EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen Larson PROD. #60223 Robert Foster January 10, 1986 (F.R.) SUPV. PRODUCERS: Burton Armus Rev. 1/16/86 (F.R.) Bruce Lansbury PRODUCER: Gino Grimaldi CO-PRODUCER: Gregory S. Dinallo KNIGHT RIDER FRIGHT KNIGHT by Jim Byrnes Samm Smith Len Kaufman ___________________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. MILLENIUM STUDIOS - DAY - TO ESTABLISH THE MAIN ENTRANCE OF A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE STUDIO EXT. RANCH SET - DAY A modern western is shooting. We pan across the film company and hold on Director Mel Tobey, Producer Victor Gavin, Star Clayton Travis and Special Effects Chief Andy Clifford are crossing in front of a barn, the crew in place around them as they talk. GAVIN I'd like to get this before lunch. TOBEY I'm ready to make one. Let's --- He pauses in reaction to the arrival of: A MERCEDES 450SL as members of the crew move aside and it chirps to a stop next to the group. Karen Bennett, thirty-three, elegant, beautiful, head of production, gets out and joins them. KAREN I just heard Travis is doing the stunt himself?! TOBEY Karen, please, it's all worked out. Travis and I just did a walk through. I'm ready to roll. Relax. Okay? KAREN After what I've been through on this picture, I won't relax until the last shot is in the can. GAVIN We'll never get this one if you keep interfering. KAREN You're producing a picture that's twenty million dollars over budget, Gavin. If your star gets hurt, we'll never get a penny of it back. GAVIN You never will anyway. Whoever said don't throw good money after bad was talking about this turkey. TOBEY People, people, I turned down the beach picture to do this 'turkey.' I could be on Maio -- surrounded by squealing coeds in bikinis. Make up your minds, please? GAVIN If we shut down, you'll be another eighteen thousand in the hole, Karen. (facetiously) You're head of production. You decide. Karen digests this information; crosses to Clifford. KAREN You feel confident about this? CLIFFORD (nods) Yes, I've double checked all the charges. Shouldn't be any problem. Karen evaluates a beat; decides; nods grudgingly and we: CUT TO INT. EFX TRUCK - DAY - CLOSE ON REMOTE-CONTROL PANEL The kind used to trigger explosives. Someone is replacing the rear plate. The hands in tight-fitting black leather gloves, tighten the last screw and yank the screwdriver up into cowled sleeves in response to --- CLIFFORD Hey, what are you doing here? We widen as a figure in a hooded monk's robe reacts, startled, revealing a glimpse of a grotesque face as it glides away. CLIFFORD They're making Spires of Death on Stage 5, pal! Clifford takes the panel and we go to: EXT. RANCH SET - DAY The company is just completing the steps that lead to --- TOBEY And -- Action! TRAVIS starts to run toward the barn. CLIFFORD hits a switch on his control panel. RESUME TRAVIS as a buried charge explodes, showering him with dirt. He leaps aside and keeps moving through two more explosions. CLOSE ON REMOTE-CONTROL PANEL as Clifford's finger moves from button 3 to #4; hovers a beat, then depresses it. RESUME TRAVIS He dives and rolls to avoid the fourth explosion. As he comes up onto his feet a fifth explosion hurls Travis skyward, then harshly to the ground. CUT TO CLOSE ON A RED FLASHER as we pull back to reveal a paramedic van. Travis, an IV in his arm, is rolled into it on a gurney. The van takes off, siren wailing. Karen, Gavin and Tobey watch it leave, then --- GAVIN You want to tell me what the hell happened back there, Tobey? TOBEY (upset; baffled) Why're you asking me? Clifford's in charge of special effects. CLIFFORD I set four charges, Mr. Gavin. Five went off. I don't know where that last one came from. But it wasn't mine. KAREN Then whose was it? Does anyone else have access to your equipment?! CLIFFORD No. No, I'm the only one who -- Wait a minute. There was this guy out by the truck before. But --- KAREN What guy? Who? CLIFFORD I don't know. He had on a hood, and a mask --- GAVIN Oh come on, you're not going to start that Phantom of Stage 12 nonsense. TOBEY Yeah. They stopped blaming accidents on him twenty years ago. KAREN Well, someone's to blame. And it's time to find out who! Karen turns and heads off the set. CUT TO EXT. SEMI - DAY K.I.T.T. cruises down the road, then rolls in up the ramp. INT. SEMI - DAY - ON A TABLE as Devon, angry, slams down an issue of the Trades. The headline reads "MAYHEM AT MILLENIUM MULTIPLIES". DEVON That's the fourth accident in three weeks, and the most serious! Michael ambles over and picks up the paper. DEVON (continuing) You've heard about Raging Sky. MICHAEL Who hasn't? Battles on the set. Battles off the set. A runaway budget -- twenty-five million and no end in sight. RC3 Man, what I could do with that. MICHAEL What a small country could do with that. But you know movie people -- it's only money. DEVON Not Millenium Studios, Michael. For years they've donated time and money to our educational film program. They have too much integrity to be this irresponsible. MICHAEL That leaves bad luck and sabotage. DEVON Whatever it is, they've asked for our help, and they deserve it. Your contact is Karen Bennett, Vice President in charge of production. Michael nods, turns to get into K.I.T.T.; pauses at --- BONNIE Devon, I think you left something out. DEVON Well, it's -- it's quite silly, really, but there has been some talk at the studio about the legendary Phantom having something to do with it all. MICHAEL You want me to investigate a phantom? This is 1986, Devon. 1986. SMASH CUT TO CLOSE ON A CONFEDERATE SOLDIER As we pull back to reveal we are on a street at a movie studio. Assorted costumed extras -- Southern belles, Confederate soldiers, WWII fly boys, belly dancers -- are coming out of Wardrobe. K.I.T.T. As you were saying, Michael --- INSIDE K.I.T.T. as he drives down the studio street. MICHAEL Don't rub it in, pal. I don't see a phantom in that bunch. Do you? K.I.T.T. No. But around here no one would think twice about it if they did. The belly dancer walks right past Michael's side of the car. He follows her, with his eyes admiring her -- belly. MICHAEL I agree. He'd simply -- get lost in the crowd. CUT TO EXT. MILLENIUM STUDIOS OFFICES - DAY - ESTABLISHING K.I.T.T. parked outside the building. INT. KAREN BENNETT'S OUTER OFFICE - DAY As Michael enters, we see Edward Kent, dapper, thirtyish, typing up a storm on a word processor. He continues encoding a few beats; hits a button, like a concert pianist playing the last note of a concerto. During the following the computer printer comes to life and prints out a one- page production schedule. KENT You look just like Miss Bennett's ten fifteen. (scans appointment book) Michael Knight. Foundation for Law and Government? MICHAEL (nods; then, facetiously) She's expecting me. KENT Very quick Mr. Knight. We're all expecting you. I'm Edward Kent, Ms. Bennett's secretary. I encode ninety words a minute. I take short- hand at 120. I don't make coffee, and I've never been chased around the desk. I'm afraid you'll have to wait -- (indicating the door) -- The negotiations are at a delicate stage. He gestures to: THE DOOR TO KAREN'S OFFICE as it suddenly blows open and Tobey storms out. TOBEY When you two decide what to shoot, I'll shoot it! (to the world) I could be on Maui. On Maui, surrounded by coeds in bikinis. KENT (echoing over) -- surrounded by coeds in bikinis. Tobey leaves the office. Kent turns to the printer that has stopped and tears the page from it. KENT (officiously) Excuse me, but if I don't get this distributed -- Millenium will be in the toiletteum. 