EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen Larson PROD. #60220 Robert Foster October 7, 1985 (F.R.) SUPV. PRODUCERS: Burton Armus Rev. 10/29/85 (F.R.) Bruce Lansbury Rev. 11/ 6/85 (F.R.) PRODUCER: Gino Grimaldi Rev. 11/ 7/85 (F.R.) Rev. 11/11/85 (F.R.) Rev. 11/18/85 (F.R.) Rev. 11/19/85 (F.R.) Rev. 11/25/85 (F.R.) KNIGHT RIDER HILLS OF FIRE by Jackson Gillis __________________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. PANORAMA - THE WOODS - DAY A beautiful meadow hemmed in by stands of oak and pine. Hikers picnic on the grass or move on toward the foothills just ahead of them. EXT. FOOTHILLS BRUSH AREA - DAY - A SERIES OF SHOTS A rabbit scampers and nibbles flowers. Birds hop bushes. Then we hear the rumbling of a heavy-engined vehicle. The rabbit bolts away into the grass. And then.... ANGLE ON ROCK RIDGE The enormous tires of a high suspension, oversized wheel king cab, all-terrain vehicle (ATV) burst into view. Its driver, whom we'll later know as Gomez, powers it over the rocks. CLOSE ON GOMEZ He reaches for the dash, hits a toggle switch. ANGLE ON GRILL OF ATV A wicked steel nozzle shoots out from below, spewing fire at the screen, and --- REVERSE ANGLE ON BRUSH Tongues of smoke and flame shoot across the mesquite, racing down the mountain. CUT TO EXT. HIGHWAY - WITH K.I.T.T. Michael is tooling along at normal speed, alert but relaxing. MICHAEL All our jobs should be this easy, huh, Kitt? K.I.T.T. I have to admit patrolling a public park is a welcome change of pace. MICHAEL Well, the park service takes over in a couple of days, so don't get too mellowed out. K.I.T.T. (scornful) 'Mellowed out'? That sounds like some sort of fuel malfunction. MICHAEL (laughing) Not exactly. K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NECESSARY Devon cuts in, anxious and alarmed. DEVON Michael, are you still in the Douglas Ridge area? MICHAEL Yeah, Devon. What's up? DEVON There's a four-alarm on the fire net just south of the ridge. Initial reports suggest its pattern conforms to the other brush fires. MICHAEL Meaning suspicious origin. Okay, Devon, we'll check it out. K.I.T.T. Michael tromps on the accelerator and K.I.T.T. takes off. MICHAEL Okay. Let's get there! EXT. SCENE OF THE FIRE - DAY Rangers are evacuating some hikers in Forest Service trucks. Others flee in their own vehicles. We pan across to a concealed Jeep where a man in a bush jacket watches through binoculars. ANGLE ON THE STRANGER Robert Wilson, tough, leathery, an ex-soldier of fortune, lowers the scopes. He sits in the front seat of a Jeep, not in the least bit concerned. In fact, he's smiling. He picks up a walkie-talkie. WILSON Gomez! Gomez it's Wilson. Do you read? INTERCUT GOMEZ IN ATV As the ATV barrels along, we get a closer look at Gomez, a tough, wiry character in khakis and a dust scarf. He shouts over the rumble of the massive tires. He also has a hand- set radio. GOMEZ Yeah, nice little fire, eh? WILSON (tolerant) Real work of art. Now get back here before the fire planes spot you! CUT TO EXT. FOREST FIRE - SERIES OF SHOTS - STOCK People and equipment -- fire trucks, choppers spraying chemicals -- battling the blaze. EXT. ROAD - DAY K.I.T.T. roars up beneath the crest of the blaze. INT. K.I.T.T. MICHAEL All right, Kitt, scan for incendiary residues. K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NEEDED A parade of chemical equations. K.I.T.T. I'm picking up traces of a complex petroleum compound, Michael. MICHAEL Sounds like we're talking napalm. Look for a possible source. An area scan moves across K.I.T.T.'s monitor, then stops. A red light flashes. K.I.T.T. It appears to be a vehicle coming from the Douglas Ridge area. MICHAEL Let's check it out. Michael deftly turns the wheel, floors the accelerator. K.I.T.T. streaks along just in front of a wall of flames. K.I.T.T. There he is, Michael! OMITTED THE ATV moves along a fire road up ahead. Gomez reacts to the sound of another engine. He spins in his seat, sees K.I.T.T. and stomps on the accelerator. The ATV leaves the road and takes off across rough terrain. INSIDE K.I.T.T. MICHAEL We've been made. Let's wrap it up quick. He guns the engine, accelerates after the ATV that is heading for --- A VERY STEEP SLOPE as the ATV plows almost straight up, over loose talus and scree, kicking back a storm of dust. INTERCUT - WILSON watching through binoculars, as K.I.T.T. chases the ATV. ON K.I.T.T. Getting dust blown, he reaches the same slope, loses traction, and begins a long, agonizing slide backwards. INSIDE K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Come on, buddy, both barrels! He's getting away from us! K.I.T.T. I'm losing traction on this surface! MICHAEL Then we turbo boost. K.I.T.T. The gradient's too steep. We'd fly straight up and loop back! MICHAEL All right, go to video. Let's at least get a mug shot! Michael pushes some buttons on his console. ON K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - A CLOSEUP OF THE ATV as Gomez looks behind him, laughing. THE SCENE Gomez muscles the ATV over the hill and out of sight. K.I.T.T.'s wheels spin uselessly as he slides backwards and jolts with an embarrassing thump down on the embankment. RESUME INSIDE K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. (after pause) I'm sorry about that, Michael. MICHAEL Well, you can't beat an all-terrain vehicle at its own game. As Michael whirls K.I.T.T. around, he reacts when he sees: A WALL OF SMOKE and what appears to be a hazy figure stumbling through it. RESUME MICHAEL MICHAEL Someone trapped in there. K.I.T.T. My scanners verify, Michael. Michael pops K.I.T.T.'s door and jumps out. IN THE SMOKE as Michael moves through the billowing haze. MICHAEL Hey, over here! This way! The figure staggers towards Michael, then drops to the ground. ANGLE Michael fights his way through the smoke to the overcome youth and picks him up.... ANGLE ON DARRYL Darryl Staples, a black youth of sixteen coughs and gasps for air...his eyes water and he waves Michael away in a "macho" fashion.... DARRYL I'm okay...I just stopped for a rest. MICHAEL (understanding) Sure you did.... The kid can't stand...Michael drapes him over his shoulder, moves towards K.I.T.T. DARRYL I told you I don't need no help. MICHAEL I'm just leading you. INSIDE K.I.T.T. as they arrive and Michael helps Darryl in.... MICHAEL What are you doing out here in the middle of a forest fire?! DARRYL Checking out some friends. MICHAEL (concerned) There are people still out there? Darryl shakes no; opens his jacket, revealing a small fox, partially singed. DARRYL Nope. Rest of the family scooted and left him behind. The fox almost jumps free. Darryl grabs him just in time. K.I.T.T. Oh my. May I suggest you keep a firm hold on that creature, young man. I doubt it's housebroken. Darryl does a take, looks around the car, baffled. DARRYL Who said that? MICHAEL My partner. Darryl eyes Michael like he's lost touch with reality. K.I.T.T. Michael?! The fire is spreading rapidly. We've got to go back the way