notes: To pop everything into place... use Courier 10 (or 10 characters per inch) set top margin at 0.4", bottom margin at 0.4" (or minimums) left margin at 1", right margin at .25 (or minimum) (I had to tell the program I was using legal paper) original text typo notes: "luxary" on page 1, scene 2 "acronymn" page 8, scene 10 "hoardes" page 25, near end, Trask speaking "closer her [sic] gets, the more Clark's discomfort increases." page 18. [large,bold] LOIS & CLARK [large,ital] The New Adventures of Superman [large] "The Green, Green Glow of Home" EPISODE SEVEN Prod. #455307 Written by: BRYCE ZABEL Directed by: LES LANDAU WARNER BROS. TELEVISION PRODUCTION DRAFT September 5. 1993 (Blue) 9/10/93 (Pink) 9/14/93 (Yellow) 9/16/93 ---page break--- LOIS & CLARK "The Green, Green Glow of Home" Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 LOCATIONS INTERIORS: EXTERIORS: Daily Planet Metropolis Skies The Pit Perry's Office Metropolis Street Country Road Kent Home Kent Farm Living Room Kitchen Clean-up Site Shed Smallville Town Square Coffee Shop Carnival Booth Dance Area Clean-up Site Tent Barbecue Area Trask's Van Map of United States * Rental Car ---page break--- LOIS & CLARK "The Green, Green Glow of Home" Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 CHRONOLOGY SC. 1 - 3 NIGHT 1 SC. 4 - 13 DAY 2 SC. 14 - 16 NIGHT 2 SC. 17 - 49 DAY 3 SC. 50 DAY 4 ---page break--- LOIS & CLARK "The Green, Green Glow of Home" Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 CAST CLARK KENT\SUPERMAN LOIS LANE PERRY WHITE JIMMY OLSEN CAT GRANT JONATHAN KENT MARTHA KENT _____________________________________________________________ JASON TRASK WAYNE IRIG CAROL SHERMAN RACHEL HARRIS MAISIE BARKER ---page break--- LOIS & CLARK "The Green, Green Glow of Home" TEASE FADE IN: 1 EXT. METROPOLIS SKIES - (NIGHT #1) 1 SUPERMAN is on patrol, keeping the city safe. It's a stormy night, full of lightning in the sky. As he flies, he cocks his head to the side. WOMAN'S VOICE Help! Help! He stole my car! We hear the sound of TIRES SCREECHING. Superman looks downward, and changes course. CUT TO: 2 EXT. METROPOLIS STREET - NIGHT 2 A late model luxary car roars down the street. Without warning, the CARJACKER slams on the brakes, bringing the car to a sudden stop. Before him stands Superman. The carjacker tries to back up, but Superman grabs the front bumper, literally LIFTING THE CAR OFF THE GROUND, preventing it from moving. The carjacker jumps out of the car, races down the street. Suddenly, Superman is before him there, too. The carjacker uses his weapon to rain a barrage of automatic weapons fire against Superman. The Man of Steel literally CATCHES THE BULLETS IN MID-AIR. As the smoke clears, Superman is still standing. The carjacker, visibly shaken, throws down his weapon and slowly raises his hands in a gesture of surrender. CARJACKER Man, don't nothin' hurt you? SUPERMAN Not so far. Superman seems all powerful and invincible. LIGHTNING illuminates the sky. MATCH CUT TO: ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 2. 3 EXT. KENT FARMHOUSE - NIGHT 3 Where another bolt of LIGHTNING highlights the face of farmer WAYNE IRIG, a man weathered by the elements and years of hard work, as he moves to the front door. He's carrying a metal tool box. He knocks on the door. JONATHAN answers, shouts inside. JONATHAN Martha, it's Wayne Irig. Put on some coffee. (to Irig) Come on in. Irig, a man who doesn't waste words, shakes his head. IRIG Better out here. Irig gestures outside to Jonathan who grabs his coat, steps onto the porch, closing the door behind him. JONATHAN What brings you out on a night like this? IRIG You know that big oak tree I got out back? Well, Tuesday's storm blew it right out of the ground. JONATHAN Need some help chopping it up? IRIG No, uh-uh. I found somethin' under that tree -- a rock -- and I sent a little bit off to the state lab to check out. Today I got federal agents asking me a lot of questions. They got bulldozers showin' up tomorrow. That's all I know. I need you to keep this for me till I figure it out. Irig holds out the box and Jonathan takes it. JONATHAN What do you think it is? IRIG Somethin' I never seen before, Jonathan. Somethin' weird. See for yourself. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 3. 3 CONTINUED: 3 Jonathan opens the box. It's a football sized chunk of crystalline rock, GLOWING GREEN as if from an inside light source, seemingly alive with energy. OFF Jonathan's face reflected in the glow, we: FADE OUT. END OF TEASER ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 4. ACT ONE FADE IN: 4 INT. DAILY PLANET - THE PIT - (DAY #2) 4 CAT passes JIMMY, fiddling with a high-tech watch. CAT You start being on time, Jimmy, it'll ruin your reputation. Jimmy smiles, holds up his wrist for her inspection. JIMMY Morning, Cat. What do you think? CAT I prefer... leather. JIMMY I wasn't talking about fashion. CAT Neither was I. JIMMY (taps watch) It's a S.T.A.R. Labs prototype. The Air Force needs help finding their lost pilots, but I was thinking we could use it to get in touch with Superman. At the mention of Superman, Cat seriously takes note. CAT May I see that? 5 CLARK'S DESK 5 LOIS, CLARK, and PERRY argue an assignment. CLARK So here's this decent guy -- a farmer -- who gets thrown off his property by the feds who then start tearing his place up with bulldozers. PERRY Sounds like a story to me. LOIS Let Clark go then. I'll stay and * watch for Superman. * (CONTINUED) ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 5. 5 CONTINUED: 5 PERRY Now, Lois let's keep an open mind here. 'The Poisoning of America.' I'm seeing a Planet special investigation. LOIS Really? I'm seeing guys in overalls discussing hog futures. Suddenly, Clark hears an EAR-PIERCING SHRIEK. He looks around the room, his brow furrowed. Business continues around him per usual. He can barely hear the following: PERRY Private property rights versus the public good. LOIS We've got that story here in Metropolis. Clark sees Jimmy continuing his show-and-tell with Cat by pressing a button on the wrist device. PERRY Urban and rural. It's the same story. Same problem. Sometimes it's easier to understand in a smaller setting. A microcosm. Perry turns to Clark, concerned. PERRY (continuing) You okay, son? CLARK Sure. Excuse me. Clark takes off. 6 CAT AND JIMMY 6 Cat shakes her head to Jimmy. Big disappointment. CAT I can't hear anything. JIMMY You're not supposed to. (really excited) It's hypersonic! (CONTINUED) ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 6. 6 CONTINUED: 6 CAT The man's a super-hero, Jimmy, not a dog. Clark, grabs the watch from Cat and turns it off. CLARK What is this thing? JIMMY It's a signal watch. Superman has super-hearing, right? We need him, we call. CLARK It's like my mother always said, Jimmy, ask first. JIMMY (nods) Smart mom, C.K. Will do. 7 PERRY AND LOIS 7 Perry shrugs his shoulders. PERRY Okay. I'm done arguing. LOIS Perry... (self-explanatory) It's Smallville. PERRY Yeah, I got you. That's probably how the first reporter at Love Canal felt. Say, didn't that reporter pull in a Pulitzer Prize? OFF Lois' reaction, we: CUT TO: 8 OMITTED 8 8A MAP OF THE UNITED STATES 8A As it ANIMATES a jet travelling from Metropolis to * Smallville. Over this we hear: * CLARK (V.0.) America's breadbasket, Lois. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 7. 8A CONTINUED: 8A LOIS (V.O.) Don't tell me. 4-H changed your life. CLARK (V.0.) Can't help it if I'm a farm kid. LOIS (V.0 ) If I ever need a cow milked, I'll remember that. The car turns into a wooded area. 9 OMITTED 9 9A EXT./INT. RENTAL CAR / TRAIN CROSSING - DAY 9A Lois and Clark's rental car pulls to a halt. The gate is down. A train is dead stopped in front of them. Several railroad employees take their time looking for the trouble. CLARK You can joke, but take away Middle America and what have you got? LOIS Art, music, theater -- CLARK -- crime, drugs, poverty. LOIS (sighs) How long is this going to take? CLARK It takes as long as it takes. LOIS I didn't realize Zen was popular in the country. CLARK It always takes people from the city a while to decompress. Fortunately for you, this weekend Smallville's holding the annual Corn Festival. LOIS This is a good thing? (CONTINUED) ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 8. 9A CONTINUED: 9A CLARK Sure. We'll see the Corn Queen Pageant. The Husk-Off. The Corn-O-Rama. Popcorn, creamed corn, corn-on-the-cob. We're in luck. LOIS Be still, my heart. Clark smiles at Lois. The train sits, unmoving. CUT TO: 10 EXT. CLEAN-UP SITE - DAY 10 A typical farm property that's been invaded by earth movers, men in protective suits and two large tent * structures. Clark and Lois exit the convertible and * approach CAROL SHERMAN, a highly-efficient African-American field operative. She wears a name tag * with the acronymn E.P.A. * SHERMAN Sorry. Off limits to the public. LOIS (showing press pass) We're not the public. We're the press. SHERMAN We've already issued a statement to the local paper. CLARK I'm Clark Kent. This is Lois Lane. We're with the Daily Planet. SHERMAN I'm Carol Sherman, EPA Field Liaison. What's a newspaper like * yours doing here? CLARK That's why we're called the Daily Planet. We cover the world. LOIS Plus Smallville. SHERMAN What you're seeing here is an ecological risk assessment. * (MORE) (CONTINUED) ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 9. 10 CONTINUED: 10 SHERMAN (CONT'D) During the sixties, the owner used a lot of pesticides and we're * concerned about seepage into the * local ground water. LOIS Giving the people more than they bargained for at the dinner table? SHERMAN That's it. Public safety. No big story, I'm afraid. LOIS We'll need to speak with the property owner. SHERMAN Mister Irig's been given relocation money during the testing. He didn't say where he went. LOIS (pointedly) I'm sure you've got that information somewhere. We'll check back. Lois and Clark walk back to their car. LOIS (continuing) I think the big impact here is probably that 'Farmer Jones' is off in some motel, eating take-out and watching cable TV on the government's dime. CLARK His name's Wayne Irig. LOIS Oh, that's right, you know him. CLARK He's a friend of my dad's. I remember that before his wife died, they used to give out these great caramel apples at Halloween. Lois says nothing. CLARK (continuing) Okay, where's the joke? (CONTINUED) ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 10. 10 CONTINUED: 2 10 LOIS What joke? CLARK You've made fun of everything else. Let's hear the caramel apple joke. LOIS (wistfully) I love caramel apples. Lois casts a last look back over her shoulder. She sees the outside of the Command Post, a large canvas tent. CUT TO: 11 INT. CLEAN-UP SITE - COMMAND TENT - DAY 11 The elusive Irig is seated in a chair. He is the object of attention of a man wearing military fatigues, JASON TRASK, the paranoid leader of the renegade UFO organization, Bureau 39. Several agents stand guard and are heavily armed. A strong, hot light shines in Irig's sweaty face. TRASK (seemingly reasonable) We have two possibilities. Either you buried it somewhere on your farm or you gave it someone. Now, which is it? IRIG There wasn't anymore. That's it. Trask's face clouds and he turns the light higher. Irig seems blinded by it. His skin is red, the perspiration builds. TRASK Wrong answer. Sherman enters. She looks shocked to see Irig in this state. TRASK (continuing) Problem, Ms. Sherman? SHERMAN You told me he was being relocated. TRASK He has been. This is his new location. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 11. 11 CONTINUED: 11 SHERMAN Since when does the Environmental * Protection Agency do interrogations? * TRASK It doesn't. Bureau 39 does. * SHERMAN Bureau 39? What do you do? * TRASK That's on a need-to-know basis. * You don't. * SHERMAN I needed a job, but not this bad. I won't be a part of this. TRASK Let me explain. No one alive has ever quit Bureau 39. (scary smile) Now, if you're still determined to leave, I'd be happy to accept your resignation. Trask looks at his agents. So does Sherman. She tenses: SHERMAN No. I'm fine. TRASK Well, then, I assume there was something else you came to tell me. SHERMAN I Just talked to two reporters. A Lois Lane and a Clark Kent from the Daily Planet. Trask reacts with surprise, then a smile. SHERMAN (continuing) They're outside. TRASK Perfect. If they're here, Superman can't be far behind. CUT TO: ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 12. 12 EXT. SMALLVILLE TOWN SQUARE - DAY 12 Clark and Lois park their car on main Street. Across the way is a grassy area with a bandshell. A banner sign reads: "Smallville Corn Festival." Despite the small town flavor, it's a well organized affair, complete with a hip logo. The feel is part carnival, part craft fair, part harvest celebration. Under the gazebo, a * country-rock band plays MUSIC. * CLARK If Irig's around, somebody here will know about it. That's the great thing about a small town. (sees Lois's discomfort) What is it? LOIS I feel like Dorothy. Shouldn't a tornado be flying me off to Oz pretty soon? CLARK Bad metaphor, Lois. Dorothy wanted to get back to Kansas. LOIS Technicality. Clark sees RACHEL HARRIS, actually Sheriff Rachel Harris, complete with uniform, cuffs, and gun. CLARK Rachel? RACHEL Clark! Hey, don't let the uniform fool you. I can still two-step and tush-push better than anybody in town. CLARK I'm sure you can. RACHEL Show you tomorrow night? Old time's sake? Lois now appears behind Clark. CLARK Uh, Rachel, Lois Lane. Lois, Rachel Harris. I guess that's Sheriff Harris now. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 13. 12 CONTINUED: 12 RACHEL I beat Fordman in last year's election just by promising to buy a couple of computers. LOIS Old time's sake? RACHEL (proudly) Clark took me to his senior prom. (beat) When did you two...? LOIS (quickly) We haven't! We're on assignment for the Daily Planet. We work together. RACHEL Really? Completely professional, huh? CLARK Rach, see, the reason we're here is -- do you know where Wayne Irig is? RACHEL Haven't seen him. You know how he keeps to himself. Rachel's two-way SQUAWKS to life. As she takes off: RACHEL (continuing) Duty calls. Well, Lois, we'll have to swap Clark stories later. Lois watches Rachel go, smiles at Clark. LOIS Tush-push? Looking for a change of subject, Clark tugs Lois toward a barbecue pit, sending out plumes of smoke. CLARK Maybe we can get an early taste of the local hospitality. LOIS You go ahead. I'll just kind of soak up the 'atmosphere.' (CONTINUED) ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 14. 