'Bye --- Kent hurries from the office. Michael crosses toward the door to Karen's office, that has remained open. INT. KAREN'S OFFICE - DAY Karen and Gavin are up from their chairs and shouting. GAVIN The insurance company is wrong! I'm the producer and there's no way I can finish this picture without Travis! KAREN I think you can. GAVIN You're not the one who has to figure out how to do it! KAREN I already have. All you have to do is --- She pauses as she notices Michael enter the office. KAREN They're casting the beach picture down the hall, 316. MICHAEL I'm Michael Knight. KAREN (brightens) Oh, from the Foundation. Forgive me. I'll need a minute to finish with Gavin, then we'll talk. GAVIN Hold it. I've got twenty million of my own money in this picture. We'll all talk. MICHAEL Fine with me. Your people are getting hurt. I'm here to find out what or who is behind it. And I'll talk to anybody who can help. Miss Bennett? Karen nods, grudgingly. MICHAEL For openers, you think someone's out to destroy the movie? I mean, four accidents in five weeks is a pretty suspicious pattern. KAREN A pattern that leads right to the Special Effects Department. GAVIN Yes, that's the one thing Karen and I agree on. Talk to Andy Clifford. (reconsidering) Of course, he'll probably blame it on this legend he's dredged up to cover his butt. MICHAEL This legend wouldn't be the -- 'Phantom' some people seem to think haunts the studio. KAREN (chuckles) One and the same -- The Phantom of Stage 12. It all started with the original Raging Sky. A nightmare. One accident after another. MICHAEL In that case, what are the chances there's a connection? GAVIN No way. The person behind them was Dennis Darrow; an actor who didn't get the starring role and vowed it wouldn't be made. The man's been dead for years. KAREN Of course, his body never was found -- (sarcastically) Who knows, maybe his corpse sprouted a cape and went -- wherever phantoms go. MICHAEL But the bottom line is, he could still be alive. KAREN Really Mr. Knight. Darrow's car went off a cliff and exploded. The only thing left were ashes and smoke. MICHAEL And a lot of unfinished business. Michael's remark puts an end to Karen and Gavin's off- handed attitude. They exchange looks, with Michael and we: CUT TO EXT. BEHIND MILLENIUM OFFICES - DAY Michael saunters out the rear exit. As he turns a corner: A MOTORCYCLE drives into view, behind Michael and tracks him at a distance between the buildings. ANOTHER ANGLE Michael heads around the corner towards K.I.T.T. We hold and pan back to pick up the motorcycle coming around the same corner. The rider wears a helmet with tinted visor; black rigid riding suit and appears to be almost part of the bike. ON K.I.T.T. scanner humming. K.I.T.T. Michael, my scanners have detected someone following you. ON MICHAEL As he reacts and looks back, we hear the whine of the motorcycle engine as it revvs. THE MOTORCYCLE accelerates; does a wheelie and hurtles through the air towards Michael. He barely leaps out of the way. The bike blasts past Michael, and makes a turn to come back at him. ON THE BIKE'S FRONT WHEEL burning in towards Michael.... THE SCENE MICHAEL He's all yours, Kitt. Now! K.I.T.T. cuts across the path of the oncoming cycle. It swerves to avoid K.I.T.T., goes out of control, skidding down the alley between the stages. ON A WALL as the skidding cycle slams into it and crashes to a stop. THE CYCLE as Michael rushes to the biker; crouches down and unstraps his helmet. CLOSE ON THE BIKER'S HELMET as Michael removes it -- revealing a complex electronic skull beneath. The "eyes" are lenses, one of which is cracked; and the brain pan is a flashing web of curcuitry. RESUME MICHAEL as he reacts to this discovery. MICHAEL What have we got here? K.I.T.T. A 1200 cc, four-cylinder direct-drive motorcycle and state-of-the-art robot, hard wired to the frame. MICHAEL Which means it had to be remote controlled from somewhere. K.I.T.T. It still is. I'm picking up a signal. MICHAEL Trace it back to its source. During the above we: INTERCUT - THE PHANTOM in hooded monk's robe watching from atop the roof of one of the stages. He holds a remote-control panel. K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NEEDED A graph of the bike, framed by K.I.T.T.'s analytic graphic -- until a white pulse erases the grid. K.I.T.T. I'm locked on. Michael, I'm also picking up -- (pauses; alarmed) Get away from that thing! Now! INTERCUT - THE PHANTOM as he first presses a button on the remote panel. Then clicks it off and hurries off. ON MICHAEL as he turns and runs and the bike explodes, knocking him to the ground. He gets to his feet and crosses toward the smoking wreckage. MICHAEL Thanks, pal. Nice little fail-safe mode. Would've guaranteed a murder without a suspect. K.I.T.T. Yes, Michael. And there's no way I can locate the source of that signal now. Michael swings a frustrated glance to the robot cycle; crosses to K.I.T.T., and we: CUT TO A PATCH OF GROUND as a small charge explodes in a flash of light and smoke. EXT. CLIFFORD'S EFX TRUCK - DAY as K.I.T.T. pulls to a stop. Michael gets out and reacts to the sound of a second explosion. He cautiously moves around to --- THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE TRUCK as the smoke clears, revealing Andy Clifford. He's posi- tioning two more small charges on the ground. MICHAEL From the sound of that you must be Andy Clifford. Clifford nods and points out the explosive charges. CLIFFORD Better stand back. Those are very unstable. Got to set them off before me and my pink slip check outta here. He presses buttons on his remote-control panel, setting off the charges -- two quick explosions. MICHAEL You know, for a guy who's been accused of negligence, you seem pretty safety-conscious to me. CLIFFORD Tell that to the insurance company. Twenty pictures without an accident didn't mean a thing to them. You must