we came.... Michael spins a 180. Darryl's reaction intensifies for a beat before he and Michael look through --- WINDSHIELD - POINT OF VIEW - A WALL OF FIRE blocks our way, coming close.... RESUME INSIDE K.I.T.T. as Michael slams K.I.T.T. in gear and accelerates toward the wall of flames. MICHAEL Hang on! DARRYL You nuts? We go through that, we get melted. K.I.T.T. through flames. ANGLE ON DARRYL He recoils as the flames whoosh by the windows. MICHAEL How'd I do? Darryl shrugs, waggles his hand, then, indicating he's really impressed --- DARRYL These wheels are something. K.I.T.T. Why, thank you. It's always nice to give credit where credit is due. Darryl sighs, exasperated --- DARRYL Come on, what is this? You a ven- triloquist or something? MICHAEL (shakes no) That's my friend, Kitt. He's here. You just can't see him. Off Darryl's skeptical look, we: CUT TO EXT. HILLSIDE CABIN - DAY Tess Hubbard, fifty-five, a heavyset, backwoods type; a gruff manner that covers a heart of gold. She stands in the cabin yard that is filled with stuff she's collected: cars, furniture, boxes, crates, etc. She's anxiously peering off toward the distant fire. Hearing a car engine, she whirls around to see K.I.T.T. approach and pull to a stop. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. She brightens when she sees Darryl and Michael pile out of the car, then eyes Darryl for --- TESS Better lay back, Darryl. I'm still deciding whether to hug you cause you're okay or wring your neck for worrying me. Darryl breaks into an appealing smile, opens his arms to hug her. DARRYL My money's on the hug. (as they break) Couldn't do either if it wasn't for Michael and Kitt. TESS (puzzled) Who? Do a little backtracking for me. This is going too fast. DARRYL Dude and his car. The man's driving a serious set of wheels. Blasted through those flames like 'The Refrigerator' heading for the end zone! During the above, a Sheriff's car pulls to a stop. Deputy Bob Clark, a rough-hewn man, gets out and crosses toward them. CLARK I could use some clarification too. (nods) Tess, Darryl -- (to Michael) I'm Deputy Clark. Our chopper spotted your car out past the fire lines. You better state your business here. MICHAEL Michael Knight. Foundation for Law and Government. We're on a retainer from the Perkins estate. I'm over- seeing its transition to a public park. CLARK Your responsibility ends at the fire line. MICHAEL Not if I'm checking out who's starting them. CLARK You suggesting we have an arsonist at work here? MICHAEL Yes, drives an ATV. Your choppers must have spotted it when they saw me. CLARK (shakes no) Nothing on the report. TESS Come on, Bob. It ran right through my wild strawberries last week. Darryl's seen it too. CLARK News to me, Tess. But I'll look into it. (to Michael) I suggest you leave this one to us, Mr. Knight. Michael considers this a beat. Clark notices a moving bulge under Darryl's jacket. CLARK What have you got there, Darryl? Darryl opens his jacket. The rabbit starts struggling out. Tess laughs. TESS Put him in back. If we have any cages left. Clark smiles; throws an arm over Darryl's shoulders. They head around the back together. MICHAEL Looks like you're quite a collector, Tess. Michael smiles at her warmly then glances after Clark. MICHAEL (lowered voice) Can you tell me where that ATV was heading when you saw it? TESS North ridge -- rock walls and wilder- ness. An ATV's the only way in there. MICHAEL (nods knowingly) If you spot it again, give me the call this time.... He hands her a card. She studies it, eyes Michael a beat and nods. He crosses to K.I.T.T.; gets in and drives off. EXT. FOUNDATION - DAY - TO ESTABLISH INT. FOUNDATION WORKROOM - DAY - CLOSE ON MONITOR In slo-mo, the ATV hightails it over the rocks and brush, then up the slope of loose talus. Widen to include Bonnie running the tapes for Michael and RC3. MICHAEL There, Bonnie. Right there. Bonnie freezes the frame on Gomez's look back. MICHAEL Cross-check that character with our active files, first chance you get. On the monitor, the ATV mounts the final slope, churning up gravel and dirt. Michael winces at the replay of his moment of defeat. RC3 Man, that is a lot of tire. Bonnie shuts off the monitor. BONNIE And we're going to provide Kitt with a lot more tire to catch up with it. RC3 We'll call 'em RC Radials! MICHAEL Easy RC. They'll get us up the slopes, but Tess Hubbard told me it's nothing but inaccessible wilderness at the top. BONNIE Terrific. RC3 and Michael are a little puzzled. Bonnie crosses toward a workbench like a magician about to reveal her greatest trick. (Note: S.I.D. pronounced Sid throughout.) BONNIE This is a perfect opportunity to field test S.I.D. MICHAEL S.I.D.? BONNIE Satellite Infiltration Drone. The only one of its kind. She lifts a cloth, to reveal a blank metal cube. RC3 Looks like a hi-tech hatbox. Bonnie scowls. She pushes a tiny control box on the table. Tiny rods telescope out of S.I.D.'s equator and converge to form a gyrostablizing ring. Three metal probes pop up. BONNIE Audio, video, and heat sensor, which lets you know when it's unsafe to activate him. And --- The final touch -- S.I.D. rises and darts forward, driving RC3 back. RC3 Okay, S.I.D., okay! Sorry! Bonnie continues to work the remote controls. S.I.D. hovers just above the floor and heads across the room. ON THE DOOR as S.I.D. approaches and zips through the partially open door and out of the workroom. RESUME THE SCENE BONNIE (to Michael) See? He's specially designed to get into all those tight places where Kitt can't go. MICHAEL (skeptically) He's gonna be pretty easy to spot in the wilderness. BONNIE (selling) I can disguise him -- a boulder, a tree stump. Name it. MICHAEL I've never dressed a drone before. I'll get into the case and let you know. RC3 Where'd the little twerp -- (off Bonnie's look) I mean, where'd he go, anyway? Bonnie smiles. Gestures to: A MONITOR Devon is talking on the phone in his office. His chair is turned toward the windows behind his desk. We hear: DEVON Of course. We're pleased to have been able to help out. INT. DEVON'S OFFICE - DAY DEVON (continuing) That's what we do here -- You're most welcome -- Our pleasure. Devon swivels in his chair to hang up the phone. He stops in midturn, startled when he sees --- DEVON'S POINT OF VIEW - S.I.D. hovering right in front of his desk, then rising up a little higher and moving forward toward him. RESUME DEVON as he pushes back away from the desk in his chair and S.I.D. "pursues" him, Devon reacts to laughter. ANOTHER ANGLE Michael, Bonnie and RC3 in the doorway watching, laughing. Bonnie working the control box. ON THE DESK as S.I.D. moves across, knocking over a glass of water. THE SCENE as the trio moves into the office. Bonnie sets the control box down on the desk; pulls Kleenex from a box and starts mopping up the spill. S.I.D. hovers nearby. BONNIE Still a few minor kinks to work out. Devon crosses to the control box, hits the "off" button. S.I.D. settles onto the desk. DEVON Sorry