EXEC. PRODUCERS: Glen Larson PROD. #60225 Robert Foster February 5, 1986 (F.R.) SUPV. PRODUCERS: Burton Armus Rev. 2/ 6/86 (F.R.) Bruce Lansbury Rev. 2/10/86 (F.R.) PRODUCER: Gino Grimaldi Rev. 2/12/86 (F.R.) CO-PRODUCER: Gregory S. Dinallo Rev. 2/13/86 (F.R.) Rev. 2/18/86 (F.R.) KNIGHT RIDER VOODOO KNIGHT by R. Timothy Kring Contributing Writer Deborah Dean Davis _______________________ ACT ONE FADE IN EXT. OFFICE BUILDING - NIGHT - ESTABLISHING - STOCK INT. TOWERS GEM STONES - NIGHT Jeremy Towers, a man of taste and means, enters the main office of Towers Gem Stones. He is with Jarrett and Max, who like Towers are wearing tuxedos. All three of the men have glazed looks on their faces...almost as if they just hopped off the bus from Rajneesh Puram. (Note: Establish that all three of them are wearing the same kind of ear clips that are used to discourage smoking, drinking and motion sickness.) They are crossing the room toward a wall safe when suddenly a Guard rushes in via a side door with his gun drawn. GUARD Nobody move! The three intruders stop. Jeremy Towers turns to face the Guard, who immediately recognizes Towers -- his boss. The Guard lowers his gun, embarrassed. GUARD Mr. Towers. I didn't know it was you. Towers moves directly past the Guard without speaking...He heads for the safe. The two heavies follow...so does the Guard. GUARD Mr. Towers, are you all right? What are you doing? But Towers is a man with a mission. It's as if he doesn't even hear the Guard. The Guard pushes past Jarrett and Max. GUARD That's the safe. Jarrett pushes the Guard away, like swatting a gnat. GUARD Mr. Towers. You know the rules -- you made them. I can't let you open that unless you give me a good reason. Mr. Towers! It's Friday night, the silent alarm'll.... Max stops the Guard midsentence, by picking him up by the collar and hurling him across the room where he lands unconscious. CUT TO EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT - STOCK ZZ Top's "Sharp Dressed Man" plays as K.I.T.T. drives through the downtown skyscrapers. INT. K.I.T.T. - NIGHT (POOR MAN'S PROCESS) Michael doesn't keep time to the music. His thoughts seem far away. There are shopping packages in the backseat. K.I.T.T. What's the matter, Michael? MICHAEL What makes you think anything is the matter? K.I.T.T. When a song like this is on the radio, my steering wheel normally takes a beating. MICHAEL I'm trying to decide whether or not to buy that jacket I saw this after- noon at Lorenzo's Boutique for Men. K.I.T.T. Do you need it? MICHAEL No one needs a black eel-skin bomber jacket. That's not the point. K.I.T.T. What is the point? MICHAEL I want it. It matches my boots. K.I.T.T. Your boots are a long way from your jacket -- do you think anyone will notice that they match? MICHAEL Kitt...You'll never understand. ANGLE - DASH as a red light comes on. K.I.T.T. Michael, my surveillance scanners are picking up a silent alarm. MICHAEL Where? K.I.T.T. Towers Gem Stones, Inc. It's right around the corner. Nineteenth floor. MICHAEL Let's go. INT. TOWERS GEM STONES - SAFE - NIGHT Towers and the other two men stand in front of the vault door. Red lights silently flash as Towers turns the dial of the combination lock. EXT. OFFICE BUILDING - NIGHT - STOCK K.I.T.T. screeches to a stop. MICHAEL (V.O.) The police ought to be here any minute. I'm going up. ON TOWERS as he places his hands on the hand-print panel next to the safe. ANGLE ON SAFE as the door pops open. Towers methodically removes and drops the contents of the safe on the floor. Beautiful priceless necklaces, etc. Jarrett and Max barely react. Towers opens a special drawer, and pulls out a small red velvet bag. Towers hands the red velvet back to Jarrett, who doesn't seem surprised or even pleased to get it. They turn to leave. INT. TOWERS GEM STONES - NIGHT Michael enters and immediately notices the unconscious Guard. Then reacts to Towers and the other two. MICHAEL What's going on? The three of them say nothing. Michael notices that their faces are expressionless, as though he isn't even there. MICHAEL The police are right outside, so let's just --- Michael bars their exit through the door. MICHAEL ...sit down and make ourselves.... Jarrett grabs Michael by the throat and lifts him high off the ground, pinning him against the wall. Michael tries to speak but all he can do is choke. MICHAEL'S POINT OF VIEW - JARRETT He notices the ear clip. RESUME SCENE as Jarrett hurls Michael across the room. He crashes into a desk, clearing it and sliding off the other side. Max and Jarrett run from the room. Michael shakes off the fall and gets to his feet. MICHAEL (into comlink) Two of 'em are coming your way, Kitt! Michael reacts to Towers crossing the room behind him. MICHAEL One of 'em's here! Michael turns toward: OMITTED TOWERS standing in front of an open window. He pauses, looking down as if he's looking into the afterlife. MICHAEL Whatever it is -- it can't be that bad. (beat) Hey, I don't have a gun -- let's talk. Towers moves closer to the window. Michael stops dead in his tracks. MICHAEL Please, don't! Towers turns and gives Michael one last look. It is a look that will burn in Michael's mind forever. The look of the damned. Towers turns back. TOWERS' POINT OF VIEW - A DIZZYING THREE-HUNDRED-FOOT DROP TO THE STREET BELOW - STOCK BACK TO SCENE K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Michael, the two men are heading for their van. MICHAEL Stay put. Don't move. Michael takes a step closer to Towers and he dives out the window. Michael lunges for him -- too late. ANGLE - TOWERS - STOCK falling nineteen stories. OMITTED BACK TO SCENE for Michael's reaction. CUT TO EXT. DONALD CRANE'S HIGH RISE - NIGHT - TO ESTABLISH INT. DONALD CRANE'S APARTMENT - MAIN ROOM - NIGHT There are lots of pre-Columbian art objects and sculpture. Host Donald Crane, host a little Truman Capoteish man, is addressing guests at a small dinner party. The men dressed in tuxedos, women in chic evening gowns. CRANE You all know me as a collector of 'special' people around whom I build these intimate evenings. Fortune tellers of every stripe. Pyromancists, telekinetists, table-rappers, psycho- metrists, levitationists, clairvoyants ...but in my voyage through the borderline sciences, none has intrigued me so much as the person you will meet tonight --- As Crane drones on, we go to: CUT TO