notes: To pop everything into place... use Courier 10 (or 10 characters per inch) set top margin at 0.4", bottom margin at 0.4" (or minimums) left margin at 1", right margin at .25 (or minimum) (I had to tell the program I was using legal paper) page breaks in hard copy indicated by ---page break--- regular tabs, hard returns and right flushes are used to position things to look as much like original as possible sometimes the formatting changes slightly (as in the numbers at the end of the lines), but I'm going to keep consistent because it's easier logo on front page will be noted when used but not included here as this may be sent in .txt, originally underlined words will look like _this_ I don't know what the (X) means; maybe it means the same thing as the "*" in the other scripts Notes: Cover: "Don't Tug On Superman's Cape", Written by David Simkins [and] Directed by Steven Dubin are all in large bolt print. The remainder of the text is in Courier 10 (10 characters per inch) Typos noted: On "Locations" page, Newsoom is spelled wrong in original Page 11, mid page, "alright" misspelled; should be "all right" graphic (see script.bmp) "Don't Tug On Superman's Cape" EPISODE SIX Prod. #457406 Written by David Simkins Directed by Steven Dubin Production Draft August 28, 1995 FULL Blue 8/30/95 Pink Rev. 9/l/95 ---page break--- _LOIS & CLARK_ "_Don't Tug On Superman's Cape_" Pink Rev. 9/l/95 _CAST_ CLARK KENT/SUPERMAN LOIS LANE JIMMY OLSEN PERRY WHITE MARTHA KENT JONATHAN KENT ___________________________________________________________ AMBER LAKE TIM LAKE BAD BRAIN JOHNSON/OLD BIDDY DR. PETERSON KLEIN * POLICE WOMAN STAFFER TV ANNOUNCER (V.O) * NEWSMAN (V.O) ---page break--- _LOIS & CLARK_ "_Don't Tug On Superman's Cape_" FULL Blue 8/30/95 _LOCATIONS_ _INTERIORS_: _EXTERIORS_: Daily Planet Daily Planet Alley Newsoom Perry's Office S.T.A.R. Labs Lois's Apartment Theatre Clark's Apartment Lakes' Mansion * Lois's Car Lake's Cafe Lakes' Lair * Kent Farmhouse ---page break--- _LOIS & CLARK_ "_Don't Tug On Superman's Cape_" FULL Blue 8/30/95 _CHRONOLOGY_ SC. 1 CLARK'S NIGHTMARE SC. 2 - 11 DAY 1 SC. 12 - 14A LOIS'S DAYMARE * SC. 15 -19 DAY 2 SC. 20 -30 NIGHT 2 SC. 31 -46 DAY 3 SC. 47 -49 NIGHT 3 SC. 50 -52 DAY 4 ---page break--- _LOIS & CLARK_ _The New Adventures of Superman_ "Don't Tug On Superman's Cape" _TEASE_ FADE IN: 1 INT. LOIS'S APARTMENT - DAY - (CLARK'S NIGHTMARE) 1 Replicate "I Love Lucy" black and white look and feel. JONATHAN and MARTHA, are center stage, bound and gagged (X) back-to-back and wrapped in enough dynamite to level a building. A wired-up big brass wind-up clock TICKS toward twelve. MUSICAL STINGER. LAUGHTRACK. "Uh-ohs" from the AUDIENCE. CLARK enters blithely as Ricky (baggy suit, conga drum, accent). CLARK Lo--is, I'm home! I had a train derailment in Canada, an orphanage fire in London, and a dam broke in India. What's for dinner? Senses something odd, sees Jonathan and Martha and jumps, startled. LAUGHTRACK. CLARK (CONT'D) Oh, my gosh! (X) (removes their gags) What happened? JONATHAN Lex Luthor! MARTHA The rat! CLARK Where's Lois?! JONATHAN She was here a second ago. MARTHA Probably scared witless, the poor thing. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" FULL Blue 8/30/95 2. 1 CONTINUED: 1 CLARK Don't worry. I'll have you out of that in no time. Clark WHIRLS into Superman. APPLAUSE (as if the ubiquitous "Lucy" guest star has just made an entrance -- Superman holds for the audience). SUPERMAN Let's see now... do I disconnect the black wire or the white wire? LOIS (O.S.) (remember the Mighty Mouse theme?) Here I come to save the day! LOIS BOUNDS from the bedroom wearing a homemade "Super" costume. She's got a Lucy bandana and curls, a big "SW" on (X) her chest. LOIS TAA-DAAAA! Jonathan and Martha SCREAM in shock. Superman stands horrified. The AUDIENCE GOES WILD! LOIS (CONT'D) What do you think? SUPERMAN What do I think? Lois, you got (X) some 'splainin' to do! LOIS 'Superwife!' (points at the "SW") If we're gonna be married, that (X) means we're partners, and that means _I'm part of the act_! SUPERMAN Lo--is! There are things I do you (X) _can't_ do! Me Superman! (X) LOIS Me Superwife! (X) JONATHAN Us 'super' in trouble! Could you two argue about this later and get us outta here! (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" Pink Rev. 9/1/95 3. 1 CONTINUED: 2 1 Lois Jumps to the clock, grabs it up and its dangling black and white wires. Superman grabs at the wires. They tussle and tug-o-war. SUPERMAN LOIS I knew this was You can protect coming! First me; you always you know who I do. And maybe I am! Next you're can't fly or stop flying with me! bullets with my Next you're gonna chest, but I'll end up in a whole bet it's heck of a lot of something I could trouble! learn...! The phone RINGS shrilly. The wires POP from the clock. (X) LOIS Uh-oh. HYSTERICAL AUDIENCE. Jonathan and Martha BLOW UP in a (X) comic "flashpot" explosion. Lois stands dazed and smoke-smudged. Superman wears that wild-eyed, eyebrows to the ceiling look Ricky made famous. As the smoke clears -- SUPERMAN AY, CARAMBA! You 'sploded them. (X) LOIS (patented Lucy whine) Oh, Clark-ieee. Lemme 'splain why they 'sploded... (X) The phone continues to RING! SMASH CUT TO: ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" FULL Blue 8/30/95 4. 2 INT. CLARK'S APARTMENT - DAWN - DAY #1 2 Clark snaps awake. Nightmare freak-out. Grabs the phone. CLARK Hola. 3 INT. LOIS'S APARTMENT - DAWN - INTERCUT THE PHONE CALL 3 Lois at her desk. Tense. Phone in hand. LOIS Clark? You okay? CLARK Yeah. Just, uh, dreaming. I think. What's up? LOIS I've got a nightmare for you. Remember Bad Brain Johnson? CLARK How could I forget? LOIS Remember his vendetta? CLARK Against two reporters and a certain Man of Steel who tracked him down and put him away. LOIS That's the one. CLARK He's in prison. LOIS Nope. CLARK (weary) When did he break out? LOIS Two hours ago. Perry just called. Thought we oughta know. CLARK I'll be right over. He hangs up. ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" FULL Blue 8/30/95 5. 4 WITH LOIS 4 As she hangs up her phone. LOIS ... hola? FADE OUT: _END OF TEASE_ ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" FULL Blue 8/30/95 6. _ACT ONE_ FADE IN: 5 EXT. MANSION - ESTABLISHING - DAY 5(X) Grounds, gates, these are wealthy people. (X) 6 INT. CORNER OF LAKES' DEN - DAY (X)6 We don't see much of this rich room as TIM and AMBER LAKE, (X) a handsome, in love couple, assist an OLD BIDDY through the front door. AMBER Here we are. Safe and sound. (X) OLD BIDDY (creaky) Wonderful. AMBER Tim, my pet, could you get the (X) door? TIM Certainly, Light of my Life. (X) He pushes a button and a secret panel rises to reveal a (X) gloomy chamber beyond. (X) AMBER You go ahead and get comfy. OLD BIDDY (suddenly snarling) Get me outta this get-up! The Biddy rips away glasses, wig, teeth, revealing BAD BRAIN JOHNSON, a haunted sociopathic genius. TIM Bad Brain, can I get you something to drink? Bad Brain rips open velcro fasteners, peels off the dress, (X) revealing prison dungarees beneath. (X) BAD BRAIN JOHNSON First I want some answers. Who are you? Why'd you bust me out? _Talk_! Or I'm gonna kill ya, call a cab, and motor my butt to funkytown for a little R and R. