To pop everything into place... use Courier 10 (or 10 characters per inch) set top margin at 0.4", bottom margin at 0.4" (or minimums) left margin at 1", right margin at .25 (or minimum) (I had to tell the program I was using legal paper) page breaks in hard copy indicated by ---page break--- sometimes the formatting changes slightly (as in the numbers at the end of the lines), but I'm going to keep consistent because it's easier logo on front page will be noted when used but not included here as this may be sent in .txt, originally underlined words will look like _this_ I don't know what the (X) or the * (this on Locations and Chronology pages) designate. Notes: Cover: "We Have A Lot To Talk About", Written by John McNamara [and] Directed by Phillip J. Sgriccia are all in large bolt print. WARNER BROTHERS TELEVISION is in an Ariel-type font. The remainder of the text is in Courier 10 (10 characters per inch) Typos noted: page 20: at top, "eleven year old" in original should be eleven-year-old, Page 54, near bottom, "...had a stigma." I think this should have been "astigmatism." graphic (see script.bmp) "We Have A Lot To Talk About" EPISODE ONE Prod. #457401 Written by John McNamara Directed by Phillip J. Sgriccia WARNER BROS. TELEVISION _Production Draft_ June 28, 1995 FULL Blue 7/7/95 Pink Rev. 7/10/95 Yellow R. 7/12/95 Green Rev. 7/13/95 ---page break--- _LOIS & CLARK_ _The New Adventures of Superman_ "_We Have A Lot To Talk About_" Blue Rev. 7/7/95 _CAST_ CLARK KENT/SUPERMAN LOIS LANE JIMMY OLSEN PERRY WHITE MARTHA KENT JONATHAN KENT ___________________________________________________________ BILL CHURCH, SR. BILL CHURCH, JR. MINDY CHURCH BOBBY BIGMOUTH MAN IN BLACK TIMID MAN FIELD REPORTER COP RUNNER STAFFER ---page break--- _LOIS & CLARK_ "_We Have A Lot To Talk About_" Blue Rev. 7/7/95 _LOCATIONS_ _INTERIORS_: _EXTERIORS_: Daily Planet Metropolis Street Newsroom Perry's Office Park Street Lois' Apartment Costmart Church's Lair Art Museum Courtyard Senior's Office * Fleabag Hotel Room Kent Porch Power Plant Power Plant Baseball Diamond ---page break--- _LOIS & CLARK_ "We Have A Lot To Talk About" Blue Rev. 7/7/95 CHRONOLOGY SC. 1 RECAP SC. 2 - 7 NIGHT 1 SC. 8 - 26 DAY 2 SC. 27 - 34 NIGHT 2 SC. 35 - 48 DAY 3 SC. 49 - 65 DAY 4 SC. 66 - 69 NIGHT 4 * ---page break--- _LOIS AND CLARK_ _The New Adventures of Superman_ "We Have A Lot To Talk About" _TEASE_ FADE IN: 1 A RECAP OF PREVIOUS EPISODES 1 Starting with a brief history of the Churches, Bills Junior and Senior... moving through highlights of the season finale and Lois' near demise... including most of the final proposal scene, right up to CLARK's rainy, "Will you marry me?" and now we are into the already-shot line the world's (X) been waiting to hear: LOIS (as she slips his (X) glasses off) (X) Who's asking, Clark or Superman? (X) And off her knowing smile and his shock -- FADE OUT: _END OF TEASE_ ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) Pink Rev. 7/10/95 2. _ACT ONE_ FADE IN: 2 EXT. STREET ALONG PARK - NIGHT #1 2 CLARK takes LOIS' hand and they run out of the park, across the street to a lighted doorway. 3 EXT. DOORWAY - NIGHT 3 Lois and Clark step into the dry and shake themselves off. Then they look at each other as she hands him back his glasses. CLARK It's the new glasses, isn't it? They just don't work as good as the old ones. (tries for a laugh; no response; slips them on) I guess the first question is, 'How long have you known?' LOIS Really? I thought the first question'd be, 'How'd you figure it out?' CLARK They're kind of neck and neck with, 'How mad are you?' LOIS How about we save that one for last? CLARK Oh-kay. (X) Lois shivers, dripping, then sneezes. CLARK (CONT'D) Here. He steps back, lowers his glasses and a SPRAY of HEAT VISION caresses her body, drying her. LOIS Thanks. So. How long have I known? Since yesterday. And how did I figure it out? (reaches for his hand) This. She takes his hand and we -- ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) FULL Blue 7/7/95 3. 4 FLASHBACK TO: THE SEASON FINALE 4 and juxtapose the scenes where Clark touched her face tenderly, then Superman did the same. As Superman touched her, we again see Lois' look of dawning awareness. 5 BACK TO SCENE 5 as Lois places Clark's hand against her cheek, the same way. LOIS I've touched you before.... both of you... but something about almost dying sharpened everything, all my senses, like putting on a pair of glasses. (glances out at street) (X) Hey. It stopped. 6 EXT. METROPOLIS STREET - NIGHT 6 Deserted. Glistening in lamplight. Lois and Clark walk. CLARK So how mad are you? LOIS Not at all. He stops. CLARK Pardon? LOIS I'm not mad at all, Clark. CLARK Look, don't hold back -- LOIS I'm not. He looks at her a second, then -- CLARK I'm sorry, I was talking to Lois Lane? You might know her, she was standing here just a second ago... LOIS I'm hurt. CLARK Oh. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) Pink Rev. 7/10/95 4. 6 CONTINUED: 6 LOIS Really, _really_ hurt. CLARK This is gonna be worse than mad, isn't it? (she turns and walks) Okay, I've been rehearsing for months, let's see if I can get it right: (he stops her) (X) Lois, I know this is a shock and I (X) wanted to be the one to tell (X) you... so you could understand how (X) hard this has been... how long (X) I've carried this secret by myself (X) and how much I wanted to tell you, (X) but... when I decided to become Superman, I -- LOIS -- became a target, so anyone close to you would be a target, and then it got more complicated when you realized you loved me -- CLARK -- which was about two minutes after I met you -- LOIS -- don't try and score points -- CLARK -- sorry. LOIS I get all the reasoning, I really do, it's logical, it's even thoughtful but when you get right down to it, you made me believe you were two people and you did it by lying and that makes me wonder if I even _know_ you and that hurt me and you know what? (realizing) I _am_ mad. CLARK Okay... (X) (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) Pink Rev. 7/10/95 5. 