EXT. CRANE'S HIGH RISE - NIGHT A car pulls up at the entrance. A gruff-looking macho- type, Claude Watkins gets out, wearing a tuxedo. Elizabeth Wesley, hurries up to Watkins, from the shadows. ELIZABETH Mr. Watkins, I'm Elizabeth Wesley. It wasn't easy to find you again, so please, don't send me away. I know what they say about my father isn't true, but I have to talk to someone who was on the expedition with him to prove it. Towers...yourself, or whoever the fourth man was. WATKINS Miss Wesley, I informed you by letter and I told you countless times I have nothing to say. ELIZABETH My father wouldn't kill himself. What happened? His research was very precise. You had to have found Tequatl's crown. Where is it? Watkins tries to push past her, gestures the doorman join them. ELIZABETH (getting angry) I didn't come all the way from St. Louis to be protected from the truth! Tell me what happened. Please! The doorman puts a peremptory hand on her arm. WATKINS Keep her out of the building. Watkins turns and enters the high rise. The doorman ushers Elizabeth away from the entrance. CUT TO INT. CRANE'S APARTMENT - NIGHT As Watkins enters and Crane reacts and greets him. CRANE You came after all, Claude. WATKINS Business is business. Blowing smoke in Watkins' face from his ivory cigarette holder: CRANE Dear boy, if it weren't for our mutual affection for money you'd be doomed to die of boredom. Crane turns to the other guests --- CRANE Now that we're all here -- (beat) Ladies and gentlemen, the guest of honor, from the island of Haiti, I bring you... Harana, Princess of Voodoo! ANGLE ON STAIRS as Harana appears, immediately silencing the crowd with her overwhelming presence and ebony beauty. She radiates sensu- ality in her exotic primitive dress, gliding into the room, surveying with dark and mysterious eyes. CRANE Harana has graciously consented to give, those of you who wish it, spiritual guidance...a peek into your very own futures. Enjoy. Applause and shrieks of delight. A few of the braver partygoers approach Harana. Crane retreats to Watkins in a corner drinking a martini. CRANE Well? WATKINS You've outdone yourself. She's ridiculous. Sexy, but ridiculous. CRANE Sex is never ridiculous, dear boy. WATKINS Exactly. I want to meet her before I leave. Where the hell is Towers and let's get the meeting over with. CRANE I don't know. He was here earlier.... Crane moves off. HARANA surrounded by a knot of admirers, reacts, O.S. when she sees: JARRETT AND MAX enter. They look around the room, the familiar glazed look in their eyes, as they lock on: THEIR POINT OF VIEW - HARANA talking to the admiring group around her. HARANA Excuse me for a moment. She moves off toward: JARRETT AND MAX as Harana joins them. HARANA (smiles) Gentlemen, you have a small gift for me. MAX Yes, a gift.... He looks expectantly to Jarrett who reaches into his pocket and extracts the velvet bag, giving it to Harana. HARANA Thank you. I'll open it later. As she talks she touches a strange-looking brooch on her dress. INSERT She turns the top of the pin, as if winding a watch. AS BEFORE Jarrett and Max suddenly lose "the look" and it is replaced by confusion and embarrassment; then that passes and it is as if nothing untoward has occurred. Max turns to Jarrett. MAX Nice party. Gotta try the chopped liver, it's nothing but great. Max takes his arm and they start to move off, two old friends out on the town. CUT TO EXT. STREET - NIGHT - STOCK as K.I.T.T. drives past camera. INT. K.I.T.T. - MOVING (POOR MAN'S PROCESS) His mood is thoughtful. MICHAEL His name was Jeremy Towers, with a home address on Park. See what you can get on him, Kitt. K.I.T.T. I have a Jeremy Towers at that address whose business is wholesale jewelry. He owns, correction, owned the building we just left. MICHAEL Go on.... K.I.T.T. Towers left a considerable estate, over half of which comprises price- less artifacts from archaeological expeditions abroad. The most recent of these was on a search for the crown of the fabled Mayan King, Tequatl. MICHAEL (musing) He had the best life can offer...must have had a zest for adventure, too. Why would he jump like that? K.I.T.T. Michael, your tone suggests that you feel responsible. MICHAEL Maybe, maybe I was. CUT TO INT. CRANE'S MANSION - MAIN ROOM - ON HARANA Harana is with Watkins who is more interested in his martini. HARANA Oh, I know many things about you, Mr. Watkins. For example, you have a lifelong quest that's gone unfulfilled. Watkins looks up from his drink, smiles, coming onto her. WATKINS That's usually my line, honey. Look I don't believe in voodoo, okay? HARANA (nods, unruffled) I also know, the archeological treasures of Atlantis are the object of that quest. WATKINS Right. I'm an archaeologist. (facetiously) Very good. What else did Donald tell you about me? That I've got two ex- wives, that I bet the horses, that I'm a connoisseur of beautiful women. You qualify. What's your time like? HARANA (smiles) What is your time like Mr. Watkins? WATKINS You name it. HARANA Tomorrow evening. Here. I think you'll find it very exciting. WATKINS Wouldn't surprise me. Smiling, he hands his martini to Crane and takes her hand, kissing it, then moves off. Crane appears at Harana's side. HARANA A stupid man who confuses sex with business. But, no matter. He'll be dead this time tomorrow night. She looks at Crane and he chuckles, sharing a joke that only they understand. FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN EXT. ROAD - DAY - STOCK as the semi blows past camera. INT. SEMI - DAY Michael is reading the morning paper. MICHAEL 'Jewel tycoon Jeremy Towers, fifty-two, plunged nineteen stories to his death last night; an apparent suicide. Family and friends could provide no clue as to why Towers would take his own life.' Michael looks up, still plagued by self-doubt. He puts the paper aside. Devon picks it up and peruses it, as: MICHAEL (flat; down) I spooked him. RC3 Come on Michael. He was already spooked. There's got to be some- thing weird behind it. Devon looks up from the newspaper. DEVON It says here Towers had just left a party where the guest of honor was -- a voodoo princess? RC3 I had a great aunt who dabbled in stuff like that. She was no princess, but she was a hell of a lady. MICHAEL Come to think of it, those two guys with Towers sure looked like they were stoned on something. DEVON (admonishing) Michael, really.... MICHAEL One of them had the strength of three men. (to Devon) Where was this party? DEVON At Donald Crane's. According to the society page, there's another this evening. Crane is listed on the Board of the City Museum. His wealth is in pre-Columbian art. He is a member of the Parapsychological Society. RC3 (an aside) Whoa, Kitt, how's that in English? K.I.T.T. Parapsychology is the study of phenomena not explainable by known natural laws, RC. RC3 Voodoo. MICHAEL I've got to clean this up in my mind, Devon. I think you understand that. DEVON (a beat) I suppose we could stretch a point and make Towers' death our concern. MICHAEL (smiles) Thanks. DEVON Mark you, I don't relish having to justify it to the Foundation. MICHAEL Could you stretch the point some more and get me into Crane's party tonight? DEVON That's a tall order, Michael. But I have an idea or two. On Devon's look we: CUT TO EXT. WAREHOUSE - DAY INT. WAREHOUSE - DAY - WATKINS A well-endowed and pretty secretary is making notes on a clipboard as Watkins peruses the artifacts in the warehouse. He looks up as Crane enters. CRANE (abruptly) I got your hysterical message. WATKINS (to secretary) Please excuse us, Miss Lorimar. The secretary closes the files and moves sexily past Crane, exiting, her physical attractions not lost on him. CRANE You're inexhaustible, Claude. Can she at least type? WATKINS (impatient) Towers is dead. What the hell do we do now? CRANE Unless you can raise the poor fellow from the dead, dear boy, absolutely nothing. WATKINS What about his key? CRANE What about his key? WATKINS The vault requires three, remember? Yours, mine and Towers? Without any one of them the others are useless. CRANE It's merely a postponement. WATKINS Merely?! That's a ten-million-dollar tiara you're talking about! CRANE Towers left a will in which the purpose of the key will almost certainly be mentioned. We'll have ourselves a new partner, that's all. WATKINS You'd better be right -- for both our sakes. We took part in a murder for a piece of the crown. CRANE And you'll have that piece. They hold a look. Watkins breaks it off and exits in the same direction the secretary did earlier. When he's out of sight, Crane picks up the phone, dials --- CRANE It's Crane. CRANE'S APARTMENT - INTERCUT - HARANA HARANA Well? CRANE He's nervous. But he'll be there tonight. She smiles, pleased by the message. CUT TO EXT. CRANE'S HIGH RISE - NIGHT K.I.T.T. pulls up with Michael, who steps out, dressed for the occasion in a tuxedo. CLOSER - K.I.T.T. AND MICHAEL MICHAEL (to K.I.T.T.) Stay close, buddy. K.I.T.T. Certainly, Michael. As Michael moves toward the entrance, Elizabeth appears at his side, takes his arm. ELIZABETH Hi. MICHAEL (stopping) Well, hi. ELIZABETH (rapid fire) You're going to Donald Crane's party, aren't you? Well, I noticed you don't have a date, and I always wanted to meet Harana and -- Would you mind? Michael eyes her appreciatively, offers his arm. MICHAEL Not at all. I'm Michael Knight. ELIZABETH Elizabeth Wesley. MICHAEL Shall we? They enter the high rise. INT. MAIN ROOM - ANGLE TO ENTRANCE A small dinner party with guests dressed similar to those at the previous party. One of them is Watkins. Michael and Elizabeth enter and are immediately joined by Crane, who is suspicious of them. CRANE This is a private party. Perhaps you got off the elevator on the wrong floor? MICHAEL One of your guests, Geoffrey Twilliger, asked me to sit in for him. Nasty case of the flu. CRANE Oh dear, poor Geoffrey. What do you do, Mr. -- ? MICHAEL Knight. I'm a freelance writer. I'm working on a series of articles for Psychic Review with an emphasis on para-ecclesiastical ascension to a higher plane. CRANE How fascinating. I'm Donald Crane. MICHAEL Pleasure. This is Elizabeth, my research assistant. Crane gestures, they enter. CRANE Please, enjoy --- Michael and Elizabeth cross toward the other guests. ANOTHER ANGLE - WATKINS as he spots Elizabeth; avoids her and crosses toward Crane. WATKINS AND CRANE WATKINS That girl -- that's Wesley's daughter. CRANE (blanches) Wesley's daughter?! WATKINS Yes. She's been hounding me for weeks. What's she doing here? CRANE Haven't the foggiest. WATKINS Who's the big guy with her? CRANE Quite obviously a phony. WATKINS (vehemently) Get them out of here! There is a sudden burst of applause and both men turn to see: HARANA'S ENTRANCE ON THE STAIRS Everybody in the room turns to face the gorgeous Voodoo Princess. She makes her regal entrance, immediately surrounded by admirers. MICHAEL AND ELIZABETH MICHAEL Let's go meet the guest of honor. Michael takes Elizabeth's reluctant hand and they move off toward Harana. ANGLE TO HARANA amid her coterie of admirers. Michael steps in, Elizabeth behind him. He extends his hand. MICHAEL Harana, I'm Michael Knight. This is Elizabeth Wesley. Harana smiles at Michael, liking what she sees. She takes his hand. HARANA A pleasure. (looks down at his hand; seductively) What extraordinary psychic energy, Mr. Knight. You'd make a very good subject for my special brand of magic.... MICHAEL I'd like to try it sometime. But right now I'm concerned about a friend of mine. Jeremy Towers. He was here last night, and --- Elizabeth has been kicking the back of Michael's leg for attention. Finally, with a wince, Michael turns. ANOTHER ANGLE On both sides of them are Jarrett, Max and a third man. Michael recognizes Max and Jarrett immediately. All three wear the clips on their left ears. Crane is nearby. MICHAEL (to Max) Haven't I met you fellows someplace before? CRANE Pardon me. But you're both uninvited guests and must leave immediately. MICHAEL We'll be happy to leave, but not until I've asked your friends some questions. CRANE (to Max) Help them to the door. ANGLES ON FIGHT Max relishes the idea and winds up to deck Michael, but Michael ducks and throws a punch into Max's middle. He catches a punch from Jarrett and lands a haymaker knocking Jarrett into the table of hors d'oeuvres. Then he turns to meet the charge of the third man. They wrestle to the floor. A crowd gathers. ANGLE TO ELIZABETH as the Servant comes up to her. He takes her arm and starts to move her toward the entrance. She looks back helplessly at: THE FIGHT Michael finishes off the third man and gets up off the floor. Max is coming at Michael again as: MICHAEL (to Crane) Everything they say about