be Knight, the guy who's investigating the accidents. MICHAEL That's right. And the way I hear it, you claim you got more explosions than you bargained for. CLIFFORD Claim? (holds up panel) Four buttons. Five explosions. How's that fifth one mine? Clifford hands the panel to Michael. He examines it, then passes his comlink over the row of buttons. MICHAEL Kitt, scan the circuits in this unit for signs of tampering. CLIFFORD (indicates K.I.T.T.) What's that all about? MICHAEL A little special effect of my own. K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NEEDED The buttons and the circuitry within the panel with one circuit path highlighted. K.I.T.T. The fourth circuit has been rewired, Michael. It transmits two signals when the detonator button is depressed. Michael swings a look to Clifford, who reacts with surprise. Then something dawns on him. CLIFFORD Yeah, yeah, that's what that guy was up to. Had to be him. Nobody else was near my equipment until he --- MICHAEL (skeptically) The guy in the monk's robe? CLIFFORD Yeah, right. The Phantom of Stage 12. I saw that guy, Mr. Knight. He was real. MICHAEL I hear you. But let's not call him 'The Phantom,' okay? The 'guy in the monk's robe' will be just fine. CLIFFORD Call him what you like. The bottom line is, the original Raging Sky was shot on 12. And people who have seen him say that's where he hangs out. MICHAEL Whoever he is, according to Karen Bennett he'll have another crack at making trouble today. CLIFFORD That's right. They're shooting a big stunt sequence with Liz Preston right after lunch. MICHAEL Gives me a couple of hours. Where's Stage 12? CLIFFORD Other side of the lot. No one's shot on it for years. (off Michael's look) Everybody says the legend is a big joke. But down deep this is a very superstitious business, Mr. Knight. MICHAEL Superstition or not, it's all I've got. Michael crosses toward K.I.T.T.; gets in and drives off. CUT TO EXT. STUDIO STREET - DAY - K.I.T.T. tooling along, past various intriguing and colorful artifacts found on the lot. K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NEEDED to see Devon in his office. DEVON Hello, Michael. How are things in Hollywood this morning? MICHAEL Hitchcock would have loved it. We've got a saboteur on our hands. DEVON Glad you didn't say psycho. MICHAEL Might be that, too. But right now I need everything Bonnie can find on actor Dennis Darrow, also. Run down the insurance policies on Raging Sky. I want to know who benefits if it shuts down. DEVON Right away, Michael. And please, take care. I don't want two phantoms haunting Millenium Studios. CUT TO EXT. STAGE 12 - DAY Michael drives up and gets out. MICHAEL Scanners peeled, pal. He walks up to the massive steel door, slides it open. INT. STAGE 12 Darkness. Michael softly switches on a work light. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW Spooky shadows play across the enormous sound stage. Tiers of platforms, old backdrops, and props, etc. populate the eerie landscape. WITH MICHAEL He takes the light off its hook, shining it ahead of him as he walks past brocaded gowns, then armor and swords. K.I.T.T. Michael, have you found anything? MICHAEL Yes. Enough weaponry for Conan Three, Four and Five. As he walks past one of the knight suits: AN ARM slowly rises into view, gripping a crossbow. ON MICHAEL as he comes upon and is startled by some creepy masks. MICHAEL (continuing) -- And enough bad guys, too. K.I.T.T. Michael, I've detected some movement. Directly behind you! K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NEEDED Holograph of the armor and a red pulse behind it. MICHAEL whirls around, on the alert. He swings the lamp, trying to spot his attacker.... RESUME THE HANDS A black gloved finger on the trigger of the crossbow, starting to squeeze. FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN INT. STAGE 12 - DAY - ON THE CROSSBOW about to fire. The cord creaks.... ANGLE - MICHAEL hears the sound and grabs a shield. ON THE CROSSBOW The trigger's pulled. The arrow flies --- ON MICHAEL'S ARM as he whirls and raises the shield just as the arrow stabs into it. WITH MICHAEL The impact knocks him back into a pile of armor. He clambers to his feet and hears footsteps in the distance. He starts to run after him. MICHAEL Kitt, I'm chasing the guy. Monitor all the exits! K.I.T.T. I'm scanning them now. MICHAEL Which one, pal?! Where is he?! He aims the lamp in all directions, frustrated. THE PHANTOM is running at full tilt between the rows of sets. He yanks at a tied-off rope as he runs past; hangs on with both hands and is suddenly launches into the air. ANOTHER ANGLE as he soars skyward, his robe billowing around him, then vanishes from view into the darkness of the catwalks and air-conditioning ducts above. ON A SAND BAG attached to the other end of the rope as it plummets toward the floor of the stage and hits with a thud. RESUME MICHAEL as he reacts to the sound; whirls; sees the inert sandbag and thinks nothing of it. He raises his comlink. MICHAEL Kitt, he's got to have left the building by now. Give me a fix on the exit. K.I.T.T. I can't, Michael, I'm absolutely positive. No one has come out. And no one is in the building either. As Michael stands holding the lamp, baffled: CUT TO EXT. STUDIO STREET - DAY as K.I.T.T. drives, passing a man carrying a massive boulder on his shoulders. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - DAY As Michael reacts to and steers around the "walking" boulder, the monitor chirps. Devon flashes on. MICHAEL Yo, Devon. INTERCUT - DEVON in his office. DEVON Michael, it looks like you've been in quite a scuffle. MICHAEL I just did a scene from William Tell. I played the apple. What's up? DEVON Well, Bonnie found very little data on your Mr. Darrow. It seems he died over twenty years ago. MICHAEL And nothing's turned up since? She's positive. DEVON (slightly perplexed) Not even his remains, as I understand it, Michael. I have something more substantial on your insurance inquiry. Gavin and the studio are fully covered. MICHAEL That means they both get their invest- ment back if the picture can't be completed -- which gives us nothing. DEVON Well, I've also discovered the studio has just taken out an additional four- million-dollar policy on their star, Liz Preston. MICHAEL Uncanny timing. She's doing a major stunt today. I'm on my way to the back lot now. DEVON Good luck, Michael. Devon signs off. As Michael accelerates. K.I.T.T. Michael, watch out! MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW THROUGH K.I.T.T.'S WINDSHIELD as a large flat (the front of a house) rolls from behind a stage right in K.I.T.T.'s path. The two grips who are wheeling it freeze in their tracks. MICHAEL reacts and quickly turns the wheel left, right, left. ON K.I.T.T. as he swerves toward and zooms right through the empty "doorway." RESUME INSIDE K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. This place is full of surprises. MICHAEL Something tells me we won't get through the rest of them this easily. Michael swings K.I.T.T. onto the street that leads to the backlot, and we: CUT TO EXT. BACK LOT SET - DAY The stunt supervisor is wiring a squib vest that's on a stunt double. Two elder actors, Buck and Slim, sit around playing cards. They stop and glance with disdain as K.I.T.T. drives up beside them. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - ON MICHAEL MICHAEL Okay, pal. Scan that 4x4 and tell me if you spot anything unusual. Michael pushes some buttons on his console and indicates: 4X4 WAGON diligently muddied and battered for the movie, parked nearby. K.I.T.T. Only that it's expected to drive at all. MICHAEL This is the movies, Kitt. They probably spent a fortune getting those dents and dings in the right places. It should be in perfect running condition and rigged for stunts. K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NEEDED a schematic of the 4x4 wagon, and the special safety adaptations highlighted. K.I.T.T. You're right, Michael. And I detect no evidence of tampering. MICHAEL All right, pal. THE SCENE Michael gets out of K.I.T.T., and crosses over to Buck and Slim. MICHAEL Excuse me, I'm looking for Miss Preston. SLIM (chuckling) You and a hundred other cowboys. Better start twirling you lariat, son -- here she comes. Michael follows Slim's gesture and sees --- LIZ PRESTON an attractive, vivacious, though slightly faded starlet of thirty-three, saunters by, looking smashing in a jumpsuit. She gives Michael the once over. Just as he's about to introduce himself --- LIZ Don't tell me. Michael Knight, the investigator I've heard so much about. (flirtatiously) I was wondering when you'd catch up with me. MICHAEL (returning compliment) Sorry it took so long. Do you have a few minutes to talk? She nods and follows him. As they leave, Buck and Slim look longingly after them, then at K.I.T.T. SLIM It's the car. That's all that matters nowadays. BUCK (disgusted) Just what the picture needs -- another jackrabbitmobile. K.I.T.T. And what's wrong with fast cars, may I ask? The cowboys are startled -- then assume there's someone in the car and continue. SLIM Everything. Raging Sky was a western. How do you remake a western with cars playing the horses? K.I.T.T. I've cleaned up a couple of western towns in my day. BUCK Hogwash. No gunslinger worth his spurs would back down to a car. We tried to tell that to the director. SLIM Come on, Buck, only a fool argues with a mule, a skunk, or a director. K.I.T.T. That may be true, gentlemen. But when it comes to law enforcement, the horse has taken its rightful place in history. Buck and Slim shake their heads in dismay, and we: CUT TO EXT. BACKLOT - DAY - WITH LIZ AND MICHAEL as they walk to the set. LIZ Well, Michael, the last guy who said he liked all my movies had a thing for desperate, vulnerable women on the run. MICHAEL (smiles) Bet you feel like you've become one of your characters lately. (beat) You want out of this movie, Liz? LIZ Oh, no. I'm very grateful to be working. But I'd be crazy not to admit I'm a little frightened. MICHAEL So are some other people. (off her look) The studio took out an extra four- million-dollar policy on you. LIZ Really -- I'm impressed. Michael eyes her curvaceous figure appreciatively. MICHAEL So am I. (beat) Now, from the information I have, you're doing the old runaway buggy scene with a twist today. Run me through it. LIZ Well, I drive that 4x4 down the hill, a tire blows, I lose control of the vehicle, it hits the bridge, the bridge starts to collapse, and the 4x4 screeches to a halt just before I plunge into the water. MICHAEL (teasing) That's it? LIZ (laughing) Actually, all I do is drive down the hill and scream a lot. The stunt double handles the rough stuff. MICHAEL (warily) I'll make sure to keep it that way. They hold a look. Then Liz walks off to prepare for the shot as Michael watches her, the aura lingering, and then crosses toward: KAREN AND GAVIN in heated conversation, director Tobey in the b.g. instructing the camera crew. KAREN Okay, Gavin, I'll run you through it again. We use a stunt double in Travis' wardrobe; lots of explosions and lots of smoke. Nobody'll know it's not him. I'm telling you, it'll work. GAVIN I don't care if it'll work. If it was up to me, I'd close down and cut our losses now. I'm sick of people getting hurt and --- KAREN There won't be any more accidents. We got rid of them when we got rid of Clifford. You're just using that as an excuse to --- She bites off the sentence when she sees Michael crossing toward them. KAREN Mr. Knight. Just the man I want to see. Have you checked Clifford's story? MICHAEL Yes. I think he's telling the truth. KAREN (stunned) What? Are you saying it wasn't his incompetence that caused the accidents? We really have a maniac on our hands! MICHAEL Looks that way. Yes. GAVIN That's it. I'm pulling the plug. No way I'm doing this shot. TOBEY Again?! Listen, I've got a play or pay contract. Make up your minds or you'll be mailing my checks to Maui. Gavin turns to leave. Karen grabs his arm and stops him. KAREN Hold it. (to Michael) Have you had a chance to check the set and equipment we'll be using? MICHAEL (nods) It's been checked. GAVIN I don't want to hear it, Karen. Do what you want. I'm not taking responsibility. KAREN I will. As Gavin walks off, Karen nods resolutely to Michael and Tobey. KAREN Okay. Let's do it. MICHAEL (on comlink) Come on over here, pal. Show time. EXTERIOR - ON K.I.T.T. as he auto starts and pulls away from Buck and Slim. K.I.T.T. (to cowboys) You'll have to excuse me, gentlemen. K.I.T.T. leaves them behind in a cloud of dust. ANOTHER ANGLE ON K.I.T.T. weaving through the crowd without a driver. K.I.T.T. Excuse me...Pardon me...Coming through. Most are blase. After all, this is Hollywood. EXT. BACKLOT SET - DAY Tobey and the stunt coordinator give Liz last-minute instructions as she stands beside the 4x4 wagon. TOBEY Put it in gear on my signal. About halfway down the hill, start screaming your lungs out. Any problems, hit the walkie. LIZ Any problems, I'm going to hit you. She winks. He smiles. ON THE GROUP BEHIND THE CAMERAS - MICHAEL and the others tensely watching. MICHAEL (comlink) Kitt, keep your scanners peeled. Let me know if there's the slightest indication something's wrong. K.I.T.T. I'll be on maximum surveillance, Michael. ON LIZ She gets behind the wheel of the 4x4. The stunt coordinator buckles her up and gives the vehicle a last- minute check, then slams the door. RESUME GROUP BEHIND THE CAMERAS TOBEY (bullhorn) Everybody