12 CONTINUED: 2 12 CLARK You know, Lois, what you can't stand is how normal it is here. LOIS Normal? I've heard about small towns. (points at the BBQ man) See Mister Regular Joe flipping burgers? I'll bet he's really a cross-dresser. MARTHA (O.S.) Clark! Clark turns and embraces MARTHA. CLARK Mom! They break off. Martha takes a look at Lois, breaks into a huge smile. MARTHA You must be Lois. LOIS That's me. Hi... Mrs. Kent. MARTHA Martha, please. Well, you sure are pretty. (to Clark) It's okay if I tell her that, isn't it? CLARK I don't know. Ask Lois. LOIS Thanks. Martha. MARTHA You kids must be starved. Let's get you something to eat at the barbecue pit. CLARK I don't know, Mom. Lois thinks the cook might be a cross-dresser. MARTHA (to Lois) Honey, that's Clark's father! And I can't get him to buy me a dress let alone one for himself. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 15. 12 CONTINUED: 3 12 LOIS (miserable) I was just... illustrating a point. 13 BARBECUE PIT 13 JONATHAN turns around from the barbecue. He's wearing a chef's hat and wielding tongs that hold BBQ corn. JONATHAN I feel like I know you already, Lois. Care for an ear? LOIS Sure. Why do you 'feel like you know me?' JONATHAN Because Clark can't stop talking about you. How good looking you are... CLARK Dad! MARTHA And what a good writer. CLARK Mom!! Clark rolls his eyes, embarrassed. MARTHA Anyway, Lois, welcome to Smallville. We've got your room all ready. LOIS My room? Oh, I wouldn't think of putting you out. I'll be staying in a motel. JONATHAN During the Corn Festival? Every room in Lowell County was booked up months ago. MARTHA (to Lois) Even if there was a room, I wouldn't hear of you staying anywhere else. Lois shoots Clark a look. He cringes, and we: CUT TO: ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 16. 14 INT. KENT HOME - LIVING ROOM - (NIGHT #2) 14 Jonathan and Martha lead Clark and Lois inside. One of * Martha's abstract paintings is set up on an easel, a * work-in-progress. * MARTHA Just an old farmhouse, but it's * home. (indicates painting) * That's my latest. What do you * think? * LOIS I like it. What is it? * MARTHA (obvious) * It's a bowl of fruit. * CLARK Uh, Mom, Lois and I need to * receive a FAX tomorrow. * MARTHA A FAX... LOIS Facsimile. It's a machine. People in one place put a paper in and people in another place can get a copy if they have a FAX machine, too. It's sort of... technical. Martha pulls a cover off a FAX machine in the front room. MARTHA I was just thinking I better check the paper if you're expecting something. Lois rolls her eyes to Clark, tries to cover with Martha. * LOIS I didn't mean... it's just... I don't even have a FAX. MARTHA Out here, you've got to have one these days. (thinks) Now you're in Clark's room. Clark can take the couch. Unless you two are... LOIS No! We're not... (CONTINUED) ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 17. 14 CONTINUED: 14 Martha starts to take off. Jonathan starts to settle onto the couch. Martha clears her throat. MARTHA Jonathan, why don't you help me? Jonathan jumps up from the couch, follows Martha. Leaving Lois and Clark alone. CLARK Not exactly what you had in mind, huh? LOIS Let's see. So far I've been given a glimpse of ritual crop worship, been treated as your girlfriend, and insulted your parents. No, I couldn't have planned this. CLARK You're having a better time than you want to admit. LOIS Oh? CLARK Sure. You ate three hot dogs. LOIS That shows how much you don't know about me. I only eat like that when I'm miserable. CLARK Come on. Let's go outside and look at the stars. That'll make you feel better. LOIS Metropolis has stars. Jonathan and Martha return with blankets and bedding. MARTHA You boys go ahead and make up the couch. I'll show Lois her room. Lois follows Martha out of the room. Clark starts to throw a sheet on the couch, but Jonathan puts a hand on him to stop him. JONATHAN I, uh... kind of expected you to come alone. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 18. 14 CONTINUED: 2 14 CLARK Dad, what's the problem? JONATHAN They're not looking for pesticides up the road, Clark. CUT TO: 15 INT. KENT SHED - NIGHT 15 A work area, full of farm equipment and tools. Jonathan and Clark enter, close the door. JONATHAN Wayne Irig found a rock on his property last week. He sent a sample of it on to Wichita for analysis. Then the feds showed up. CLARK It doesn't make any sense. Why go to all that trouble for a rock? JONATHAN Because the preliminary report said it was some kind of meteorite. Wayne thought it might be worth money. He gave it to me for safekeeping after the government types started pushing him around. Jonathan moves away, goes through some things, opens the lead tool box. Inside is the green, glowing rock. Clark reacts with a sensation he's never felt before. Nausea. JONATHAN (continuing) I figure since it was found a few miles from where we found you that it was probably related. Jonathan begins carrying the rock toward Clark. The closer her gets, the more Clark's discomfort increases. CLARK Dad, I'm feeling kind of strange. Clark backs away, gets tipsy, leans against the wall. JONATHAN Clark, what is it? CLARK I don't know. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 19. 15 CONTINUED: 15 JONATHAN Are you sick? CLARK Maybe. I guess. He looks ready to puke. Jonathan holds up the rock. JONATHAN My God, you think it's this thing? Clark can only nod now. His face contorts in pain and his knees buckle. He goes down. Jonathan puts down the tool box and runs to his son. JONATHAN (continuing) Clark! What's happening. (shouts O.S.) Martha! But Martha does not come. JONATHAN (continuing) My boy... my boy... Jonathan continues to cradle his son in his arms, as we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 20. ACT TWO FADE IN: 16 INT. KENT HOUSE - KITCHEN - NIGHT 16 Jonathan and Martha help Clark to sit at the table. Martha feels his head. MARTHA Clark, honey, you're burning up. Martha sticks a thermometer into Clark's mouth. CLARK (mumbling) Don't get scared, Mom. My body doesn't work like other people's. Jonathan goes to the sink to pour a pitcher of water. JONATHAN How do you feel? That's the important thing. CLARK Better. I think I feel better. Suddenly, the THERMOMETER BURSTS. MARTHA Oh, my... CLARK It doesn't mean anything, Mom. You know I'm different. Jonathan sets the pitcher of water on the table next to a glass. JONATHAN What do you mean, you 'think' you feel better? Don't you know? MARTHA He's never been sick before, Jonathan! It's a new experience. They freeze. They hear the sound of FOOTSTEPS on the stairs. Clark turns to his parents. CLARK She can't know anything about this. A moment, then Lois appears in her nightgown, looks in on them. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 21. 