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" Pink Rev. 9/1/95 7. 6 CONTINUED: 6 Tim smiles, gestures toward the chamber. TIM Would you... please? 6A INT. LAKES' LAIR - DAY 6A A shadowed room of indefinite size containing exhibits and displays: the bizarre and extraordinary. TIM The reason behind your liberation, Mr. Johnson, is that Amber and I believe you might possess something we hope to find very useful. BAD BRAIN JOHNSON What is that? AMBER A thirst for vengeance. BAD BRAIN JOHNSON We wouldn't be talking about Klutz Kent, Nosy Lane, and Super Duper, now would we? AMBER Yes. TIM We would. AMBER As to who we are, well, did you happen to catch the articles in _Esquire_, _Forbes_ or _Vanity_ _Fair_ while you where in prison? BAD BRAIN JOHNSON Actually, I'm a _Popular_ _Mechanics_, _Slaughterhouse Digest_ kind of guy. AMBER We're rich people, Bad Brain. (X) TIM Rich people with a hobby. They move past museum-like spotlit items. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" FULL Blue 8/30/95 8. 6A CONTINUED: 6A TIM (CONT'D) We're driven to... collect. Rare and unusual, one-of-a-kind things. Possession is our passion. BAD BRAIN JOHNSON An impassioned possession obsession? NOTE: We don't need to see the following items. They're just referenced during the walk and talk. TIM (gestures) On your left there... that's the original draft of the Magna Carta. AMBER (gestures) These are the arms of the Venus deMilo. TIM And that block of ice... AMBER Walt Disney. BAD BRAIN JOHNSON You're kidding. TIM Hey. We wished upon a star -- AMBER -- and paid a fortune. TIM This room is full of treasures. No one knows they're here. They're just for us. AMBER Now we want to add something else to our collection. TIM But Kent, Lane and Superman stand in our way. BAD BRAIN JOHNSON And you want me to do your dirty work. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" Pink Rev. 9/1/95 9. 6A CONTINUED: 2 6A TIM ... yes. BAD BRAIN JOHNSON (rubs his hands together) I love dirty work. The Lakes are pleased. BAD BRAIN JOHNSON (CONT'D) (sees stuff in corner) What's that? Tin flicks a switch. Lights REVEAL a strange stash of KILLING MACHINES. One in particular snags our attention, a steel platform flanked by two vertical poles wrapped-with copper cable. BAD BRAIN JOHNSON (CONT'D) (stunned) That's my stuff. TIM Yes, B.B. The fantastic electronic gadgets... (X) AMBER ... you made famous in your crime career. (X) BAD BRAIN JOHNSON How'd you find my secret lair? (X) It's secret. TIM We queried a few of your former cronies. BAD BRAIN JOHNSON Blabber mouths. I'll kill them. AMBER Oh, don't worry about that, really. (gestures to the stash) Did we do well? BAD BRAIN JOHNSON Ah. The Electro-Whammy. Did you know the human body is an electro-chemical engine? If you amplify its current, resonate it, and kick it over with a little household AC... Zap! Ashes to ashes. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" FULL Blue 8/30/95 10. 6A CONTINUED: 3 6A TIM How about a demonstration? BAD BRAIN JOHNSON We'd need a guinea pig. AMBER I believe we've got one. Amber presses button on remote control. The Electro-Whammy (X) BURSTS to life. Bad Brain has a split-second to register TOTAL SHOCK. A CRACK OF LIGHTNING, A BLAST OF LIGHT, and he's reduced to a smoldering pile of sizzling ashes. AMBER (CONT'D) Phase One... TIM Complete. Bad Brain is dead. Tim and Amber kiss. 7 INT. THE DAILY PLANET - DAY 7 A POLICE WOMAN with a cardboard box. POLICE WOMAN Perry White? Staffers turn. Lois and Clark at their desks. PERRY dashes from his office wearing the ugliest tie imaginable. PERRY (rushes to the cop) Thank God. They finally got here. Thank you, officer. Perry grabs the box, thrusts it at JIMMY and knocks the wind out of him. The Policewoman exits. Perry withdraws two _heavy_ bullet-proof vests from the box. LOIS I'm not wearing a bullet-proof vest. PERRY I want you protected. CLARK Perry, Superman's not going to let anything happen to us -- (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" FULL Blue 8/30/95 11. 7 CONTINUED: 7 PERRY Well, he's not here now is he? (misreading Lois and Clark's eye conference) Exactly. Wear 'em. They take the vests. JIMMY (eyes the vests) Maybe you could start a fashion trend. Perry glares at Jimmy and exits to his office. JIMMY (CONT'D) Maybe not. LOIS What do you have? (X) JIMMY No luck tracking Bad Brain through his pals. His last three known accomplices no longer live in Metropolis. CLARK Left town? JIMMY Left this plane of existence. All three murdered one week ago. Tortured to death. No clues. No suspects. LOIS Why tortured? CLARK Maybe somebody wanted information. LOIS So what we're left with, according to the warden, is two unknown accomplices who blasted a well-known lunatic out of prison. JIMMY Speaking of lunatics, can I ask you guys a question? What the heck is with Perry's taste in ties lately? (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" Pink Rev. 9/1/95 12. 7 CONTINUED: 2 7 CLARK Old gifts from Alice. They're not getting along and he thinks wearing them will smooth things over. JIMMY Yesterday's tie looked like somebody smoothed a clown over it. With a steamroller. LOIS He loves her. JIMMY I can't imagine loving anybody _that_ much. Jimmy moves off. Clark HEARS A DISTINCTIVE ALARM. LOIS What is it? CLARK S.T.A.R. Labs. Something's happening. LOIS What if it's Bad Brain? Can I go? (X) CLARK No. (X) LOIS C'mon, Clark, why do we go through (X) this? We both know I'm gonna go. (X) CLARK Then why'd you ask?! (X) LOIS To be nice. (X) Clark sighs, hustles Lois around a corner, out of sight. WHUMPF OF AIR as Superman takes off. 8 EXT. S.T.A.R. LABS - DAY 8 Two cop cars. FOUR COPS. An ambulance. A DOZEN WOOZY SCIENTISTS being attended to by FOUR PARAMEDICS. Lois, wears her bullet-proof vest and paces by the front door. Superman exits assisting DR. PETERSON KLEIN (looking (X) freshly gassed). Gray smoke wafts from the door. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" Pink Rev. 9/1/95 13. 