6 CONTINUED: 2 6 LOIS I'm... mad. I'm really mad. I am really, really, _really_ mad! I am furious at you, Clark, I am just -- CLARK All right, that's good, just get (X) it all out -- (X) Before Clark can utter his next syllable, he hears a MAN'S SCREAM from around the corner. He and Lois both turn toward it. Then she looks at him. LOIS Go. (he hesitates) (X) GO! (X) He whirls and becomes SUPERMAN. She can't help but be dazzled -- LOIS (CONT'D) Whoa. -- then a second SCREAM from the same man brings them both back to the immediacy of the moment. He's gone in a SUPER-BLUR. 7 EXT. AROUND THE CORNER - NIGHT 7 A LEATHER-CLAD THUG is on his knees, arms twisted behind his back by TWO MEN IN BLACK SUITS. The Thug is the one SCREAMING, unwilling to let go of his knife. The Men in Black exert more pressure. The knife drops. Superman SHOOTS into sight. SUPERMAN Let him go. A TIMID MAN steps from the shadows. Torn sweater, glasses askew; scared. TIMID MAN No, Superman, they saved me. I was walking home and this guy -- (the Thug) -- jumped me and these two came out of nowhere. If it wasn't for them, I... I... Lois comes around the corner now. Superman looks at the Men in Black and notices identical insignias on their breast pockets: brightly stylized "C's." (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) Pink Rev. 7/10/95 5A. 7 CONTINUED: 7 MAN IN BLACK Hello, Superman. We're Members of the Church Group. He hands the Man of Steel a card. He glances at it as Lois comes up next to him. Simultaneously, Man in Black 2 cuffs the Thug and flips open a cellular phone, mutters into it. SUPERMAN (studies the card) Church Group... as in Bill Church? (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) FULL Blue 7/7/95 6. 7 CONTINUED: 7 LOIS As in Intergang. MAN IN BLACK Mr. Church wants Metropolis to be a better place to live and he's committed his fortune to that end. More Men and Women in Black appear at every corner, near and far. Then a black sedan with the stylized "C" on the side. MAN IN BLACK (CONT'D) (into a wrist mic) Situation green, continue patrols. The Men and Women at the corners touch their ears, nod and move off in pairs. LOIS I get it, you're some kind of vigilante group, Church's private storm troopers. Well, that's against the law -- MAN IN BLACK Miss, if you'd like to check with the police, you'll find we're operating under their purview. (to fellow MIB) Let's get this man into custody. (to Timid Man) Sir, come with us, the police'll need your statement. Superman, thanks for trying to help. The condescension is not lost. A brief look between the two. Superman just nods: oooooh-kay. Then, with a no-nonsense efficiency, the Men in Black slide into the sedan with the Thug and the Timid Man. LOIS Well, you've got to give Church and his son credit -- they love Metropolis and they never stop trying to take over. SUPERMAN I should probably take a look around the city, make sure everything's all right... but I don't want to fly off with you (X) mad. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) Pink Rev. 7/10/95 7. 7 CONTINUED: 3 7 LOIS I'm not mad. Okay I _am_, but it's all right. I'm Just... An awkward beat. LOIS I think it was easier talking to Clark... SUPERMAN You still are. LOIS That's just it... I don't know anymore. SUPERMAN Let me prove it. He produces the ring again. She looks at it, then him, then... LOIS No... His faces creases. He's surprised how much this hurts. LOIS (CONT'D) ... I mean, I can't, yet... I need (X) to think... He nods and closes the case. A little too sharply. LOIS (CONT'D) Clark... He can't look at her. LOIS (CONT'D) ... do you understand? SUPERMAN Sure. LOIS You're not -- ? SUPERMAN I asked, you answered. LOIS Look, I'm the one who was lied to, don't get petulant -- (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) Green Rev. 7/13/95 8. 7 CONTINUED: 4 7 SUPERMAN Oh, I see, it's okay for you to be mad but I'm not supposed to feel anything when you say -- ? LOIS All I'm saying is, this is too much, too fast -- SUPERMAN -- right, I get it -- LOIS -- no, I don't think you do -- SUPERMAN Well, I'm telling you I _do_ and it's fine and... I've got to... (makes flying gesture) ... you know. Before she can object, he takes off, leaving Lois alone on the night street. LOIS I hate it when he does that. 8 INT. THE CHURCH SUBTERRANEAN LAIR - DAY #2 8 The elevator doors open and out comes BILL CHURCH, JR., carrying an overnight bag. JUNIOR Dad? BILL, SR. appears. He embraces Bill, Jr. This comes as a surprise to the younger Church and he returns the affection stiffly. SENIOR Son. It's so good to see you. How was Tokyo? JUNIOR That little territory spat with the Yakuza's all settled, stores are going up, the Japanese Foreign (X) Minister took the bribe. How're you feeling? (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) Green Rev. 7/13/95 8A. 8 CONTINUED: 8 SENIOR The doctors say I'm doing great. A new heart, a new man, that's my motto these days... Ah, Billy, I've got so much to tell you, I don't even know where to start. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) FULL Blue 7/7/95 9. 8 CONTINUED: 8 JUNIOR (warily) Uh-huh. They move into 9 INT. SENIOR'S OFFICE - DAY 9 In the middle of being torn apart. JUNIOR What are you doing to your office? SENIOR Well, that's part of what I have to tell you. MINDY (O.S.) Hunky? SENIOR Mindy? JUNIOR Uh-oh. MINDY appears. Gorgeous and dressed to show it all off. SENIOR Billy, meet your new stepmom. MINDY Hello, Billy. She gives Junior a kiss, then wraps herself around Senior. MINDY (CONT'D) Your Dad's told me so much about you. JUNIOR Well, that certainly gives you the advantage... Mindy. SENIOR Son, I know what you're thinking -- the old man's gone soft from that heart attack, married his pretty nurse and now he's a few grapes shy of a bunch. (MORE) (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) FULL Blue 7/7/95 10. 9 CONTINUED: 9 SENIOR (CONT'D) (kisses her) But I'll tell you, I've never seen things clearer... or known with more absolute fervor my true destiny. JUNIOR I'm guessing I'll need a drink. He moves to the bar, pours. SENIOR Billy, we're criminals. Greedy, opportunistic vermin preying on the innocent. JUNIOR (nods) And... ? SENIOR I can't do it anymore. JUNIOR You want to retire? SENIOR I want to dismantle Intergang. Ever since the operation, I've had visions. I've tried to ignore them, but I can't. It's all been a waste. The money, the power. It's meaningless. We're gonna pull the plug on this whole stinking operation and use our resources to make the world a better place. JUNIOR You're serious. SENIOR Totally. JUNIOR Considering the jet lag and the airplane food, I think I'm taking this pretty well... don't you, Mindy? MINDY Huh? JUNIOR Exactly. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) FULL Blue 7/7/95 11. 9 CONTINUED: 2 9 SENIOR I've already started step one. He moves to a wall map of Metropolis, showing dozens of green Church Group Stations every few blocks. SENIOR (CONT'D) I've earmarked five hundred million dollars for the Church Group... four thousand men and women patrolling Metropolis, with the singular goal of making this the safest city on Earth. And if it works here, we'll do it in other cities; we'll give every cent we have to make amends for the horror we've caused. JUNIOR Boy. You shell out some pretty good drugs in that hospital, huh, Min? MINDY (blank) What? Bill gulps his drink, watching Senior nuzzle his bride and CUT TO: 10 INT. DAILY PLANET - DAY 10 Lois at her desk, typing into the computer, trying to concentrate, but her eyes keep drifting over to: Clark's empty desk. She tries not to let it unsettle her. PERRY and JIMMY in the near-distance, looking at Lois, then looking at Clark's empty desk, then looking at Lois looking. JIMMY Chief, I know we said we weren't gonna talk about... (off a glare from Perry) ... certain people so obsessively anymore but... (Perry's glare hardens) Okay, okay. We have lives of our own, we're interesting, we don't need their daily dramas. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) FULL Blue 7/7/95 12. 10 CONTINUED: 10 PERRY My mantra exactly. JIMMY So. PERRY So. JIMMY How's the golf game? PERRY On Saturday, came _this_ close to sinkin' a hole in one. How's your love life? JIMMY Pretty much the same. PERRY Uh-huh. (a glance at Lois) She look like she's been crying? JIMMY Chief... PERRY Okay, okay. Let's go dig up some news. (X) Back on Lois now, as she hears footsteps approach, turns and sees Clark walking toward her. She brightens. LOIS Hi. CLARK (putting on a good face) Hi. She stands. He stops. Should they kiss? Touch? Back to Jimmy and Perry, staring, mesmerized as Lois makes a move to kiss his cheek and he backs up ever so slightly and then _she_ backs up and -- JIMMY Yeah. News. (X) They both move off, but separately glance back over their shoulders as -- (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) Pink Rev. 7/10/95 13. 10 CONTINUED: 2 10 Lois and Clark finally settle on a good morning handshake, about as stiff and awkward as you can imagine. PERRY They're doing this on purpose, aren't they? They're torturing us. On Lois and Clark now, handshake over, awkwardness escalating. LOIS I, uh, I called last night... a couple times. CLARK Yeah, well, I was, uhhh... (makes a flying motion with one hand) ... you know. (X) LOIS Anything happen? CLARK No, it was pretty quiet but I wanted to keep an eye on that Church Group. Sure are a lot of them. LOIS Yeah, I've been doing some research. (hands him a file) Here. CLARK (takes it) Thanks. LOIS Look, Clark last night, we both got pretty emotional. It's understandable, I guess. But I feel a lot clearer today... CLARK Great, me too. (scans file) Huh, so they're completely legitimate, funded entirely by Church... And look at the board he assembled -- former Governor, Vice-President, a General... (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) Pink Rev. 7/10/95 14. 10 CONTINUED: 3 10 LOIS Yeah, it's got a nice... polite exterior. CLARK (as he sits) Well, let's find out what's under the surface. LOIS Clark -- Sound of a SIREN, far off. A look of relief for Clark. (X) CLARK Lois, can you cover this just a little longer? I think I hear a siren. LOIS But -- He's gone. She sits. 11 INT. CHURCH UNDERGROUND LAIR - SENIOR'S OFFICE - DAY 11 Mindy is in here alone, dabbing her eyes, crying. Junior comes in. JUNIOR Mindy? What is it? MINDY Oh, Billy, um, nothing... nothing... JUNIOR Is Dad okay? She looks at him and bursts into tears, full on. He moves to her. JUNIOR (CONT'D) What is it? MINDY I know we don't really know each other... and there's no reason why you should trust me... He leans into him, pressing her incredible body close to his. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) Pink Rev. 7/10/95 14A. 11 CONTINUED: 11 JUNIOR Well... (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) Yellow Rev. 7/12/95 15. 11 CONTINUED: 2 MINDY I think your father's very sick... (X) JUNIOR Sick how? MINDY He's going crazy... He keeps talking about his new mission (X) and the way he's spending money JUNIOR Yeah, I've seen the reports. MINDY He just bought half-a-museum in London because he wants to be (X) surrounded by beauty... If this keeps up, there won't be anything left... (looks at him) ... for us. Their eyes meet. JUNIOR The thought had occurred to me. MINDY I'm just his wife, I don't understand all this business you two talk about... but I really think it'd have to be best for everybody if maybe he... JUNIOR Yes? MINDY ... retired? She strokes his cheek. JUNIOR And I ran things? The way they should be. He's not going to just... step down. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) FULL Blue 7/7/95 16. 11 CONTINUED: 2 11 MINDY Oh, I know. (beat) I'll do anything you say, Billy. JUNIOR Anything? She kisses him, long and hard. JUNIOR (CONT'D) (pushes her back) Wait -- you're married to my father. (grins) This is great! He kisses her hungrily as she tears at his clothes and we... FADE OUT: _END OF ACT ONE_ ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) FULL Blue 7/7/95 17. _ACT TWO_ FADE IN 12 INT. PLANET - DAY 12 Lois walks by with a cup of coffee, her attention caught by a FIELD REPORTER on TV: FIELD REPORTER ... of course, it's getting to be a well-known fact that our streets are now dramatically safer from crime but the Church Group doesn't stop there. 13 ON TV - SHOT OF CHURCH MEMBER 13 checking the tires on a taxi. (X) FIELD REPORTER (V.0.) They've taken it upon themselves to offer free auto assistance, safety checks of homes, businesses and all manner of public transportation. 14 ON TV - SHOT OF CHURCH MEMBER 14 helping an OLD LADY across the street. (X) FIELD REPORTER (V.0.) Management of busy intersections, teaching kids about community service, taxis for the infirm and elderly... 15 ON TV - SHOT OF CHURCH MEMBER 15 studying some fruit at an outdoor market and shaking his (X) head. FIELD REPORTER (V.0.) ... even going so far as to guarantee food freshness in restaurants and grocery stores. Polls indicate that citizens have (X) never felt safer or more secure. (X) The board of tourism is showing a (X) dramatic increase in vacationers (X) and housing sales have jumped (X) twenty percent. (MORE) (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) FULL Blue 7/7/95 18. 15 CONTINUED: 15 FIELD REPORTER (V.0.) (CONT'D) And what is Costmart CEO Bill (X) Church saying about all this? (X) Well, the one and only statement (X) he's issued reads, 'I want the (X) actions of the Church Group to (X) speak for themselves.' (X) 16 BACK TO LOIS 16 as she walks away from the TV, scowling suspiciously. Moves to her desk and picks up the late edition of the Planet. The headline reads: WINDOW WASHER SAVED BY CHURCH MEMBER... Then the others: CHURCH MEMBER STOPS MUGGING... CHURCH MEMBER FINDS LOST CAT. Jimmy and Perry walk up. PERRY Please tell me you're on a hot story full of mayhem and scandal. LOIS No such luck. PERRY (to someone O.S.) Denny, tomorrow's lead's gonna be: GIRL SCOUT JAMBOREE BIG SUCCESS. (passes a STAFFER, snoring at his desk) Hey! Wake up! STAFFER What, what's happening? PERRY Well... nothing... but... Aw, hell, go back to sleep. (moving on) This keeps up, we're looking at a one page city section. JIMMY Well, hold on, Chief, how come news always has to be bad? How come we couldn't report all the good things that happen? PERRY You been sniffin' lanotype? This is a newspaper -- it's catastrophe or atrophy. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) Yellow Rev. 7/12/95 19. 