICHAEL Buddy, let's see if there's a way out of here. INSERT A three-dimensional diagram of the underground tunnels. RESUME ANGLE - MICHAEL Michael's eyes are locked on the screen. MICHAEL Compute the speed necessary to reach that intersection at D9...Buddy, the only way out -- is up. Go for it! Michael is propelled back into the seat by the G-force increase. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW K.I.T.T.'s headlights play on the walls around them. Items flash by at such a rate that they are nothing but blurs. INT. TUNNEL - DAY - INTERSECTION Light shining through a large grate plays down upon the area. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - ON MICHAEL as he shouts: MICHAEL Turbo boost!! INT. TUNNEL - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. The super booster ignites, and the nose of K.I.T.T. climbs upward! EXT. CITY STREET - DAY - ON LARGE GRATE The grate crashes into the air as K.I.T.T. erupts up out of the flood control system and lands on the street. The tires grab to slow the car. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - MOVING SHOT As Michael steadies the wheel, a sigh of relief. Then: MICHAEL Buddy, have you ever heard the poem, 'How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.?' K.I.T.T. Michael, this is no time for senti- mentality. MICHAEL Right. Get me to the Keeler home. It was a setup and Mrs. Keeler wouldn't have put us in the middle unless she was in danger. DIRECT CUT TO INT. KEELER HOME - DAY - ON MRS. KEELER bound and gagged, tied to a chair in her living room. Angle adjusts and we find Benson at the window, peering out. EXT. KEELER HOME - DAY Establish this well-appointed home, with its gated front and long driveway that leads to the entrance. A beat...and then K.I.T.T. slows as it moves into frame. The front gate is open. K.I.T.T. moves through. INT. KEELER HOME - DAY - ON BENSON at the window. His eyes tighten as he sees K.I.T.T. coming through the gate. He pulls his automatic out and races from the room. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - MOVING SHOT Lights play on K.I.T.T.'s panel as he winds his way towards the entrance to the house. INT. KEELER HOME - DAY - FOYER Benson turns the entrance door knob, pulls the door a half- inch ajar. He then steps back ten feet and sets himself -- both arms extendedm holding the automatic cocked and ready. He waits and listens. He hears K.I.T.T.'s door open and close. A long beat...and then the doorbell chimes. BENSON It's open...Come on in. Benson waits. The doorbell chimes again. BENSON (louder) It's open...Come on in. The door opens and Benson fires at the empty doorway. Suddenly, from behind Benson, Michael moves into frame. His arms are extended -- his fists, gripped together. MICHAEL Thank you, but I'm already here. On this, Michael swings his arms like a baseball bat. His gripped fists hit the point of impact -- the back of Benson's neck. SCENE Benson goes sprawling. The automatic goes flying. And Michael is on him in a flash. Benson is quick -- Michael is quicker! It's a "no holds barred" brawl. They use karate and good old-fashioned New York street fighting. At some point, Michael delivers a "gentlemanly-like" foot kick to the side of Benson's jaw. This ends it. Benson crumples in a heap. Michael, standing over him: MICHAEL Not nice...but, what do you expect from an amateur?! MICHAEL races from the foyer into the living room. NEW ANGLE as he reaches Mrs. Keeler. Michael starts to untie her: MICHAEL Are you all right?... Mrs. Keeler nods "yes." MICHAEL Use these ropes to tie up Benson. I'll send help. I have to talk to your husband before the police come in on this. Do you have any idea where he might be? MRS. KEELER (nods "yes") ...His church. The place he goes when he's troubled. CUT TO EXT. OLYMPIC ARENA - DAY Establish this old green, wooden and plaster building in downtown L.A. and find K.I.T.T. parked at the foot of a ramp which leads to a huge, wooden delivery door. INT. OLYMPIC ARENA - DAY - WIDE ANGLE FROM ABOVE In this long shot, we see Keeler in the empty arena -- in the center of its square ring -- shadow boxing with slow, deliberate moves. A man alone with his thoughts and memories. We can almost sense the cheers of the crowd as we watch the graceful moves of this old champion in his imaginary bout with a ghost from the past. (There is an overhanging "mike" above the ring.) At some point, Michael appears from one of the lower levels; the champion, unaware, as Michael moves to ringside. NEW ANGLE As Michael reaches ringside, the champ becomes aware of his presence. He stops, moves to the ropes, drapes his arms over, stares down at Michael. Without hostility: KEELER You just keep coming, don't you? MICHAEL Like you...I don't know any other way. A sad smile...and then Keeler looks around the arena. KEELER I won my championship here. MICHAEL (nods) I was at ringside. Their eyes lock. A long beat...Then: KEELER I never thought Davis would kill Damon Leland, or Spider. MICHAEL Or have his muscle man hold your wife under the gun to get to me. KEELER Where is she? Is she all