16 CONTINUED: 16 LOIS I thought I... heard the FAX. Excuse me. Lois continues out of the room to the FAX machine. Clark reaches for the water pitcher. He lifts it, but his hands tremble too much to pour a glass. CLARK I lifted a rocket into orbit before. Now I can't even lift this. MARTHA Don't worry about it. You'll bounce back. Martha pours Clark a glass of water, hands it to him. JONATHAN Why would a rock hurt him? MARTHA Because it's poison. Because it must have something to do with Clark coming here. Whatever it is... Lois re-enters, waving her FAX. LOIS Look at this! A working list of clean-up sites from the Environmental Protection Agency. Guess what? Smallville's not on it. Lois pauses in her enthusiasm, noticing the strange tableau. LOIS (continuing) Clark, you look horrible. CLARK It's my... allergies. LOIS You never said you were allergic to anything. MARTHA They always act up when he's in the country. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 22. 16 CONTINUED: 2 16 JONATHAN Real bad this time of year. All eyes are on Lois. Is she going to buy this? Lois finally smiles. LOIS I tried to warn him about those amber waves of grain. (to Clark) I'm going to get right on this. Feel better. * Lois exits. Jonathan, Martha and Clark look drained. Eventually: CLARK I'm going to be fine. Really. * Clark lifts the pitcher up to prove this, manages to pour another glass. CUT TO: 17 EXT. CLEAN-UP SITE - (DAY 13) 17 Lois and Clark's convertible pulls to a stop. Lois * starts to get out, but Clark holds back. * LOIS You coming? CLARK Go on. I'll just be a minute. * Lois feels Clark's forehead. * LOIS You feel normal. * CLARK I am normal. * LOIS So everything's okay, right? * CLARK Everything's okay. * LOIS So let's go. * They both exit. Lois moves out first. Clark hangs * back momentarily. He tries to lift the car off the * ground to test his powers. Nothing. He moves off to * follow Lois. * ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 23. 17A LOIS 17A Stands before Sherman who inspects Lois's FAX, hands it back to her. At this meeting Sherman knows she's lying, * but her life depends on her performance. * SHERMAN Look, if you want to match paperwork we can do that. Clark approaches in time to see Sherman open a folder and begin flipping through various official documents. SHERMAN (continuing) This is our certificate granting access to EPA Superfund status. This is the property rights waiver. Here's the authorization from Smallville City Hall. And this is the updated list you've got. See? There's Smallville right there. Sherman points at a paper that looks like Lois's FAX and, sure enough, there is Smallville. CLARK She's right, Lois. LOIS May I see those? Lois takes the folder and begins inspecting the documents. Clark tries to use his X-ray vision, aimed at the command tent, but comes up with nothing. SHERMAN It always takes Washington about six weeks to figure out what the people in the field are up to. I can make a call if you like. LOIS Do that. And while you're at it, we definitely want to talk to Mister Irig. SHERMAN I told you. He's been relocated * during the disruption. LOIS But you didn't tell us where. * SHERMAN Because I don't know. Probably * one of the motels. * (CONTINUED) ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 24. 17A CONTINUED: 17A LOIS I doubt it. Most of the rooms around here book up months in advance. or maybe you've never heard of the famous Smallville Corn Festival. SHERMAN The government has pull. LOIS All right. Which motel? SHERMAN I don't know. I'll try to find out. CUT TO: 18 INT. CLEAN-UP SITE - COMMAND TENT - DAY 18 Sherman enters, finds Trask with all his attention on a crate that a couple of agents are unloading. On the * outside is the stenciled marking, "39/ULTRA." * SHERMAN They're back TRASK And... ? SHERMAN I think they believe me, but they want to see Irig. TRASK Tell them he'll be in touch. Trask turns back to his business, dismissing her. Sherman is about to leave, stops at the exit. SHERMAN Look. If I'm involved in this, * I have to know what's at stake. * In order to do my job. * TRASK Fair enough. I have reason to * believe there's a very important * meteorite here in Smallville. * SHERMAN Meteorite? Why do you need to * keep it such a secret? * (CONTINUED) ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 25. 18 CONTINUED: 18 TRASK Because if I don't, I will lose the element of surprise over Superman. SHERMAN (confused) What's Superman got to do with this? TRASK (gestures at crate) This, Ms. Sherman, was retrieved in Smallville, Kansas in 1966, not far from here. The agents unload the crate, revealing the spacecraft that brought Clark (baby Kal-El) to Earth. On the front section, WE SEE the raised 'IS" insignia. Sherman gasps. TRASK (continuing) The meteorite probably landed here at the same time but wasn't discovered until the latest storm. It seems reasonable to assume that it comes from the same source as Superman. The planet Krypton. It's all here. (reads report) Not of Earthly origin. Periodic element 126. Emits an extremely high band radiation that doesn't seem to affect humans. However, my theory is that if a Kryptonian were exposed to a significant piece for any length of time, the result could be lethal. Trask smiles, satisfied. SHERMAN But why kill Superman? He hasn't done anything hostile. TRASK His existence is hostile. He's the advance man... the public relations guy. He's here to soften us up... for the hoardes to come. You understand this? * Sherman nods tightly, knowing she's dealing with a maniac, uncertain what to do about it, as we: CUT TO: ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 26. 19 INT. COFFEE SHOP - DAY 19 Lois and Clark take a seat at a booth, complete with red vinyl, sugar shaker and ketchup bottle. LOIS 'Don't mind my friend, Lois. She's from Metropolis.' CLARK You were coming off a little... 'intense.' LOIS Clark, intensity might be a crime in Smallville, but in Metropolis, it's a survival skill. Lois tosses her cellular phone on the table, pulls out her reporter's notebook. LOIS All right. Four hours in City Hall. What do we know? CLARK We know that in twenty years, there were no permits and no citations on the Irig property. LOIS (writing) No activity that would attract the attention of the federal government. * Interrupted by the arrival of MAISIE, a good-looking middle-aged waitress who places a couple glasses of ice water on the table. MAISIE Clark Kent! Your mom said you were here for the Daily Planet. So this must be Lois. LOIS (resigned) How'd you guess? MAISIE I'm Maisie. Howls the writing coming? I love to read a good romance novel. Lois shoots Clark a look. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 27. 19 CONTINUED: 19 CLARK I must have accidentally mentioned it to my mother. She may have -- LOIS -- accidentally told the whole town. MAISIE Oh, that's just Smallville for you. Everybody knows everything about everybody else. LOIS So why haven't I heard any dirt on Clark? MAISIE With Clark, what you see is what you get. (hands them menus) Here you go. I'll be back in a jif. Maisie takes off. Clark flips the legal pad to a new page. CLARK Ow! Clark looks at his finger in astonishment. He realizes something that he has never had to confront before. CLARK (continuing) I'm bleeding. LOIS Haven't you ever had a paper cut before? CLARK Not that I remember. LOIS (not looking up) Put it in your mouth, Clark. Suck on it. Clark puts his finger in his mouth and sucks on it. Lois returns to her work. The CELLULAR PHONE RINGS. They both grab for it. In the process, glass of ice water gets spilled into Clark's lap. While Clark reacts, Lois picks up the phone. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 28. 19 CONTINUED: 2 19 LOIS (continuing) Lois Lane. Mister Irig?! Where are you? 20 INT. CLEAN-UP SITE - COMMAND TENT - DAY 20 Irig is on a phone line set up on a table. Trask sits across from him, glaring. Several agents are nearby to add muscle. IRIG I think I'm just outside of Salt Lake City. 21 INTERCUT: COFFEE SHOP / COMMAND TENT 21 LOIS Salt Lake City?! Irig reads from a prepared index card. IRIG I just got in my Winnebago and decided to go visit my sister. Been on the road so long, hardly know where I am. Lois makes a funny face. Doesn't sound right. LOIS Mister Irig, I'm going to put you on with Clark Kent. Lois hands the phone to Clark. CLARK Hello, Wayne. Can you give me a phone number where I can call you back? Irig covers the phone, mouths "phone number" to Trask, who just shakes his head. Irig returns to the phone. IRIG Can't see one here. I'm at a truck stop. CLARK What did the EPA guys tell you about the work they're doing on your property? (CONTINUED) ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 29. 21 CONTINUED: 21 IRIG Just that they needed to do some digging. CLARK Wayne, is everything okay? IRIG There's no problem. Trask makes a "cut" sign across the throat. IRIG (continuing) Looks like somebody else needs this phone now. Goodbye, Clark. CLARK Wait! Wayne! LOIS He couldn't wait to get off the line, could he? CLARK Wayne's never been much of a talker. LOIS He said he was calling from Salt Lake City. But it could have been anywhere. CLARK You mean like Smallville? LOIS Anything's possible. Lois looks across the street at the Corn Festival activities. LOIS (continuing) Let's go... 'mingle' ... see what we can see. CUT TO: 22 EXT. SMALLVILLE TOWN SQUARE - DAY 22 The Corn Festival is in full swing to a COUNTRY MUSIC soundtrack. A "Husk-Off" pits two teams against each other to strip the most ears of corn in a prescribed time. Clark sits at a picnic table with Jonathan and Martha. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 30. 22 CONTINUED: 22 Lois is in the background asking questions of the locals. JONATHAN Girl never stops working, does she? (off Clark's concern) Maybe those feds'll look for a while up at Irig's and just give up. Then she'll give up. MARTHA We've got to get you to a doctor, that's all there is to it. CLARK Mom, what's a doctor going to do? I'm fine now. Fine... but normal. MARTHA Normal for Earth. CLARK But this is Earth. Normal could be good. JONATHAN You're both jumping the gun. You can't go all your life with powers and then, poof, they just disappear. Clark indicates a carnival attraction where you swing a hammer and try to ring a bell at the top of a column. CLARK It's happened. I'll show you. 23 CARNIVAL BOOTH 23 A BARKER hands Clark a hammer. BARKER Ring the bell, win a prize. Bottom level is "Wimp" and the top level used to read "Top Dog" but has been crossed out to read "Superman." Jonathan and Martha look on. CLARK Here goes. Clark takes a healthy swing. The ball goes only far enough to rate "Better Luck Next Time." BARKER Want another shot? (CONTINUED) ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 31. 23 CONTINUED: 23 Clark shakes his head, hands the hammer back. Martha and Jonathan trade worried looks between each other. Lois approaches, gives Clark a supportive pat on the back. LOIS Maybe you should try corn husking. 24 THE DANCE AREA 24 The country-rock band plays while Clark and Lois stand * watching a crowd that has arrayed itself into a huge line-dance. Lois spies Rachel on the fringe of the crowd, approaching. LOIS Give it a whirl? CLARK You're kidding? LOIS (dragging him out) No, I'm not kidding. I'd to like to dance. It you promise never to breathe one word about this to anybody at the Planet. CLARK Promise. They take places in the line. It's obvious that Lois knows as much about this as Clark does. CLARK (continuing) You actually know how to do this? LOIS Last year I had a girlfriend convince me it was a great way to meet guys. CLARK Was it? LOIS Define 'guys.' Lois smiles. She's starting to have fun. So is Clark. Forgetting his troubles. Even starting to break a sweat. ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 32. 25 OMITTED 25 26 CARNIVAL BOOTH 26 Lois hands a ticket to the barker and Clark hefts the hammer. He's working on his own power, and it's a real * struggle. * LOIS All right, Clark. Make this a day to remember. Clark puts all his concentration into this effort. A big wind-up, a powerful swing and... almost. This time, it's Clark who digs into his pocket for a ticket. He tries again. Closer. Another ticket. Again. The ball shoots up... up... to "Superman" level THE BELL RINGS! The barker holds a teddy bear and a Superman doll before Lois. BARKER You get your choice. Clark knows what she's going to choose. Lois hesitates a moment, then reaches for the teddy bear. Clark is surprised. LOIS You know, Clark, I've never seen you so... I don't know... so relaxed... so 'Clark.' CLARK Well, that's who I am. Clark. C'mon. Clark smiles, leads Lois back into the crowd. He's feeling pretty good for a normal guy, but he's also been watched by a couple of Trask's agents who follow, as we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 33. ACT THREE FADE IN: 27 INT. DAILY PLANET - PERRY'S OFFICE - DAY 27 Perry, in a yoga-like posture, listens to what sound like * BIRDS, FALLING RAIN and INSECTS. Jimmy knocks and enters. He moves into the office, then stops. A very curious expression crosses his face. JIMMY Chief? PERRY The Rain Forest, Jimmy. The * sounds of nature promote harmony * in all living things. There are no wild animals with high blood pressure. JIMMY Still stressing, huh? PERRY (stressing) I am not 'stressing.' (really stressing) What do you want? JIMMY Clark's on the line. Perry punches up the line. PERRY Kent? What have you got for me? 28 INTERCUT: PERRY'S OFFICE / KENT HOME 28 Clark sits at the kitchen table, talking. CLARK Not much. Lois probably ought to * head back and I can wrap up. * Cat enters Perry's office. Mouths "Lois", holds up two fingers. She rolls her eyes at Jimmy, like she's just said something distasteful, then exits. PERRY Kent. Hang on a second. (punches up a second line) Lois, is that you? ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 34. 29 INTERCUT: ADD KENT LIVING ROOM 29 Where Lois works on her laptop computer, talking on her cellular phone. LOIS Something tells me we got a big one here. PERRY Could you hold on? Perry puts Lois on hold, punches up Clark. PERRY (continuing) Now, Kent, you talked to Lois about this? CLARK Yeah. PERRY And she agrees with you? CLARK Well, you know Lois. Anything she puts time into, she expects to be a big story. PERRY I see. Be right with you. (to Lois) Lois, you and Kent, you discussed all this and he's with you. As Lois talks, she begins to wander the house, toward the kitchen. LOIS You know Clark, he doesn't have the experience yet to see when somebody's feeding him a line. PERRY Lois, I'm going to call you right back. (punches another line) Kent, I'm going to get right back with you. Lois walks into the kitchen. Clark looks up. They lock eyes. CLARK Who are you... (CONTINUED) ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 35. 