16 CONTINUED: 16 LOIS I know the Churches are up to something, Chief, but I just can't get a fix on this. I put in a call to Bobby Bigmouth but I haven't heard back. PERRY Well, maybe it'd help if I arranged an interview between you and my old golf buddy Bill. See if you and Clark can sniff out the stink under the perfume. Speaking of Clark, haven't seen him around much. He all right? (off Jimmy's look) I mean, professionally, of course. LOIS Well, we're both trying to get all our facts straight... (sighs) ... so we can figure out what's really going on and make some decisions... (pause) ... about the story. JIMMY Right -- PERRY -- yep -- JIMMY -- absolutely -- LOIS -- the story. Lois moves back to her desk, again passing the TV, where the Field Reporter is saying to camera: FIELD REPORTER ... so it has to make you wonder, with all the good work being done by the Church Group, what's left for Superman to do these days? Reporting from downtown, this is Grant Burton. (X) On Lois, wondering the same thing ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) Pink Rev. 7/10/95 20. 17 EXT. A BASEBALL DIAMOND - DAY 17 An eleven year old RUNNER slides into a base clearly out as (X) the ten-year-old BASEMAN tags him. Superman stands near. SUPERMAN You're out! The Runner gets to his feet. RUNNER Are you blind? (before he can respond) That's the fifth lousy call today! (X) SUPERMAN That's not a very sportsmanlike attitude. RUNNER This game was a whole lot better before we had some umpire we never asked for. The bats and balls are (X) mine and I'm outta here. (X) The runner gathers his stuff and stalks off. The game (X) starts to break up. (X) SUPERMAN Hey, come on, this is silly, let's play ball... Guys? Guys? 18 EXT. COSTMART - DAY 18 Paintings and sculpture being brought in. We glimpse a few famous pieces as they're carried past by WORKMEN. A beaming Senior looks on as his son walks up to him. SENIOR Amazing, isn't it? For just a few hundred million, we can have all this beauty... JUNIOR The bargain of the century. SENIOR I mean, what have I been doing with money all these ears, hoarding and investing...? Ridiculous. JUNIOR Preposterous. As Junior laughs with his father, Mindy sidles up to Senior. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) FULL Blue 7/7/95 21. 18 CONTINUED: 18 SENIOR I'm glad to see you've come around, son. JUNIOR Well, I had a nice long talk with the newest Mrs. Church. (pulls out cigar) Dad? Can I tempt you? SENIOR (looks at Mindy) Well, uhhhh... (she nods) If the nurse says it's all right. Junior and Senior both slide cigars into their mouths. Mindy is standing between them, looking at father, then son, as both pat their pockets for a light. Mindy flicks a lighter, first lights up Senior, then Junior. JUNIOR She can be very persuasive. SENIOR Don't I know it. The two men face each other, puff away, And in the merging plumes of smoke between them, she lets out a dainty cough, (X) then -- (X) MINDY Uh, honeybun? The man with the Rodin wanted to see you about the bill. Senior nods and moves off, leaving Mindy alone with Junior. MINDY (CONT'D) I have a kind of a thought. JUNIOR (puffing away) Me too. MINDY (giving his cheek a stroke that moves down the length of the cigar) Me three but _this_ thought's business. Your Dad keeps talking about having this fundraiser... and so maybe it could be at a museum? (MORE) (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) Pink Rev. 7/10/95 22. 18 CONTINUED: 2 18 MINDY (CONT'D) And maybe, the museum could be full of really important people and, y'know, art? And then maybe it could blow up? Which'd maybe... uhhh... JUNIOR ... make the cops think Dad did it to increase the value of his own burgeoning collection? So let me get this straight. You expect me to frame my own father for the murder of hundreds of innocent people? MINDY Uh-huh... (X) JUNIOR I _love_ it! The whole thing is just So... Greek. Off he goes to a nice, cozy jail, have to turn the business over to m -- er, US. MINDY Oh, I hadn't thought of that part, that's good, that's really good. JUNIOR Now all we need is a good explosives man... 19 AT THE OTHER END OF THE LOT 19 Lois and Clark get out of her jeep and start to walk. LOIS So, you've been pretty busy ... ? (makes that flying motion with her hand) CLARK Yeah, pretty busy. LOIS Mmm hm. Doing what... exactly? I mean, it's been a little slow around these parts, action-wise. CLARK Well... (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) FULL Blue 7/7/95 23. 19 CONTINUED: 19 LOIS You wouldn't be trying to use your other identity as an excuse to avoid talking to me... would you? CLARK Lois... there are certain things about me being Superman that you're just going to have to get used to. LOIS Like the urgent need to umpire a kid's baseball game for two hours yesterday? This stops Clark cold. Then begins the backpedalling: CLARK Look, it was a very tense situation... kids were yelling at each other, there were bats... (X) LOIS Clark, what's going on? Why won't you talk to me? CLARK What is there to talk about? I wanted to get married, you didn't -- LOIS I didn't say I'd never -- CLARK -- because you found out something about me you don't like -- LOIS That's not fair, that's not what I -- CLARK -- and what am I supposed to do about that? I can't change who I am or what I've done, so -- At that moment, an ebullient Bill Church, Senior walks up. SENIOR Lois, Clark... wonderful to see you. CUT TO: ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) FULL Blue 7/7/95 24. 20 A PICNIC TABLE IN THE LOT 20 where Senior is seated under an umbrella with Lois and Clark and Mindy. Junior hovers nearby, ostensibly supervising the unloading of more artwork. SENIOR ... and every Costmart is now going to have displays of the world's great art, so people can shop for bargains and experience the beauty of culture at the same time. LOIS Must be costing you a fortune. SENIOR Well, one thing I've learned from my wife... don't ask the price, when the reward is joy. Right, pookey? MINDY Right, hunky. They nuzzle. Lois goes into near-vomit mode. Clark shifts uncomfortably. CLARK Mr. Church, given the allegations that you're involved with Intergang SENIOR (in his own world) You know, being married to someone you really love is the greatest joy there is. It's life-altering... Lois and Clark do not look at each other. Junior twirls his cigar in his lips and glances at Mindy. SENIOR (CONT'D) ... it's soul-changing, the summit of all human desire... and when you achieve it, it's as if mind and body finally merge... and set you free. MINDY Totally. SENIOR (offers -- ) Cookie? They're lowfat. (X) (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) FULL Blue 7/7/95 25. 