EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen Larson PROD. #60232 Robert Foster December 23, 1985 (F.R.) SUPV. PRODUCERS: Burton Armus Rev. 1/14/86 (F.R.) Bruce Lansbury Rev. 1/15/86 (F.R.) PRODUCER: Gino Grimaldi 2nd Rev. 1/15/86 (F.R.) CO-PRODUCER: Gregory S. Dinallo KNIGHT RIDER KNIGHT FLIGHT TO FREEDOM by Gregory S. Dinallo __________________________ (Please Change General Peralta to Colonel Peralta Throughout) __________________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. SAN DUARTE COUNTRYSIDE - DAY as we pan across an idyllic landscape that fans out at the base of a volcano: a valley dotted with farmhouses, and crisscrossed by roads that cut between geometric fields and wild jungle. A barely audible rumbling rises and builds. THE LANDSCAPE begins to vibrate and then shake uncontrollably. The rumble reaches ear-shattering intensity. REACTION SHOTS -- Cattle mill nervously. -- A bird snaps its head around, then flies off. -- A field worker stops picking the crop, looks up to see --- MONTAGE - THE VOLCANO - VARIOUS SHOTS shaking violently and then erupting in a cataclysmic explosion of smoke, fire and ash that rockets into the air. MOLTEN LAVA boils over the edge of the crater and cascades down the mountainside. As the eruption continues --- EXT. JUNGLE ROAD - DAY - K.I.T.T. is cruising through the twisting turns in convertible mode as he starts to climb a steep grade. K.I.T.T. We're exactly one mile from the San Duarte border, Michael. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - TRAVELING Michael, RC3 next to him, reacting to the volcanic eruption. RC3 Either they're greeting us with fireworks, my man, or that mountain just blew its top three days ahead of schedule. K.I.T.T. I'm afraid the latter, RC3. Mount Duarte last erupted in 1874. 346 people were killed, 1,892 injured and --- MICHAEL Spare us the statistics, buddy, and scan the road for volcanic debris. Michael pushes some buttons on his console. K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NEEDED to see a schematic map of the area, and activity where the road crosses a clearly delineated borderline. K.I.T.T. The road is clear but I've detected some kind of activity up ahead. K.I.T.T. comes over the crest of the hill and below we see: A BORDER CROSSING A guard shack and crossing arm. A few cars pulled to a stop are being examined and drivers' ID checked by six uniformed soldiers who carry semiautomatic weapons. RESUME INSIDE K.I.T.T. as Michael and RC3 react with surprise and Michael brakes to a stop atop the hill. MICHAEL It's no longer an open border, RC. RC3 Yeah, they slammed the door before we got through it. MICHAEL They'll be needing a new one as soon as those vehicles clear. We have to get Harrington out. He pushes some buttons on his console. As K.I.T.T.'s rear deck starts to roll back and the T-top unfolds we: CUT TO INT. PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE - DAY - CLOSE ON TOM HARRINGTON Ivy League, thirty-eight, tie loosened, sleeves rolled to his elbows, on the phone, as we widen out to reveal he is standing in front of a large map of San Duarte that stands in the middle of the room. The volcano and affected areas have been indicated on it. We continue pulling back to include the rest of this opulent room that has been trans- formed into a volcano relief command post. HARRINGTON (anxious; hopeful) You're sure? -- Thanks. That's great news. He hangs up; swings a look to: PRESIDENT SOSA fifty-five, aquiline, composed. He wears a white shirt, tie, dark suit, talking on the phone at his desk; as he hangs up, disgusted --- PRESIDENT SOSA Sounds like good news, Harrington. HARRINGTON (nods; relieved) The plane got off, Mr. President. My wife's on her way back to the States. PRESIDENT SOSA Thank God something's gone right. The calls just keep coming. Not one victim of the volcano has been evacuated yet. HARRINGTON I thought the Army was handling that. PRESIDENT SOSA (infuriated) So did I. I presonally ordered General Peralta to dispatch every available vehicle to the towns most heavily --- Sosa is interrupted by consecutive bursts from a machine gun. He and Harrington whirl to see: THE DOOR TO THE OFFICE as rounds rip through the wood. It explodes open. A Presidential security aide stumbles through it and falls wounded to the office floor. COLONEL PERALTA forty-five, vicious, malevolent, uniformed, sweeps into the office with an armed escort. Sosa moves forward chal- lengingly. PRESIDENT SOSA What's going on, Colonel?! I warn you, this is no time for disloyalty. HARRINGTON He's right! The volcano has killed thousands of your countrymen. More will die unless --- Harrington is silenced as one of Peralta's guards cranks off a burst that shreds the volcano relief map, knocking it and its stand across the room. COLONEL PERALTA Quiet! Our President and his -- (an expletive) -- American advisor have bungled this national emergency! Their incompetence has forced me to declare martial law. Arrest them! PRESIDENT SOSA You're insane. You're --- Colonel Peralta signals his men with a nod. The armed escort moves in around Sosa and Harrington. And brusquely shoves them toward the door. HARRINGTON I'm an American citizen. I demand --- A soldier backhands Harrington across the face, silencing him. As the two men are herded out of the room, Peralta swings a satisfied look to his Lieutenant (who always wears dark glasses and officer's cap, which tend to conceal his features). COLONEL PERALTA That volcano was just the excuse we needed. No one can challenge our actions now. CUT TO K.I.T.T. who is exploding down the road at high speed toward: THE BORDER CHECKPOINT The soldiers signal K.I.T.T. to stop; realize he isn't and unsling their rifles. Two take up positions in the middle of the road in front of the crossing arm. As K.I.T.T. barrels toward them --- RESUME INSIDE K.I.T.T. as the six guards fire, the rounds sparking off his windshield. THE CROSSING ARM proclaims SAN DUARTE BORDER - STOP. The two soldiers in front of it dive to safety as K.I.T.T. blasts past them and through the wooden barrier, splintering it. RC3 As the boss would say, we're makin' 'smashing progress.' The two soldiers scramble to their feet and start firing again. THE SCENE as K.I.T.T. runs a gauntlet formed by the other soldiers. The six of them unleash a fusillade of shots that spark off K.I.T.T.'s shell. As he takes off down the road into San Duarte. OMITTED INTERCUT - INSIDE K.I.T.T. as he runs the gauntlet. RC3 They don't like gate crashers down here, do they? MICHAEL We can't get kicked out of this party, RC. We've got to meet our contact and get a fix on the situation. RC3 I think this is called serious! ON A JEEP As two soldiers jump in, start the engine and take off after K.I.T.T. RESUME INSIDE K.I.T.T. MICHAEL You know, Devon was right. I shouldn't have taken you along. RC3 Nothing could've stopped me. MICHAEL Thanks RC. K.I.T.T. I'm picking up a vehicle in pursuit, Michael. MICHAEL Let's shake it, pal! Michael whips the steering wheel to the right. K.I.T.T. swerves off the road toward --- THE RIVER as K.I.T.T. approaches at high speed. RESUME INSIDE K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Hang on, RC. Turbo boost! Michael pushes the turbo boost button. He and RC3 are slammed