to dampen your enthusiasm, but that was Sandra Rusk who called. The Perkins land has been closed to the public because of the fire danger. That terminates our responsibility. MICHAEL Hold on. Who's Sandra Rusk and what does she have to do with this? DEVON She's the liaison between the Perkins estate and the local authorities who are taking over. MICHAEL Deputy Clark? That's as good as not having it patrolled at all. DEVON Michael --- MICHAEL Devon, other people have seen that ATV. But Clark claims he's never spotted it. There's an arsonist on the loose up there. I'm not letting go. I can't. DEVON (considers) All right, Michael. But, like it or not, you are going to have to clear your activities with Sandra Rusk. Michael nods grudgingly at Devon. As he leaves, he gives a parting glance to S.I.D., then Bonnie. MICHAEL A mushroom? A hedgehog? Bonnie smiles at Michael as he leaves. CUT TO OMITTED EXT. OFFICE BUILDING - DAY - TO ESTABLISH EXT. ACCOUNTING OFFICE - DAY as K.I.T.T. pulls up to the curb. Michael exits and enters the building. ANGLE ON AN AUTOMATIC BANK TELLER As a woman finishes her transaction, the Machine talks to her: MACHINE/SYNTHESIZER Thank you, Miss Lawrence. Have a nice day. As she turns to exit, she notes (with obvious disdain) a very offbeat-looking Bum as he comes wandering into the frame. She scurries away...he checks the Machine's till for any loose change...looks both ways...and then starts maniacally pushing all the buttons. ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. "watching" via his scanner.... BACK TO THE MACHINE as K.I.T.T.'s voice comes through it. K.I.T.T. Excuse me, but just what do you think you are doing? BUM (surprised) What? I...hey...wait a minute here... Am I on Bloopers and Practicial Jokes? Where's Ed McMahon? Who's talking? K.I.T.T. The black car next to you...Now I reiterate -- what are you doing? BUM (unruffled) Well, if I'm going to talk to a machine it might as well be a car. (beat) I'm trying to facilitate a trans- action of course! I'm road weary and I seem to have mentally misplaced my code number, so give it to me -- and be lively about it! K.I.T.T. Sorry, no free samples. Why don't you get a job? BUM Hey -- I'm a bum -- this is my job! K.I.T.T. Where is your dignity? What you need is a bath! BUM What I need is five bucks! I could use some coffee. K.I.T.T. Coffee is only fifty cents! BUM I'm a big tipper! K.I.T.T. (sotto voce) Hmm...according to my memory banks, F.L.A.G. has an account at this bank...This is a reasonably good cause...and a very humane gesture for a car. (to Bum) Very well, you vagrant; but you better put this to good use! ANGLE ON THE MACHINE as a crisp five dollar bill comes popping out. BUM (hears machine, happy) Hey, thanks! (a beat) Oh yeah -- when is this going to be on TV? I have to tell all my friends to watch! CUT TO INT. ACCOUNTING OFFICE - DAY Sandra Rusk, a chic and yuppie-sexy brunette in a three- piece-suit, is smiling appealingly at Michael. SANDRA Well, Mr. Knight, now that you're here in the flesh, I want to thank you for the fine job you and the Foundation have done. MICHAEL The job isn't over yet, Miss Rusk. I need more time to investigate those fires. SANDRA Michael, there's nothing left to investigate. No campers, no hikers -- no fires. (beat) I hate to think that you drove down here for no reason, so how about lunch. On the estate. It's the least we can do to --- MICHAEL (interrupting) Look, Miss Rusk --- SANDRA Sandra. MICHAEL Okay, Sandra. We're not dealing with careless campers here. We're up against an arsonist. SANDRA (stunned) Arsonist? This is the first I've heard. Are you sure? MICHAEL (nods) A guy in an ATV armed with a tank of napalm. SANDRA (digests a beat) Well, that certainly changes things... (beat) I'll go along with you on one condi- tion. (off Michael's look) When you catch the firebug, the first round's on me. MICHAEL (smiling) I'll keep that in mind. EXT. ROCK QUARRIES - DAY The camera tilts down an eerie vista of sheer rock faces. We hear the shouts of men. Suddenly a soccer ball sails into frame. We follow it to Gomez as he indulges in some fancy footwork. WILSON (V.O.) Gomez! ANGLE ON WILSON He stands in front of stacks of wooden crates. WILSON Knock it off. We have to talk. Gomez continues dribbling the soccer ball during --- GOMEZ I'm sick of talking and I'm sick of waiting. When's that chopper coming in anyway? WILSON To-morrow.... Wilson grabs Gomez and throws him against the rock wall. WILSON -- if you didn't screw it up. GOMEZ What's wrong with you? I did it all. I burned 'em out. I got the park shut down! WILSON You were also chased by that black car. GOMEZ I left that guy eating my dust. WILSON He's an investigator. If he and that chopper get here at the same time, we kiss a ten-million-dollar sale good-bye. GOMEZ What do you want me to do? WILSON Pack the ATV with hardware. Next time that guy comes after you, blow him away. FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN INT. SEMI - CLOSE - COMPUTER MONITOR on which we see typical mug shots of Gomez, along with the usual police data, fingerprints, etc., and then a news photo of him in soccer whites on a playing field in his younger days. Devon and Michael hover near the monitor. DEVON Manuel Gomez. A promising world class soccer player who was injured early in his career and faded from the scene. Documents flash by on the screen. MICHAEL Didn't take him long to jump from the team roster to the FBI's number one draft pick. DEVON He's been connected to break-ins at several pharmaceutical manufacturing plants. MICHAEL Legal drugs being easily worth as much as heroin or cocaine on the black market. DEVON Probably more and considering the size of the thefts, I'd estimate Gomez has stockpiles thousands of cases. Michael gets up and thinks a beat, before --- MICHAEL Strange. A guy who's into stolen drugs suddenly gets into arson. Meanwhile, just behind them, Bonnie gives S.I.D. some final adjustments. BONNIE Well, Sid's tuned up and ready to roll. K.I.T.T. cuts in, very skeptical. K.I.T.T. I hope you're not taking that aluminum box seriously. MICHAEL Absolutely. And it's time Bonnie gave our 'box' its new personality. K.I.T.T. You mean you're actually going to use him? He glances to the monitor which displays a picture of Gomez holding a soccer ball. MICHAEL Yes, and Mr. Gomez is going to get a real kick out of it. CUT TO OMITTED A HAND examines extremely wide tire tracks and knobby depressions in the soft earth. We widen to reveal Darryl as he looks up to the ridge above him. THROUGH BINOCULARS - ON DARRYL as he hikes further up the hill and we hear: WILSON'S VOICE Yeah, yeah, it's him. REVERSE ANGLE ON WILSON perched atop a distant rock quarry, watching Darryl. He talks into a walkie-talkie. WILSON (continuing) That kid Darryl. Looks like he's tracking the ATV! CUT TO INT. SHERIFF OFFICE - DAY - INTERCUT - CLARK CLARK What do you want to do about it? Wilson gives it some thought -- then smiles. WILSON Knight's looking for a