20 CONTINUED: 20 LOIS Thanks no. Back to the Intergang (X) allegations -- JUNIOR Mr. Kent, Ms. Lane, my father's alleged past is just that... alleged and past. So why don't we take a cue from the masterworks being brought in here and get our minds out of the gutter? LOIS That was a very nice speech, Mr. Church but -- Mindy looks at Lois and Clark and blows a gum-bubble. MINDY Hey. You guys a thing? LOIS Excuse me? MINDY You going out? You seem like a thing. Not a real happy thing but -- hey, look, cutie, she's blushing. SENIOR If you two feel you need any guidance, Costmart carries a series of videotapes on relationship exercises. Money back guarantee if you don't see marked improvement in six weeks. (smiles lasciviously) Includes a coupon for a free vial of eucalyptus massage oil. Clark rubs his eyes. Lois sighs. CUT TO: 21 LOIS AND CLARK 21 marching back across the lot to her jeep. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) FULL Blue 7/7/95 26. 21 CONTINUED: 21 LOIS Clark, do you realize what just happened? We were sent to investigate and spent the whole time wallowing. We wallowed. I hate wallowers and that's what we've turned into -- a couple of sighing, slack-jawed, self-pitying wallowers! CLARK For whatever it's worth, I x-rayed under the store and found evidence of machinery being dismantled. Church could be telling the truth. LOIS Are you kidding? Next you'll be telling me you bought his lovey, newlywed spew. CLARK Well, I _hope_ that being married to someone changes your life, maybe gets you to think about things in a new way... LOIS And doesn't that big love change start with _communication_? Getting things out in the open? CLARK I _did_ get things out in the open, starting with, 'Will you marry me?, LOIS No, I got things out in the open, starting with, 'You are Superman.' CLARK A little louder, I don't think they heard you in Gotham City. LOIS And speaking of which, when were you planning on telling me, hm? The honeymoon? Our first anniversary? Around the time the kids started flying? (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) Pink Rev. 7/10/95 27. 21 CONTINUED: 2 21 CLARK Lois, first I needed to know if you'd marry me... not Superman, his powers, _me_, Clark. I needed to (X) know that, okay? Then I was going to tell you everything. LOIS Well, I guess we'll never know, will we? CLARK No, I guess we never will. LOIS (getting in jeep) You coming? CLARK Thanks, I think I'll just... (makes the flying motion with his hand) ... you know. (X) LOIS Fine. She slams the door and starts the jeep. CLARK Fine. She squeals off. Clark reaches into his pocket and pulls out the ring case, pops it open and studies the stone. We hear the Gary Lewis and the Playboys song, 'This Diamond Ring' as he studies it, growing more and more upset. He looks around to make sure he's alone, then takes the ring out of the box, hauls off and hurls it into the air. 22 THE RING 22 hurtles up, up and away from Metropolis. 23 BACK TO CLARK IN THE PARKING LOT 23 as he turns and starts to walk off, then stops. 24 THE RING IS NOW LEAVING EARTH'S ATMOSPHERE 24 and heading into space. ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) FULL Blue 7/7/95 28. 25 BACK TO CLARK 25 looking up, stoic. (X) 26 THE RING IN SPACE 26 tumbling through the void, then Superman's hand catches it. REVEAL Superman studying it pensively, then heading back to Earth with it. 27 INT. CLARK'S APARTMENT - NIGHT #2 27(X) Clark's alone, on the phone. CLARK I don't know, ever since she said no, it's like we both... all of a sudden... aren't even sure we like each other. 28 INTERCUT - THE KENT PORCH - NIGHT 28 MARTHA and JONATHAN on phones. MARTHA Well, remember, she's got a lot to think about... JONATHAN You both do. You're taking some big steps. It's bound to be scary. CLARK I guess. MARTHA Oh, honey, you sound so sad... JONATHAN How are things in Metropolis? Still slow? CLARK Today I spent two hours polishing my boots; an hour ironing my 'S.' Flew around; saved a runaway hamster from a cat. Martha looks at Jonathan, alarmed, cupping her phone: MARTHA You make the reservations, I'll pack. ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) FULL Blue 7/7/95 29. 29 INT. LOIS' APARTMENT - NIGHT 29 Someone's knocking on Lois' door. She opens it. It's BOBBY BIGMOUTH. BOBBY BIGMOUTH Thank God you called! He shoves in past her. BOBBY BIGMOUTH (CONT'D) You know what it's like out there? No crime, no snatching, no food I'm starving! He moves to the fridge, opens it and BOBBY BIGMOUTH (CONT'D) Pickles and mustard. All you got is pickles and mustard. What kinda person lives like this? If my mother saw this, she'd put a curse on you. LOIS We can order takeout. BOBBY BIGMOUTH You don't have crackers? Nuts? Some of those little styrofoam packing squiggles? LOIS (opens freezer) Ice? BOBBY BIGMOUTH What am I, a beverage? (quickly) No, it's all right, it's okay... I've been feeling lately this food obsession of mine is masking some deeper emotional trauma. LOIS (impressed) Bobby, really? BOBBY BIGMOUTH No, I'm just trying to talk myself out of eating your chair. Anyway, onto your query -- I got a tip the Church boys reached out to Joe Arlo. LOIS Wait, I know that name... (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) FULL Blue 7/7/95 30. 29 CONTINUED: 29 BOBBY BIGMOUTH Explosives expert outta Atlanta. Nickname's -- LOIS -- Joe the Blow. Used to work for the CIA. BOBBY BIGMOUTH You're quick. Of course, _you've_ probably had protein in the last two hours, whereas my body is beginning to consume _itself_. (hands her paper) He just flew in, here's where he's staying. Good luck. LOIS Thanks. BOBBY BIGMOUTH Hey, I'm not doing this for you. This town stays crime-free, I'm looking at having to live on three meals an hour. He exits. She moves to the phone, starts to dial, then stops and looks at the phone: LOIS No... I think things'll go a little smoother if I'm partner-free tonight. She hangs up. 30 INT. FLEABAG HOTEL - ROOM - NIGHT 30 JOE THE BLOW sits in the lamplight, smoking a cigar, working on an intricate bomb timing mechanism. He looks at his watch, stretches, puts all of his equipment in a toolbox, locks it, gets up and leaves. Beat. Then the door squeaks open and in walks Lois, dressed as a maid. She scans the depressing little room, then spies the toolbox. Pulls a lockpick out of her skirt and begins to work on the lock; opens the toolbox and sees the explosive devices there. 31 LOIS' POV OF TOOLBOX 31 She looks through the wires and circuits, finds something curious: a diagram of the Metropolis Museum of Art. ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) FULL Blue 7/7/95 31. 