back in their seats by the sudden acceleration as: K.I.T.T. is racing toward the river bank and apparently headed into the water when he suddenly rockets off the ground. ANOTHER ANGLE - LOW as K.I.T.T. sails through the air over the river. OMITTED OPPOSITE SIDE OF RIVER K.I.T.T. lands and takes off across a field, soon disappearing in the jungle overgrowth as --- THE VOLCANO continues to erupt -- smoke, fire and ash blowing into the sky, lava boiling over the edge and down the mountainside. CUT TO EXT. JUNGLE ROAD - DAY as K.I.T.T. cruises through a turn and pulls to a stop in front of an abandoned, weather-beaten shack. Michael and RC3 get out, move around toward K.I.T.T.'s trunk and remove a backpack and radio transmitter. MICHAEL Sorry about the accommodations. It's the only cover within satellite relay. RC3 Hey, compared to some places I've crashed, this is a penthouse on Lake Shore Drive. EXT. THE SHACK - DAY as they move onto an open porch and set down the transmitter and backpack on a rickety table. Michael looks around. MICHAEL An empty one. No sign of our contact anywhere. RC3 Man, you saying we drove twelve hundred miles and got stood up? I mean, I thought Devon said this lady was solid. MICHAEL Solid as they come. We're talking national heroine. Lisa Corrales led the fight that put President Sosa in power. Get hold of Devon. Maybe he knows something. THE TRANSMITTER - INTERCUT AS NEEDED as RC3 folds down the front of the unit revealing the control console of a state-of-the-art transmitter/receiver. He flips a few switches. We hear the static of satellite relay. RC3 This is a signal check. Bonnie do you read? INTERCUT - DEVON'S FOUNDATION OFFICE as Devon and Bonnie react and cross to the communications console. Bonnie clicks it on. BONNIE Yes, loud and clear, RC. DEVON Michael -- are you two all right? I've been expecting the worst. I haven't been able to reach Harrington at all. MICHAEL I'm not surprised. The army's taken over the country. DEVON I'm afraid that changes things. As someone once said -- should you or one of your people be caught or cap- tured, the Foundation will disavow any knowledge of your actions. MICHAEL That's a distinct possibility. We're fugitives. We ran the border an hour ago. We're at the rendezvous point but our contact isn't here. DEVON I thought that might be the case. We were alerted to a possible change in plans. Devon swings a look to Bonnie, who hands him a print-out. DEVON According to this communique, you'll find Miss Corrales at the State Television Station making a broadcast against the takeover. MICHAEL On my way. DEVON Be careful, Michael. Devon clicks off. Michael swings a look to RC3. MICHAEL You, too. Anybody from our side shows, tell 'em where I've gone. RC3 And the other side --- MICHAEL Tell 'em you've never heard of Lisa Corrales. CUT TO INT. TV STUDIO - DAY - CLOSE ON MONITOR Lisa Corrales, twenty-eight, an attractive Latina in chic, casual clothes, is talking into camera. We pull back to reveal the monitor is the viewing screen of a TV camera and continue back to include the cameraman and Lisa at the news desk in front of him. LISA -- and even the areas most devastated by the volcano have received no relief. This and the closing of border by armed troops prove a coup is underway. She pauses in reaction to --- RAOUL thirty, fiery, zealous, shoulder holster, slacks, open shirt (not fatigues), steps forward and hands her a slip of paper. Lisa quickly peruses the message, looks back up to camera, and, with emotional fervor, continues: LISA We've just received confirmation that President Sosa and other members of the government have been arrested. (beat) I urge every citizen to resist the militarists who once again are attempting to destroy our democracy and impose their will on --- She is interrupted by O.S. gunshots that come from outside the station. RAOUL Come on, Lisa! Come on, we have to get out of here! Lisa gets out from behind the desk. She and Raoul run from the studio. OMITTED EXT. TV STATION - DAY A soldier comes down an alley and approaches a door. It swings open. Raoul pops through it. The soldier opens fire. Raoul dives and rolls out the door avoiding the gunfire. He comes up in a standing position and fires his .45, dropping the soldier. Raoul reacts to: THREE SOLDIERS who come into the alley in reaction to the gunfire. Raoul runs. They pursue him down the alley, exchanging shots with him. Raoul is hit and goes down. ON THE SAME DOOR as Lisa runs from the building. She confiscates a handgun and a grenade from the soldier who was shot by Raoul. The soldiers spot her and open fire. She dives over a low wall taking cover, then crouches and returns the fire, and we: CUT TO EXT. ROAD - DAY - K.I.T.T. barrels through a turn approaching the TV station. INSIDE K.I.T.T. Michael and K.I.T.T. react to the scene up ahead. K.I.T.T. That woman is in trouble, Michael! MICHAEL That woman's our contact. Michael hits the accelerator. OMITTED THE SCENE as K.I.T.T. cuts between Lisa and the soldiers. They swing their guns in his direction and keep firing. OMITTED ON LISA as K.I.T.T. screeches to a stop next to her, rounds rico- chetting off his shell. The passenger door automatically pops open. MICHAEL Come on, Lisa, come on, get in! LISA I'm not finished yet! Michael is incredulous. Lisa fires a few more times. Then, the gun clicks empty. She tosses it aside and pulls the pin on the grenade; pops up over the wall; and tosses it in the direction of: PURSUING SOLDIERS As they spot the grenade, they dive to cover away from the explosions. INSIDE K.I.T.T. as Lisa jumps in next to Michael and slams the door. Michael stomps on the gas and K.I.T.T. hightails it out of there. MICHAEL That was dangerous and dumb. LISA (flares) War usually is, Mr. Knight. You don't have to remind me. They hold a look, and we: FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN OMITTED EXT. REBEL HIDEOUT - JUNGLE - DAY Michael and Lisa are surrounded by crates of guns, ammo, and medical supplies. In the b.g. a few of her people, (no fatigues, no sombreros) are checking weapons. Lisa now wears jeans, bush jacket; belt and holster; snaps a clip into her .45 during --- LISA I told you, my best guess is Mr. Harrington is alive and imprisoned somewhere. That's all I can give you. MICHAEL I was told you'd help me find him and get him out. LISA I'm sorry but you have your mission and unfortunately, I have to repeat mine. Good luck. MICHAEL Hold it. Harrington could've bailed out. But he hung in there. He went to the wall for your country. He --- LISA (interrupts) Go to the wall?! Not yet he didn't. (off Michael's look) Your slang is our reality. Have you ever seen a firing squad? A woman put against the wall? A man so tortured he begs to be executed? (beat) My parents. I was fifteen. MICHAEL I'm sorry. LISA (saddened, accepting) It's too late for them and for a good man I left back at the TV station, but not for President Sosa and the others. I'm not turning my back on them to save Harrington. MICHAEL I'm not asking you to do that. You're up against an all-or-nothing situation, Lisa. It's going to take planning and team work to beat it. Not adversaries. We pull together -- we can break them all out. I mean it. Lisa studies Michael a beat considering his