your parties is true. He turns and pastes Max one more time. MICHAEL (continuing) They're a real bash. Michael turns from Crane; scans the area --- MICHAEL Elizabeth? He realizes she's gone; turns and heads for the door. EXT. CRANE'S MANSION - NIGHT Michael comes out, enters K.I.T.T. and drives off. INT. K.I.T.T. - TRAVELLING MICHAEL A young woman left just before I did, pal. Did you see her? K.I.T.T. Yes. She drove off in a VW convertible. She's out of scanner range by now. She seemed quite upset. MICHAEL That makes two of us. K.I.T.T. I thought I detected a lack of hospi- tality in there. MICHAEL That's putting it mildly, buddy. But it had its rewards. Michael reaches into his pocket and comes up with an ear- clip he grabbed during the fight. MICHAEL (continuing) Let's see what Devon can tell us about these things. EXT. CITY STREET - K.I.T.T. - STOCK zooms past camera. INT. MAIN ROOM - NIGHT - FULL A servant is cleaning up the mess and the party has returned to normal. The guests surround Harana. We see Crane making his way back to Watkins. CLOSER - CRANE AND WATKINS Crane keeps a happy face to his guests, as: WATKINS Who was he? CRANE He called himself Michael Knight. He was asking Harana about Towers. Harana moves into shot. CRANE (continuing) Ah, Harana, darling. HARANA So many questions, so many lost souls seeking guidance. It saps my psychic energy.... CRANE You two whisk off someplace cozy while I man the barricades. (to Harana) Why don't you show Claude 'The Room of Dreams'? He winks at Watkins. Harana smiles, and Watkins smiles back. WATKINS Sounds promising. HARANA Come.... She moves off, Watkins following. CUT TO EXT. ANOTHER CITY STREET - NIGHT - PARKED SEMI - STOCK MICHAEL'S VOICE Both guys were wearing one behind their ear.... INT. SEMI - MICROSCOPE SHOT - THE CLIP A tiny grid of wires comes into focus. ON DEVON AND MICHAEL Devon is adjusting the focus on the microscope. Widen to include RC3 in b.g. as: MICHAEL (continuing) ...same as last night, only this time they didn't act like sleepwalkers and they didn't pack the same punch. DEVON (looking up) They appear to be receivers of some kind. See for yourself. (as Michael moves in) Given a certain frequency, they could create electrochemical responses in the brain. RC3 People wear those for seasickness. My uncle used one to quit smoking. DEVON I have a suspicion, RC, that these stimulate an overproduction of the brain's neurotransmitters. MICHAEL Like endorphin...It kills pain. DEVON They could also produce a surge of Adrenalin and any number of other responses. RC3 Which explains the way that guy threw you across the room last night. MICHAEL Devon, if these clips work the way you describe, wouldn't it take an outside source to activate them? DEVON Indeed. MICHAEL So if you fed whatever you've got on this thing into Kitt's CPU he could monitor that source. DEVON It could take some time. MICHAEL How about ten minutes? I've got to get back to that party. DEVON (teasing) Anything else? MICHAEL As a matter of fact, yes. I ran into a girl at the party but by the time the smoke cleared, she was gone. RC3 Story of his life. MICHAEL That's enough, RC. (to Devon) Name's Elizabeth Wesley. See what you can find out about her. INT. THE ROOM OF DREAMS - NIGHT - HARANA AND WATKINS It is decorated exotically, like an Aubrey Beardsley drawing. It is semilit with candles and incense smoke lies heavily in the air. Harana and Watkins are seated face to face on a tasseled pillow. Harana's eyes are closed, her voice is honeyed and sensual, and Watkins has a condescending smile on his face. HARANA I see you on an expedition. WATKINS That's past history. Let's get to the present. You and me. HARANA No. What I see is yet to come. You are in a world of untold treasure. A world no one has touched in many centuries. The Lost City.... WATKINS Atlantis? HARANA I can lead you there because it is your destiny. WATKINS (chuckles) You have a map? Harana opens her eyes and stares levelly at him. HARANA There is no need for one. I see it very clearly. And so may you. With this.... She produces one of the ear clips and holds it out to Watkins. HARANA Just put it on your left ear and you will see what I see. WATKINS Anything you say.... He puts the clip on his left ear, amused. WATKINS (continuing) Now what? HARANA (smiles) Now I turn this.... She reaches for her brooch and turns the top of it. Watkins' eyes glaze over. Harana slaps Watkins sharply across the cheek, looking for a response. There is none. MAX AND JARRETT enter, eyes also glazed. They lead Watkins from the room. Harana smiles triumphantly. EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT - K.I.T.T. - TRAVELING - STOCK INT. K.I.T.T. - NIGHT - MOVING (POOR MAN'S PROCESS) MICHAEL Okay, back to the party.... K.I.T.T. Michael, what makes you think you'll be any more welcome now than before? MICHAEL I'll worry about that when I get there. He presses a button on the dash. INSERT - SCREEN The ear clip appears as a three-dimensional hologram graphic. AS BEFORE MICHAEL Devon established the frequency and sync rate of the clip. Let me know if anything like it is activated within two miles of us. EXT. CRANE'S HIGH RISE - NIGHT - FULL Watkins exits along with Max and Jarrett. They enter a car, Jarrett behind the wheel, and pull away. A moment later, Elizabeth's VW pulls out of a parking place and follows. EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT - K.I.T.T. - STOCK speeds toward the party. INT. K.I.T.T. - NIGHT - TRAVELLING (POOR MAN'S PROCESS) An electronic warning sounds. K.I.T.T. Michael...three of the clips have been activated and are within the two mile radius. MICHAEL Locate them on your grid map. GRID MAP GRAPHIC shows a pulsing light moving toward the industrial section. AS BEFORE MICHAEL They're all three in one vehicle. K.I.T.T. My monitors detect a four-cylinder, foreign vehicle following them.... MICHAEL So much for the party. Let's get on their tail. EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT - K.I.T.T. - STOCK takes a sharp right and picks up speed. EXT. WATKINS' WAREHOUSE - NIGHT Jarrett's car pulls up. INSERT - AUTOMATIC DOOR OPENER as the button is depressed. THE VEHICLE ENTRANCE DOOR rolls aside, fully opening. RESUME JARRETT'S CAR He, Max and Watkins get out and enter the warehouse. A moment later, Elizabeth's car ghosts up beside the building. CLOSER - ELIZABETH as she cases the building, gathers up her courage and enters. INT. WAREHOUSE - NIGHT - ELIZABETH as she enters the cavernous interior. It is dark and spooky. From a distance, she hears the footsteps of Watkins, Max and Jarrett making their way to Watkins' office. She follows, and in her effort to see where they're going, knocks over an antique vase. ANOTHER AREA - ON WATKINS, MAX AND JARRETT as the three react to the sound. Max and Jarrett exchange a hard look and start back toward Elizabeth, Watkins following. ON ELIZABETH as the trio approaches her. She takes cover behind a crate. EXT. WAREHOUSE - K.I.T.T. pulls up. INT. K.I.T.T. MICHAEL That's an odd place to rendezvous after a party.... K.I.T.T. My scanners show four people in the building, three of them wearing the transmitters. The fourth is the girl who entered the party with you. MICHAEL Elizabeth? You're sure? K.I.T.T. Unless she has a twin with identical DNA structure. And Michael, her heart rate is above normal. She's frightened. INT. WAREHOUSE - NIGHT - ON ELIZABETH hardly daring to breathe. The three men are lurking on the other side of the crate. MAX looks down and sees: POINT OF VIEW - ELIZABETH'S PARTY SHOES are reflected in an antique mirror at one side of the crate. AS BEFORE The three move around the crate, discovering Elizabeth. She smiles bravely. ELIZABETH I know, I know. 'Break it, you've bought it.' Listen, Watkins, it doesn't do you any good to run away from me. I'll keep coming and --- Max and Jarrett grab her roughly. EXT. WAREHOUSE - K.I.T.T. Michael gets out, starts toward the building. INT. WAREHOUSE - ON MICHAEL as he enters the dark interior, via the vehicle entrance, pausing to get his bearings. He hears Elizabeth scream. MICHAEL (shouts) Elizabeth! He starts to run toward its source. Another scream is cut off, as: ELIZABETH has been gagged by Jarrett and is bound to a pillar. Jarrett hears Michael's approach and moves off into the shadows. Elizabeth is struggling, trying to talk through her gag. Intercutting: MICHAEL following these sounds, trying to locate her in the huge interior. INT. WATKINS' OFFICE - NIGHT Watkins removes a piece from an intricately carved artifact that looks like a Chinese puzzle. A tiny door snaps open, out of which recess he takes a small velvet bag, producing the key. He gives both to Max, who pockets them. They exit. MICHAEL finally locates Elizabeth a short distance away. He is moving toward her when Jarrett suddenly appears in the aisle ahead of him. He recognizes Jarrett's glazed look. MICHAEL Oh-oh...All pumped up again? Jarrett charges, grabbing Michael like a rag doll and throwing him onto a nearby crate, which breaks his fall. SHOT - MICHAEL picks up one of these and hurls it at Jarrett. The big man is still unfazed. Michael dodges his next charge and grabs a 2X4. SHOT - JARRETT He charges at Michael who sidesteps, swings the 2X4 and belts Jarrett over the head with it. The wood snaps and Jarrett shakes his head, unaffected. He is about to charge again when he sees: WATKINS AND MAX marching like automatons toward the exit, mission accomp- lished. Jarrett ignores Michael and falls into step with them. He and Max take off running and leave Watkins behind. MICHAEL moves quickly to Elizabeth, releasing the gag and the ropes, as: MICHAEL (into comlink) Kitt...I need you! EXT. WAREHOUSE - K.I.T.T. starts up, screeches toward the vehicle entrance, passing Max and Jarrett on their way towards the exit. INT. WAREHOUSE - K.I.T.T. careens through the aisles of crates, coming finally to: MICHAEL AND ELIZABETH who clamber into the car. Michael takes the wheel and turns toward the exit. INT. K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. They're escaping, Michael. MICHAEL Keep the car on your scanners. Silent Mode. I want to shadow them, pal. ELIZABETH (confused but excited) This is your pal? EXT. WAREHOUSE - NIGHT as Max and Jarrett emerge on the run; get into Jarrett's car and drive off. INT. WAREHOUSE - NIGHT K.I.T.T. wheels around and heads for the entrance door. Michael reacts to something up ahead and slams on the brakes when he sees --- POINT OF VIEW THROUGH WINDSHIELD - WATKINS is standing in the entrance blocking their way. RESUME INSIDE K.I.T.T. ELIZABETH That's Watkins! That's the man I have to talk to! MICHAEL That makes two of us. They get out of K.I.T.T. THE SCENE as Michael and Elizabeth approach Watkins, who stands like a zombie in the doorway. MICHAEL Mr. Watkins --- Michael bites off the sentence when --- WATKINS slowly pulls a gun from inside his jacket. He holds it to the side, looking at it mysteriously. MICHAEL reacts; knows what's coming. MICHAEL Not again. No! Mr. Wa --- Michael's words are drowned out by a gunshot that echoes in the warehouse interior. WATKINS is on the ground, gun in his hand, dead. ON MICHAEL AND ELIZABETH as they react, horrified, aghast. Hold a beat, and: FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN INT. POLICE STATION - CORRIDOR - NIGHT as Michael and Elizabeth come out of the Lieutenant's office and walk down the corridor toward some vending machines. ELIZABETH Poor Mr. Watkins. It was all my fault. I kept after him and after him. But I had to know what happened to Dad. Michael puts his arm around her, comforting. MICHAEL (gently) Hey...You're making the same mistake I did, blaming yourself. He wasn't in control, any more than those other two guys. Maybe you'd better tell me how you got involved in the first place. ELIZABETH They were on an expedition together. My father, Watkins, and two other men. MICHAEL One of them being Jeremy Towers. ELIZABETH Yes. And a fourth. No one has been able or willing to tell me who that was. Towers said my father committed suicide, drowned in rapids deep in the jungle, his body never recovered. Dad wouldn't have done that, Michael. He had too much to live for. MICHAEL You're saying he was murdered. ELIZABETH (nods) Dad was certain they would find Tekatal's crown. The expedition was founded on his research. It was his dream to give it to the museum, but the others were against that. They found the crown, I just know it. Michael pops some change into one of the machines; hands her a coffee. MICHAEL And killed your father to keep it for themselves. Kitt, find out if Tequatl's crown turned up recently in any museum or private collection. K.I.T.T. I find the last major acquisition