in their places. Stand by! The various members of the crew tensely waiting.... TOBEY And --- Action! ON THE 4X4 WAGON as Liz puts it in gear, releases the brake, and moves down a steeply banked hill, pulling away from the camera towards a ramshackle bridge in the distance. INSIDE THE 4X4 WAGON Liz steers and brakes as the car approaches a winding turn as it heads down the hill. CLOSE ON THE PHANTOM as the hooded figure depresses a button on a remote-control panel. ON THE BRAKE LINE OF THE 4X4 as a small explosive device detonates, severing the line. Brake fluid pours out onto the ground. K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NEEDED a schematic of the 4x4 and a pulsing blip on a diagramatic of the braking system. K.I.T.T. Miss Preston is in trouble, Michael! INTERCUT - MICHAEL as he reacts and raises his comlink. MICHAEL What have you got on your scan? K.I.T.T. I've detected a malfunction in the braking system. MICHAEL Pick me up! ON 4X4'S BRAKE PEDAL as Liz's foot slams onto it and it goes to the floor. She pumps it several times. Nothing happens. THE 4X4 WAGON accelerates through the twisting turns, rapidly gaining speed. Liz starts screaming, for real. TOBEY AND CAMERA CREW He loves it; punches the air, exhilarated. TOBEY Great! Great! She's really getting into it! What a set of lungs! LIZ pumps the brakes a few more times; clicks on the walkie- talkie. LIZ Help! I've got no brakes!!! I can't control this thing! THE 4X4 WAGON careens wildly out of control down the incline. ON CAMERA CREW Their smiles turn to expressions of horror. They jump aside as K.I.T.T. screeches to a stop and Michael jumps in. They roar off down the road after the 4x4 wagon. INSIDE K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. How do you want to handle this, Michael? MICHAEL The brakes are out. We can't microlock. Let's catch up and cut it off. As Michael accelerates. K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NEEDED as we see a flashing red rectangle on the schematic of the 4x4. K.I.T.T. That could be a problem. I'm picking up an explosive charge with a contact detonator beneath the front bumper. MICHAEL If that 4x4 hits something it will explode! We have to get Liz out of there! Michael stomps on the accelerator. EXTERIOR - ANGLE ON BOTH CARS as K.I.T.T. pulls up right next to the speeding stunt car. RESUME INSIDE K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Okay, pal, take over! Michael pushes a button on his console. THE T-TOP above him pops open. He starts to climb out, and we are: ON THE PHANTOM watching intently, expectantly. ON K.I.T.T. as Michael climbs out the T-top onto the roof. THE SCENE the two cars racing side by side as Michael leaps across to the roof of the runaway 4x4. He reaches down and pops open the door. INSIDE THE 4X4 WAGON as Michael drops from above and slides in next to the astounded Liz. MICHAEL Get ready for a quick exit. Michael grabs Liz and holds her tight. ON THE BRIDGE as the 4x4 hurtles toward a concrete abutment. ON THE DOOR OF THE 4X4 Michael, an arm wrapped around Liz, leaps from the 4x4 just as --- THE 4X4 WAGON smashes into the bridge abutment and explodes into a ball of flame. FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN SCENE - THE AFTERMATH the flaming 4x4 wagon in the b.g. As Michael helps Liz to her feet, holding her with concern: MICHAEL Are you all right? LIZ (gasping) I will be. Am I getting older or is this business getting tougher? The group behind the cameras, led by Karen, and Tobey run up to them. Karen embraces Liz. KAREN Liz, thank God you're okay. TOBEY Yes, I'm sorry. I don't know how that could have happened. I was told the car was checked out. MICHAEL It was. Someone must have gotten to it after that. Help Liz get settled down, will you? Tobey nods and leads Liz to her motor home in the b.g. as Gavin joins the group. GAVIN That does it, Karen! I've tried it your way; I've tried it his; now we do it mine. The production's canceled. Notify the insurance company to pay off. Gavin turns and storms off. Michael swings a look to Karen. MICHAEL Karen, if this is the end of the film, I'm sorry. But it's not the end of the investigation. That's a promise. KAREN Oh, it's not the end of the film. That's my decision, not Gavin's. He's just letting off steam. MICHAEL Have you ever thought about going along with him? KAREN Of course I have. But if we shut the film down and don't make up the cost overruns, we're out of business. MICHAEL Why? The studio will still collect on the insurance. You'd come out with something. KAREN Michael, I'm not in the business to collect insurance. I'm in the business to make movies. (after a beat) Women in positions of power are still considered a novelty. I have to finish what I've started. MICHAEL You obviously know your stuff. You'd never have made it up the ladder if you didn't. KAREN There are those who say I wasn't always on my feet. MICHAEL So they think it's just a matter of time before you screw up. KAREN (nods) They thought I had when Travis landed in the hospital. But I figured out that if we increased the explosives to mask the use of a stunt double, we could shoot the last scene and make it work. MICHAEL That stunt double is going to be me. KAREN Michael, I appreciate that, but you'd be putting yourself in an extremely dangerous situation. MICHAEL I knew that going in. (beat) Like somebody once said -- I have to finish what I've started. She smiles at his repeating her statement. A few beats before they react to Kent, who hurries toward them. KENT (full of concern) Karen? Karen, I just heard. KAREN Glad you're here. I'm going to have a mob of reporters in my office. Spend some time on the set and find out as much as you can. (squeezes Michael's hand) Thanks. As she hurries off --- KENT I hope she isn't expecting the truth. (off Michael's look) When a picture's going down the tube, there are a thousand versions of it. MICHAEL I'd be interested in yours. KENT You mean, who might be sabotaging this movie? Oh -- no more that half the studio. (off Michael's reaction) This is tinseltown, Mr. Knight. The place where massive egos collide; where people get a kick out of seeing their friends fail; where ten thousand 'mourners' show up at a producer's funeral -- to make sure the bastard is really dead. Take it from me, you've waded into a pool of sharks. Could I tell you stories. MICHAEL But not the one I need. KENT I'm sorry. I've done my best to tell you how the game is played. MICHAEL Whoever tried to kill Liz Preston isn't playing a game. And neither am I. They hold a look and we: CUT TO K.I.T.T. still parked adjacent to Buck and Slim, who are still playing poker. K.I.T.T. Just how long have you been at this, anyway? BUCK Thirty years. Ever since we made the