offer, then, nails him with a decisive look and --- LISA I give the orders. You follow them. We start at the TV station. Raoul could still be alive. She takes off before Michael can reply. He catches up. As they weave between the canyon of crates: MICHAEL That's a long shot at best. We should be finding out where Harrington and the others are being held. LISA With any luck, we will. Raoul has an informer on Peralta's staff. On Michael's reaction we go to: ANOTHER ANGLE as Michael and Lisa cross to K.I.T.T. and get in. INSIDE K.I.T.T. as Michael starts the engine and drives off. MICHAEL Back to the TV station, pal. Keep your scanners peeled. K.I.T.T. Very well, Michael. Lisa reacts to K.I.T.T. a beat, before --- LISA (gaining confidence) This car just might make the difference. MICHAEL (feigns he's crushed) Well, so much for speeches about us, and team work, and pulling together. She smiles appealingly; almost vulnerably, revealing a side we haven't seen. Michael returns it, and we: CUT TO EXT. CAPITOL - DAY - TO ESTABLISH INT. TV ROOM - DAY Technicians are setting up TV cameras, lights, and props, as General Peralta reads a dispatch; reacts angrily to the Lieutenant who delivered it. GENERAL PERALTA That black car runs a border check- point, and no one stops it?! LIEUTENANT We tried, General. But our rounds bounced off and then it -- it leaped the river. GENERAL PERALTA (slowly, fuming) Leaped the river --- LIEUTENANT (nods uneasily) The same vehicle also rescued Lisa Corrales at the television station. GENERAL PERALTA (interrupting) Track this super car down! Take the driver alive. He reacts to a technician positioning the TV lights. GENERAL PERALTA No, no, more to the side. I want an aura to appear around me. Peralta turns his attention back to the Lieutenant. GENERAL PERALTA This subversive is just the propaganda we need. Conclusive proof outside agitators have infiltrated the country. Get him. The Lieutenant turns on a heel and exits. Peralta crosses to the TV camera and looks into the eyepiece. Then swings a look to the cameraman for --- GENERAL PERALTA Make sure everyone can see the flag and the photographs of my family. The cameraman nods and goes back to setting up. Peralta settles in the chair behind the desk trying it out and we: CUT TO EXT. JUNGLE ROAD - DAY as K.I.T.T. comes through a series of turns. K.I.T.T. My scanners have just detected a truck approaching, Michael. INSIDE K.I.T.T. as Michael and Lisa react. MICHAEL Ours or theirs? K.I.T.T. It's a two-and-a-half-ton 6x6. The same type used to move troops. Michael pushes some buttons on his console. MICHAEL Prepare for evasive action. Lisa reacts as a truck barrels through a turn up ahead. LISA No, no wait. I know that truck. It's Martinez. He's one of us. Pull over. K.I.T.T. pulls to a stop. Lisa gets out and flags down the truck. Michael joins her as the truck lumbers to a stop next to them. Martinez, a grizzled old freedom fighter gets out. MARTINEZ Lisa?! I found Raoul on the road! Michael and Lisa hurry to the truck and check out Raoul in the cab. His shirt is stained with blood. He is weakened but conscious. LISA Raoul, I thought they killed you. RAOUL So did the soldiers. I slipped away from the station after they left. MICHAEL That shoulder needs some work. Let's get out of here. Lisa and Michael cross toward K.I.T.T. Martinez gets behind the wheel of the truck next to, and we: CUT TO OMITTED EXT. REBEL HIDEOUT - JUNGLE - CLOSE ON RAOUL being bandaged with adhesive tape by Lisa. We widen to include, Michael, Lisa and Raoul, who is talking on a field phone. RAOUL Yes, yes -- you're sure. Good work. (hangs up) My source is positive. Harrington, President Sosa and the others are being held in the Capitol prison. MICHAEL First thing we do is find a way in. RAOUL A way in? We can't even get there from here. The road is blocked with lava and debris. LISA Then, we're beaten before we start. MICHAEL No we're not. The way to beat that volcano is parked right outside. RAOUL (derisively) In a car? LISA I've seen it in action, Raoul. It's the best chance we have. RAOUL There isn't another like it in the district. There are patrols and road blocks everywhere. It will stand out even more than he will. MICHAEL Not if we camouflage it. All we have to do is make it look like a local vehicle. MARTINEZ (sparking to it) I know just what you mean, Mr. Knight. Leave it to me. (to Lisa) What we did that time in Forstaza --- Michael swings him a look. Lisa smiles knowingly. Martinez breaks into a wiley smile and nods and we: CUT TO OMITTED EXT. SAN DUARTE COUNTRYSIDE - MORNING as the sun comes up and bathes the landscape in an orange glow. EXT. REBEL HIDEOUT - JUNGLE - DAY K.I.T.T. is being camouflaged by Martinez and his men who are tying battered suitcases and household items atop his roof and hood. One of them has a brush and bucket of muddy water and is "painting" K.I.T.T. Martinez lashes an old tire over his grille, then crosses, opens K.I.T.T.'s door, and gestures. As Michael (Levi jacket, T-shirt, worn jeans), Lisa and Raoul get in: MICHAEL What do you think Kitt? K.I.T.T. This is even more humiliating than the time I went under cover in the auto wrecking yard. MICHAEL Come on, pal. You have to admit this beats masquerading as a crushed junker. Michael starts the engine and pulls K.I.T.T. out of the hideout. As he accelerates down the road, we: CUT TO EXT. MILITARY ROADBLOCK - DAY Soldiers are checking every vehicle -- frisking passengers for weapons, opening trunks, looking underneath cars. ANOTHER ANGLE - K.I.T.T. barely recognizable in his guise as he approaches. INSIDE K.I.T.T. Michael behind the wheel, Lisa (hair back, sunglasses) next to him. Raoul in the back seat. MICHAEL Time for the sound track and special effects, pal. Michael pushes some buttons on his console. ON K.I.T.T.'S DASH as enharmonic synthesizer lights up. RESUME K.I.T.T. as he starts to backfire and smoke, developing a little wobble as he rolls to a stop. A soldier crosses to what appears to be an overloaded rattletrap of a car. RESUME INSIDE K.I.T.T. LISA Let me handle him. The Soldier arrives and leans down to the window. SOLDIER Where are you going? LISA To stay with relatives in Arangia. SOLDIER (considers, nods) The route through the Capitol is closed you'll have to detour at --- He pauses as something catches his eye. He studies Lisa's face for a beat. SOLDIER What is your name? LISA Lizabetta Corazon. SOLDIER Remove your sunglasses. Lisa hesitates. The Soldier is distracted for a beat by the scream of a woman who is pulled forcibly by the soldiers from another vehicle at the checkpoint. RESUME INSIDE K.I.T.T. as Raoul leans forward and whispers: RAOUL Do it or he'll be even more suspicious. The Soldier turns his attention back to Lisa. She removes the sunglasses. The Soldier studies her face with uncer- tainty; then crosses to another guard and gestures to K.I.T.T. while they talk. LISA He recognized me. What are we going to do? MICHAEL They want Lisa Corrales. They can have her. You with me pal? Lisa and Raoul exchange anxious glances. Michael pushes some buttons on his console. K.I.T.T. Ready when you are. K.I.T.T.'S CONSOLE as enharmonic synthesizer lights up and K.I.T.T.'s voice box activates. Through a filter, we hear: K.I.T.T. Attention all military