right? MICHAEL She's safe now, but you're not. You know what could happen if you'd stepped into that ring with Grant. KEELER I might have got lucky and knocked him out in the first minute. MICHAEL And you might have got dead. I know Davis is holding something about Samuells over your head -- but, what could be so heavy that you'd risk your life for it? KEELER I murdered Samuells. Michael reacts -- stunned. KEELER He came into a booze joint I was working. He pushed, and I hit him. His friends carried him out and I became Davis' piece of meat -- trimmed, cleaned up and bought. He covered it all. MICHAEL No, Keeler...we've checked into Samuells' death. That's not the way it came down. K.I.T.T. comes through Michael's comlink: K.I.T.T. (overlapping) Michael!..Michael! MICHAEL Not now, Kitt. K.I.T.T. Yes, Michael -- now! I think you should know that you're being monitored from the sound booth and more people in the arena.... Michael and Keeler whip their heads in the direction of the sound booth. ANGLES Davis' henchmen appear and start toward the ring. MICHAEL He climbs into the ring next to Keeler. INT. SOUND BOOTH - DAY Davis at the control panel as Michael's voice booms through the speakers. MICHAEL (filtered voice) Davis, you're up there and I want you to hear it all!! RESUME ANGLE - THE RING Michael is now in the center of the ring, next to Keeler, directly under the "mike," eyes locked in the direction of the sound booth. MICHAEL We can prove that Keeler had nothing to do with Samuells' death. We have proof that you bought Doc Simmons.... INT. SOUND BOOTH - DAY - ON DAVIS starting to shake in rage. MICHAEL (filtered voice) And we'll nail you for the murders of Damon Leland and Spiderman. RESUME ANGLE - RING Keeler makes a move to break from the ring. Michael grabs him. KEELER (deadly) I want him...I want Davis! MICHAEL Then let's see if he'll come down and play. Directing his voice to the sound booth: MICHAEL Davis, you're too soft to run and too big to hide! We're going to get you, Davis, and take all your toys away -- your house...your wardrobe.... INT. SOUND BOOTH - DAY Davis, shaking with rage.... MICHAEL (filtered voice) Everything! So let's end it right here!! DAVIS (explodes) Get them! Get them now! INT. ARENA - DAY - ANGLE ON RING Michael and Keeler stand back to back in the ring. Both men react as they see: WIDER ANGLE Davis' men, led by Blue, spreading out, "circling the wagons," racing to come at Michael and Keeler from every possible angle. RESUME ANGLE - MICHAEL AND KEELER eyes darting from ramp to ramp as Davis' men near. MICHAEL Make sure you protect your head?... KEELER Yeah...and make sure you can fight as well as you talk. MICHAEL I've got a great cornerman... (into comlink) Kitt! As Davis' men start to make a move to climb into the ring: EXT. OLYMPIC ARENA - DAY - ON K.I.T.T. as his motor comes to life. The rear tires smoke as they spin backwards. He spins into a 180, starts a sweeping curve. Then, full bore, makes his run towards the ramp that leads to the huge wooden door. K.I.T.T.'s tires hit the ramp and he speeds towards the arena. INT. ARENA - DAY - RING Blue and another pug have gained the ring. Keeler is whaling away at Blue; Michael is getting none the best of it. Davis' other four men are starting their climb into the ring. INT. ARENA - DAY - THE HUGE DOOR it explodes with sound and splinters as K.I.T.T. comes hurtling through! THE RING All men freeze -- stunned -- except: MICHAEL who uses the moment to let go a "haymaker" directly at his opponent's chin. K.I.T.T. landing on the arena floor, does a 180 to cut off two additional henchmen coming into the fight.... DAVIS on an upper level -- bug-eyed -- frozen, for a beat...Then he starts to run. RING AREA - SERIES OF CUTS AND ANGLES - ON MICHAEL as he looks up, sees Davis making his break. He vaults the ropes and starts to race towards a cutoff path. On Keeler finishing off Blue with a series of crushing blows as another pug comes at him. DAVIS coming down a stairwell, reaching a lower level corridor. MICHAEL full out, rounding the corridor from the opposite direction. CORRIDOR - EXIT DOOR The escape route -- clean -- as Davis enters frame, wobbling towards the door. His eyes go wide as Michael comes hurtling into frame. Michael catches Davis with a body block that sends him smashing against the corridor wall. Davis crumples to the floor. Michael gains his feet, bolts to and over Davis. Davis, between gulps of breath as he looks up at Michael: DAVIS Don't hit me!..Don't hit me!! Please!!! I think I'm going to have a heart attack!! Michael, staring down at him, wanting to throw a punch -- but doesn't, as Davis continues: DAVIS It's true...I got a bad heart...I could die. MICHAEL Do it, Davis -- and save the state a ton of money. Michael reaches down, grabs Davis by the front of his shirt, pulls him to his feet, spins Davis and pushes him towards the interior of the arena. ON MICHAEL knowing he shouldn't, but can't resist...he lets go a drop kick and we know where it's going to land as we: FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG (TO FOLLOW) OMITTED