of that kind recorded in June of last year, Michael. The crown of Santa Isabella was donated to the Chicago Museum by a Mrs. Darla Blackman. MICHAEL (to Elizabeth) If your theory is correct, the fourth man has it all to himself now. ELIZABETH (determinedly) I'm going to find him. When I do, I'll find the crown, too, and fulfill Dad's dream. MICHAEL (smiles) Judging past performance, I've got a sneaking hunch you'll get your way. She turns into him and looks up. ELIZABETH Thank you for being my friend, Michael. She kisses him. Then Michael kisses her. On the break: MICHAEL To be on the safe side, you'd better plan on staying with me tonight. ELIZABETH (flirtatiously) How safe will that be? They hold a look and we: DISSOLVE TO EXT. CITY ROAD - DAY - THE SEMI - STOCK parked. MICHAEL'S VOICE Crane has to be the common denominator in this, Devon.... INT. SEMI - DAY - MICHAEL, ELIZABETH, RC3, AND DEVON enjoying an early morning cup of coffee. Devon works at the computer. MICHAEL It's more than coincidence that both Towers and Watkins died after one of his parties.... RC3 And those two jokers who threw you around must have been his boys for sure. MICHAEL Right. Which brings us to Harana. If she's a voodoo princess for real, she's created a couple of zombies. We know they can't be for real.... DEVON Nor is Harana. I ran her profile through the physiognomy banks last night.... He punches buttons on the console. INSERT - THE MONITOR - INTERCUTTING shows Harana's likeness, then various police mug shots with appropriate legends beneath them. DEVON Her real name is Bonita Vance. She has a brilliantly inventive mind which she turned to crime. Mostly confidence schemes. Last year they arrested her in Miami for imperson- ating a North African empress. RC3 Man, that lady doesn't shoot low. MICHAEL Any results on that ear clip? DEVON I'm afraid not. It's in the analyzer. I'll let you know as soon as some- thing comes through. MICHAEL Devon, I've got to see this thing through. Not just for myself.... He looks across at Elizabeth, and their attraction is not lost on Devon. DEVON Doctor Wesley intended Tequatl's crown for the city museum. I think that makes it Foundation business. MICHAEL Thank you, Devon. Now, it's time I had a heart-to-heart with Mr. Crane. He starts for K.I.T.T. CUT TO EXT. CRANE'S HIGH RISE - DAY - TO ESTABLISH INT. ROOM OF DREAMS - DAY - ON CRANE entering, carrying a briefcase. He looks across at Harana. CRANE It was just confirmed on the radio. Claude Watkins shot himself last night. HARANA Then it's time to settle our accounts. Crane hefts the briefcase with a smile, moves to place it on a low table. CRANE It's been a very fruitful collabora- tion, Harana. I detest the act of murder. Still do. Induced suicide is so much more civilized. He snaps open the briefcase in such a way the lid obscures its contents from Harana. INSERT - INTERIOR OF BRIEFCASE empty except for a pearl-handled nickel-plated .38. Crane's hand reaches for it, as: CRANE'S VOICE A million dollars was our arrangement, I believe.... BACK TO CRANE as he brings the gun up and levels it at Harana. CRANE ...which I've decided is too steep a price. Now if you'll hand over the two keys, I'll thank you to leave the premises. And take your Neanderthal bullies with you. Any tricks, and you'll have to explain to the police about Towers and Watkins. Crane puts out his other hand for the keys, but Harana simply smiles at him, and looking past him --- HARANA He's not aware of his destiny, gentlemen. CRANE (angrily) Don't test my patience, Harana! Max and Jarrett suddenly appear behind Crane and quickly disarm him. He struggles in their grip, as: HARANA You'll pay a heavy price for your greed, Donald. She produces one of the ear clips and moves toward him. EXT. CITY STREET - DAY - K.I.T.T. - STOCK moves past. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - MICHAEL is deep in thought. K.I.T.T. And when this is all over, she'll probably go back to St. Louis. MICHAEL Yeah, I suppose so. K.I.T.T. Is this what they call fate, Michael? MICHAEL Yeah, buddy. The downside of fate. INT. CRANE MANSION - THE MAIN ROOM - DAY Crane has a clip on his ear. He is glassy-eyed. Harana, Sebastian, Max and Jarrett follow him across the room to: ANOTHER ANGLE - A PAINTING Crane swings it aside to reveal a wall safe. INT. K.I.T.T. - ANGLE - MONITOR as Devon's image burns into view. DEVON Michael, I finally have some results on the ear clips. ON MICHAEL MICHAEL Great. What have you got? DEVON I've found they can be deactivated with a high-frequency tone, but --- MICHAEL Okay. Patch it through to Kitt. DEVON I'm still running a series of combi- nations through the banks. When I have it, you'll have it. MICHAEL Thanks. INT. MAIN ROOM - DAY - CRANE has the safe open. He removes a small red velvet bag and hands it to Harana. HARANA Take your car and go to 121 Wall Street. Enter the basement and there you will find.... INT. K.I.T.T. - TRAVELLING A warning beeper goes off from the dash. K.I.T.T. I'm reading three of those activated clips within a two-mile radius, Michael. MICHAEL Locate them on the grid. INSERT - STREET GRAPHIC Three flashing lights are clustered at the location of Crane's high-rise. AS BEFORE MICHAEL That's Crane's high-rise. Let's move it! K.I.T.T. Michael, it would be less than rational for you to go against three such anthropomorphic robots.... MICHAEL No choice. If the pattern holds and they leave the house, there's likely to be another murder. EXT. CRANE'S HIGH-RISE - DAY Crane exits the building; gets in his car and pulls away as K.I.T.T. approaches. INT. K.I.T.T. MICHAEL That was Donald Crane! K.I.T.T. He was 'under the influence,' Michael. MICHAEL Give me a reading in the house. K.I.T.T. Two of the activated clips remain there with a woman. MICHAEL Harana...She's the key. If I can get to her, maybe we can prevent more mayhem. K.I.T.T. pulls up near the front entrance. Michael gets out. INT. CRANE'S APARTMENT - MAIN ROOM - DAY as Michael comes through the door. The room is empty. He spots the open safe and moves toward it. HARANA'S VOICE You might at least have called first, Michael Knight. Michael swings around as Harana, Max and Jarrett appear nearby. Harana moves sultrily toward him. MICHAEL Just the lady I wanted to see. She runs her fingers lightly over Michael's face. HARANA Correct me if I'm wrong. It was not my charm