units. Lisa Corrales has been spotted in a black T-top on the river road. CLOSE ON A WALKIE-TALKIE that hangs from the Soldier's ammo belt, as it comes to life. During the following we widen to include the two soldiers. K.I.T.T. All units respond and pursue. I repeat, Lisa Corrales has been identified as a passenger in the black T-top that --- The soldiers scramble for their Jeep and take off down the intersecting road. RESUME INSIDE K.I.T.T. as Michael tromps on the accelerator and K.I.T.T. takes off backfiring and smoking past the unmanned roadblock and heads down the road. MICHAEL Way to go! K.I.T.T. Thank you, Michael. The first chance we get, I'd like to stop and shed this excess baggage. MICHAEL Soon as we put some miles between us and that checkpoint. RAOUL The more the better. LISA Don't worry. Nothing can stop us now! They all exchange looks of uncertainty when in the distance, they see: VARIOUS SHOTS - THE VOLCANO as it erupts in a cataclysmic explosion of lava and debris sending columns of flame and smoke shooting into the air. CUT TO INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE - DAY the Lieutenant and a uniformed guard bring Harrington into the office. General Peralta is seated behind the desk. GENERAL PERALTA Sit down. HARRINGTON What do you want? What is this? Peralta hands him a typewritten speech. GENERAL PERALTA A speech you'll make right after mine -- agreeing democracy was an experiment that didn't work. Harrington peruses it, his anger growing. HARRINGTON Nothing could make me say this. He throws the sheet on the desk. Peralta smiles confidently and nods to the Lieutenant. He crosses to: A DOOR TO AN ANTEROOM The Lieutenant opens it revealing Harrington's wife Laurette. Armed guards restrain her from moving forward. HARRINGTON reacts and rushes toward her. His chest slams into the flat side of a rifle stock that stops him abruptly and blocks his way. HARRINGTON Laurette! My God, they told me you made your flight -- I --- Harrington bites off his words as the soldier slams the door to the anteroom, blocking Laurette from view. Harrington whirls angrily to Peralta who smirks. GENERAL PERALTA Evidently, you were misinformed. They didn't teach you how to handle this at Yale, did they? HARRINGTON If you hurt her. If you --- Peralta stops him with a lethal stare. He holds out the typewritten speech. Harrington hesitates a beat then snatches it defeatedly from his hand and we: CUT TO EXT. THE ROAD - DAY K.I.T.T., without the camouflage of crates, suitcases etc, barrels down the narrow, concrete ribbon. K.I.T.T. It's good to be my old self and on the open road again. MICHAEL Enjoy it while you can. It's not going to last. ANOTHER ANGLE - A FORK IN THE ROAD A sign proclaims DETOUR. Michael maneuvers K.I.T.T. around the sign and takes off down the fork labeled CAPITOL. Smoke from the volcano billows in the distance. POINT OF VIEW THROUGH WINDSHIELD The smoke starts streaming past and then a blizzard of ash and flaming debris pelts the glass. INSIDE K.I.T.T. LISA Michael, we have no idea what we're heading into. MICHAEL Let's find out. Scan up ahead, pal. Michael pushes some buttons on his console. K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NEEDED to see the road and an animated schematic of lava that expands across, obliterating it. RESUME INSIDE K.I.T.T. RAOUL This is insane. We'll be buried alive. How are we going to get through that?! MICHAEL We go over it or we go through it. Give me a reading Kitt. K.I.T.T. The lava is too spread out to turbo-boost. MICHAEL We'll need all the speed we can get. Hang on. Michael tromps on the accelerator. He, Lisa and Raoul are slammed back in their seats. OMITTED K.I.T.T.'S SPEEDOMETER keeps climbing. THE ROAD red hot lava billowing across it, smoke curling to the sky, as K.I.T.T. approaches and blasts into the lava. K.I.T.T.'S NOSE COWLING cuts through the molten mass like the prow of a ship. VARIOUS SHOTS as K.I.T.T. plows through the flaming, smoking mass, bulldozing the lava out of his way. INTERCUT INSIDE K.I.T.T. as the orange glow of the lava plays across the faces of Michael, Lisa and Raoul. THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE FLOW as K.I.T.T. blasts free and takes off down the road. RESUME INSIDE K.I.T.T. as Raoul and Lisa react with relief and amazement. RAOUL Unbelievable --- LISA I told you we'd make it. MICHAEL Somebody else I want to tell. Michael pushes some buttons on his console. CUT TO CLOSE ON RC3'S TRANSMITTER as we widen to reveal RC3, hands atop his head, surrounded by three rebels with guns. One of them is Martinez. RC3 Come on, you guys, we're on the same side. I --- RC3 bites off the sentence. As the radio crackles to life the rebels tense and whirl to the radio in reaction. INTERCUT - MICHAEL IN K.I.T.T. MICHAEL (filtered; static) RC? RC it's Michael. Am I coming through? RC? MARTINEZ Not a word. RC3 You ask him, man. Ask him, he'll tell you. Martinez cocks his weapon threateningly, indicating RC3 should be quiet. RC3 stabs a finger at the transmitter's talk switch. RC3 I read you, Michael. RC3's finger comes off the switch as Martinez grabs RC3; pulls him back throwing him to the ground. MARTINEZ Quiet! MICHAEL (filtered) Relay to Devon I've made contact. We just got past the volcano and we're going after Harrington. I'll --- The transmission cuts out as the leader fires a blast from his automatic rifle. RC3 flinches; recovers; looks to see: THE TRANSMITTER a smoking, sparkling hulk riddled by machine gun fire. RESUME INSIDE K.I.T.T. MICHAEL RC? Come in, RC. Come in. (beat; to others) Something went wrong with the transmission. Michael clicks off. K.I.T.T. keeps barreling down the road. RESUME RC3 RC3's captors drag him to his feet and we: CUT TO OMITTED EXT. ROAD - DAY as we pan across and pick up K.I.T.T. approaching. MICHAEL How's it coming, pal? K.I.T.T. Just about finished, Michael. LISA There it is. Turn into that truck yard. K.I.T.T. swings off the road and heads toward: A TRUCK YARD as Michael pulls to a stop concealing K.I.T.T. INSIDE K.I.T.T. as K.I.T.T.'s tray opens and delivers a plastic-encased ID card that says UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT and displays Michael's name and photo. Michael examines the ID with satisfaction. MICHAEL Looks official enough. That ought to get me in. LISA Getting you out is what concerns me. RAOUL Yes, nothing is official enough for the military. What do you expect to achieve by going in the front door? MICHAEL At worst, I get to check the place out. At best, I'll scare Peralta into letting 'em all go. Stay here. Michael slips out of K.I.T.T. Lisa and Raoul exchange uncertain looks and we: CUT TO EXT. CAPITOL - DAY - CLOSE ON MICHAEL'S ID being examined by the Guard at the entrance kiosk. We widen as he looks up and shakes no to Michael. GUARD The General isn't seeing anyone. MICHAEL (points to ID) See that? United States Government. He indicates the Guard's rifle, uniform, and an Army truck parked nearby, during --- MICHAEL Guns, uniforms, trucks -- (pokes Guard's belly) -- food -- all from the U.S.A. If I were you, I'd let the General decide if he wants to go naked and hungry. The Guard thinks a beat; picks up the phone and we: CUT TO INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE - DAY Peralta is at his desk, handwriting revisions on a typed copy of the speech he is going to make. Michael is ushered inside by the Lieutenant and a guard. COLONEL PERALTA I extended you this courtesy, Mr. Knight, because we buy your government's products -- not its imperialist propaganda. MICHAEL I'm counting on it. You've arrested one of our citizens, your President and members of the government. My mission is to secure their release. COLONEL PERALTA Typical American arrogance. You should know better than to even ask. MICHAEL One call to Washington and the gravy train doesn't stop here any more. Michael snatches Peralta's text from the desk; tosses it back down. MICHAEL Make a speech about that. Peralta is stopped by Michael's reply. He studies him a beat, calculating, then nods in decision. COLONEL PERALTA I'll give you Harrington. Michael shakes no; picks up the phone on the desk. MICHAEL I want a line to Washington, DC. Peralta pushes down the button disconnecting the phone. COLONEL PERALTA Maybe we can work something out. I mean --- REVERSE The door to the office flies open. Peralta and Michael whirl to see Raoul enter and level a gun at Michael, who's belted hard by this turn of events. RAOUL He's not who he says he is. He's with the opposition. SCENE GENERAL PERALTA (stunned, flares) What?! Why did you let him get this far?! RAOUL I never thought he would. And it would've cost me my cover to stop him sooner. MICHAEL It's going to cost you a lot more than that. I promise. GENERAL PERALTA Idle threats are no match for the firing squad, Mr. Knight. Peralta nods. The Lieutenant and guard move in around Michael, and we: FREEZE FRAME END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN EXT. CAPITOL - DAY - TO ESTABLISH INT. CAPITOL PRISON - CELL - DAY as the door to the cell area opens and Michael is shoved through it by the Lieutenant and guard. They manhandle him past Harrington and Sosa's cells and throw him hard into a cell opposite them. After they leave --- HARRINGTON Michael?! Michael, what happened? You okay? Michael pulls himself to his feet; nods, disgusted. MICHAEL Yeah, but I won't be much help to you in here. HARRINGTON Can we use your comlink to get a message to Devon? Let the world know what's really going on. MICHAEL (shakes no) I've lost my relay station. Kitt's compac doesn't have the range. PRESIDENT SOSA (despondently) What good would it do, anyway? Peralta would claim it's an orderly transition of government and there's no way to disprove it. HARRINGTON (becoming unsettled) He's right, Michael. We were -- counting on you. I mean, they have my wife. They --- MICHAEL (interrupting) Take it easy. We'll deal with it. Something I've got to do first. (comlink) Kitt? We have a problem. Talk to me. INTERCUT - LISA AND K.I.T.T. concealed in the truck yard. We see a stake bed truck parked in the b.g. K.I.T.T. Go ahead, Michael. MICHAEL I'm in a cell in the Capitol prison. You and Lisa have to get out of there now! LISA What about Raoul? He went to cover you. We can't leave without him. MICHAEL He's a traitor. He's the one who blew my cover. He'll be coming for you and Kitt next. LISA That's ridiculous. I don't believe you. He --- MICHAEL (interrupting) No time to argue! Kitt, get out of there and find a place to hide. A clever one. K.I.T.T. Right away, Michael. (beat) I think I see a way to do both at the same time. Lisa looks puzzled. Michael wonders and we: CUT TO EXT. ROAD - DAY as a personnel carrier filled with troops barrels through a turn and heads down a straightaway. ON RAOUL He stands outside on the running board next to the driver and gestures as he shouts. RAOUL Just around the next turn! Hurry! The driver tromps on the accelerator. The truck accelerates down road into the turn. ANOTHER ANGLE as the truck comes out of the turn and pulls into the truck yard where Michael concealed K.I.T.T. The troops pile out. RAOUL Between those trucks! Raoul and the troops move in, guns ready. RAOUL'S POINT OF VIEW - THE TRUCKS as he cautiously moves between them -- no sign of K.I.T.T. anywhere. RAOUL is baffled, can't believe it. RAOUL That car -- it was right there. CUT TO THE ROAD - THE STAKE BED TRUCK the bed now covered with a tarp and old tires, drives slowly down the road. We reveal Lisa seated next to the driver. CLOSE ON THE OLD TIRES that are stacked on the tailgate to see K.I.T.T.'s scanner pulsing behind them. K.I.T.T. (to himself) I never thought I'd see the day. The truck disappears down the road, and we: CUT TO INT. CAPITOL PRISON - DAY as the Lieutenant and guard arrive and unlock the doors to Michael and Harrington's cells. LIEUTENANT It will soon be time, gentlemen. I hope neither of you suffers from stage fright. Michael burns the Lieutenant with a look in reply. As Harrington and Michael leave their cells, the Lieutenant stops Michael; grasps his wrist; nods to the comlink. LIEUTENANT No personal effects. Remove it. Michael hesitates a beat, then takes off the comlink and drops it into the Lieutenant's palm. As the guard leads Michael off --- THE LIEUTENANT hangs back examining the comlink. He smiles admiringly and straps it on his wrist before following them. CUT TO EXT. REBEL HIDEOUT - ZOO - DAY as a truck drives between the tents, vehicles, crates of weapons, ammo, supplies and comes to a stop. RC3 is yanked from the cab by Martinez and the three rebels who captured him, and shoved toward Lisa. MARTINEZ We found him at the shack with a transmitter. LISA What were you doing there? RC3 Manning a relay station. I told these guys I came into the country with Michael Knight to meet you but they --- LISA (interrupting) Prove it. RC3 Come on. How else would I know about him? I couldn't make this up. LISA You wouldn't have to. Half the country knows of him by now. MARTINEZ Leave this infiltrator to us. We'll find out what he's up to. Martinez and his men move in threateningly around RC3. K.I.T.T. Excuse me? Excuse me, but --- Everyone turns to the source of the voice. THE STAKE BED TRUCK as K.I.T.T.'s Voice continues to come from beneath the tarp and tires. K.I.T.T. -- I know him. He's telling the truth. The group hurries after RC3 who runs to the flatbed. RC3 Kitt? Am I glad to hear your voice. What are you doing under there. Where's Michael? RC3 pushes a few of the old tires aside fully revealing K.I.T.T.'s scanner. K.I.T.T. I'm afraid he's been arrested. RC3 He's what? Man, we've got to do something. (to Lisa) Comes down to you and me, lady. You better think up some ideas how we break him out. Cause you don't stand a chance without him. LISA Assuming you're right, we'd have to get someone inside to make this work. RC3 Okay then let's do it. LISA Easier said than done. RC3 There's a way. I know a scam we can pull off. Lisa and the others respond with a skeptical rumble. K.I.T.T. If I may, I suggest you hear him out, Lisa. RC3 is extremely resourceful when it comes to 'scamming.' LISA I'll bet. But I'll be the one who decides. As RC3 starts to lay out his plan, we: CUT TO INT. TV ROOM - DAY - CLOSE ON HARRINGTON as he speaks into camera; working to hide his disgust. We pull back to include a podium, TV camera, sound equipment etc. Peralta sits behind the desk listening, smiling triumphantly. Raoul stands in the b.g. HARRINGTON -- In seconding