29 CONTINUED: 29 LOIS ... talking to? And, suddenly, they know. 30 INT. DAILY PLANET - PERRY'S OFFICE - DAY 30 Back in Perry's office, he slowly hangs up, turns to Jimmy. PERRY Uh, Jimmy, I think I need a photog out there. JIMMY Ready, Chief. PERRY Let's see. What's Johnston up to? JIMMY Johnston's in Utah. But I'd sure... PERRY I got it. Sevison? JIMMY Winnipeg. PERRY Photographers! Just when you need one, you can't find one. JIMMY Maybe there's a new guy looking for an opportunity. PERRY No. Don't want to take the chance. JIMMY Somebody had to take a chance on you once, didn't they? Perry looks up at Jimmy, weighing this small insurrection, but appreciating the desire behind it. Finally: PERRY All right, all right. You go. Jimmy breaks into a big smile, impulsively hugs Perry. JIMMY Thanks, Chief. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 36. 30 CONTINUED: 30 Perry pulls away. PERRY You're welcome. But, don't ever hug me again. CUT TO: 31 EXT. CLEAN-UP SITE - APPROACH ROAD - DAY 31 The rental car pulls to a stop. Lois and Clark exit. CLARK What exactly is our plan? LOIS You sound like you're one of those people who has to have his whole life worked out ahead of time before he can live it. CLARK So you don't have a plan. LOIS Of course, I have a plan. CLARK Let's hear it. LOIS Clark, as soon as I figure it out, you will be the first to know. They have reached a vantage point where they can look through some trees toward the clean-up site. LOIS (continuing) Okay, here's the plan. We know that whatever they say they're doing there is not what they're actually doing. So, we stay here until we see them doing it.' (frowns) We should have brought lunch. CLARK (sarcastic) Great plan. LOIS You have a better one, speak up. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 37. 31 CONTINUED: 31 A beat. Suddenly, an agent, fatigues and face-paint, drops out of the tree. Clark sizes up the situation, rushes the guy. CLARK Lois, get out of here! Lois stands her ground, starts brawling with a second agent. A third agent appears, pulls Clark from the first one, who now takes the opportunity to drop him with a punch to the stomach. As Clark looks up at Lois: CLARK (continuing) There goes the picnic. CUT TO: 32 EXT. CLEAN-UP SITE - DAY 32 Lois and Clark are driven up to the area in an unmarked van. As they exit: LOIS Just in case you're wondering. This was never in the plan. CLARK I had a hunch. LOIS (to agents) Who do you guys work for? Do you know who we are? What are you looking for? Trask exits from the tent. TRASK So many questions for someone in such a precarious position. LOIS Trask?! What are you doing in Smallville? TRASK I was wondering the same about you. CLARK Our newspaper sent us to investigate an EPA clean-up. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 38. 32 CONTINUED: 32 TRASK You're not here because of your environmental virtue any more than I am. You know it and I know it. Lois and Clark trade looks. Their old nemesis is back. CLARK What have you done with Wayne irig? TRASK I let him go. (beat) Small town ties mean a lot. Anyone else would have given up their contact in a minute. This man took sodium pentothal and a couple of broken fingers and he still didn't talk. Then it came to me. Let him go. Sherman emerges from the main tent. Lois says to Trask: LOIS You're not as clever as you think. I knew she was a fake all along. TRASK Really? How? LOIS Too competent to work for the government. (to Sherman) Sherman, how'd you get into this? TRASK You are starting to annoy me. (to agents) Get her out of my sight. Clark strains against his captors, but is, literally, powerless to stop them. As they begin to hustle Lois away, she calls out to Sherman. LOIS Did they recruit you? Did you think you were getting into government work? TRASK Shut up! (CONTINUED) ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 39. 32 CONTINUED: 2 32 LOIS Instead, you're a thug. Is that what you went to college for? To be a thug? Trask gestures toward the holding tent, and Lois is pushed inside. CLARK Lois! TRASK Relax, Mister Kent. My business is with you. 33 33 THRU OMITTED THRU 34 34 35 INT. CLEAN-UP SITE - COMMAND TENT - DAY 35 Trask has Clark under guard, glares at him. TRASK I'm going to make you a deal, trusting that your stay in Metropolis has put some sense in your head. Give up the alien and I'll let you live. CLARK What makes you think I could do that if I wanted to? TRASK Superman came to Smallville around the time you were born. There has to be a connection. Tell me and you live. CLARK There's nothing to tell. I'm learning all this for the first time now. Trask slams the palm of his hand on the table. TRASK I'm trying to save humanity from an alien invader, Kent! CLARK You have no proof of that. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 40. 35 CONTINUED: 35 TRASK There's another possibility. Perhaps the alien has taken over your mind, infused you with its power. CLARK Nobody's infused me with power. Nobody's taken over my mind. Sherman enters, whispers to Trask. SHERMAN We've got a location on Irig. (looks at Clark) He's heading down the access road to the home of a Jonathan Kent. Trask looks hard at Clark. TRASK You should have told me it was a family affair. I would have gone easier on you. Now Trask is in motion, hurling orders to his agents. TRASK (continuing) Put him in the van with me. Make sure the phone lines are cut at the Kent house. I'll take two men with me. The rest of you break camp. Meet at Delta rendezvous at 1800. SHERMAN What about me? TRASK (with contempt) What about you? You'll stay and help move the operation. (to agents) Let's go. OFF Clark's reaction, we: CUT TO: 35A EXT. COUNTRY ROAD - ACROSS FROM CLEAN-UP SITE - DAY 35A Jimmy stands looking through a camera with an extremely * long telephoto lens. From the fast food trash, he's been * on the stake-out a while. Suddenly, he pays great attention, begins firing off a succession of shots. ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 41. 35B JIMMY'S POV - CLEAN-UP SITE 35B Clark is roughly being loaded into Trask's van by a couple of agents. 36 INT. KENT SHED - DAY 36 Jonathan sits on a bail of hay, staring at the tool box with the green rock. Martha watches. JONATHAN I don't know what to do with it. I can't give it to anybody but I sure as heck don't want to keep this anywhere near Clark. MARTHA Sometimes I don't understand why things happen. How all his life he's always talked about being 'normal.' Now he is. It's what he says he wants, but... JONATHAN It doesn't feel right. Because Clark's not normal. Normal for him is being super. Until I opened that box... Jonathan's voice trails off, still blaming himself. Martha moves to comfort him. MARTHA You didn't do this to him. There are FOOTSTEPS outside in the yard. Then they hear a shout: IRIG Jonathan! It's Wayne Irig! JONATHAN Wayne! Irig enters, looking the worse for wear. He has a * bandana wrapped around his broken hand. Jonathan tries * to calm him. JONATHAN (continuing) Wayne! My God, look at you. What did they do to you? IRIG We've got a problem, Jonathan. A bad one. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 42. 