32 TIGHT ON THE WALL 32 Embedded in the molding, we see a round, black piece of glass about the size of a contact lens. 33 POV OF THE LENS 33 A shot of Lois as she studies the diagram. Shutter frame BLINKS, snapping several pictures of her. 34 INT. CHURCH SUBTERRANEAN LAIR - NIGHT 34 Almost completely dismantled. one work light burns. Junior and Mindy enter as he pulls out pictures. JUNIOR We have a problem. MINDY (looks at photos) That reporter... JUNIOR ... is onto Joe the Blow. If she connects him to the museum... MINDY Well, I know I'm kind of new at all this but is it a big problem killing her? JUNIOR She's kind of tight with Superman. Makes it complicated. MINDY Unless... JUNIOR Yeah? MINDY You came up with some kind of really brilliant way of keeping him busy? Like getting him out of town? By causing some kind of big disaster someplace else? 35 EXT. METROPOLIS STREET - DAY #3 35 Clark steps up to a CAPPUCINO VENDOR and his radio: (X) CLARK Hi, can I get a -- ? (X) (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) FULL Blue 7/7/95 32. 35 CONTINUED: 35 NEWSCASTER (V.O.) ... and the reactor is continuing to emit deadly radioactive gas. Clark stops. NEWSCASTER (CONT'D) Authorities in Philadelphia don't know how many workers are still trapped in there or how long their oxygen tanks will last... Clark's eyes flash with the thrill of a super-challenge at last. He disappears around the corner. (X) 36 INT. LOIS' APARTMENT - DAY 36 She comes out of the bathroom, hair wet, and steps on -- (X) -- a rubber mat. We hear a CLICK and the VOICE of Joe the Blow: VOICE This is a recording. Don't step off the mat. Lois sees the mat she's on is wired to a BOMB. VOICE (CONT'D) You look like you're in pretty good shape. Do a lot of jumping jacks? Start now, stay on the mat, and keep the beat... Atop the bomb is a dancer's metronome. It clicks off the time and Lois starts doing jumping jacks on the mat, matching the clicks. VOICE (CONT'D) The rules are simple. Stop... and die. Slow down... and die. Okay, Lois. Let's feel the burn... On Lois frantically doing jumping jacks and looking at her bedside clock, which reads 9:05 AM, we... FADE OUT: _END OF ACT TWO_ ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) FULL Blue 7/7/95 33. _ACT THREE_ FADE IN: 37 INT. LOIS' APARTMENT - DAY 37 Lois doing jumping jacks about three times faster than we last saw her, the metronome's clicks setting her new pace. She's drenched in sweat, her clock now reading: 9:35. VOICE C'mon, faster. You've got to double your speed every ten minutes or Mr. Bomb gets very upset. She goes faster. LOIS (winded) Superman.... Superman... help... VOICE Hey, how about some water? (laughs) Just kidding. 38 EXT. PHILADELPHIA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT DAY 38 Belching deadly gas. (X) 39 INT. POWER PLANT - DAY 39 A SUPER-STREAK pierces a hole in the thick smoke, then (X) Superman moves into sight, helping POWER PLANT EMPLOYEES in (X) gas masks to their feet. As he gets them out, he seals a hissing pipe with HEAT VISION. 40 INT. LOIS' APARTMENT - DAY 40 The clock reads 9:55. Lois is going as fast as humanly possible, pushed past the brink of endurance as the clicks of the metronome become like a Geiger counter. VOICE That's it, go, girl -- think of what a great looking corpse you'll make! LOIS ... Super... man please... I can't... keep up ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) FULL Blue 7/7/95 34. 41 OMITTED 41 42 EXT. SKY OVER METROPOLIS - DAY 42 Superman soars into view and hears a very faint -- (X) LOIS (V.O.) ... help... help... can't... 43 INT. LOIS' APARTMENT - DAY 43 Utterly exhausted, Lois stumbles and collapses off the =at. The bomb ARMS, about to blow, as A SUPER-BLUE STREAK SHOOTS THROUGH the room, out a window (X) with the bomb and -- 44 EXT. SKY OVER METROPOLIS - DAY 44 Superman soars. The bomb EXPLODES against his chest. (X) 45 OMITTED 45 46 INT. LOIS' APARTMENT - DAY 46 Lois is cleaning the broken glass from the window. She (X) hears the familiar WHOOSH and looks up to see Superman. SUPERMAN You all right? LOIS Fine, thanks. She sweeps. (X) SUPERMAN What is it? LOIS What is what? SUPERMAN Lois, I know that look. LOIS I'm not giving you any look. SUPERMAN Exactly, it's your not-giving-me-a-look look. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) FULL Blue 7/7/95 35. 46 CONTINUED: 46 LOIS Okay, since you asked... what took an hour? SUPERMAN A nuclear reactor was melting down in Philadelphia. What's your point? LOIS Just that maybe you're taking my jeopardy a little for granted these days. SUPERMAN What? LOIS Well, I can understand, it's not this new sizzling romance anymore; I don't look at you like a mooney-eyed cheerleader... and maybe you look at _me_ differently, too. I'm just good ol' Lois... get around to her _whenever_. SUPERMAN That is ridiculous. LOIS Just food for thought. Well, if (X) you're not busy, guess we'd better (X) try and find the guy who did this. (X) She exits. SUPERMAN All things considered, I'd rather be in Philadelphia. 47 EXT. METROPOLIS ART MUSEUM - COURTYARD - DAY 47 Senior, Mindy and Junior emerge. SENIOR It's going to be the greatest party ever... great art, great food, more money raised for the Church Group... MINDY Everyone's going to love the new you as much as I do, Hunky. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) FULL Blue 7/7/95 36. 47 CONTINUED: 47 JUNIOR As much as we do, Dad. SENIOR (looking across the street) (X) Look. Balloons. (he gestures to a VENDOR) I want to buy them all... and give then to the children. He toddles off across the street, leaving Junior and Mindy alone. JUNIOR He's losing brain cells by the second. MINDY Well, as crazy as he is, he can still read a paper. If Lois Lane publishes what she knows -- JUNIOR -- she still doesn't know a thing, except that she's about to get an invitation to a party she won't be able to resist. MINDY And what about Superman? JUNIOR We plan just a little better for him this time. 48 INT. DAILY PLANET - PERRY'S OFFICE - DAY 48 Lois sits with Perry, giving him an update: LOIS ... we went back to the hotel and Joe the Blow was gone; in fact according to the computer register, he was never there. PERRY So we don't have clue one. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) FULL Blue 7/7/95 37. 48 CONTINUED: 48 LOIS Well, we have clue half. When I went into his toolbox, there was a diagram of the Museum of Art. And this morning, Clark and I each got -- (lifts an engraved invitation) PERRY (does the same) -- me, too. From Bill Church, Sr., for this Saturday, at the museum. LOIS And the only connection I can see is, Church, Sr. just started buying art like the Russians are in Oregon. PERRY So you think he might be out to increase the value of his collection by ridding the world of a few Modiglianis? LOIS I know he's a friend of yours but -- PERRY Well, the friendship got a little strained when that whelp of his kidnapped me. We're all going to the party... (picks up phone) ... and we're going with the Metropolis Bomb Squad. 