General Peralta's remarks, not only did the government fail to respond to this national emergency, but also, if not for the General's decisive action many more lives would have been lost to the volcano. Harrington pauses; flicks an anxious, remorseful look to: MICHAEL frustrated, angry, standing to one side flanked by the Lieutenant and guard. He knows what's coming and nods to Harrington with understanding. HARRINGTON This and the fact that the Sosa Government has proven to be vulnerable to outside agitators forces me to support martial law at this time. Harrington steps back from the podium joining Michael. The technician points at Peralta indicating he's on --- GENERAL PERALTA In conclusion, my fellow citizens, should any of you doubt the presence of subversive elements --- The Lieutenant and guard grab Michael and march him in front of the camera. CUT TO INT. BAR - DAY - CLOSE ON A TV SET to see Michael shoved into view and held there. During the following we pull back to reveal the bar is packed with a rowdy group of soldiers and civilians watching the TV. GENERAL PERALTA (continuing) -- this man -- Michael Knight covertly crossed our border and entered the capitol with forces sworn to destroy this nation. ANOTHER ANGLE - RC3 AND LISA in the crush of soldiers and civilians. GENERAL PERALTA We have sentenced this American agitator to be executed by firing squad for crimes against the state. RC3 can't believe what he's just heard. He and Lisa exchange anxious looks. He leans to her for --- RC3 No time for mistakes, make it good. Lisa nods, takes a breath. ANOTHER ANGLE as Lisa swings a fetching look to a soldier next to her; smiles seductively. He brightens; wraps an arm around her. She flares; angrily shoves him away and shouts --- LISA Hey! Keep your hands to yourself! The soldier retreats, puzzled, innocent. RC3 steps forward, grabs his shoulder and spins him around. ON RC3 as he realizes the guy is larger than life and he's staring at his belt buckle. RC3 sucks it up and launches his "attack." RC3 What's wrong with you, buddy?! Don't you know a lady when you see one? RC3 shoves a palm into the soldier's chest repeatedly during: RC3 Don't you? Huh?! Huh?! Hey I asked you a question man! RC3 finally shoves the soldier backwards onto others at the bar. They throw him back at RC3 who ducks a punch and clips him a shot. They exchange a few blows before: A GROUP OF SOLDIERS descend on RC3 and restrain him. One snaps his arm up behind him in a hammerlock. As they drag him away passing Lisa we are on: RC3'S HAMMERLOCKED ARM as he makes a thumbs-up fist to her behind his back. LISA secretly returns it and we: CUT TO EXT. CAPITOL - NIGHT - TO ESTABLISH INT. MICHAEL'S CELL - NIGHT as Michael, President Sosa and Harrington talk through the bars of the cells. MICHAEL They took my comlink. I can't relay messages to Devon. We've got to figure a way to buy some time and figure a way out of here. HARRINGTON Perhaps we could make some kind of deal? Give them some information? PRESIDENT SOSA It's worth trying. General Peralta is extremely paranoid. If he thinks there's a secret he doesn't know --- MICHAEL (interrupting) Forget it. He'd agree to the deal; get the information and kill you anyway. No, we have to --- Michael bites off the sentence as: THE DOOR TO THE CELL AREA opens. The Lieutenant and a prison guard carrying a dinner tray enter, leaving the door open. We see a prisoner, mopping the floor in the adjacent squad room. He starts whistling a happy tune (that we have to get cleared). The Lieutenant lays back supervising, as --- THE PRISON GUARD crosses to President Sosa's cell and shoves a tin plate of slop and a chunk of bread through a slot in the door. As he steps toward Harrington's: MICHAEL reacts to the whistling; cranes to see through the doorway. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - THE PRISONER swings a look to Michael revealing it's RC3, whistling and mopping. RESUME MICHAEL He hides his reaction as the guard arrives at his cell and shoves the plate of slop and bread through the slot. Michael purposely drops the plate. It hits the floor. The slop splattering everywhere. The Lieutenant flares, and crosses to the cell. LIEUTENANT Clumsy idiot! ANOTHER ANGLE - RC3 hurries into the cell area with his mop in one hand; lunges forward sending a punch through the bars at Michael with the other. Finally grabs him by the collar; shakes him angrily during --- RC3 Be careful, man. You think I got nothing else to do but clean up after you?!! (to Lieutenant) I'll have this taken care of in a minute. LIEUTENANT (nods, pleased) Keep this up, you'll be assigned to trustee detail permanently. The Lieutenant glowers at Michael, then heads into the squad room. RC3 and Michael talk in whispers. MICHAEL I don't know what you're up to RC but it could cost you your life. RC3 That's what Lisa said. I only figured a way in. I was hoping you'd have the answer to get us out. MICHAEL I don't. This stops RC3 cold for a beat. Then --- RC3 You're going to the wall at dawn. You saying we're going to let them kill you? Michael ponders a beat; nods. MICHAEL Maybe. RC3 looks at him like he's lost touch with reality. Michael gestures, they huddle, and we: CUT TO EXT. CAPITOL - MORNING - TO ESTABLISH INT. SQUAD ROOM - DAY The Lieutenant is alone. Six rifles are laid out before him on a table. He checks the action of one; lays it down and is removing rounds of ammunition from a box when RC3 comes into the room with his mop and pail. As he swabs the floor working his way toward the Lieutenant. RC3 You sure got a lot of rifles there. LIEUTENANT They're for the firing squad. (pointedly) I suggest you don't make a habit of attacking our soldiers. RC3 Hey, nothing personal. Martial law's the best thing to hit San Duarte since blended margaritas. The Lieutenant nods, pleased. ANOTHER ANGLE RC3 swings the mop like a baseball bat, clobbering the Lieutenant across the chest. He tumbles over backwards. As he tries to get to his feet RC3 decks him with a roundhouse right. He drops like a felled tree and stays down. RC3 I hate blended margaritas. RC3 crouches down over the Lieutenant to move him aside and we: CUT TO EXT. BALCONY - DAY as Raoul brings Harrington onto the balcony that overlooks a courtyard, joining General Peralta. Harrington burns them with a look. They direct his attention down to: THE COURTYARD where a six-member firing squad stands at attention. The Lieutenant stands Michael in front of some stacked bales of hay opposite the firing squad. The Lieutenant offers him a blindfold. MICHAEL (shakes no; angrily) When you kill a man in cold blood you should at least have the guts to look him in the eye. Michael burns the Lieutenant with a look. ANOTHER ANGLE - FIRING SQUAD as the Lieutenant crosses and takes up a position at one end of the line of marksman. LIEUTENANT Inspection arms! CLOSE ON RIFLES The members of the firing squad bring their rifles up across their bodies and snap open the breeches. The Lieutenant moves down the line placing a round in each chamber. When he gets to the opposite end, he glances up to: THE BALCONY where Harrington stands in disbelief and frustration next to Raoul and Peralta who smiles thinly and nods. RESUME THE SCENE as the Lieutenant calls out: LIEUTENANT Ready! The