original Raging Sky. SLIM Can't imagine why I keep at it. I've paid for his last three cars, swimming pool, Jacuzzi, and divorce --- K.I.T.T. Sounds like you could use some help. BUCK He sure could. Be my guest. What's a greenhorn like you know about poker, anyway? Slim is evaluating, his hand ready to draw a card. K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NEEDED as Buck and Slim's poker hands appear on the screen followed by an X-ray sampler of the deck. K.I.T.T. I'd hold that one if I were you. Slim has slipped the card halfway out of his hand, pauses slyly, sensing possibilities afoot. SLIM You sure? The last time I filled an inside straight was Duel In The Sun. K.I.T.T. Do as I tell you. Slim nervously holds the card and discards another. Buck deals Slim a card. CLOSE ON SLIM'S HAND as he slides the card in place, filling the inside straight. RESUME THE SCENE as Slim grins; then glances over his shoulder to K.I.T.T. SLIM You wouldn't have any idea what Buck's holding? K.I.T.T. You have to take some chances, Slim. After all, this is a game of risk. (then sotto) But I wouldn't hedge my bet if I were you. ANGLE ON POKER TABLE Slim grins slyly and tosses a wad of bills into the pot. Michael walks by, catching the last bit of the encounter. As he crosses toward K.I.T.T.: INSIDE K.I.T.T. as Michael slides inside and the card display on K.I.T.T.'s monitor vanishes. MICHAEL Let's move, pal. He floors the accelerator, deftly turns the wheel as K.I.T.T. rockets away. MICHAEL You weren't kibitzing in that game, were you, pal? K.I.T.T. Michael -- I was merely helping Slim sample random possibilities and arrive at a computation using --- MICHAEL Enough. Sorry I asked. Get me Bonnie. ON MONITOR as Bonnie flashes on. BONNIE Yes, Michael. MICHAEL How would you like to trade your engineer's cap for a day's work as a script girl? BONNIE That's silly. But I've always loved westerns. Can you get me a gutsy Maureen O'Hara role? Michael chuckles. As RC3 and Devon join her at the monitor; RC3 chimes in: RC3 What will we be doing, Michael? MICHAEL They're shooting the climax of Raging Sky tomorrow. It's the Phantom's last chance to sabotage the picture. We're going to stop him. RC3 All right! Just call us Phantom- busters! DEVON Not so fast, RC. (to Michael) It so happens I have some information that may narrow the possibilities as to this Phantom's identity. MICHAEL I can use as much help as I can get. What do you have, Devon? DEVON While I was looking into the insurance, I checked out the backers of Raging Sky as well. Victor Gavin's corporation is not his corporation any longer. MICHAEL Then, the twenty million he says he put up isn't his money. DEVON Exactly. It was provided by his new partners, whose capital comes from tainted sources. MICHAEL You mean the sort of people who always get paid back, one way or another. DEVON I'm afraid so. The monitor flashes off. K.I.T.T. Where are we headed now? MICHAEL Stage 12. Whoever tried to kill me got past both of us. I'm gonna find out how. CUT TO EXT. STAGE 12 - NIGHT - ESTABLISHING as a figure slips through the darkness into a rear door. INT. FLOOR OF STAGE 12 - NIGHT In the semidarkness, we can glimpse the figure walking between the medieval wardrobe racks -- it's Gavin. He moves quietly but confidently, as if he owns the place. Finally he arrives at the cluster of masks. ANGLE ON MASKS One of them suddenly whirls to camera, revealing the grotesque face of the Phantom. ON GAVIN Gavin whirls, frightened for a beat, then realizes, his demeanor changing to disgust and impatience. GAVIN Don't be such a wise guy. You've got a job to do and you still haven't pulled it off. PHANTOM I've done everything you wanted, Gavin. This turkey's neck was on the block until Michael Knight showed up and saved it. GAVIN Well it's Knight's neck that's on the block now! Gavin buttons his meaning with a look. The Phantom gets the message and nods. CUT TO EXT. STUDIO STREET - NIGHT as K.I.T.T. drives between the closely packed stages. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - ON MICHAEL MICHAEL Silent mode, pal. Michael pushes some buttons on his console. K.I.T.T. noiselessly glides to a stop behind Stage 12. MICHAEL All right, Kitt. Give me a schematic of the stage. K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NEEDED The plan of the stage appears, revealing a system of ducts and pipes crisscrossing through the studio. Michael studies the screen. MICHAEL Highlight the air conditioning ducts. On the screen K.I.T.T. traces in yellow a system only slightly less complex. MICHAEL (continuing) Search for a duct that leads outside the stage. Now only one linkage of ducts flashes on. K.I.T.T. This one, Michael. It connects to an adjacent electronic control room. MICHAEL I'm out of here. He leaps out of the car. EXT. STAGE 12 as Michael crosses from K.I.T.T. to the door and slips inside. INT. STAGE 12 - WITH MICHAEL moving past the costume racks. He looks around; crosses to a ladder that runs up the wall of the stage and starts to climb. ANOTHER ANGLE ON MICHAEL as he comes up to the top of the ladder and onto a platform next to a duct. He notices a hinged panel in the duct wall. ON THE PANEL as Michael removes it and starts to climb into the duct. INSIDE THE DUCT as Michael enters and starts moving down the narrow sheet metal tunnel. ON A METAL DISC in the duct wall as it slides aside, revealing a small TV camera surveillance lens. INT. STAGE 12 - NIGHT - ON THE PHANTOM Something beeps inside his robe. He pulls out a small unit that looks like a modified Sony Watchman. A red L.E.D. is flashing. He flips it on. CLOSE ON THE "WATCHMAN" as we see Michael moving through the duct on the miniature TV monitor. INSIDE THE DUCT - ON MICHAEL moving as quickly as possible through the claustrophobic duct work. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - ON MONITOR as he tracks Michael, a pulsing blip, through the ducts. RESUME MICHAEL as he comes upon a grate in the floor of the duct. He crouches down and peers through the grate. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW THROUGH THE GRATE OF AN ELECTRICAL CONTROL ROOM directly below him; the walls lined with racks of equipment; a console board with rows of switches. MICHAEL Kitt, I found something. Get a fix on this room beneath me. K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NEEDED a scan of the room and equipment. K.I.T.T. It's an electrical control room. It contains remote-control equipment and systems for the studio tour. Michael reacts to something he sees through the grate. MICHAEL Hold it --- RESUME MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - CONTROL ROOM as a figure moves into the room. It's the Phantom in hooded monk's robe crossing to the console. RESUME MICHAEL He inches forward for a closer look and whispers into his comlink. MICHAEL I got him, pal. He's right here. Michael tries to lift the grating. It won't budge. THE PHANTOM reacts to flakes of dust that sprinkle down from above onto the console in front of him. He looks up. PHANTOM'S POINT OF VIEW - THE GRATE in the ceiling of the control room. As Michael reacts; pulls back, his shadow moving across the waffled surface. RESUME THE PHANTOM as he reacts and dashes to a rack of switches. THE PHANTOM'S HAND hits a switch marked "Fan." INT. DUCT - GIANT FAN comes to life with a mighty roar, the blades quickly becoming a whirling blur. MICHAEL is yanked back by the suction of the fan. He tries to get a handhold, to no avail. He's slammed against the duct. The back of his head whacks into the sheet metal wall. ON THE FAN its giant blades spinning menacingly, closer and closer. MICHAEL slides into unconsciousness as the air current pulls him back toward the whirling blades. K.I.T.T. Michael, can you hear me? Michael! FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN INSIDE THE DUCT - MICHAEL is barely conscious, groggy as he's pulled toward: THE FAN Its enormous blades spinning at top speed. RESUME MICHAEL K.I.T.T. Michael?! What happened? Answer me! Michael reacts, coming to finally, snaps awake. Looks over his shoulder with horror; fights to get a hand hold. CLOSE ON THE DUCT WALL Where two sections are joined. Michael's fingertips claw and finally get a temporary hold on the raised seam. His fingers start losing their grasp. RESUME MICHAEL MICHAEL Kitt! I'm still in the duct! Locate the turbine and turn it off! Now! K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - INTERCUT AS NEEDED a schematic of the whirling fan blades. A pulsing circle appears over them. K.I.T.T. That should do it. The graphic blades stop spinning, but: THE FAN BLADES keep whirling still pulling Michael toward them. MICHAEL The motor stopped but the blades are still going, pal! K.I.T.T. Those fans have minimum friction bearing, Michael. MICHAEL I've got to find a way out of there! Michael fights the pull of the fan; spots: A HATCH IN THE DUCT he kicks it open with his foot. We widen as Michael dives for the open hatch. OUTSIDE THE DUCT as Michael tumbles out the hatch, falling into space from high above the stage floor. At the last instant he grabs a rope that dangles from the catwalks and swings on the counter-weighted line down toward: THE FLOOR OF THE STAGE as Michael arrives on the rope and lands. He catches his breath and reacts to --- K.I.T.T. Are you all right? MICHAEL Yes. That was quite a ride, but I wouldn't recommend they make it part of the studio tour. Michael crosses toward the door to leave and we: CUT TO EXT. MILLENIUM STUDIOS - MORNING - ESTABLISHING as K.I.T.T. pulls up outside Karen Bennett's office and Michael gets out. INT. KAREN BENNETT'S OFFICE - NIGHT Karen, running on adrenaline, leans over Kent giving him orders. He encodes at his word processor as she talks. KAREN -- and notify Studio Security. We're doing that big stunt sequence in the morning, and I want every available guard assigned to the back lot. KENT (encoding) Done. KAREN Don't know what I'd do without you. KENT Don't forget my little friend here. As he taps the word processor and Michael enters. MICHAEL I found the Phantom's headquarters. (off their looks) The electrical control room next to Stage 12. Have Security post some people there, too. KAREN Of course. Any idea who the Phantom is? MICHAEL Right now it's looking like Gavin. The twenty million he put into Raging Sky wasn't his own. He's in debt to some very heavy hitters. KENT Don't be so surprised, Mr. Knight. No producer worth his car phone would put his own money in a movie. Karen silences Kent with a look. KAREN Have you notified the police? MICHAEL To tell them what? That a guy who's produced twenty-six features is running around in a phantom suit? We have to catch him in the act. And I have a feeling I'll make pretty good bait. They hold a look and we: CUT TO OMITTED EXT. PARKING LOT - NIGHT Gavin, in a foul mood, walks hurriedly to his car. As he arrives, the Phantom steps forward out of the darkness. GAVIN (aghast) What are you doing here? PHANTOM I have some bad news. Knight's found out about your backers. That makes you look suspicious, which makes them nervous. GAVIN You have a job to do. It is not your concern. PHANTOM Of course it is. I'm here to protect their interests. Why else do you think they insisted you get me a job on the lot. It was part of the deal. GAVIN What about our deal. I've paid you a lot of money. You work for me, too. The Phantom pulls a handgun with a silencer on Gavin. PHANTOM True. But, unfortunately, it's come down to you or them. Didn't you learn anything from all those B-movies you've produced? He shoots. Gavin falls to the tarmac, dead. The Phantom quickly and quietly disappears into the blackness. CUT TO EXT. MILLENIUM STUDIOS - BACK LOT - DAY - TO ESTABLISH Furious activity as everyone rushes about, especially the special effects and stunt crews. ON MICHAEL wearing the same leather jacket and boots Travis wore in the first scene. He stands behind the cameras next to K.I.T.T. MICHAEL We're getting pretty close to show time, Kitt. Scan the ammo we'll be using. K.I.T.T. Right away, Michael. RC3 crosses the set and joins Michael. RC3 I've scoped the whole area. No sign of Gavin anywhere. Michael winces disappointed; thinks a beat; reacts to: K.I.T.T. My chemical scan indicates that every round is a blank. MICHAEL Thanks, pal. That means Gavin must have something else in mind. As Michael contemplates this realization, Tobey comes up with Liz. TOBEY Mr. Knight, I need you for a run-through. LIZ Come on, honey. A desperate, vulnerable girl on the run always needs a strong man at her side. MICHAEL You got him. (to RC3) Keep looking for Gavin. I'd feel a lot better knowing he's --- Michael bites off the sentence in reaction to Bonnie who hurries toward him. Michael and RC3 step aside, joining her. BONNIE Security found Gavin in the parking lot this morning, dead. MICHAEL What? That means the Phantom's still out there. RC3 Yeah. And he could be just about anybody. They turn and look over the set, as we intercut: VARIOUS SHOTS The crew -- the grips -- other studio personnel -- Tobey and Liz lots of animated activity. The last shot in the sequence is --- A TERRORIST who leaps forward with an Uzi. We pull back revealing we're watching a rehearsal as Michael mimes a karate kick, then a chop. The "terrorist" falls back. Tobey nods his approval of Michael's performance. TOBEY Not bad for a guy with no training. (to the crew) Let's do one! As the crew members hustle into position. BONNIE looks out at the set from behind the director's