that brought you back. MICHAEL You know it wasn't. HARANA Pity. MICHAEL Tell me about those ear clips, Harana. Donald Crane just left here hell-bent for something, and I'll lay money he was wearing one of them. HARANA Donald has an appointment with destiny. MICHAEL You mean an appointment with murder, don't you? Harana, stop him now, while there's still time. HARANA You force me to do something I know I'll regret. She steps back, nodding at Jarrett and Max, who move quickly toward Michael. MICHAEL My favorite tag team, Hulk Hogan and Sergeant Slaughter.... They're on him in a flash. Michael throws a punch at Jarrett that could drop a horse, but he is unfazed. Max comes up behind and wraps his arms around Michael, holding him power- less against Jarrett's knockout blow. EXT. MANSION - DAY - K.I.T.T. K.I.T.T. Michael...I'm reading diminished functions in your vital signs.... INT. MAIN ROOM - AS BEFORE Max and Jarrett watch as Harana, kneeling, attaches an ear clip to Michael. She turns the dial on her brooch, as: K.I.T.T. Donald Crane has gone out of the two- mile radius, but now I'm reading a third activated clip in the house.... Harana takes off the comlink and examines it curiously. K.I.T.T. Michael? She smiles, then puts it on the floor and Max stomps on it, smashing it. ON MICHAEL as he comes to. His eyes are blank. Harana comes in close, stroking him with her long fingernails. HARANA Such a shame, Michael. We would have had a glorious destiny together. FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN INT. CRANE'S APARTMENT - DAY Michael stands in the middle of the room. Harana walks around him, giving him orders. HARANA You will take your car and go to 121 Wall Street. Michael barely nods. HARANA There you will join Donald Crane in the basement and wait for further orders. Michael turns to leave. Harana looks regretfully after him, then turns abruptly to Max and Jarrett. HARANA We've earned a bonus. Take the cream of Crane's collection -- whatever we can carry. Then we go for the crown. EXT. DONALD CRANE'S MANSION - DAY Michael climbs into K.I.T.T. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY as Michael starts the engine. K.I.T.T. Michael, I was worried sick. Michael does not respond...only drives away. EXT. DONALD CRANE'S MANSION - DAY Michael drives carefully out of the driveway onto the street. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY Michael's eyes are fixed on the road ahead. He is a man with a mission. K.I.T.T. Where to, Michael? MICHAEL (stonily) 121 Wall Street, pal. K.I.T.T. We lost contact. Did something go wrong with the comlink? Nothing from Michael. K.I.T.T. I still read three activated clips. Michael... (beat) Michael, didn't you hear me? What's the matter. Why won't you answer me? INSERT - DASH K.I.T.T. scans all of Michael's vital signs, spots the ear clip. K.I.T.T. Michael! You've become one of them! RESUME SCENE - STOCK as Michael drives. Not reacting to K.I.T.T. EXT. CITY STREET - THE SEMI - STOCK parked. K.I.T.T. (urgently) Devon...come in.... INT. SEMI - DEVON crosses to the console. Behind him are RC3 and Elizabeth. DEVON Yes, Kitt, what is it? K.I.T.T. Michael has one of those clips on. ELIZABETH Is he all right? K.I.T.T. Well, physically, he's all there Elizabeth. But technically he's non compus mentis. RC3 Hey, stop with technical! What's wrong with him? DEVON (concerned) Kitt means that Michael doesn't have all his mental faculties. Where are you headed Kitt? K.I.T.T. 121 Wall Street. I took the liberty of checking the location and that building is scheduled for demolition. RC3 Holy --- RC3 starts to move toward his motorcycle. DEVON Where are you going? RC3 Sorry, boss. I can't just sit here and listen when Michael's in that kind of trouble! He hops on the bike, donning the helmet. EXT. STREET - DAY as RC3 turns a corner on his bike and roars past camera. INT. SEMI - DEVON AND ELIZABETH Devon is still punching keys on the computer. DEVON What in heaven's name does he think he's going to do? ELIZABETH I don't know. But I feel a lot better knowing he's trying.... Devon turns his attention back to the computer; a few beats before --- DEVON Kitt, I've got a frequency for you. I was testing it now, but I guess we don't have time for the results. Hold on.... EXT. BUILDING - 121 WALL STREET - DAY - STOCK An abandoned building awaiting destruction. INT. SUBTERRANEAN GARAGE - DAY - CRANE Dark and musty. A sign reads "Keep out. This building is scheduled to be demolished. Trespassers will be prosecuted". Another sign reads, "High Explosives Present...Hard Hat Area. Hudson Demolition Company". We see many stanchions sup- porting the building. Crane, in trancelike state, is seated, awaiting his explosive demise. INT. K.I.T.T. - DAY - INTERCUTTING SEMI Devon is on the monitor. DEVON Set your electronic Field Disrupter at a frequency of sixty-four mega- hurtz. K.I.T.T. Done. DEVON Two nano second blasts followed by one long one...approximately 2.978 seconds. Elizabeth is wringing her hands. We hear the sound of two short blasts and one long one. Michael's head snaps back and his eyes close, when they open he is back to normal. Michael reacts to his new location. MICHAEL How'd we get here, buddy? K.I.T.T. A new kind of auto pilot. DEVON Michael, check your left ear. Michael pulls the clip off. MICHAEL Harana must have sent me on another of her murderous errands. He reacts; hits the brakes. K.I.T.T. screeches to a stop in the street outside the building. MICHAEL Scan the building. INTERCUT AS NEEDED - K.I.T.T.'S MONITOR - DONALD CRANE sitting calmly. Unaware he is about to die. K.I.T.T. There's one person inside.... MICHAEL Donald Crane, I'll bet. K.I.T.T. ...and a massive deployment of explosives. Michael, this building isn't scheduled for demolition today, but the system has just been primed. MICHAEL Locate the detonator and neutralize it, buddy. K.I.T.T. I can't. It's at a remote location. The countdown is already started and is irreversible from here! MICHAEL If Crane dies, so does Elizabeth's dream of vindicating her father.... K.I.T.T. We're going in? MICHAEL Yep. K.I.T.T. I was afraid of that. Forty seconds and counting, Michael. He tromps on the accelerator, and K.I.T.T. surges toward the garage entrance. OMITTED EXT. ABANDONED BUILDING as Michael drives K.I.T.T. directly toward the entrance to the underground garage. K.I.T.T.'S VOICE