marksman close the breeches and bring their weapons up into firing position. LIEUTENANT Aim! The firing squad sights in on: MICHAEL staring his executioners down. RESUME THE SCENE as the Lieutenant barks --- LIEUTENANT Fire! The marksmen squeeze their triggers. VARIOUS SHOTS - THE RIFLES fire the rounds at: MICHAEL as the rounds find their mark and he falls against the wall and slumps to the ground. LONG SHOT - THE SCENE The Lieutenant crosses to Michael; pulls a forty-five to administer the coup de grace. The screen goes black an instant before the weapon fires. FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN EXT. BALCONY - DAY Harrington is apparently stunned. Raoul enjoying his discomfort. Peralta nods to the Lieutenant below. EXT. COURTYARD - DAY The Lieutenant salutes Peralta, Raoul and Harrington leave the balcony. The Lieutenant turns Michael's body over revealing three spots of blood on his shirt. Then turns to the firing squad. LIEUTENANT Squad dismissed. The firing squad begins to disperse. LIEUTENANT He's an American. The body will be shipped to the States. Carry him inside. He indicates the Sergeant and Corporal. As they cross to Michael, we go to: INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE - DAY Raoul is ushering Harrington to the door. He pulls an arm free; turns back to Peralta --- HARRINGTON I want to see my wife. GENERAL PERALTA After your next speech -- in which you'll report justice here is swift and humane. HARRINGTON (flares) No speeches until I know you animals haven't hurt her! Raoul grabs Harrington threateningly. GENERAL PERALTA (irritated) At the moment she's sitting comfort- ably in her own bedroom. Don't force me to cage her! Peralta gestures angrily with his head to Raoul. Harrington hides a smile as Raoul brusquely shoves him out of the office. CUT TO INT. SQUAD ROOM - DAY The Lieutenant supervises as Michael's body is carried in by the Sergeant and Corporal and dumped on a table. The other members of the firing squad have placed their weapons in the rack and are exiting. The Lieutenant points to Michael's boots. LIEUTENANT Take his boots. ANOTHER ANGLE as the Corporal crosses to Michael and bends down to remove the boots. Michael rears back his leg and shoves a foot into his chest, knocking him backwards. MICHAEL You got 'em! Michael leaps up from the bunk and goes after the startled Corporal with a karate blow --- THE SERGEANT pulls a handgun. The Lieutenant knocks it from his hand, spins him around and puts him away with a lightning-fast punch. THE SCENE As Michael finishes off the Corporal, the Lieutenant removes his sunglasses and officer's cap revealing RC3 in the uniform. RC3 and Michael exchange their traditional thumbs up, then drag the unconscious soldiers behind a desk to conceal them. RC3 You see this guy's face when you came back to life? Like he just ran into a miracle. MICHAEL At the moment I'd settle for my comlink. Where'd you park that Lieutenant? RC3 opens a closet and drags out the Lieutenant. He's bound and gagged and in his underwear. As Michael retrieves his comlink from his wrist and puts it on: MICHAEL Now that Peralta thinks I'm being crated for shipment, we can make some moves. He clicks on his comlink; raises it to his mouth --- MICHAEL Kitt, this is Michael. Kitt? You tuned in out there buddy? REBEL HIDEOUT - ZOO - ON K.I.T.T.'S SCANNER visible beneath the tarp and old tires on the truck. It pulses faster as it picks up Michael's comlink signal. K.I.T.T. (relieved; excited) Michael?! Michael, of course I am. INTERCUT - K.I.T.T.'S VOICE BOX K.I.T.T. (continuing) I've been monitoring your channel round the clock. Where are you? MICHAEL With RC. We're out of jail but still in prison so to speak. K.I.T.T. How can I help you? MICHAEL Bring Lisa and her people to the Capitol. Contact me as soon as you're all here and ready to move. K.I.T.T. My pleasure. I'm quite tired of literally being undercover. As Michael and RC3 grab some rope and start tying up the two soldiers, Michael indicates the "blood" on his shirt. MICHAEL By the way, RC, what'd you use for blood? RC3 Believe me, you don't want to know. They hold a look and we are --- INSIDE K.I.T.T. - VARIOUS SHOTS as he auto-starts, shifts into drive, and depresses his accelerator, burning rubber. EXT. REBEL HIDEOUT - ZOO - DAY as Lisa, Martinez and others react to the noise and whirl around toward: THE STAKE BED TRUCK The tarp and old tires that conceal K.I.T.T. explode as he rockets from beneath them. K.I.T.T. sails through the air and lands, screeching to a stop next to Lisa, Martinez and the assembled group of freedom fighters. LISA What's going on, Kitt? What happened? K.I.T.T. I'll explain on the way. Follow me! Lisa swings an uncertain look to Martinez. MARTINEZ He's gotten us this far. LISA Okay, Kitt. We're behind you! Lisa gets into K.I.T.T.'s passenger seat. He takes off. Martinez and the rest of the group grab their weapons; pile into Martinez' truck and the other vehicles and move out after K.I.T.T., and we: RESUME MICHAEL AND RC3 as they finish tying up and gagging the two soldiers. They start to cross toward the door to the cell area when they hear approaching footsteps. MICHAEL presses himself against the wall, behind the door and points to RC3's hat and sunglasses. RC3 gets the message and dons the hat and glasses and plays Lieutenant just as the door to the squad room opens and Harrington enters, followed by Raoul, who holds a .45 on him. RC3 I'll take him. As Raoul shoves Harrington toward RC3, Michael springs from behind the door, spins Raoul around and bashes him with a powerful right cross that sends Raoul reeling backward. Michael goes after him; connects with another punch that propels him toward: THE OPEN DOOR as Raoul tumbles from the squad room into the entrance hallway, Michael slams and locks the door behind him. Michael grabs a ring of keys from the desk. He, Harrington and RC3 hurry into the cell area beyond. INT. ENTRANCE HALLWAY - DAY - RAOUL scrambles to his feet, crosses to an intercom on the wall; clicks it on. A Klaxon starts whomping. RAOUL Attention! Attention all personnel!! OMITTED INT. CELL AREA - DAY Michael, Harrington and RC3 are opening cell doors freeing President Sosa and other prisoners. They react to Raoul's voice reverberating off the stone walls. RAOUL (V.O.) (continuing) Knight's escaped! Knight's escaped! He's freeing the others! INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE - DAY As Colonel Peralta barks into his intercom. COLONEL PERALTA Sound a general alert! Seal off the city! The guard hurries from the office and we: RESUME CELL AREA The last of the prisoners are being freed. Michael's comlink comes alive with --- K.I.T.T. Michael? We're here, Michael. MICHAEL I hear you, pal. Timing couldn't be better let me tell you. INTERCUT - INSIDE K.I.T.T. - TRAVELING parked just down the road toward the entrance to the Capitol. The other vehicles and rebels on foot following. LISA That sounds like trouble, Michael. MICHAEL Nothing we can't handle now. President Sosa, Harrington and the others are with me. Just one more person to account for. Michael swings a look to Harrington for --- MICHAEL You find out where they're holding your wife? HARRINGTON (nods emphatically) Our living quarters in the