49 INT. LOIS' APARTMENT - DAY #4 49 A knock at her door. She's getting dressed for the museum party; opens the door, revealing Martha. LOIS Martha... MARTHA I know it's rude to come by without calling and even ruder to stick my nose in where it doesn't belong but... (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) FULL Blue 7/7/95 38. 49 CONTINUED: 49 LOIS Clark told you? (Martha nods) Everything? (Martha makes an 'S' on her chest) Well, come on in... 50 INT. CLARK'S APARTMENT - DAY 50(X) Clark sits with Jonathan, having a heart to heart: JONATHAN Son, I never told you this but... your Mom turned me down the first time I asked her to marry me. CLARK You're kidding. JONATHAN Actually, the first two times. CLARK What'd you do? JONATHAN I sulked. Dove into my work. Unfortunately, it was winter, so I looked pretty silly plowing those fields in the snow. Anyway, around about spring, I finally realized that getting married wasn't just about my feelings, hurt as they were. Your Mom was young, scared; she knew she loved me but was it a lifetime kind of love? She needed... 51 INT. LOIS' APARTMENT - DAY 51 LOIS ... time... to think it over, to get to know him the way he really is. Is that so unreasonable? MARTHA No. But you have to understand, Clark's always been alone. (MORE) (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) FULL Blue 7/7/95 39. 51 CONTINUED: 51 MARTHA (CONT'D) When he was thirteen and getting strong -- really, _really_ strong -- he made up his own mind he wasn't going to tell anybody. He said he wanted to fit in... (shakes her head) But he never could, not really. It broke ray heart, watching him having to hide so much; afraid held always be alone... LOIS (fighting tears) Oh, Martha, I love him so much... MARTHA Then tell him. And make him tell you. You can get through anything else. My God, I turned Jonathan down four times before we finally made it down the aisle. LOIS Really? MARTHA Well, I thought he was crazy. Every time I said no, he'd get on his tractor and plow a field of snow... (Lois laughs and wipes her eyes) This is so nice. Almost thirty years and you're the first woman I've been able to talk to about my boy. And as they hug -- 52 INT. CLARK'S APARTMENT - DAY 52(X) -- Clark and his father hug. CLARK Thanks, Dad. JONATHAN Last piece of advice, son? I know she's a handful sometimes but trust me... she's a rare woman, a fighter. And fighters never let you down. I know. I married one myself. ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) FULL Blue 7/7/95 40. 53 EXT. MUSEUM OF ART - COURTYARD - DAY 53 The party in progress. CLUSTERS of PEOPLE in fine clothes; (X) a bar and buffet. At the center of it all, Bill Church, Senior, greeting heartily. Junior and Mindy linger off to the corner. MINDY The bomb's all set? JUNIOR In a few minutes, this museum's going to be the world's most expensive pile of ashes. MINDY I promise you, Billy, we'll visit your Dad in prison every Sunday. JUNIOR Actually, every other Sunday'd be fine. He wasn't much of a father. 54 CLARK 54 is here; he tips his glasses down and scans with his X-RAY VISION. (X) LOIS (appearing at his side) Hi. CLARK Hi. LOIS Are you, uhhhh... looking into things? (X) CLARK Yeah. (X) LOIS So _that's_ what you've been doing (X) all these years when you pulled (X) your glasses down. I thought you (X) had a stigma. (X) (as they both smile) Look, there's something I have to say... CLARK Me too. Perry walks up. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) FULL Blue 7/7/95 41. 54 CONTINUED: 54 PERRY Bomb squad boys are in the museum, dressed as guards, doing a sweep. Be out here in a few minutes, so let's get ready for an exclusive, kids. (moving off) Olsen! Where's your camera, boy? LOIS Anyway, I guess we should try and find the bomb, catch the bad guys, blah-blah-blah, so we can get out of here and talk. CLARK Good plan. He scans the buffet table with X-RAY VISION, looking through the clothes of TWO PASSERSBY, seeing their hose, socks and (X) underwear, then -- CLARK (CONT'D) Uh-oh. 55 CLARK'S X-RAY POV 55 under the banquet table. And there: AN ENORMOUS, HIGH-TECH BOMB. 56 BACK TO SCENE 56 LOIS What? CLARK Just found a job for Superman. He starts to move, then his X-RAY VISION picks up RIPPLING (X) WAVES of ENERGY, emitted from the bomb, hitting his body, as he hears the Voice of Joe the Blow: (X) VOICE Superman. This is the pre-recorded voice of your friendly neighborhood bomber... LOIS (noting Clark's stillness) What is it? (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) FULL Blue 7/7/95 42. 56 CONTINUED: 56 VOICE ... coming at a frequency only you can hear to let you know that your singularly dense molecular (X) structure has triggered my (X) auto-sensors. And if you move a millimeter... boom. LOIS What's wrong? Clark? CLARK Lois, I can't move or I'll set off the bomb. Junior walks up and slaps Clark on the back. JUNIOR Enjoying the party? Lois and Clark exchange a look of undisguised dread and we... FADE OUT: _END OF ACT THREE_ ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) FULL Blue 7/7/95 43. _ACT FOUR_ FADE IN: 57 EXT. MUSEUM COURTYARD - CONTINUOUS 57 Clark is frozen in place, Lois next to him. VOICE ... and don't even think about getting to the bomb before it goes off. As fast as you are, you'll never make it. LOIS We've got to do something, the bomb's not here for decoration -- it's going to go off, no matter what. CLARK I think I have an idea. 58 JUNIOR 58 makes his way to Senior. JUNIOR Dad? Can you spare five minutes? I've got a surprise for you. SENIOR What kind of surprise? JUNIOR A little something I bought that I'd like us to donate to the museum together. SENIOR (touched) Oh, son... JUNIOR It's being delivered to the store, I thought we'd bring it back together. They head out, passing Mindy, who kisses her husband on the cheek, then as he moves out onto the street and Junior lingers: (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) Pink Rev. 7/10/95 44. 58 CONTINUED: 58 JUNIOR (CONT'D) Bomb's set to go off at four; the cops'll get that anonymous tip from you, come get Dad at Costmart, then... MINDY A little family reunion at your place? 59 BACK TO LOIS AND CLARK 59 CLARK The sensors are locked onto me. But if you could move toward the bomb... LOIS And? CLARK Defuse it. LOIS Defuse it? What am I, a Navy Seal? CLARK I can tell you what to look for. LOIS Why can't I go get the bomb squad? (X) (quickly) Okay, okay, I'm fine. I'll do it. CLARK We can't tell anybody what's going on. A panic could set it off... Be careful, try not to move too fast. Moving with odd slow steps, Lois creeps toward the buffet table. A MAN passes and gives her an odd look. LOIS I'm a mime, okay? She continues the slow creep. 60 BEHIND THE BUFFET TABLE 60 Lois very slowly pulls back the tablecloth. A WAITER bends to help. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) Pink Rev. 7/10/95 44. 