Here goes. EXT. BUILDING - DAY - STOCK (1985) as K.I.T.T. smashes through the door into the underground garage. INT. GARAGE - CRANE doesn't bat an eyelash as K.I.T.T. screeches to a stop. Michael gets out and runs to Crane. MICHAEL Come on. We have to get out of here. Crane looks glassily at him. K.I.T.T. Thirty seconds, Michael. EXT. BUILDING - DAY as RC3 approaches on his motorcycle, zips through the opening K.I.T.T. blasted in the fence earlier and roars toward the entrance to the garage. RESUME MICHAEL AND CRANE Michael is pulling him to his feet; reacts to the screech of tires and roar of an engine as: RC3 rockets into the garage on his motorcycle and screeches to a stop next to Crane and Michael. MICHAEL What are you doing here?! RC3 Helping you. MICHAEL Let's get him in the car. This place is going up. RC3 Or coming down, man. I'm not sure which. Michael and RC3 grab Crane and lead him to K.I.T.T. INSIDE K.I.T.T. as they put Crane in the back and Michael and RC3 get in. Michael looks back at Crane, who sits expressionless. MICHAEL Can you bring Crane out of that, pal? K.I.T.T. Devon has provided me with a decoder. It worked on you, and -- Ten seconds to go, Michael -- nine -- eight --- MICHAEL We better go. RC3 I sure second that motion. Michael slams K.I.T.T. in gear and stomps on the accelerator. K.I.T.T. takes off like a rocket and heads for the entrance. INSIDE - ON ENTRANCE TO GARAGE - STOCK (1985) as K.I.T.T. rockets out of the building toward the street. K.I.T.T. Five -- four -- three --- RC3 suddenly reemerges. RC3 Hey, wait a minute! My bike!! RC3 looks back in agony to see: EXT. ABANDONED BUILDING - 121 WALL STREET - DAY - STOCK Charges detonate; the sound of numerous explosions that rock the building. It crumbles into itself like a house of cards. Then a huge cloud of dust rises, billowing through the air. EXT. STREET - DAY as K.I.T.T., shrouded by dust and smoke from the explosion and demolition of the building screeches to a stop. INT. K.I.T.T. Smoke and dust from the explosion outside his windows. RC3 All right, Kitt! K.I.T.T. No applause...just a wash and wax, please. MICHAEL Let's bring Mr. Crane back from Oz. The sound of two short blasts then one long blast. ON DANIEL as his eyes click open...he is back to himself. Daniel looks around. Sees the building, the look of the car and Michael staring at him. CRANE To quote Blanche DuBois, 'I've always depended on the kindness of strangers.' MICHAEL You're welcome. Just tell me where Tekatal's crown is. CRANE I'm afraid, I don't know what you're talking about. MICHAEL Can it, Crane. Harana just tried to kill you. You want her to have it? Daniel thinks a moment. He looks at the building, pulls the ear clip off his ear. CRANE The private vault company on South Ridge Drive. OUTSIDE K.I.T.T. as Michael peels out, through the hole in the fence and onto the street. STREET - DAY - K.I.T.T. - STOCK as K.I.T.T. blasts past camera. EXT. PRIVATE VAULT COMPANY - DAY K.I.T.T. screeches to a stop in front of the building. ANOTHER ANGLE Harana comes out of the building carrying the box that contains the crown and starts down the steps. Jarrett and Max wait at their car. MICHAEL'S VOICE There they are! Harana sees Michael and K.I.T.T. She turns the brooch pin and says something to Jarrett and Max, who head straight for K.I.T.T. MICHAEL Let's try that decoder again, pal. The sound of two short blasts and one long blast. ANGLE TO JARRETT AND MAX as the decoder works. They pass through that momentary confusion, then start toward K.I.T.T. again. AT K.I.T.T. MICHAEL (getting out, to Crane) Consider yourself in protective custody. Michael and RC3 close the doors. Daniel vainly tries to get out. THE FIGHT as Michael and RC3 meet Max and Jarrett head on. The clips being ineffective, the latter are no match for Michael and RC3. They are quickly put away. ON HARANA Seeing this, she runs for her car, climbs in, and starts the motor. MICHAEL runs to K.I.T.T. and gets in, gunning after Harana's car. ANGLE ON ACTION as K.I.T.T. catches up to Harana's car and pulls in front of it, forcing Harana to screech to a dead stop. ON HARANA'S CAR She is slumped defeatedly over the wheel as Michael gets out of K.I.T.T. and crosses. He opens the door and helps Harana out, taking the box from her. He opens it. OMITTED INSERT - THE BOX as the lid opens revealing the fabulous, jewel-encrusted crown. ON MICHAEL admiring the crown. MICHAEL Now I can understand what all the fuss was about. Sorry, Harana, but a stolen crown never made a man a king, nor a woman a princess.... HARANA Shakespeare? Richard Nixon? MICHAEL No -- Michael Knight. FADE OUT END OF ACT FOUR TAG FADE IN EXT. SEMI - STOCK parked. RC3'S VOICE I had to lay some bread on the demolition guys, but at least they found it in one piece.... INT. SEMI - CLOSE ON RC3'S BIKE in one piece, all right. But it is a horrendous specter of blackened, mangled metal, hardly recognizable. Widen to see a glum, but hopeful RC3 hunkered down beside it, with Michael and Elizabeth trying to cheer him up, as: MICHAEL You did say last week that the timing was giving you trouble. RC3 Yeah, true. MICHAEL (brightly) Well, now you can fix it. RC3 (unconvinced) Right. It'll take a little work, but she'll be good as new in no time. Devon enters, sees the bike. DEVON Great Scott. What's that? The others flash warnings. Devon takes a closer look. DEVON Oh, sorry. (grimly) That is what it is, isn't it? But cheer up, all of you. I've come from the museum, and they plan to feature Tekatal's crown in a special Mayan exhibit next month. (to Elizabeth) Your father would be very pleased, my dear. Elizabeth smiles and kisses Devon on the cheek. ELIZABETH Thank you so much, Devon. MICHAEL And proud...of his daughter. Elizabeth turns to Michael. ELIZABETH Oh, Michael. How can I ever thank you enough? MICHAEL Hey, this isn't good-bye, is it? DEVON (coughs) I've booked a flight for you, Elizabeth. As you asked. Michael looks at Devon, then at Elizabeth, disappointed. DEVON An early plane seemed a trifle premature. The police will have further questions, after all... and -- well, I thought -- (lamely) -- three days? MICHAEL (brightening) Why, Devon. I think that shows incredible insight. He takes Elizabeth's hand. She's smiling, too. ELIZABETH Yes, incredible. They embrace. The others share their happiness, as we: FREEZE FRAME FADE OUT THE END