main building. MICHAEL Go with him, RC. Wait till Kitt breaks in and distracts 'em to make your move. (comlink) Okay pal. On my cue. K.I.T.T. Standing by Michael. The group crosses to a door that leads outside. OMITTED EXT. PRISON - DAY - SIDE DOOR that is around the corner and out of view of the courtyard. The group comes through the door from inside the prison. MICHAEL (comlink) Now! K.I.T.T. kicks into gear and peels out, quickly building speed. LISA is slammed back in the passenger seat, reacts to what she sees. LISA Madre dios!! POINT OF VIEW THROUGH K.I.T.T.'S WINDSHIELD as he heads straight for the barricade that closes off the entrance to the compound. OMITTED K.I.T.T. approaches at high speed, and smashes into the barricade. REVERSE ANGLE - BARRICADE as K.I.T.T. comes blasting through in an explosion of flying debris and rockets into the courtyard, rounds spark off his shell as --- TROOPS open fire from various positions. OMITTED RESUME SMASHED BARRICADE as Martinez leads the cheering freedom fighters through the opening K.I.T.T. blasted through it. They're firing their weapons, at the retreating soldiers. RESUME SIDE DOOR OF PRISON MICHAEL (shouts) Go! RC3 and Harrington dash across towards the main building. Michael barks into his comlink. MICHAEL We're around the corner, pal. Come get us! K.I.T.T. roars to life and takes off across the courtyard. RESUME SIDE DOOR OF PRISON as K.I.T.T. comes around the corner from the courtyard. He screeches to a stop next to Michael and President Sosa. Lisa gets out of K.I.T.T. She and President Sosa embrace. MICHAEL Good to see you, pal! K.I.T.T. You too Michael. PRESIDENT SOSA It's time to reclaim our government. LISA They'll never stop us now. (turns to Michael) Thanks to you. Your work is finished. MICHAEL (shakes no) Not until I'm certain Peralta and Raoul have a chance to 'go to the wall' for their country. Lisa smiles and nods. LISA I'll stay here with President Sosa. Michael takes off toward the main building. OMITTED INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE - DAY Peralta is stuffing the contents of a wall safe into a large briefcase when Michael explodes into the office. Peralta reaches for a .45 on the desk next to him. Michael kicks it from his hand and grabs him by the collar. MICHAEL Where's Raoul?! Where is he?! COLONEL PERALTA I don't know! He's gone. ANOTHER ANGLE Peralta pulls free; throws a punch at Michael and turns to run for the door. Michael stops him and connects with a right cross. Peralta tumbles backwards and hits the floor. He stays where he falls, out cold. Michael exits the office still in search of Raoul. OMITTED RC3, HARRINGTON AND MRS. HARRINGTON as they emerge from a building into the courtyard crossing toward K.I.T.T., they are startled as Raoul jumps out from behind a building with a gun. RAOUL Far as you go! They freeze as he crosses to them, moving his gun from one to the other during --- RAOUL Who will be first? You? Maybe you? LISA No, Raoul, no! He freezes when he hears the voice that comes from behind him. He starts to turn to look back at: OMITTED LISA holding her .45 on Raoul. LISA Don't turn around. Just toss your weapon aside. Raoul hesitates a beat, then whirls suddenly and fires. The round whizzes past as Lisa drops to one knee. She is about to blast Raoul but holds her fire when: MICHAEL comes out of the building, knocks Raoul's gun from his hand and stands in Lisa's line of fire. LISA Step away from him. MICHAEL No. He's entitled to a fair trial. That's what you've been fighting for, Lisa. That's what democracy is all about. It's up to you and President Sosa to make sure the people know the truth. And this is where you start. Lisa digests Michael's words for a tense beat. She and Sosa exchange a nod. She lowers her weapon. Martinez and his men move in around Raoul. MICHAEL (nods; smiles) Now, I'm finished. HARRINGTON And ours is back on track. Michael questions him with a look. Harrington's arm is around his wife's waist, he pulls her closer to him. A look between them. HARRINGTON We're staying. MICHAEL (nods; impressed, supportive) Good luck to all of you. LISA You'll need some too. The Army still controls the countryside. It won't be easy for you to get past them. MICHAEL (gestures to K.I.T.T.) We'll just go out the same way we came in. They hold a look and then embrace. When they break, Michael and RC3 get in and drive off and we: CUT TO MONTAGE - INTERCUT - THE VOLCANO as it rockets smoke, flame and debris into the sky and molten lava bubbles over the edge of the crater and down the mountainside. TV ROOM - PRESIDENT SOSA is at the desk, speaking to camera. PRESIDENT SOSA Once again a few traitorous individuals in the military have attempted to take over our country and enslave our citizens. INTERCUT - LISA standing to one side, watching proudly. CLOSE ON A TV SCREEN President Sosa seated at his desk, Lisa standing at his side, as he delivers a TV address to the nation. We pull back to reveal we are inside the bar we were in with RC3 and Lisa earlier. The crowd of civilians listening intently to Sosa's words. PRESIDENT SOSA (continuing) And once again we have overcome their tyranny and preserved our democracy and the freedoms we all cherish so dearly. To those who have fought so valiantly -- who have given of themselves in this noble cause --- As President Sosa continues, we: CUT TO K.I.T.T. approaches the lava flow; transforms into Super Pursuit Mode; accelerates at high speed; blasts into the lava; plows through the molten mass and exits to freedom. INSIDE K.I.T.T. Michael and RC3 cheer, we: FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN EXT. ROAD - DAY - STOCK The Foundation semi barrels along. K.I.T.T. Michael and RC3 inside, approaches and rockets up the ramp. INT. SEMI as K.I.T.T. pulls in from the road and pulls to a stop. He pops down his doors and Michael and RC3 rush out to a warm reunion with Devon and Bonnie. DEVON Welcome home. For a while, you really had us worried. MICHAEL They had us a little worried, too, Devon. DEVON Well, I'm sure the government of San Duarte will soon be back to normal. K.I.T.T. Which is more than I can say for myself. DEVON Come now, Kitt, your systems are programmed to deal with every eventuality. K.I.T.T. Not with being smothered by a mountain of furniture and spare tires; nor the volcanic ash that's still clogging my intake vents. RC3 Bonnie, you think he's getting his point across. BONNIE Yes, loud and clear, RC. MICHAEL You see, Devon, Kitt's shell got a little scuffed. Now he's indulging in a little -- (choosing the word) -- grousing. K.I.T.T. I do not grouse, Michael. I'm simply pointing out that I bore the brunt of the dirty work. MICHAEL Hey, pal, I'm the one who faced the firing squad. RC3 With a little help from the Lieutenant here. I mean, I went to the matt with a guy the size of a phone booth. DEVON Funny how this grousing can get around. MICHAEL Well, that's what it's all about, isn't it? (off their looks) The democratic process; freedom of speech; the right to speak out --- K.I.T.T. My very thoughts, Michael. I mean, considering the situation as it were, I --- MICHAEL (continuing; over) And -- the right to tune out. Off everyone's laughter --- FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT THE END