firebug, right? You're going to give him one. CUT TO EXTERIOR - WITH K.I.T.T. zooming down the road. INSIDE K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. What's our destination, Michael? MICHAEL The north ridge of the Perkins estate. K.I.T.T. How do we get in there without being spotted? MICHAEL (smiling) I thought you'd never ask. ANGLE ON FRONT SEAT A box (silver cube) sits comfortably in the passenger seat. K.I.T.T. (groans) I walked right into that one, didn't I? MICHAEL More like turbo boosted. K.I.T.T. Don't rub it in, Michael. I mean, it's bad enough he's sitting in front right next to you. Frankly, I think I preferred Darryl's rabbit.... MICHAEL For the last time, Kitt, once I activate Sid, he's controlled by your CPU. K.I.T.T. (somewhat mollified) Well, as long as he understands who's in charge. K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NEEDED Devon flashes on. DEVON Ah, there you are, Michael. MICHAEL Yo, Devon. What's up? DEVON Good news. Deputy Clark has just apprehended the arsonist. It looks like you may have stirred him to action. MICHAEL What do you know? It will be interesting to hear what Mr. Gomez has to say. CUT TO OMITTED CLOSE ON DARRYL - NIGHT gripping the bars of a cell. MICHAEL'S VOICE (skeptically) He's your suspect? INT. HOLDING AREA - NIGHT Michael stands with Deputy Clark outside Darryl's cell. Michael turns from Darryl to Clark, challenges him with a look. MICHAEL (continuing) You have evidence? A witness? CLARK I caught him myself...he was trying to set a fire right there on the trail. DARRYL He's lying, Michael! I was tracking that truck. He drove up and said he had a couple of animals for Tess. When we got here, he hits me with this arson thing. Michael turns to Clark, who explains: CLARK I was alone. No need to have a scuffle on my hands. Kid's got a rap sheet. He hands Michael a copy of Darryl's police record. As Michael peruses it: MICHAEL Vandalism, shoplifting, some gang activity...He was twelve years old then.... Darryl slouches and moves back into the cell, stigmatized. CLARK (to Michael) I don't need you to tell me how to do my job. MICHAEL I'm here to do mine. Open up, I want to talk to him. Clark eyes Michael, considering; turns to the cell; unlocks the door. INT. CELL - NIGHT as Michael crosses to Darryl, puts an arm over his shoulders, comfortingly. Darryl shrugs from beneath Michael's arm; eyes him sullenly, then looks away. Michael turns him around -- eye to eye. MICHAEL Darryl -- look at me. Did you do what he said? DARRYL (shakes no; forthrightly) No. The dude set me up. Like I just told you. MICHAEL Then I'll get you out of here. Everything's going to be okay. DARRYL Hey, I've been hearing that from counselors since I was nine. Nobody ever delivers any 'okay.' MICHAEL What about Tess? She came through for you. DARRYL (flares, bravado, covering) Hey, it's no big deal! I'll go back. Three squares, plenty of laughs -- I got a lot of friends on the inside! I can handle it! MICHAEL Come on, Darryl, who're you kidding? You're scared and you have a right to be. But I think you're innocent.... DARRYL Why, cause you say so?! You think that's going to do me any good? You heard the man. I got a sheet. Back home, nobody is going to believe I didn't do it...Every time a purse got ripped on my street, the man looked towards me.... MICHAEL It's different now. You have people who care about you. You have a new life. You have a chance to work hard and make it pay off. DARRYL Don't start with that college jive Tess is always laying on me. You think I bought any of that stuff? MICHAEL Yes I think you bought that stuff... You'd be a fool if you didn't.... Michael holds Darryl's look for a beat. DARRYL Maybe some of it.... MICHAEL I'll be back. I promise. Michael turns to the cell door and calls out: MICHAEL Clark? Hey, I want out. Clark approaches, pushes his key into the cell lock. ON DARRYL The instant the lock clicks open, Darryl lunges at the door, slamming it into Clark's face. Clark yells in pain as Darryl dashes past him and out of the cell. MICHAEL Darryl! No, wait!! ANOTHER ANGLE - OFFICE as Darryl enters on the run from the holding area and Clark races after him. OMITTED THE SCENE as Darryl shoves a chair in Clark's way. He stumbles over it. Darryl runs out the door. Clark scrambles to his feet, furious, gets to the door, draws his gun. MICHAEL comes from behind him and knocks his gun hand up in the air as it fires. MICHAEL You crazy? He's a kid! He's unarmed! Clark yanks loose. CLARK That was an obstruction of justice, Knight! I'll deal with you later. As Clark takes off after Darryl with the gun, and Michael follows him: MICHAEL (on comlink) Make that two obstructions, Kitt.... EXT. SUBSTATION - NIGHT Darryl comes out with Clark after him. As he runs past K.I.T.T.: K.I.T.T.'S DOOR flies open and slams into Clark, knocking him flat. K.I.T.T. Is that what you meant, Michael? Michael runs up, briefly glances down at the still dazed and winded Clark. MICHAEL Right on the money. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - ON MICHAEL as he jumps into the car. MICHAEL You see where Darryl went? K.I.T.T. Deep into the woods. I'm afraid we can't go after him. MICHAEL He knows 'em like the back of his hand. He'll be all right for now. CUT TO EXT. ROCK QUARRIES - DAY - ESTABLISH INT. TENT We pan down the rows of stacked cases to Paxton, a portly gentleman in a business suit. Careful and ferocious, Paxton is the buyer of the stolen pharmaceuticals. He holds a clipboard, checking off the list. PAXTON Two hundred cases of methaqualone. Sixty cases of diazepam, thirty-five of Demerol.... WILSON I'm telling you this isn't necessary, Paxton. Just bring in your chopper and get it all out of here. PAXTON I don't see the promazine. WILSON We couldn't get it in time. PAXTON What's the rush? This week. Next --- WILSON Hey, no games. You've got to get this stuff out of here today. PAXTON This isn't a game, Wilson. I need fifty cases of promazine. Call me when they're here. Paxton turns to leave. Wilson stops him. WILSON Hold it! I've burned half the moun- tain to keep a lid on this thing! Now I got some guy in a T-top breathing down my neck. I'm under a lot of pressure! I mean, I --- PAXTON (interrupting) I know. But that's your problem, isn't it? (off Wilson's look) You're not the only player in the game. I have other sources. No promazine -- no deal. Wilson nods grudgingly, realizing Paxton's got him. CUT TO EXT. HUBBARD CABIN - DAY Tess unloads some old furniture she's salvaged from her pickup truck, while reacting with outrage to Michael's news. TESS (V.O.) That's ridiculous! Sure Darryl's been in trouble. All my foster kids have or I wouldn't get them. I've only lost one over the years but that's because I got him too late. But not Darryl. Not him. He's not the arsonist. MICHAEL I know. It's someone named Gomez. I haven't been able to nail him yet. TESS (confused) I don't get it. I mean, if you know who it is, why doesn't Clark arrest this, this Gomez? MICHAEL