8 CONTINUED: 8 LOIS What happened? DR. KLEIN Explosions. Gas. Everybody unconscious. Not unlike my daughter's rehearsal dinner at El Burrito. (X) (clutches head) (X) Sorry. I'm still a bit loopy. (X) Superman, they took it all! LOIS Took all of what?! Was it Bad Brain? DR. KLEIN We didn't see anybody. SUPERMAN Nobody had to. Superman hands Lois a calling card. 9 INSERT: THE CARD 9 Caricature of a brain and whip-like spinal cord. Snarling teeth, ferocious eyes. 9A BACK TO SCENE 9A LOIS His calling card. DR. KLEIN Was that in the Kryptonite vault? (X) SUPERMAN Dr. Klein -- (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" FULL Blue 8/30/95 14. 9A CONTINUED: 9A LOIS The what? DR. KLEIN The vault. Where we kept the Kryptonite for Superman -- News to Lois. She glares at Superman. LOIS (disbelieving) Excuse me. You had Kryptonite here? DR. KLEIN And now Bad Brain Johnson has it! (X) Oh, my head. Superman notes Lois's angry stare, walks her around corner. (X) 10 AROUND THE CORNER 10 Where Superman and Lois stop. (X) LOIS Why would you have Kryptonite? SUPERMAN Dr. Klein's working on a radiation therapy. Like a vaccine. If we can find a way to counteract its effects, then it won't be a problem any longer. (X) LOIS _If_ he can find a vaccine!? Clark... SUPERMAN (glancing around) (X) Superman. LOIS I can't believe you'd even let the (X) stuff near you. Get rid of it. Throw it into the sun! Of course you can't now because Bad Brain's stolen it and for all we know he's aiming it right at you this very (X) second! SUPERMAN You're angry. (X) (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" FULL Blue 8/30/95 15. 10 CONTINUED: 10 LOIS Don't you think you should've told me?! (X) SUPERMAN I don't know! I don't know how (X) this works! Do two people tell (X) each other _everything_? (X) LOIS Two people who're considering (X) doing... what we're considering (X) doing...? _Don't_ they? (X) SUPERMAN Wait, are we about to talk about (X) that thing we said we weren't (X) gonna talk about? (X) LOIS (gets a grip) Well ... No... We said discussing (X) marriage... combined with the (X) other... unusual aspects of our relationship... was making us crazy. So we... wouldn't. (X) Discuss it. SUPERMAN Okay. Fine. So we won't. (X) LOIS Fine! (X) (beat) So that leaves us... Where? (X) SUPERMAN (staring down) With... that clue. (X) LOIS A clue. Good. (X) Superman kneels to the curb where a layer of dirt and mud has been imprinted with a peculiar tire tread. SUPERMAN A tire print. Very recent. (X) Superman blows SUPER-COLD BREATH onto the section of muddy track. FREEZES IT, then carves out the frozen-solid hunk of pavement. SUPERMAN (CONT'D) With any luck this might put Bad Brain back on ice. ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" FULL Blue 8/30/95 16. 11 INT. THE LAKES' LAIR - DAY 11 In stylish commando gear, Tim and Amber lay draped sexily (X) across each other toasting their success with champagne. The Kryptonite lies before them. TIM Quite a heist 'Bad Brain' pulled off. (X) AMBER (amused) He's good, alright. (X) TIM You know what the best part is, my queen? (X) AMBER What, my centurion? (X) TIM We're going to own Superman. (X) (re Kryptonite) (X) And we don't even need this. They laugh, clink glasses, then kiss, passionately. (X) FADE OUT. _END OF ACT ONE_ ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" FULL Blue 8/30/95 17. _ACT TWO_ FADE IN: 12 EXT. THEATRE - DAY - (LOIS'S DAYMARE) 12 The usual traffic and PASSERSBY. The SOUNDTRACK pumps a James Bond theme soundalike. Clark exits the theatre in a tux, looking very James Bond. Lois on his arm in a slinky number and spiked heels that threaten to topple her as Clark hurries her to the curb. CLARK (British accent) (X) Don't dawdle, Miss Goodbottom. Clark reaches his Aston Martin. He opens the passenger door, twirls her in with a flourish. Clark hurries to the (X) driver's side and spots -- 13 A BLACK SEDAN 13 Parked down the block. The driver is Bad Brain Johnson. Grim and murderous. 14 IN THE ASTON MARTIN 14 Clark climbs in. Fires up the THROATY, RUMBLING engine. LOIS Did you call me 'Miss Goodbottom?' CLARK Unless you'd prefer to be shaken, not stirred, I suggest you strap in. (reaches across Lois and seatbelts her) I have the definite feeling things will be getting very cerebral. LOIS Could you, speak English! CLARK Bad Brain Johnson's behind us. Lois cranes around, struggles to see out the rear window. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" FULL Blue 8/30/95 8/30/95 18. 14 CONTINUED: 14 LOIS (chop-socky air punches) He's back there? Lemme at him! I'll give him a migraine! Who does he think he is? Busting out of prison and making our lives miserable?! Clark sighs, taps his thumbs on the stick shift knob. CLARK In future years, Miss Goodbottom, (X) when I'm doing a series of (X) successful sequels and you've gone (X) on to relative obscurity... (X) Remember at this moment I was only (X) thinking of you. Clark thumbs open the stick shift knob to REVEAL a red button labeled "Ejection Seat." LOIS Clark? 14A ON CLARK 14A(X) He cocks his eyebrows provocatively. (X) CLARK The name is Man. Super Man. He presses the button. An explosive BLAST and a YELL O.S. (X) SMASH CUT: 15 INT. LOIS'S CAR - METROPOLIS STREET - DAY #2 15(X) Lois suddenly slams the brakes at the curb, snapping out of her daymare. Clark jolts against the dashboard. CLARK What's the matter? LOIS It's not fair! CLARK What isn't? (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" Pink Rev. 9/1/95 19. 15 CONTINUED: 15 LOIS Did you ever notice, in all those movies, James Bond did all the driving?! CLARK (staring) What?? LOIS (getting a grip) Nothing... It's just when you get right down to it, he did what he did alone. All that mattered were (X) cars. The women were hood (X) ornaments. (X) CLARK (carefully) They weren't... part of the act. LOIS Well... yeah... (beat) What made you say that? CLARK (too lightly) No reason. They smile weakly at each other. LOIS Who do we see next? CLARK (glances at list) Tim and Amber Lake. _The_ Tim and Amber Lake. LOIS Oh, the most written about, talked about, richest, happiest couple in the city? I don't quite see them hanging out with Bad Brain Johnson. CLARK (shrugs) That tire tread we found was an Italian import only a few people bought. They're on the list. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" FULL Blue 8/30/95 20. 15 CONTINUED: 2 15 LOIS What'd you tell 'em the (X) interview's about? (X) CLARK (glancing at notes) 'How you, too, can achieve total (X) and perpetual bliss with the one you love.' LOIS Good. I was wondering how that (X) worked. (X) 16 EXT. SIDEWALK CAFE - A SHORT TIME LATER - DAY 16 Tim and Amber, adorable, at a table with Lois and Clark. AMBER It's such an incredible (X) coincidence. Just the other day (X) we were saying how much we like (X) your work. And that if we must (X) be interviewed, and I suppose we must... We'd love to be interviewed by _you_. (X) LOIS And here we are. CLARK Just trying to find out what makes you tick. TIM Oh, we definitely tick. (gazes at Amber) (X) Don't we, darling? (X) AMBER Yes, Angel. (X) Lois and Clark stare at each other. (X) DISSOLVE TO: 17 EXT. CAFE - A SHORT TIME LATER 17 They're finishing their meal. TIM Oh, we never fight. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" FULL Blue 8/30/95 21. 17 CONTINUED: 17 AMBER Because we think exactly alike. CLARK Doesn't that get a little... TIM Boring? AMBER As opposed to the half-truths, (X) white lies, sublimated anger -- TIM -- grudges, irritations, and (X) constant arguments -- AMBER -- of ninety-nine point nine (X) percent of all the failed and failing relationships in the world at any given time? TIM It must be an emotional jungle out (X) there. AMBER A courtship horror show. Glad I'm nowhere near it, loverman. TIM Me too, heart of my heart. Clark and Lois reel. Lois gets back on track. (X) LOIS So, let's talk about your hobbies. TIM Absolutely. What do you want to know? LOIS We hear you collect cars. (X) AMBER We collect everything. (X) TIM Cars... We have, what, darling? Eighty? (X) (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" FULL Blue 8/30/95 22. 17 CONTINUED: 2 17 AMBER (gazing seductively) Eighty-three, my pet. (X) TIM (Gazing back) Your mind is a perfect crystal (X) with facets too numerous to count. (X) They look like they might pounce on each other. Clark clears his throat. (X) CLARK Off the record, can I get your advice on something? TIM What do you want to know? CLARK Ginelli tires? I'm thinking of buying a set. Have you heard of them? TIM Yes. Very expensive. Very good though. LOIS You... own some? (X) Something in her tone warns Tim. (X) TIM I bought some. (beat) A gift for a business acquaintance. CLARK Here in Metropolis? TIM He lives in Istanbul. CLARK Ah. That "Istanbul" detail hits Lois and Clark like an out-of-tune piano. CUT TO: ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" Pink Rev. 9/1/95 23. 18 EXT. STREET OUTSIDE THE CAFE - LATER - DAY 18 Lois and Clark walk to Lois' car. LOIS I don't know if I suspect them (X) because they're suspects or because they make me want to barf. CLARK His eyes did do a little dance when we mentioned those tires. But could they have busted Bad Brain (X) out of prison? Those two? (X) They reach car. As they climb in: LOIS I think we want to find every (X) piece of information we can on Tim and Amber Lake. 19 EXT. THE CAFE - DAY - CONTINUOUS 19 Tim and Amber watch Lois and Clark drive off. TIM (musing) Interesting. We drove the van with Ginelli tires for our little raid on S.T.A.R. Labs... And here comes this Clark Kent asking about... Ginelli tires. AMBER I suppose it could be just an amazing coincidence.... TIM Do you really think so, mon petit chou? AMBER Of course not. Clark Kent's not part of our plan, correct? TIM As always. AMBER (cheerfully) Then let's kill him. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" Pink Rev. 9/1/95 24. 19 CONTINUED: 19 TIM Better yet, let Bad Brain Johnson kill him. AMBER (sexily) Step by step. Closer to Superman. Tim beams delightedly, they clink champagne glasses, we... DISSOLVE TO: 20 INT. CLARK'S APARTMENT - NIGHT #2 20 Lois and Clark, amid piles of research. Clark wears jeans, t-shirt, Lois pants and shirt (so killing device at end of scene mistakes her for Clark). Dregged popcorn bowl. watching a video. It's one of those "Lifestyles" shows, (X) with a TV ANNOUNCER'S rich, cultured voice. A shot of the (X) Lake Mansion dissolves to Tim and Amber at a balcony (X) railing sipping champagne. (X) TV ANNOUNCER (V.O) -- their love is not just a many splendored thing! Oh no! It's a rare and wondrous thing. Like their shared passion for beauty and art and everything unique. Tim and Amber collect romance alongside Picassos, race horses, and homes! But the thing they treasure most is their love for one another! LOIS Enough! Lois grabs the remote and kills the VCR. Clark removes his glasses and rubs his eyes. CLARK I know. I can only take so much. (getting up) Are they for real? LOIS (playfully) Why not? They sound just like us. Never fight, think exactly alike... CLARK (rueful smile, goes to kitchen) Yeah. Want some coffee? (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" FULL Blue 8/30/95 25. 20 CONTINUED: 20 LOIS Sure. Anyway, they don't seem (X) like criminals, but what do I know? (picks up glasses) These glasses had me fooled for (X) two years. (X) (puts them on) Boy, what a dope. (X) CLARK Hey, is it your fault I picked a (X) brilliant disguise? (X) (re-enters with coffee (X) pot; looks around) Where's Lois Lane? She was here a (X) second ago. She smiles, stands, puts her arms around his neck. (X) LOIS Are we okay? (X) CLARK Yeah... I think so... Aren't we? (X) LOIS Yeah... I think so... I just had (X) this weird, nightmare-like flash (X) about us today that... (X) CLARK You, too? I had a nightmare (X) about us. LOIS I don't get it. We stopped (X) talking about... you know... so we don't have _that_ kind of pressure... (X) CLARK Maybe we should just stop talking, (X) period. (X) And he kisses her. As it heats up, the SOUND of the deadly (X) helicopter grows. CLARK (CONT'D) What's that? LOIS (approaches the window) I don't know. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" Pink Rev. 9/1/95 26. 20 CONTINUED: 2 20 Outside Clark's apartment window, the strangest-looking remote-controlled toy helicopter we've ever seen hovers into view. The cockpit is a plastic brain complete with "Bad Boy" eyes and a snarling grin. Slung below the undercarriage is a stainless steel laser-cannon. It GLOWS RED and emits a HIGH-PITCHED WHINE as it targets on Lois in Clark's glasses. ON Lois' horrified reaction, (X) FADE TO BLACK. _END OF ACT TWO_ ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" Pink Rev. 9/1/95 27. _ACT THREE_ FADE IN: 21 INT. CLARK'S APARTMENT - NIGHT 21 Lois, wearing Clark's glasses, stares at the laser-chopper powering up. CLARK Lois! The laser FIRES! Clark, halfway across the room, is unable to reach her faster than the speed of light. The window EXPLODES! Clark uses HEAT-VISION to intercept the laser's beam inches from Lois's face. The searing laser splits in front of Lois's face -- --and EXPLODES CLARK'S TWO BEDSIDE LAMPS! The room is plunged into DARKNESS! In the flashing RED STROBE of LASER FIRE we see Clark grab Lois, shielding her in a protective hug as -- -- the CHOPPER'S LASER GOES WILD. Clark takes numerous LASER-HITS. Things POP and SHATTER flinging sparks and debris down onto them. Clark BLASTS HIS HEAT VISION AT THE CHOPPER. The chopper is hit, sparks, loses control and plunges out of frame. We hear an offscreen EXPLOSION. The place is smoked up. Black zig-zag patterns on the bedroom walls. The bedspread charred and smoking. Burned holes on the floor, and smoky trails on the rug. Behind where Lois and Clark stood is all that's left of Clark's uniform closet. CLARK (CONT'D) Oh great. (X) Lois stares at Bad Brain's logo, scorched into the wall. (X) LOIS It was Bad Brain. CLARK I figured. Clark sees his laser-blasted secret closet. ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" Pink Rev. 9/1/95 27A. 22 THE CLOSET 22 The spare uniforms lie in a burned heap on the floor. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" FULL Blue 8/30/95 28. 22 CONTINUED: 22 LOIS So that's where you keep the suits. (X) CLARK Kept. (X) He fishes from the ashes part of one uniform. CLARK (CONT'D) There's one left. (X) LOIS Look at the cape. (X) He holds up the cape, severed almost in half. (X) CLARK My mom is gonna kill me. LOIS I thought they were indestructible. CLARK Only when I'm wearing 'em. (X) Anything close to me is contained (X) in an aura that extends a few millimeters beyond my skin. LOIS Thanks for keeping me close. CLARK This time. Lois, listen. That machine mistook you for me. (gently takes Clark's glasses from her face) Bad Brain will be coming for you (X) next. LOIS I'll be ready. CLARK You'll be out of reach. LOIS Oh, no, now you listen partner -- CLARK Superman doesn't have a partner. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" FULL Blue 8/30/95 29. 22 CONTINUED: 2 22 LOIS (puts the glasses on him) (X) I'm talking to Clark -- Beat. They stare into each other's eyes. CLARK Lois, don't make my job any harder than it has to be. Lois reaches out to him, her gentle hand on his cheek. LOIS I'm not going to disappear. (X) CLARK I know. But how would you feel (X) about a vacation in this great little outta-the-way-spot I know.... (X) She looks at him, puzzled. (X) 23 OMITTED 23 24 INT. THE KENT FARMHOUSE - THE KITCHEN - NIGHT 24 JONATHAN KENT whips a SIZZLING pan of fried chicken off the (X) stove. JONATHAN Who wants extra spicy?! (X) WIDEN to include Lois at table, playing solitaire, Superman (X) standing on a box, and MARTHA sewing a pristine cape onto his shoulders. A TV on the counter puts out an old movie, volume down. SUPERMAN Careful, Lois, his 'extra-spicy's' (X) deadly. (X) MARTHA The rest of us have grown a (X) tolerance over the years... (X) JONATHAN (to Lois) Don't pay any attention to them. (X) (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" Pink Rev. 9/1/95 30. 24 CONTINUED: 24 LOIS Sure... I'll try it... JONATHAN (serves her, calling out) Gambler in the house! MARTHA (bites off thread) Almost done. SUPERMAN I'm surprised you had so much material. (X) MARTHA Well, to tell you the truth, I got it on special. (X) JONATHAN So Lois, Clark says you'll be (X) staying 'til this Barnacle Bill gets bored and calls it quits? SUPERMAN Bad Brain. JONATHAN I can't keep up. LOIS No... I said I'd stay for a couple days. But, I can't make Clark handle this all by himself... MARTHA (carefully) Oh, but honey, sometimes don't you have to let Clark go it alone? You're a little more likely to get hurt... Superman nods in agreement. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" FULL Blue 8/30/95 31. 24 CONTINUED: 2 24 JONATHAN But, now, Martha... On the other (X) hand, Lois is a smart woman and (X) doesn't want to feel pushed aside, (X) either... (X) Lois smiles at the wisdom. Martha starts putting away (X) sewing gear. (X) MARTHA (laughs) Listen to us! You'd think it (X) was our problem! I'm sure _you_ (X) guys are working this stuff out if you're talking about marriage. (off their discomfort) Oh, I forgot. You're not. Talking about it. (X) SUPERMAN We... just thought we'd give it (X) a rest. It was making us a little (X) nuts. (X) JONATHAN See how things change, Martha? In (X) our day, it woulda made us nuts (X) not to talk things out. (X) MARTHA Lord, yes. I was nervous enough (X) about getting married. Keeping (X) everything in would've made my (X) silly little fears... Gigantic. (X) SUPERMAN (eying Lois) Maybe you would've even had (X) nightmares. (X) MARTHA (closes sewing box) Probably! (X) Jonathan's eye has been caught by TV. JONATHAN Oh boy... Would ya look at this... (X) SUPERMAN Dad, turn it up! (X) Jonathan turns up the volume. (X) (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" Pink Rev. 9/1/95 32. 24 CONTINUED: 3 24 NEWSMAN (V.O) (on TV; over quake shots) -- to repeat: an 8.4 earthquake has just struck Beijing, China. There are reports of hundreds of people trapped and buried -- SUPERMAN I've got to go. I'll be back as soon as I can. (to Lois) And please. Stay here 'til I'm back. He FLIES OUT THE DOOR. They see on the TV the live camera image of the Beijing devastation. Moments later, Superman hurtles across the sky and down into the quake-torn city. 24A ON LOIS, JONATHAN, MARTHA 24A SHOOTING over back of TV. They stand together watching Superman save lives. Love and pride. NEWSMAN (V.O) ... Superman has just arrived in the city! Rescue workers and ordinary citizens stand cheering as he begins singlehandedly moving tons of rubble and twisted metal... 25 INT. THE LAKES' LAIR - NIGHT 25 CLOSE ON a "Books on CD" box. Art and graphics of Superman (X) and the title: "The Wit and Wisdom of Superman: An Unauthorized Collection." PULL BACK to find Tim working on an audio editing deck, from which we hear: SUPERMAN'S VOICE 'Your honor, Lois and Clark deserve the credit, here. The important thing is Bad Brain is right back in jail, which is where we want him.' Tim pushes buttons; we hear FAST FORWARD garble. He pushes more buttons. Amber enters. (X) (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" Pink Rev. 9/1/95 33. 25 CONTINUED: 25 TIM Listen to this, Darling. A message for Lois Lane made from bits and pieces of Superman's collected wit and wisdom. Tim presses PLAY on the tape deck and we HEAR: SUPERMAN'S VOICE Lois. I think. We may have. Bad Brain. Right. Where we want him. It sounds surprisingly smooth. Tim STOPS the tape. AMBER Oh, honey, that's fantastic! TIM (proud) Isn't it? A few more words, and we'll have quite an enticing little come hither. (looks over) Was there anything on the news about Kent's death? (X) AMBER No. This earthquake in China is a slightly bigger deal. (X) (smiles) (X) And Sweetheart... Superman's over (X) there. (looks at Tim) I can't think of a better time to spring a trap. 26 OMITTED 26 27 INT. THE KENT'S KITCHEN - MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT 27 A clock on the wall puts things at 3:11 a.m. Lois with her laptop; text onscreen. Beside her are jumbled sheafs of paper. Lois sorts through them for mugshots of Bad Brain. Mugshots of accomplices stamped DECEASED. A photo and bio of S.T.A.R. Labs' Dr. Klein. LOIS ... who's helping you, Bad Brain? Who knew there was Kryptonite at S.T.A.R. Labs? (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" FULL Blue 8/30/95 34. 