60 CONTINUED: 60 LOIS I lost something very... personal. So... She motions for him to back away. He does. 61 UNDER THE TABLE 61 Lois peers in and sees the huge, ominous device blinking there. LOIS (softly) Clark? If you can hear me, say 'Lois,' loud enough -- 62 ON CLARK 62 his super-hearing isolating her voice. LOIS (V.O.) -- so I can hear _you_. CLARK Lois. LOIS (V.0.) I didn't hear -- CLARK LOIS! People turn and look. He ignores them. 63 UNDER THE TABLE 63 Lois now slips all the way in, very slowly. LOIS Okay. I'm seeing what looks like a kind of computer clock wired to these really, really big canisters that I assume are full of... well, we don't have to dwell on that. Uh, so, do I want to detach the wires? If I'm right, say 'Lois,' if I'm wrong say, 'Lane.' 64 INTERCUT CLARK 64 for the rest of the sequence: (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) FULL Blue 7/7/95 46. 64 CONTINUED: 64 CLARK LOIS! Perry comes up alongside Clark, scans the crowd. LOIS Okay, there's a red wire, a blue wire and a green wire. PERRY You lose her, son? CLARK (whispering) Uh, no, Chief... LOIS I'm thinking I should pull the red wire? CLARK LANE! Perry looks at him oddly. LOIS The blue? CLARK LANE! PERRY (who can't hear Lois and has no idea she's under the table with a bomb, being talked to in code) Things so bad between you two you're callin' her 'Lane?' Son, don't resort to that, it's kid stuff. LOIS So it's the green. CLARK LOIS! PERRY That's better. Now I took a kind of private vow to steer clear of you two, but I just can't help myself -- LOIS Should I unclip it from the clock? (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) FULL Blue 7/7/95 47. 64 CONTINUED: 2 64 CLARK LANE! PERRY Now come on, son, quit playing around here. LOIS Or the explosive? CLARK LOIS! LOIS (tugging at wire) Got it. PERRY You gotta make up your mind how you're gonna treat her and you've got to be consistent. (gives him a friendly shove) Now go get her. Clark nearly tumbles over. VOICE Bad boy! Under the table the bomb clock flashes ARMED, just as Lois yanks the green wire and -- Silence. Clark sighs. Lois sighs, then comes out from under the table. Perry sees this and shakes his head. PERRY Oh, Lord... it's worse than I thought... Clark moves to Lois and helps her up as Mindy breaks through a small crowd and sees Lois getting out from under the table. She takes a deep gulp from her drinks and bolts from the party. CLARK You okay? LOIS Yeah... little shaky... (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) FULL Blue 7/7/95 48. 64 CONTINUED: 3 64 CLARK You did great. LOIS _We_ did great. And they kiss. Perry can't help but smile. Jimmy walks up. JIMMY (watching Perry watch them) Chief, you're not back in that bad habit place again, are you? PERRY Son, they need us. They've been floundering without our cool, objective eye. I know it won't be easy but... we've got to dive back in. JIMMY Well, the getting-my-own-life thing wasn't really panning out anyway. 65 EXT. COSTMART - DAY 65 Senior is admiring a new painting that Junior has just unveiled. SENIOR Billy, it's beautiful. It'll look wonderful in the museum. JUNIOR Well, in about two minutes, it'll sure stand out. SENIOR I think I'm going to cry. Just then, police cars pulls up. JUNIOR Don't cry, Dad... I'll visit every other Sunday. Senior is confused and Junior smug as the COPS get out, guns drawn, cuffs-out, moving toward them and SENIOR What -- ? Cuffs are slapped on Senior. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) FULL Blue 7/7/95 49. 65 CONTINUED: 65 JUNIOR Be gentle now. Then cuffs are slapped on Junior. JUNIOR (CONT'D) Hey. Hey, wait, this is a mistake... COP No mistake. We got a tip linking you to him... (X) He points to Joe the Blow, in the back of the car. COP (CONT'D) ... and that bomb in the museum. (X) SENIOR (as they're led away) Bomb? Billy, what's going on? JUNIOR Mindy... it's Mindy, that double-crossing, two-timing -- SENIOR Billy... don't talk about your mother that way! 66 INT. CHURCH UNDERGROUND LAIR - OFFICE - NIGHT #4 66 Many THUGGISH MEN gather around a silhouetted figure behind the desk. The big chair squeaks back, a pair of feet go up and a match ignites in the gloom, revealing the face of Mindy Church. MINDY Boys... it doesn't look good for father and son. Which means... (uses the match to light a cigar) ... there's a new boss in town. So get ready for some changes. And as she laughs -- 67 INT. DAILY-PLANET - NIGHT 67 Lois, Jimmy and Perry wait for an elevator as they read the late edition. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) Pink Rev. 7/10/95 50. 67 CONTINUED: 67 PERRY 'Churches Arrested,' 'Bomber Confesses,' Now _these_ are headlines! LOIS 'The Fall of Intergang.' I'm not so sure about that one... The elevator comes. They get on. 67A INT. ELEVATOR - NIGHT 67A Standing with them as they read is one other Passenger. JIMMY I kinda miss those guys in the black suits helping eve body, though. What do you think they're gonna do now that they all got fired? The Passenger tips his head up. He is our Original Man in Black from Act One. MAN IN BLACK Very good question. (pulls out gun) Here's my very good answer: Give me your wallets. LOIS I don't think so. MAN IN BLACK Lady, if I want an argument -- PING! The doors open to the -- 67B INT. PLANET LOBBY - NIGHT 67B LOIS -- all you have to do is turn around. He does. Sees Superman standing there, arms crossed. MAN IN BLACK Look, um, I'm willing to admit... (hands over gun) ... this was a bad career move. I (X) didn't really think it out. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) FULL Blue 7/7/95 51. 67B CONTINUED: 67B SUPERMAN Nicest thing about jail? Lots of time to ponder those life choices. (turns) Lois? Could I talk to you a sec? LOIS Sure. SUPERMAN There's something I want to show you. 68 EXT. WHITE FOG - NIGHT 68 Then, through the swirling haze, superman appears, holding Lois, flying straight up. We move up with the two of them until they break out of the clouds into -- 69 EXT. SKY - NIGHT 69 and the dazzle of a billion stars. Lois holds Superman, her face shining in the light, as a strong wind blows. SUPERMAN You cold? LOIS A little. He pulls her closer and wraps his cape around her, enfolding them both in its warmth as they hover. (X) LOIS (CONT'D) It's so beautiful. SUPERMAN I used to come up here a lot by myself and just... drift. Not part of the stars, not part of the Earth. Not knowing where I fit in... till I met you. LOIS Oh, Clark... SUPERMAN I'll wait for you, Lois. I'll wait as long as you need me to. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "WE HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT" (#1) FULL Blue 7/7/95 52. 69 CONTINUED: 69 LOIS I want you to know... I love you. (X) (her hand on his face) You're not alone anymore. They kiss and WE PULL BACK to see them suspended in the night sky, wrapped around each other, drifting past a HUGE HARVEST MOON. FINAL FADE: _THE END_