Because -- The only way I can figure it, he's working for Gomez, and he framed Darryl to protect him. Tess, enraged, heads straight for the cab of her pickup. TESS Well, he's not getting away with it. I'm going down there right now and demand they release Darryl. Michael stops her as she yanks open the door of the pickup. MICHAEL Whoa! Darryl handled that pretty well on his own. He escaped. Took off before Clark knew what hit him. Tess brightens immediately, relieved; proud. TESS I love that kid. He's got more spunk than anyone I know. MICHAEL I'd say you're running a close second, Tess. TESS (chuckles, reflects) Yeah, we're cut from the same cloth. He came here straight out of Juvenile Hall. Went toe to toe with me for months. Finally got rid of all the 'mean' and put some pieces back together. (beat) Now, they're coming apart again. MICHAEL I won't let that happen, Tess. That's a promise. He puts a comforting hand on her shoulder. She starts to cheer up. K.I.T.T. (on comlink) Michael, I'm picking up a report on the police band! There's a robbery in progress at Whitney Pharmaceutical. And an ATV has been sighted in the area! MICHAEL Be right there, pal! (to Tess) Hold the fort in case Darryl comes back. TESS Where are you going? MICHAEL To catch a firebug. He clasps her hand, then heads off for K.I.T.T. CUT TO EXT. WHITNEY PHARMACEUTICAL - DAY - THE ATV comes smashing out of the gates. One of Gomez' helpers lays down gunfire from the cab. POINT OF VIEW - SHOOTER A police car veers to the side, grazing a wall. An officer jumps out, firing uselessly at the fleeing vehicle. EXT. ROAD - K.I.T.T. whips into a turn, races onto the highway, and pursues the ATV. ON THE ATV Gomez spots K.I.T.T. in the distance, pours it on. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - ON MONITOR A red light pulsing as it travels down a road. K.I.T.T. We can overtake him easily, Michael. MICHAEL But we're going to let him think he lost us. K.I.T.T. It appears you're about to resort to that -- novelty. MICHAEL I sure am, pal. Sid's the only one who can get to the top of that mountain and find out what's going on. WITH K.I.T.T. He pulls over to the side of the road. ANGLE Michael opens the box and takes out a "soccer ball." ACROSS MICHAEL Michael opens the T-top and: MICHAEL'S VOICE Activate Sid, buddy.... K.I.T.T. (sarcastic) The toy is activated, Michael.... INSIDE K.I.T.T. - ON DASH Signals wink on K.I.T.T.'s new control box. ON S.I.D. (SOCCER BALL) His rods telescope out to form the gyrostabilizers rudder. His audio video and heat sensor probes pop up. He rises through the open T-top. ON MICHAEL K.I.T.T. Well...at least he works. MICHAEL (in the spirit of Devon) Be careful, Sidney. WITH S.I.D. Away he goes. He skims the ground, moving down the road after the ATV. FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN EXTERIOR - DAY - WITH S.I.D. He shoots down the road just above the surface, closing in on the bed of the ATV. K.I.T.T. MONITOR Gomez looks back, satisfied he's lost K.I.T.T., turns away and stomps the gas pedal. His ATV accelerates. OMITTED INSIDE K.I.T.T. as Michael reacts to Gomez turning his attention back to the road up ahead. MICHAEL Now! Put him to bed, pal. Make it fast. Michael pushes some buttons on S.I.D.'s remote-control panel. ON THE ATV - S.I.D. rises up on his jet of air, flies over the tail gate and drops down toward the tarp that covers the cases of stolen drugs. K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NEEDED (SUBJECTIVE CAMERA) to see S.I.D.'s point of view of the bed at the ATV as he settles into position on the tarp. MICHAEL Button him up and we're out of here.... ON S.I.D. as his gyrostabilizing wings retract and telescope out of sight -- now he's a soccer ball nestled in the folds of the tarp; the transformation made an eyeblink before. OMITTED ATV speeds down the road.... K.I.T.T. makes a tire screeching one-eighty and takes off in the opposite direction. INSIDE K.I.T.T. A blue light flashes on the monitor. K.I.T.T. S.I.D.'s homing pulse is coming in strong, Michael. MICHAEL Good. Keep monitoring until we're ready to activate him again. The monitor chirps. The map with pulsing blip is replaced by a picture of Devon. DEVON Michael, I'm glad I caught you. Sandra Rusk has asked us to step out of the case. MICHAEL I don't believe this, Devon! First I'm on the case, then I'm off the case! And I'm this close to cracking it! DEVON I understand your feelings, Michael, but we still have an obligation to accommodate her. MICHAEL All right. But I'm going to try to change her mind. CUT TO EXT. WILDERNESS - ON ATV as it barrels across the rough terrain, then swerves and powers up the very steep slope where it lost K.I.T.T. earlier. As it heads farther --- ANOTHER ANGLE to reveal Darryl wedged into a niche in the rocks, watching. When he's sure the vehicle is far enough away, he breaks from his cover, scrambling frantically down the steep slope. CUT TO EXT. ROCK QUARRIES - DAY The ATV arrives. Gomez jumps out. GOMEZ Come on! Move it. Unload these. That chopper's coming in soon. Then we're outta here! ON THE ATV as the men climb up into the bed to unload the crates of pharmaceuticals, one of them sees (S.I.D.) the soccer ball; picks him up, puzzled, examines him, then shrugs and tosses him out of the ATV. S.I.D. hits the ground, bounces a few times and rolls to a stop against a rock wall -- a soccer ball waiting to be activated. CUT TO EXT. CPA OFFICE - DAY - K.I.T.T. parked in the same spot near money machine. INT. RECEPTION ALCOVE - DAY - CLOSE ON SANDRA RUSK Widen during the following to include Michael. SANDRA (searching; not harsh) Try to understand my point of view, Michael. You asked for time to catch an arsonist, instead you helped him to escape. MICHAEL In my position you would've done the same thing. SANDRA What do you mean? MICHAEL The suspect was a teenager. Darryl Staples. Clark was going to shoot him! SANDRA The Deputy's reaction may have been extreme, but forest fires can be started by young people as well as grown men and I --- MICHAEL Not by Darryl. He risked his life to save an animal from that fire. I was there. I won't let him be railroaded because it's convenient.... SANDRA (considers; adjusts) I'm not sure that's the case but if you're right this doesn't make much sense, does it? MICHAEL None of Clark's actions do. (off her look) I think he's in this up to his neck. As Sandra reacts to this, the phone rings. She crosses; and answers it. SANDRA Yes? INTERCUT - PHONE BOOTH AT SERVICE STATION - DAY DARRYL Miss Rusk? It's Darryl. Darryl Staples. Is Michael Knight there yet? SANDRA Just a moment. She puts the phone on hold, turns to Michael. SANDRA I'm sorry. It's a personal matter. Be right back. Michael nods, and she quickly leaves. INT. SANDRA RUSK'S OFFICE - DAY She strides over to the phone and grabs it. SANDRA Darryl? Hi -- I'm afraid Michael isn't here. INTERCUT DARRYL DARRYL (puzzled) Oh -- Mr. Miles at the Foundation said he was. SANDRA He just left, Darryl. Can I give him a message if I see him? DARRYL Yeah. Tell him I tracked the ATV. I know where it goes. SANDRA Oh, you've been tracking the ATV? We follow her look and camera zooms to Wilson, who gets out of a chair, crosses to her and puts a hand over the phone. WILSON Tell him you'll pick him up. ANGLE ON A STRETCH LIMOUSINE as it comes to a stop in front of the bank. ANGLE ON THE DOOR as the door opens...a gorgeous pair of legs gets out, followed by another pair...followed by someone in expensive tassel loafers.... FULL SHOT reveals an elegant gentleman with two identical blondes on each arm, as he approaches K.I.T.T. He taps the hood. MAN I say old man, are you there? ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. scanning.... K.I.T.T. I don't believe it...it's not possible...Is that you? MAN It's me...the bum! K.I.T.T. But how can it be? I gave you five dollars -- what kind of investment could you have made? MAN Let's see, I bought a bottle of shampoo, the new Penthouse and some gum. K.I.T.T. That's all? MAN No...I also bought a piece of beef jerky.... K.I.T.T. But...but.... MAN And a lottery ticket...The rest as they say is history.... K.I.T.T. Well then, my friend, you were a good investment after all.... MAN All men are.... ANGLE ON THE MAN He holds a hundred dollar bill.... MAN Here...this is for you...and thanks.... K.I.T.T. No, keep it and pass it on to the next man...You choose him this time my friend.... The Man nods and moves on.... CUT TO INT. RECEPTION ROOM Michael is waiting impatiently when Sandra finally comes out. SANDRA Well -- I'm sorry about before, Michael. Maybe I was off base. Perhaps you should continue to look into this. MICHAEL (beat) I think we'll be having that drink very soon. They shake hands, and Michael leaves. Once he's gone, Wilson comes up behind her. WILSON I thought you were going to get him to back off. SANDRA No one can get him to back off. You could at least give me some credit for finding you a place to store those cases of drugs. WILSON Nothing's gone right since. SANDRA Who knew Perkins was going to die, or that the place would attract campers and hikers? WILSON The fires drove them out, didn't they?! SANDRA And brought Knight down on us. Sandra eyes him a beat; softens; presses against him. SANDRA Easy, honey. Take it easy. (beat) We've 'improvised' before. Wilson eases at the inference; smiles thinly; nods. SANDRA And after this one, we'll be improvising with that ten million someplace far away from here. They smile and embrace, and we: CUT TO INT. SEMI - DAY - CLOSE ON A TIRE as rows of metal spikes explode out from the tread. We widen back to RC3 and Michael, who "pings" one of the three-inch-long spikes with a finger. RC3 Wicked. And the beauty of it is you can kick 'em in on the move. BONNIE What do you hear from S.I.D.? MICHAEL Nothing yet. I don't want to activate him until we're close enough to back him up. Devon strides over to join them. DEVON Perhaps Darryl could suggest a shortcut up the mountain. MICHAEL We'll take all the help we can get. What's he got in mind? DEVON Well, he tracked the ATV. Didn't he tell you? MICHAEL No he didn't. DEVON That's odd. I'm certain you were at Sandra Rusk's when we transferred his call. MICHAEL She did step out to take a personal call. But she never said anything about --- Devon and Michael stare at each other, both dismayed by the same suspicions. DEVON He said he was at the service station at the south end of the estate! Michael jumps into K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Let's get moving, pal! EXT. K.I.T.T. - DAY barreling down the highway. CUT TO EXT. SERVICE STATION - DAY The Owner, Ted Flanders, big, middle-aged, wholeheartedly friendly, is cleaning a customer's windshield. Looks up as he hears K.I.T.T. approaching. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - THROUGH THE WINDSHIELD we see the service station come into view. Michael scopes the area. MICHAEL I don't see Darryl anywhere. K.I.T.T. Neither do I, Michael. He's definitely gone. Michael pulls to a stop next to Flanders. Rolls down his window, leans out. MICHAEL Excuse me! I'm looking for a kid -- about sixteen. He called me from here. FLANDERS Yeah, yeah, I saw him. Somebody picked him up in a green wagon. MICHAEL How long ago? FLANDERS Five, ten minutes. You just missed 'em. Headed towards Route 6. K.I.T.T. roars off in pursuit. CUT TO INSIDE K.I.T.T. - ON MICHAEL MICHAEL (boiling mad) Scan Route 6 -- where it turns off into the high country. K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NEEDED The area scan locates them; a pulsing blip moves across the grid map. K.I.T.T. I've picked up a car travelling at high speed. MICHAEL Let's pour on some of our own, pal. Michael hits super pursuit mode and is slammed back into his seat. RAPID SEQUENCE OF SHOTS - K.I.T.T. as he deploys nose cowling, the fins, the turbines.... THE ROAD as K.I.T.T. accelerates and rips past camera. EXT. FOREST ROAD - DAY Sandra's green station wagon moving fast. INSIDE SANDRA'S STATION WAGON - TRAVELING Darryl is becoming increasingly alarmed and suspicious. DARRYL Hey, hey hold it. This isn't the way to town. I thought you said Michael was --- Darryl bites off the sentence when he picks up a look that flicks between Sandra and Wilson. Then does a take when he sees: THE ATV bucking down the mountain and cutting through a meadow, coming right toward the road. RESUME DARRYL He lunges for the car door; tries to open it. Wilson reaches over and pins Darryl back in his seat with a crushing forearm lock across his chest, that brings a handgun in front of Darryl's face. WILSON Don't be a dead hero, kid. Darryl nods suppressing his anger. Sandra hits the brakes and pulls the wagon over as: THE ATV rumbles to a stop on the shoulder next to her. She and Wilson, holding a gun, and Darryl get out and cross to the ATV. ANOTHER ANGLE as they pile into the front of the ATV next to Gomez. WILSON Come on. That chopper's due right now! Move it! Gomez hits the pedal and the ATV takes off. EXT. ROAD - SERIES OF SHOTS K.I.T.T. whips down the blacktop in super pursuit mode taking a turn at top speed. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - POINT OF VIEW - ATV K.I.T.T. There, Michael! Dead ahead! MICHAEL Normal mode, pal. Michael hits buttons on the console. RAPID SEQUENCE OF SHOTS - K.I.T.T. as he retracts his side fins, spoilers, etc. THE SCENE as the ATV rockets across rough terrain in the distance and K.I.T.T. shoots off the road and takes off after it. INSIDE THE ATV as Wilson looks back and spots K.I.T.T. closing the gap between them. WILSON Damn it. That's Knight. (to Gomez) Get him! Stop him, now! As Gomez pops the door and climbs out of the cab, Wilson slides behind the wheel and stomps on the accelerator and heads for the steep slope where he lost K.I.T.T. earlier. K.I.T.T. accelerates behind the ATV, catching up rapidly. K.I.T.T. He's heading for that slope again, Michael! MICHAEL Yep, only this time we can really stick it to him. GOMEZ has made his way to the bed of the ATV; and now shoulders a mobile rocket launcher. K.I.T.T. We'll have to beat that rocket launcher first. INSIDE K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Ready for evasive maneuvering, pal. K.I.T.T. It won't work, Michael. A laser sight just locked onto me. CLOSE ON THE ROCKET LAUNCHER as it fires at K.I.T.T., and we: FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN ON ROCKET The explosion of flame as it heads towards K.I.T.T. INSIDE K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Michael, look out! He slams on the brakes, wrenches the wheel.... ON K.I.T.T. as he spins broadside avoiding a direct hit. The rocket explodes inches from his passenger door. The force of the explosion flips him over. He continues tumbling over and over. INSIDE THE ATV Darryl looks away anguished, then bitterly at Wilson in reaction to --- WILSON Knight asked for it. He got it. Now let's go. THE VERY STEEP SLOPE as the ATV approaches at high speed going almost straight up over the talus and scree, disappearing. RESUME K.I.T.T. tumbling to a stop. MICHAEL Give me a damage report pal. INSIDE K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. All systems functioning. MICHAEL (pointedly) Your brand new tires. Let's use 'em pal --- Michael pushes a button on his console. OMITTED INSERT ON K.I.T.T.'S TIRES as the three-inch steel spikes explode out from the tread and dig into the earth and: INSIDE K.I.T.T. Michael stomps on the accelerator and K.I.T.T. takes off. OMITTED THE VERY STEEP SLOPE as K.I.T.T. approaches at high speed and this time blasts straight up and, over the talus and scree and skids to a stop.... K.I.T.T. skids to a stop. INSERT - TIRES The prongs retract into the tires. INSIDE K.I.T.T. MICHAEL That was great! I feel like a kid.... K.I.T.T. So do I, Michael, and I've never been one! MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW THROUGH WINDSHIELD A Sikorsky chopper comes in and lands...four men get out, walk to tent. MICHAEL Now let's reactivate our friend Sid. Michael pushes buttons on S.I.D.'s remote-control unit. EXT. ROCK QUARRIES - ON S.I.D. as his gyro-stabilizing ring and sensor probes deploy and he whistles up off the ground hovering on his column of air. He begins to move, transmitting surveillance video to --- K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NEEDED As we pan across the camp, bushes occasionally passing by the screen, we come upon the chopper, which has landed in the middle of the encampment. Gomez and his men are loading crates of pharmaceuticals into the back. MICHAEL That explains why Gomez turned firebug, pal. The drugs were the deal, arson was the insurance. The pan continues as Paxton jumps out of the cockpit -- we follow him as he crosses over to Wilson and Sandra and, just behind them, Deputy Clark. Wilson shakes Paxton's hand and greets him while continuing to supervise the loading. MICHAEL What do you know? The gang's all here. K.I.T.T. I guess S.I.D. does have his uses, doesn't he? And now the pan continues past Wilson to where Darryl is sitting at the base of a tree, closely guarded. MICHAEL There's Darryl. Looks like he's okay. K.I.T.T. And very closely guarded. MICHAEL But they don't know we're coming. We'll keep that edge. CUT TO OMITTED THE CHOPPER as Gomez supervises the men as they load the cases into the cargo bay. GOMEZ The Promazine next -- in behind the syringes. Coles grabs a case, takes a few steps, almost trips over a soccer ball in his path, and angrily kicks it aside. As the ball arcs through the air, Gomez swings an angry look to Coles. GOMEZ Hey?! That cost forty-eight bucks. The ball bounces out of sight into the bushes. Gomez moves off to retrieve it. ON THE BALL Follow as it rolls across the ground and comes to a stop a few feet from where S.I.D. is hovering. INSIDE K.I.T.T. A light begins to flash on S.I.D.'s remote-control unit. K.I.T.T. Michael, I'm picking up an alarm from S.I.D.'s heat sensor. Michael glances to: K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NEEDED at first we see a view of the men loading the chopper. Michael pushes some buttons on S.I.D.'s remote-control unit. The image pans across and picks up Gomez jogging through the bushes right toward S.I.D. MICHAEL Button him up pal. Now! Michael pushes some more buttons --- CLOSE ON S.I.D. as he quickly retracts his probes and gyro-stabilizing ring and resumes his soccer ball cover, an eye blink before: GOMEZ comes around some bushes; stops on a dime; baffled when he sees: TWO SOCCER BALLS side by side in the grass. RESUME GOMEZ as he shrugs; moves forward and picks up one of the balls. RESUME K.I.T.T. Not a second too soon, Michael. S.I.D. is quite literally in the hands of the enemy. Michael winces, tension building. RESUME GOMEZ - FISH EYE LENS He's comparing the balls; looking from the one he holds (S.I.D.) to the one of the ground. WILSON Hey, Gomez! Come on, let's wrap this up! Gomez kicks the ball on the ground in the direction of the ATV and then, as he hustles toward Wilson, tosses S.I.D. after it. RESUME INSIDE K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. He's free and clear again, Michael! MICHAEL Great. Activate him and give me a bird's-eye view of what we're up against. ON S.I.D. as he deploys his gyro-stabilizing ring and probes and hovers on his whisper jet of air. We follow as he moves off gaining altitude. ANOTHER ANGLE as he climbs toward the trees and we follow as he passes behind the guard who's watching Darryl. ON DARRYL as he catches glimpse of S.I.D. out of the corner of his eye, then covers his reaction as S.I.D. moves out of sight behind the trees. INTERCUT - K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR AS NEEDED as the view pans across the encampment and comes upon Wilson, Sandra, Clark and Paxton. Wilson is holding the attache that packed with currency; nodding his approval. K.I.T.T. Have you decided on a plan of attack? MICHAEL No time for anything fancy. The deal's going down. The scene on the monitor becomes partially obscured by foliage and then suddenly wobbles. K.I.T.T. S.I.D.'s in trouble, Michael! MICHAEL Get him out of there, fast! Michael stomps on the accelerator.... ON S.I.D. snagged in the leaves of a tree, trying to maneuver his way free when he whacks a branch hard, making a sharp noise. EXT. CAMP - DAY Wilson, shaking hands with Paxton completing the deal, the group whirls around at the sound. THEIR POINT OF VIEW - S.I.D. as he gets free of the foliage, and pops into view, moving off in plain sight. RESUME THE GROUP SANDRA What's that?! PAXTON I don't know, and I'm not waiting around to find out. Paxton takes off toward the chopper. Wilson whips out his automatic and fires at S.I.D. INTERCUT - S.I.D. reacting, darting and weaving as bullets fly all around him, ricochetting off the rockface. WILSON If that thing's here, chances are Knight's not far behind. And just as he's said that: S.I.D. is hit by the shots and smokes and explodes. ON K.I.T.T. as he rockets into view. K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NEEDED A white-out -- then static, the picture goes dark. K.I.T.T. Michael, we lost S.I.D. MICHAEL Nothing we can do to help him now. We have to get that ATV. ANOTHER ANGLE The gang members open fire on K.I.T.T. with their rifles. The bullets squib harmlessly off K.I.T.T. ON DARRYL as his guard reacts, pulls his gun and fires at K.I.T.T. Darryl runs for cover behind an oil drum. WILSON sees the bullets have no effect, shoves Gomez and shouts. WILSON Stop him! Gomez runs off gathering his men. Wilson grabs Sandra's arms -- and they run for the ATV. In the b.g. Paxton jumps into the chopper. It lifts off the ground. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - ON MICHAEL K.I.T.T. Michael, that chopper's about to get away. MICHAEL Activate your microjammer on the engines and the doors! K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR The chopper bull's-eyed by the microwave jammer. ON CHOPPER It is already high off the ground. It starts to spin in the air. The engine coughs and conks out and the craft settles. The pilot muscles the controls, furious. Paxton flings himself at the doors and finds he's trapped inside. INSIDE K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Good work, buddy.... K.I.T.T. Thank you, but I'm picking up laser tracking again. As K.I.T.T. replies, we hear the whoosh of --- A ROCKET that explodes right in front of K.I.T.T. leaving a massive crater in the earth. MICHAEL wrenches the wheel, left, right, left as: GOMEZ AND OTHER GUARDS continue to fire the shoulder-mounted rocket launchers at: K.I.T.T. who weaves through a series of explosions. INTERCUT INSIDE K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. I don't think they want us here, Michael. MICHAEL Feeling's mutual. Let's take 'em out. Michael tromps on the accelerator. THE ROCKET LAUNCHER GROUP as K.I.T.T. comes right at them, swerves into a sudden side slide, bowling over all three. Two stay down. As Gomez scrambles to his feet --- THE ATV Sandra and Wilson inside, roars to life. As it takes off, Deputy Clark runs up to the tailgate and climbs into the flatbed. K.I.T.T. The ATV's on the move. But I can't micro-lock it without releasing the chopper. MICHAEL I hear you. The ATV is ours. Michael accelerates after the ATV. GOMEZ running towards the woods. OMITTED INTERCUT - DARRYL hidden behind the oil barrel. OMITTED ON GOMEZ running towards the woods, past Darryl. Darryl pushes the barrel over onto Gomez, who is kayoed. Darryl throws Gomez's gun into the woods.... K.I.T.T. roars across the top of the slope in pursuit of the ATV. INSIDE CAB OF ATV Sandra looks out the window, spots K.I.T.T. SANDRA He's gaining on us! INSIDE K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. He's headed for that rocky terrain. MICHAEL Okay. Cut him off, now! Michael stomps on the accelerator. K.I.T.T. rockets forward. THE SCENE as K.I.T.T. zooms right past the ATV. ANOTHER ANGLE as K.I.T.T. roars past the ATV, then brakes on a dime and does a one-eighty -- now nose to nose with the oncoming ATV blocking its path. ATV screeching to a stop. ON CAB OF ATV SANDRA What's he doing? WILSON He's been looking for a torch, hasn't he? Well, he's about to find one. He hits the switch. THE STEEL NOZZLE shoots out, spewing fire. THE ATV a torrent of flame roaring in front of it, crashes right into K.I.T.T. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW The scene obliterated in a blaze of napalm that hits the windshield. ON MICHAEL as he sweats in the flames' red glow. K.I.T.T. My hood temperature is 350 degrees, Michael! My power plant can't take much more of this. MICHAEL Hit the CO2. Now! Michael pushes some buttons on the console. ON THE FRONT OF K.I.T.T. The CO2 gushes out onto the nozzle of the ATV, dousing the flames. ON CAB OF ATV as Wilson and Sandra recoil, the white gunk splatters all over the glass. ANGLE ON ATV It spins a fast U-turn and Clarke is thrown from the rear bed, stunned but alive. INSIDE K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. What now Michael? MICHAEL We're going to turn that pickup into a memory.... He hits the gas.... ON K.I.T.T. as he accelerates past the ATV and spins a 90, blocks the road. WILSON POINT OF VIEW THROUGH WINDSHIELD - K.I.T.T. blocking the escape. INSIDE ATV WILSON We're big enough to take him out.... VARIOUS ANGLES The ATV hits K.I.T.T. and is launched upward and flips over and over and starts to flame...lands on its side. ATV Wilson and Sandra scramble out.... OMITTED ON K.I.T.T. as Michael briskly gets out. MICHAEL Retribution has its moments, doesn't it, buddy? K.I.T.T. It certainly does. That one was for S.I.D. Michael walks over to the upended cab of the ATV lying on its side. Wilson and Sandra lying near it.... ANOTHER ANGLE Michael hauls Wilson up.... MICHAEL Arson's a nasty habit, mister... Prison can also burn you out. FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY as K.I.T.T. cruises along and we hear --- K.I.T.T.'S VOICE You know, I could get used to this Michael. Lighter on the steering, gentler on the gas --- INSIDE K.I.T.T. to reveal Darryl is behind the wheel, Michael next to him. DARRYL See? I know how to treat a serious set of wheels. MICHAEL Oh, you've had experience with cars like this one? DARRYL Yeah, in my old neighborhood. Guys brought 'em in all the time -- at least parts of 'em. MICHAEL Well, that kind of experience is behind you. The most serious set of wheels you'll ever own are turning -- (taps his head) -- right in there. Got it? DARRYL I know Michael, I know -- high school. (off Michael's look) And college. MICHAEL Now you got it. EXT. SEMI - DAY as K.I.T.T. approaches and powers up the ramp. INT. SEMI - DAY as K.I.T.T. pulls to a stop. Michael gets out. Darryl leaps out, fascinated by the electronics, as Bonnie, Devon and RC3 join them. DARRYL This is where it all happens, huh?! BONNIE That's right. S.I.D. came to life right there on that computer. Darryl saddens a little. RC3 notices. RC3 Hey, man, you look like somebody just pulled your plug. You okay? DARRYL Yeah, I just feel bad about S.I.D. getting blown away. I mean, I know the little guy wasn't human or anything but --- Darryl pauses, shrugs. K.I.T.T. My feelings, too, Darryl. Michael crosses to Darryl; leans on the computer monitor, during --- MICHAEL Well, at least he went out in a blaze of glory, guys. Bonnie smiles at Devon and RC3, pushes a button on a control box. Michael is startled as the monitor he's leaning on starts to hum, then levitates on a whispering column of air. DEVON As you can see, S.I.D.'s glory days are far from over. DARRYL (delighted, amazed) He was in a million pieces. How'd you do that? BONNIE I just picked 'em up and started over. Know what I mean? DARRYL Yeah, I hear you. If at first you don't succeed --- MICHAEL Now you've really got it. Darryl beams. Michael throws an arm around his shoulders, we: FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT THE END