27 CONTINUED: 27 Lois's eyes drift to a newspaper clipping of Tim and Amber Lake. She shoves the clipping aside to REVEAL -- -- a list of the Lakes' professional connections. 28 INSERT: THE PROFESSIONAL CONNECTIONS DOCUMENT 28 We read: "Lake, Tim; Chairman -- (a long list of city and national organizations). Beside the column is a second one headed: "Lake, Tim & Amber; Board of Directors -- (another long list of business, corporations, and technical research facilities). Lois freezes. An item under the Boards of Directors snags her focus. 29 INSERT: THE PROFESSIONAL CONNECTIONS DOCUMENT 29 Lois reads: "Scientific and Technological Advanced Research Laboratories." Lois pencils the first letter of each word. LOIS S.T.A.R. Labs. They're on the board. 30 INT. KENT KITCHEN - MOMENTS LATER 30 Lois on the phone whispering urgently so as not to wake Martha and Jonathan. LOIS Right. Your earliest flight. To Metropolis. 31 EXT. THE DAILY PLANET - DAY #3 31 Lois hurries from an airport taxi and dashes into the Daily Planet building. REVEAL a black van parked across the street at the curb. "Ginelli" in white letters on the tires. Tim and Amber in the van's front seats. TIM (putting a cell phone and a small tape player on the dashboard) Superman still in China? (X) (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" FULL Blue 8/30/95 35. 31 CONTINUED: 31 AMBER (earphone in; holding a watchman) Repairing the Great Wall. TIM Boy Scout. Well, I think Bad Brain's ready to make his next (X) move. (X) (kisses her) (X) Don't you? (X) He steps on the gas and EXITS FRAME. 32 INT. DAILY PLANET - DAY 32 Dr. Klein at Lois's desk. Jimmy approaches. JIMMY Excuse me. Can I help you? DR. KLEIN I'm waiting for Miss Lane. JIMMY Lois is going to be out of the office for a while. She and Mr. Kent -- LOIS (O.S.) Dr. Klein! Lois dashes toward Dr. Klein. Staffers stare. JIMMY Lois? Perry. The most hideous tie in the universe around his neck. PERRY Lois? LOIS Dr. Klein, thanks for meeting me -- (X) PERRY What are you doing here?! You're supposed to be laying low... Where's Clark? He okay? (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" FULL Blue 8/30/95 36. 32 CONTINUED: 32 LOIS (in a rush) (X) He's fine. (snares Perry's tie) Are you? PERRY (grabs tie back) Where's your bullet-proof vest? LOIS Dry cleaners. Lemme wear the tie. Bullets'll run screaming. Jimmy LAUGHS, slaps his hand over his mouth as Perry glares, goes off. Jimmy shrugs, goes. (X) LOIS (CONT'D) Dr. Klein, was it possible anyone on the Board at S.T.A.R. Labs knew you had Kryptonite? Klein hesitates. Worried. LOIS (CONT'D) Dr. Klein... DR. KLEIN I don't want to get anyone in trouble. LOIS Doctor, this is urgent! (X) Kryptonite's out there and so is (X) Superman! Now, who knew?! (X) DR. KLEIN You must understand that research (X) grants today are harder to come (X) by. They offered a major donation (X) toward my work if I would confirm the presence of Kryptonite. They're highly respected... on the board... I didn't think it'd hurt (X) for them to know. When the stuff was stolen... I was afraid I'd be (X) ruined. (X) LOIS Tim and Amber Lake. That's who it was, wasn't it? Wasn't it? DR. KLEIN Yes. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" Pink Rev. 9/1/95 37. 32 CONTINUED: 2 32 PHONE RINGS, Lois grabs it. LOIS (into phone) Lois Lane. SUPERMAN'S VOICE (PHONE) Lois, I think we may have Bad Brain right where we want him. Meet me in the alley behind The Daily Planet right now. Disconnection. Lois slams down the phone, rushes for the elevators. LOIS (to Dr. Klein) Don't move! 33 EXT. THE ALLEY BEHIND THE DAILY PLANET - DAY 33 Lois moves into the alley. After a moment: LOIS Clar -- (oops) Superman? Lois sees. 34 SUPERMAN? 34 Standing in shadow. He moves down the alley, vanishes through a gate in a fence. (X) LOIS Superman, what's -- She swiftly follows him, opening the gate and stepping through. 35 END OF ALLEY - OTHER SIDE OF FENCE 35 Superman turns and REVEALS himself to be BAD BRAIN! Chuckling insanely, wearing a costume-rental. Superman suit, and aiming a small video camera at Lois. Lois gasps, steps back, as: LOIS Bad Brain. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" Pink Rev. 9/1/95 38. 35 CONTINUED: 35 BAD BRAIN JOHNSON Don't look so shocked. Lois is standing between the two poles of the Electro-Whammy which were concealed by the fence. BAD BRAIN JOHNSON (CONT'D) On second thought... _do_. NOTE: From here through the rest of this scene _we don't_ _see Lois_. Bad Brain clicks a remote control and a HUGE BLAST OF LIGHT and a CRACK OF THUNDER RATTLES the alley. Bad Brain turns the camera to his face and LAUGHS. BAD BRAIN JOHNSON Two down. one to go! You're next, Superman! He shuts the camera down. Cuts the Bad Brain act. And pulls his Bad Brain mask off to _REVEAL Tim Lake_. He steps forward to INCLUDE Amber looking at the ground (presumably at Lois's ashes). TIM Nice ash. Amber laughs and slaps his shoulder. FADE OUT. _END OF ACT THREE_ ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" FULL Blue 8/30/95 39. _ACT FOUR_ FADE IN: 36 INT. THE KENT KITCHEN - DAY 36 Lois's note in Superman's hand. "Went to Metropolis. Had to work. Love, Lois." Martha and Jonathan in pajamas. SUPERMAN When did she go? MARTHA We don't know. We woke up and -- Superman FLIES out the door. Lois's note whirls in his wake. MARTHA (CONT'D) -- she was gone. 37 INT. THE DAILY PLANET - DAY 37 Perry, Jimmy, Dr. Klein, and stunned staff are watching a monitor (its back to us). (X) SUPERMAN (O.S.) Where's Lois?! (X) They turn, as: (X) 37A NEW ANGLE 37A(X) reveals Superman striding toward them. They all turn sadly (X) to face him. PERRY (devastated) Superman.... (X) SUPERMAN What's happened? (X) Jimmy hits a button on the tape player. (X) LOIS (V.O) (from the tape) Bad Brain! Superman rushes through the crowd to the monitor. The handheld video of Lois entering the alley and stepping in the Electro-Whammy. SUPERMAN ... no. ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" FULL Blue 8/30/95 40. 