36 CONTINUED: 36 JONATHAN Okay. All right. I'm with you. Calm down, Wayne. (to Martha) Martha, get a doctor. IRIG No, I'm all right. But, there's men up at my place. Men with guns. They're looking for that rock I gave you. (more emphatic) We've got to get to the police. Jonathan looks at Martha. They are truly torn. JONATHAN We been friends for years, Wayne. You trust me, don't you? IRIG Sure. JONATHAN Then believe me. That green rock is dangerous. But we can't call the police and we can't let those men have it. IRIG What do you mean, 'dangerous?' What does it do? JONATHAN It makes some people sick, that's all I know. So no more red tape. You and me, we're going to go destroy it right now. Somehow. Trask kicks open the door to the shed. He is backed-up by several agents. TRASK I don't think so. One agent takes the lead tool box from Jonathan, hands it to Trask who opens it. The rock glows green and mysterious. OFF Jonathan and Martha's shared looks of fear. CUT TO: ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 43. 37 INT. TRASK'S VAN - DAY 37 Clark has his hands and feet bound with steel shackles. Trask leans inside the van. TRASK Your situation grows desperate, Mister Kent. I now have your parents. What I want is Superman. You wish to save them, you'll tell me what I want to know. A trade. Clark, desperate, realizes his situation. Finally: CLARK You have to promise you'll let them go. TRASK Oh, I do. I absolutely give you my word. CLARK (beat) I'm Superman. Trask looks at Clark a beat, then a scowl crosses his face. TRASK Are you now? Trask aims a gun at Clark. CLARK No! Trask! Trask pulls the trigger. No bullet. Clark breathes again. TRASK That was real fear. Superman doesn't fear guns. (smiles) Nice try. But I want the real * thing. * Trask slams the back van doors closed. Clark is plunged into darkness, as we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 44. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 38 EXT. SMALLVILLE TOWN SQUARE - DAY 38 Jimmy drives his car, frantically looking for a place to park. He can't find one. He stops the car in the middle of the street and jumps out. People AD-LIB shouts at him, but he doesn't care. Jimmy approaches a nearby sheriff's car sees Sheriff Rachel Harris talking with o deputies. JIMMY (addressing deputy) Sheriff, we got an emergency. RACHEL (correcting him) Over here. Jimmy does a double-take. Rachel takes his keys, tosses them to the deputy. RACHEL (continuing) Hank, put his car somewhere legal, okay? (to Jimmy) If it's an emergency, you better start talking fast. JIMMY Okay, right. There's a guy, his name's Trask, he thinks there are UFO's, I mean, there are UFO'S, but this guy collects them. Anyway he's here in Smallville and he's got my friends and we gotta go save them now or they're gonna be toast. Do you know how to call * the Army? The National Guard? * We're gonna need some kind of * helicopter... * Rachel looks at Jimmy carefully. Should she arrest him or help him? RACHEL You're not from around here, are you? JIMMY My name's Jimmy Olsen. I'm from Metropolis with the Daily Planet and my friends... (CONTINUED) of her ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 45. 38 CONTINUED: 38 RACHEL Clark Kent? JIMMY And Lois Lane. RACHEL Oh. Her. JIMMY The guy who's got them -- he could * do anything. * RACHEL Get in. * Jimmy gets in. Rachel steps on the gas. As they peel away... RACHEL (V.0.) (continuing) Did Clark ever mention me? CUT TO: 39 EXT./INT. KENT BARN - DAY 39 WE SEE Jonathan, Martha and Irig as one of Trask's men leaves a gasoline trail across the hay, trailing outdoors. Trask delivers this parting shot: TRASK Remember, you give your lives in the cause of humanity. CUT TO: 40 INT. CLEAN-UP SITE - HOLDING TENT - DAY 40 Lois is restrained. An agent, seen only in shadow, stands guard outside. Lois sees another shadow moving on the outside of the tent and tenses, fearing the worst, hearing voices. The first shadow moves off. The flap to the tent is thrown open and Sherman enters. LOIS Social call or business? SHERMAN You talk like someone who doesn't understand the trouble she's in. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 46. 40 CONTINUED: 40 LOIS I know exactly what's going on. I know that if Trask hasn't killed somebody yet, he's about to. And that'll make you an accessory to murder. Sherman is torn. A beat, then she begins to untie Lois. SHERMAN You're right. Trask is a madman. LOIS You just now figured this out? SHERMAN No. But I've just decided I'm not a thug. Look, he has your friend's parents. He's going to make it look like a fire burned the place down. LOIS (horrified) And Clark? SHERMAN Trask has other plans for him. LOIS Like what? SHERMAN Trask thinks he knows how to find Superman. He thinks some rock they found here can kill him. Lois starts going through her purse, pull out her cellular phone. LOIS Can it? SHERMAN I doubt it. But Trask thinks it can. And he's a killer. (re: phone) That thing work out here? Lois nods, pulls out the antennae, starts dialing. CUT TO: ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 47. 41 EXT. COUNTRY ROAD - DAY 41 The sheriff's car is pulled over to the side. Rachel tensely loads her weapon while Jimmy watches. JIMMY You ever fired that before? RACHEL Of course I've fired it. (confession) On the range. Jimmy nods. Not exactly a confidence builder. RACHEL (continuing) This Lois. Does she love Clark? JIMMY I don't think so. She pretty much loves her work. Rachel finishes loading. The two-way radio SQUAWKS to life. RADIO VOICE Base to Unit One. RACHEL (into two-way) Unit One, go ahead Base. RADIO VOICE I've got a woman on the line. She's talking about UFO'S, kidnappings, something about Wayne Irig and the Daily Planet and Superman. I think it's a crank. Rachel and Jimmy trade a look. Lois. RACHEL Put her through. Go ahead, Lois. 41A INTERCUT - COUNTRY-ROAD / HOLDING TENT 41A * Where Lois is on the phone with Sherman watching. * LOIS Sheriff? You've got to get to the home of Jonathan and Martha Kent right away. I think their lives are in danger. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 48. 41A CONTINUED: 41A RACHEL Copy that. But we're on our way to the Irig property to check out the trouble there first. LOIS Forget it! That's where I am. Everybody else is gone. Get to the Kent's. Now! Jimmy gestures to take the microphone and she hands it over. JIMMY Lois, it's Jimmy. LOIS Jimmy! Listen, I don't know exactly what's going on, but Superman's in danger, too. We've got to warn him somehow. Got any ideas? Jimmy looks down to his signal watch. JIMMY Just one. But it's kind of a long shot. LOIS Try anything! Jimmy pokes his head out the window, looking upward toward the sky as he keys the signal watch. JIMMY Come one, big guy. I promise to ask nice later. But just this once... The car blasts off down the road, lights flashing, SIREN blaring. CUT TO: 42 INT. TRASK'S VAN - DAY 42 Head bowed, arms chained above him, Clark waits, half * asleep. Suddenly, for a second time, he hears the EAR SPLITTING NOISE of the signal watch. And he knows: CLARK I'm back. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 49. 