chair. RC3 slowly moves through the crowd, on alert, and does a take when he sees: THE MONK'S ROBE billowing as it disappears around the corner of a stage. RESUME RC3 as he hustles after the Phantom. ANOTHER ANGLE - STAGE as RC3 comes around the same corner where we saw the monk's robe. He stops, puzzled, when he sees the street branches out between several stages -- no sign of the Phantom. As he looks around: THE PHANTOM leaps out from behind the motor home and whaps him across the back of the head with the butt of a revolver. RC3 falls to the ground. The Phantom runs, leaving a semiconscious RC3 behind. He tries to shake it off; reaches for his walkie-talkie. EXT. FRONT OF BAR - DAY as the prop man hands Michael his Uzi. Tobey pats him on the back, then shouts through his bullhorn. TOBEY Places everyone! As he heads back to the cameras, Michael reacts to: RC3'S VOICE Michael! MICHAEL (comlink) RC? What's going on? INTERCUT - RC3 still trying to shake it off, on walkie-talkie. RC3 I spotted him, Michael. But he got away. He's still out there. Off Michael's reaction, we: CUT TO INT. THE BARN - DAY One of the prop people finishes putting soot on the windshield of the stunt car. As he heads off the stunt driver is about to get into the car -- when a hand karate chops him down. ANOTHER ANGLE to reveal the Phantom in his monk's robe. He steps over the fallen stunt driver and crosses to the front of the car. CLOSE ON THE CAR as the Phantom pops the hood revealing machine-guns mounted beneath it. He removes the clip from one of them and replaces it with another. RESUME FRONT OF BARN Everyone poised. Tobey and the camera operator high on a crane. TOBEY (bullhorn) Now remember -- Mike and Liz are running toward the barn. The car blasts through the doors after, after they take out the guy with the rocket launcher. Everybody got it? The crew ad-libs affirmative replies and wait for his signal. RESUME PHANTOM - INSIDE THE STUNT CAR as he gets behind the wheel then places an attache case on the seat next to him and opens it revealing a remote-control unit. RESUME DIRECTOR TOBEY This is a take. Roll sound...Camera ...Action! ON MICHAEL AND LIZ He grabs her hand and they run across a field toward the barn. Terrorist one emerges from cover and blocks their path -- Michael karate chops him down. As they scramble, terrorist two yanks out an Uzi -- but before he can fire, Michael fires his Uzi and cuts him down. INT. BARN - ON THE PHANTOM'S CAR as he steps on the gas and rockets toward the barn doors. WITH MICHAEL AND LIZ - ANGLES AS NEEDED As they sprint toward the barn, a third terrorist appears and fires a shoulder-mounted rocket launcher. Michael and Liz hit the deck as the ground explodes beside them. Then Michael fires his Uzi, taking out the terrorist. LIZ This way, Dirk, hurry! As she grabs Michael's hand, and they run --- THE BARN DOORS explode open as the stunt car blasts through them. RESUME LIZ AND MICHAEL Michael stops short and yanks her back. MICHAEL Hold it! LIZ Oh my God! Michael and Liz start to back away when they see: THEIR POINT OF VIEW - THE STUNT CAR The engine growling, the dust clearing, the Phantom's grotesque face behind the windshield. INSIDE THE STUNT CAR The Phantom triggers his controls, and --- ANGLE ON CAR as the two machine-guns mounted behind the grille open fire. RESUME MICHAEL AND LIZ Michael yanks her down and behind a feed storage box as bullets punch holes and splinter the wood next to them. LIZ Hey! Those bullets are real! MICHAEL Kitt, pick us up now! K.I.T.T. auto-starts and, to Tobey's astonishment, rockets onto the set. TOBEY I didn't cue a black car! THE SCENE as K.I.T.T. cuts in front of the Phantom's car, machine- guns still blazing. The bullets spark harmlessly off K.I.T.T.'s windows and shell as he pulls in front of Michael and Liz, protecting them. K.I.T.T.'s door pops open. INSIDE K.I.T.T. As Michael and Liz get in, the bullets spatter flame on the windows. MICHAEL Hang on! Michael hits the pedal, takes the wheel and spins K.I.T.T. around. SCENE As the Phantom's car takes off, K.I.T.T. does a tire-smoking 180, and pursues. A SERIES OF SHOTS as the Phantom's car blazes down a studio street, cuts through a narrow byway. K.I.T.T. roars right behind. EXT. STUDIO TOUR - GALACTICA - DAY The Phantom takes his car inside, K.I.T.T. follows. The chase continues through the tunnel. INT. PHANTOM'S CAR - ON THE PHANTOM as he presses switches on his remote-control unit. RESUME THE TUNNEL and Galactica comes to life, with a burst of lighting and other effects. INSIDE K.I.T.T. - ON MICHAEL Dazzled and confused by the light, he slows down. K.I.T.T. How is he doing that, Michael?! He's not in the control room! MICHAEL He must have a remote hookup! Help me out, pal! I can barely see him! K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR comes to life, tracking the Phantom's car. EXT. GALACTICA AND PARKING LOT The Phantom's car shoots out of the tour. Pedestrians scramble as it careens between parked cars, up an embankment towards a road. RESUME INSIDE K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. He's outside, Michael. He's over that hill and getting away! MICHAEL Let's cut him off! Hold tight, Liz! THROUGH THE WINDSHIELD as K.I.T.T. exits the Galactica tunnel into the parking lot, the parked cars come closer. Liz screams. ON DASH Michael hits turbo boost. ON MICHAEL AND LIZ are thrown back by the G-force.... ANGLES AS NEEDED K.I.T.T. sails over the parking lot and.... VARIOUS SHOTS of astounded tourists. ROAD - DAY as K.I.T.T. lands and pursues the Phantom's car down the hill and back towards the lot. ON STUDIO STREET The Phantom's car speeds by, K.I.T.T. right behind. EXT. BARN SET - DAY Onlookers rush out of the way as the two vehicles blast back onto the set. TOBEY reacts and shouts at his cameraman. TOBEY Keep rolling! Keep rolling! We'll use it somehow! INSIDE K.I.T.T. - ON MICHAEL K.I.T.T. Well, Michael, shall we bring this legend to an end? MICHAEL Yeah. And I know just what'll become this legend most. And as Michael pushes the appropriate button: VARIOUS ANGLES - THE PHANTOM'S TIRES as the valves blow and they go flat. SCENE The Phantom's car wobbles to a stop. The Phantom leaps out. As K.I.T.T. screeches to a stop next to him, Michael jumps out and grabs him and puts him away with a karate combination. He pulls him to his feet. CLOSE ON THE PHANTOM'S MASK as Michael rips it off, revealing Kent. RESUME THE SCENE as RC3, Bonnie, and two studio security men rush up to them and react. MICHAEL This is how the game is played, Mr. Kent. Michael, Bonnie and RC3 react as the actors and crew behind them burst into applause, and we hear --- TOBEY'S VOICE (shouts) Cut! FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG (TO FOLLOW) THE END