42 CONTINUED: 42 Clark sets himself, flexes his muscles against his restraints. The CHAINS BREAK around his ankles. Another flex. The HANDCUFFS SNAP. His powers are on-line once again. CUT TO: 43 EXT. KENT FARM - DAY 43 Trask throws a match to the ground and the trail of flame races toward the shed. The van is parked nearby, ready for the getaway. Clark suddenly BURSTS THROUGH THE BACK DOORS of the van. He sees the flames. With his super-breath, he INHALES THE FLAMES, then he BLOWS THE FLAMES SKYWARD from his mouth like a human flame-thrower. 44 EXT./INT. KENT SHED - DAY (CONTINUOUS) 44 Clark races inside, where Jonathan, Martha and Irig are held, begins to set Martha free first. As he does, he whispers to Jonathan: CLARK Superman's back. MARTHA Clark! Behind you. Clark turns, sees Trask approaching in the distance. He moves to the doorway. 45 EXT. KENT FARM - DAY (CONTINUOUS) 45 Clark exits the shed, moves to confront Trask, moving toward him, arms behind his back in a military "at ease" posture. CLARK Don't take another step. TRASK Fighting words, Mister Kent. Or should I call you, 'Superman?' (considers this) A secret identity. Very clever. Clark begins moving toward Trask, closing the gap. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 50. 45 CONTINUED: 45 CLARK You're going to prison. For murder, kidnapping, for abuse of power. TRASK But I'll tell everyone your secret. CLARK I don't care. This ends now, Trask. TRASK Agreed. But the question is, for whom? In an instant, Clark CLOSES THE DISTANCE to Trask at SUPER SPEED. Shock crosses his face. Trask smiles. Behind his back, Trask has been holding the green rock. Clark recoils in searing pain, staggers back. His knees begin to buckle. Soon he collapses, fighting to even breathe. Trask stands towering over him. Clark can only look up at Trask. Speaking seems to be too much effort. Trask turns away, then suddenly spins and kicks Clark, sending him sprawling across the dirt. TRASK (continuing) You think you're better than we humans, don't you? Flying around, oh-so-perfect and superior. But those days are over, aren't they? CLARK You're... wrong. Trask holds the green rock close to Clark as a weapon. TRASK No. You're wrong. It's over, and I have won. This little piece of home is going to be the death of you, Superman. In the far distance, there is the faint sound of SIRENS. Trask sets the green rock at Clark's side. TRASK (continuing) Unfortunately, I won't be able to stay for the services. Trask moves off toward the waiting van. ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 51. 46 ANOTHER ANGLE 46 Shifting our perspective on the van, as seen parked next to a small pond on the property. 47 CLARK 47 Fighting against the pain, Clark forces himself to reach out and grab the Green rock. It has the effect of touching fire. With all his will summoned, Clark throws it toward the pond. * CLARK No! 48 THE GREEN ROCK 48 Sails past Trask and hits another rock projecting above the water-line. We see its ENERGY RELEASED as it explodes into a million small pieces that sparkle as they dissipate into the wind and pond. TRASK Oh, very brave. And very foolish. Trask upholsters his weapon. TRASK (continuing) Now, let's see. Who should go first? You, or the human traitors who have sheltered you all these years? Clark, only human now, picks himself up from the ground at great pain, and charges Trask like an enraged bull. Trask is knocked off his feet, but Clark seems spent by the effort. TRASK (continuing) You're right, Superman. I don't need a gun. Trask advances on Clark and in a lightning display of martial arts, sends him sprawling back to the ground. Clark holds onto Trask's boot and pulls him to the ground with him. What follows now is a display of courage which proves it isn't just super-powers that make Clark Kent a Superman, but a super-heart. Clark and Trask battle man-to-man. Trask is the superior street fighter, but Clark has the most to lose. They tumble into the pond. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 52. 48 CONTINUED: 48 Finally, Clark is on top of him, could easily bash his brain to smithereens on the rock that shattered the meteorite. The SIRENS are louder now, more imminent. The van races off, not waiting for Trask. TRASK (continuing) Go ahead. Kill me. I would have killed you. Clark throws Trask back in the water. CLARK That's not how I work. Clark walks out of the water. Several sheriff's vehicles arrive in quick succession. The first has Rachel and Jimmy. The second contains Deputy Hank driving Lois and Sherman. As they pile out of the cars, Clark staggers against a tree, supporting himself, fighting for consciousness. Lois screams: LOIS Clark! It's Trask emerging from the water, producing a miniature weapon from his boot, aiming for Clark. Rachel tenses. Clark winces, preparing for the worst. Jimmy brings his camera up into action. A SHOT is fired. Trask falls back into the pond. Rachel * looks at her smoking gun, in awe that she fired it. Lois runs to Clark's side. They embrace. They have survived, and we: CUT TO: 49 OMITTED 49 50 INT. DAILY PLANET - THE PIT - (DAY 14) 50 Perry reads aloud the copy of their story while Lois, Clark and Jimmy look on. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 53. 50 CONTINUED: 50 PERRY 'And, in the end, Jason Trask's obsession caused him to search for a mystical rock he alone imbued with destructive powers, and to confuse one reporter with the target of his fixation, Superman. He came to see this strange visitor from another planet where he was not, and to see enemies where there were none. It was an obsession that for Jason Trask would prove fatal.' (puts paper down) I been in the newspaper business thirty-five years, and this is the damndest story I ever saw. LOIS You should have been there. Here's a man so far around the bend that he starts beating on Clark to get at Superman. PERRY Now, Kent, I usually tell my reporters to stay out of their stories, don't get involved. But as long as you fought a nutcase like Trask, well... (offers hand) I'm just glad you came out on top. CLARK Thanks. Jimmy indicates the signal watch. JIMMY Too bad this didn't work. LOIS Don't give up on it. Superman was in Metropolis. You were in Smallville. PERRY (to Clark) Sure you don't want to share the by-line on this one? CLARK Uh-uh. I'm too close to it. I want Lois to tell it the way she sees it. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 54. 50 CONTINUED: 2 50 PERRY Well, then, Lois, I just got one note for you. This rock that Trask convinced himself was gonna hurt Superman. What's it called? LOIS Called? You want a name? Nobody can even find it. Even the sample Irig sent to the lab disappeared. I'm not sure it existed anywhere but Trask's mind. PERRY Even so, this copy'd sing a lot sweeter if you gave it a name. LOIS Trask thought it was from the * planet Krypton... I don't know... * Kryptonium? * PERRY Okay by me. CLARK Wait. It's a meteorite. What * about... Kryptonite? Perry hands the copy back to Lois, heads for his office. PERRY You two fight it out. Lois slugs Clark playfully on the shoulder. LOIS You're always editing my copy. CLARK Next time, you fight the bad guy and I'll write the story. LOIS Okay. Kryptonite. JIMMY So, C.K., now that you won 'The Big Thrill in Smallville,' how you feeling? CLARK I'm feeling... (considers it) Super. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- GREEN, GREEN GLOW OF HOME Yellow Rev. 9/16/93 55. 50 CONTINUED: 3 50 Clark smiles, looking super as usual, and we: FADE OUT. THE END ??