38 ON THE MONITOR 38 Lois in the Electro-Whammy. Bad Brain's voice. BAD BRAIN JOHNSON (V.O) (from the tape) Don't look so shocked. On second thought... _do_. Suddenly a HUGE BLAST OF LIGHT and a CRACK OF THUNDER. The video WHITES OUT. Image returns to REVEAL the Electro-Whammy and a pile of ash. Bad Brain's face fills the frame. BAD BRAIN JOHNSON (from the tape) Two down. One to go! You're next, Superman! SUPERMAN NO! Superman DRIVES HIS FIST THROUGH THE MONITOR. IMPLOSION EXPLOSION AND... DISSOLVE TO: 39 EXT. ALLEY BEHIND THE DAILY PLANET - DAY 39 Police tape surrounds the Electro-Whammy, and a chalk circle outlines a dark smudge where Lois's "ashes" were. Superman stands alone in the alley, the saddest we've ever seen him. He slumps back against a post, looking around, searching (X) for answers, as CAMERA CRANES way UP, leaving him small and (X) alone as we... DISSOLVE TO: 40 INT. THE LAKES' LAIR - DAY 40 Lois, unconscious, on a bed of white satin sheets. An eerie electronic glow. Mechanical HUMMING. Her eyes flutter open. She raises up, confused. Pain in her head. She touches a swollen knot at the back of her scalp. LOIS Ow. 41 WIDEN TO INCLUDE 41 Lois's "cage". It a "Star Trek" like jail, raised a few feet off the floor. A display case. No bars, just (X) invisible walls of light, created by four surrounding posts. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" FULL Blue 8/30/95 41. 41 CONTINUED: 41 We'll only see the force-field when something comes in contact (SPARK!) with it. Lois steps to the invisible (X) shimmering wall and extends her hand. KRR-AAACK! A spark and flash and Lois jumps back. TIM I wouldn't do that. Outside the cage, Tim moves from shadow into the light. Amber steps up behind him. TIM (CONT'D) Sustained contact for more than point-three seconds will detonate two hundred pounds of TNT directly under your feet. He points to an enormous bomb of dynamite and wires beneath (X) the display. LOIS (fearful) Why am I here? (X) AMBER We're faking your death. (X) LOIS Everybody thinks I'm dead? AMBER Especially Superman. TIM With a little video editing coupled with Bad Brain Johnson's very (X) public hatred for you, everyone thinks you were fried in Bad Brain's Electro-Whammy LOIS Where's Bad Brain? TIM His death we didn't fake. (X) LOIS You killed him? AMBER Right after we broke him out of prison. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" FULL Blue 8/30/95 42. 41 CONTINUED: 2 41 TIM He was superfluous. AMBER We wanted you. TIM As a means to an end. Superman's. LOIS What's going on? AMBER We're collectors. You're the honey, honey. Superman's the bee. 42 EXT. S.T.A.R. LABS - DAY 42 Dr. Klein, looking distraught, paces in front of the entrance as the ALARM SCREAMS. A sudden WHOOSH! and Superman appears. SUPERMAN What's happening? Klein punches a code into the alarm panel beside the door and the ALARM shuts off. DR. KLEIN I didn't know how else to reach you. I know she was your friend. (X) I'm so desperately sorry... (X) SUPERMAN (quietly) Thank you. (X) DR. KLEIN Did Miss Lane tell you about the Lakes? (X) SUPERMAN No. DR. KLEIN It was right after they asked (X) about the Kryptonite that the (X) robbery happened! Isn't the (X) robber the one who killed Miss Lane? (X) Suddenly galvanized, Superman FLIES OFF. (X) CUT TO: ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" FULL Blue 8/30/95 43. 43 INT. LAKE'S DEN - DAY 43(X) Tim and Amber are enjoying afternoon coffee and pastries. (X) TIM Well, where is he, for heaven's (X) sake? How long does it take to put all the pieces together? (X) A WHOOSH, they both look. AMBER Apparently not long. (X) 43A ANGLE TO INCLUDE SUPERMAN 43A(X) Livid, he stalks toward them. (X) TIM Delightful to see you, Superman. (X) Cafe Latte? (X) Superman hoists Tim up by his collar. AMBER Maybe he prefers decaf. SUPERMAN Where's Bad Brain? Tim points to the wall panel behind them. (X) TIM Well, we can't help you with Bad Brain, but I think you'll agree we (X) have something much more (X) interesting in here. (X) Amber pushes a button which starts the panel rising. (X) 44 INT. THE LAKES' LAIR - DAY 44 Superman, Amber, Tim, step into the space. (X) SUPERMAN What're we doing here, Lake? I'm (X) not in the mood for guessing (X) games. (X) AMBER But are you in the mood for this? (X) She hits a light switch to reveal: (X) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" FULL Blue 8/30/95 44. 44A INCLUDE LOIS 44A(X) She's in her cage, blinking in the sudden light. (X) LOIS Cla... Superman! (X) SUPERMAN (stunned) (X) Lois! (X) He rushes to her, reaches out. The CRACKLE and SPARK as he touches the force field. He stares at it. TIM So near and yet so far. (X) Superman and Lois stand staring at each other, incredible (X) love stuff passes between them. LOIS It's a trap. SUPERMAN I know. LOIS They've got Kryptonite. SUPERMAN I don't care. Tim and Amber over at the entrance. He hits a button on a wall panel and a digital readout begins ticking down. TIM You've got thirty seconds. Mess (X) with the timer, she dies. Break the light-field, she dies. Try to disarm the bomb, and clean our clocks, she still dies. The only way to save her -- Tim throws a switch and illuminates an identical cage across from Lois's. (X) TIM (CONT'D) -- is to become part of our (X) collection. AMBER Forever. LOIS Don't do it. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" FULL Blue 8/30/95 45. 44A CONTINUED: 44A SUPERMAN It's the only way to keep you alive. LOIS Would you stop? The world needs (X) you! (X) SUPERMAN And I need you. (X) TIM (sing-song) Ten seconds and counting... (X) LOIS But you'll be trapped. Caged. (X) SUPERMAN I'll be with you. (X) AMBER Two seconds. (X) Superman deliberately steps up into his prison. (X) LOIS (hollow) ... No. The timer shuts off. His cage lights up. TIM Lift off. (X) AMBER We did it! Superman and Lois watch them from their separate cages. TIM See, Superman, we wanted you alive, and Lois is the lock on your cage. (X) If either one of you breaks the light-field on your cages, Lois gets it. No matter how fast you fly, Superman, you'll set it off. Tim re-arms the bomb from the wall panel and enters another sequence. A light-grid appears on the floor surrounding the cages. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" Pink Rev. 9/1/95 46. 44A CONTINUED: 2 44A TIM (CONT'D) The floor has just become a minefield. Anybody tries to rescue YOU... I think-you get the idea. We'll talk about your feeding schedule later. (offers his arm to Amber) Amber? How about a drink? AMBER I'm buying. TIM One last detail. Tim reaches for the Superman costume he used to dupe Lois. With a R-I-I-I-P he separates the cape from the suit. AMBER With the two of you and Clark (X) dead, no one'll come looking for you. (X) TIM And since Bad Brain did it, no one'll come looking for AMBER (re Tim) Isn't he wonderful? (then) Welcome to Forever. (X) With sly grins, they exit the lair, the panel closing. The lights sink around the cages, leaving them lit and dismal in the gloom. A long silence. LOIS (emotionally) This isn't how I pictured growing old together. (beat) You gave up everything in your life. For me. SUPERMAN Without you, it wouldn't have been a life. 44B WIDER 44B They stand facing each other, both reaching out, almost touching the "walls" of their prison. ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" FULL Blue 8/30/95 47. 45 INT. PERRY'S OFFICE - DAILY PLANET - DAY 45 Perry and Jimmy. Shell shocked. PERRY (sadly) She's gone, Jimmy. I'll never get (X) used to that. (X) (looks up) (X) We heard from Clark yet? JIMMY No. Why didn't Lois just stay hidden? PERRY Lois is a very... was a very headstrong woman. JIMMY Superman will find Bad Brain. I'd hate to be in his shoes. But I'd love to be there when Superman kicks his -- PERRY Where is Superman? Is he even on the case? JIMMY My guess... he's somewhere... bumming. Big time. A KNOCK on Perry's door. PERRY Come in only if it's good news. A STAFFER opens the door. A cardboard box in hand. STAFFER Package for you, Mr. White. 46 THE BOX 46 As Perry opens it to REVEAL Superman's cape within topped with one of Bad Brain's calling cards. Scrawled across it: "Third one's a charm!" Perry, disbelieving, pulls the cape out and a small chunk of Kryptonite falls into his hand. PERRY ... oh my God. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" FULL Blue 8/30/95 48. 46 CONTINUED: 46 JIMMY (empty) (X) ... he's dead. Superman is dead. 47 INT. THE LAKES' LAIR - NIGHT #3 47 Lois and Superman sit in their separate cages, both facing CAMERA. (X) LOIS I was thinking. (X) SUPERMAN About? (X) LOIS Little things. About all the (X) silly, stupid little things I let (X) bother me. That I kept inside and (X) let keep us apart. (X) SUPERMAN I know... I was the same way. (X) LOIS Your parents were right. Not (X) talking about fears makes 'em (X) worse than they are! (X) SUPERMAN (sheepishly) I guess you don't really wanna be (X) Superman, do you... ? (X) LOIS (surprised smile) No! (X) (beat) And... you probably see me as more (X) than a hood ornament... (X) SUPERMAN (a sad laugh) I don't even own a car. (X) They stare longingly at each other. (X) SUPERMAN (CONT'D) God, I wish I could touch you. (X) (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" Pink Rev. 9/1/95 49. 47 CONTINUED: 47 LOIS (gently) You can touch me with your words. (beat) Ever since we met, or at least ever since I took the time to listen, something about you has always made sense to me. Even when most of who you were didn't make sense, there was this deep down part of you that did. That's the part that touches me. And makes sense out of life. (X) SUPERMAN (anguished) Lois... Her eyes glisten with tears. She smiles softly. LOIS I know. (beat) I know. DISSOLVE TO: 47A INT. LAIR - HIGH ANGLE - NIGHT 47A Lois lies crumpled in her cage, asleep. CAMERA CRANES DOWN to find Superman thinking furiously. We MOVE IN TIGHT on him, and: SUPERMAN (fiercely determined) Lois... Wake up. 47B LOOSER 47B(X) as she stirs. LOIS (groggy) Huh? SUPERMAN I'm getting us out of here. LOIS _What_?! (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" FULL Blue 8/30/95 50. 47B CONTINUED: 47B SUPERMAN I can fly around the world in minutes, right? Well, I've always (X) thought... in theory... I ought to (X) be able to focus that energy and (X) vastly increase my speed. (X) LOIS How will speed help us escape? (X) SUPERMAN Because if I can gear up my speed (X) and shift its direction back and forth, I'll vibrate. Vibrate so (X) fast I can displace my molecular (X) structure. (X) LOIS (alarmed) And turn yourself into a mass of (X) loose molecules..?! SUPERMAN ... And pass through the force field. (X) LOIS What if it doesn't work?! SUPERMAN I don't know. This is semi-theoretical. (X) LOIS It's semi-suicidal!! (X) (quietly) Tell me the truth. Could this (X) kill you? (X) SUPERMAN (a beat) I don't know. (X) LOIS A few hours ago, you wouldn't let me die for you! What makes you think I'd let you die for me?! (X) (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" Pink Rev. 9/1/95 51. 47B CONTINUED: 2 47B SUPERMAN At least this has a _chance_. (X) (smiles) Lois, that's what you and I together are all about -- taking a chance. Superman focuses deep within himself, stares at his arm, it begins to VIBRATE, then BLUR. He moves it into the force field. A look almost like pain crosses his face, he withdraws his arm, panting, drained. LOIS See, it doesn't work! Clark, it's just too hard... Superman wraps his cape tightly around himself, braces himself, gives her one last wistful smile. SUPERMAN Remember. I love you. LOIS No! Clark. Don't! Superman takes a breath, holds it. He focuses, then begins to vibrate. Subtle at first. Then faster until he's nearly a blur. And then it happens. His body begins to "smear" in three dimensional space. Features indistinct. Colors blending. Lois stares wide-eyed. Superman's shape becomes almost transparent, vibrating faster and faster until he's a cloud of color and light. He moves forward. Nears the wall of laser-light. Lois grimaces expecting the end. Superman enters the light wall. The light wall glows as he passes through it, continues to glow with a strange MOAN, and Lois fears he'll never emerge, but finally he does. He is nearly transparent now, features contorted almost in pain as he wills himself back together. LOIS Come back to me. Finally he grows corporeal, hovering above the floor. Exhausted. LOIS (CONT'D) You did it! You did it! But he's weak, hovering above the booby-trapped floor. Barely conscious, he dips lower and his cape almost scrapes the floor. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" Pink Rev. 9/1/95 52. 47B CONTINUED: 3 47B LOIS (CONT'D) Superman! Clark! Listen to me. Don't touch the floor. Honey? You've gotta fly. _Stay_ _above_ _the_ _floor_! Superman lifts a little. Begins to slowly make his way toward the control panel near the door. LOIS (CONT'D) That's it. You got it. C'mon. You're doing great! Superman reaches the control panel. He peels back a steel plate to REVEAL SIX OPEN JUMPERS stacked vertically. A two-inch gap between each jumper. LOIS (CONT'D) What's that? SUPERMAN (weakly) A problem. If you touch the force field, a spark is sent across one of these jumpers and the bomb goes off. But I don't know which one. Five are dummies. Only one is live. LOIS So what do I do? SUPERMAN Touch the force field. LOIS What? (X) CLARK I'll spot the right circuit and (X) keep it from closing. Superman raises two stiff fingers in front of the jumpers. LOIS (staring nervously at force field) Are you faster than electricity? He looks back at her with a resigned smile. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" Pink Rev. 9/1/95 52A. 47B CONTINUED: 4 47B LOIS (CONT'D) Yeah, yeah, I know... Take a chance. (takes a deep breath) On three. I mean, I'll do it on three. You know, 'one, two, oomph!' (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" FULL Blue 8/30/95 53. 47B CONTINUED: 4 47B SUPERMAN Okay. LOIS I won't actually say 'three.' (X) SUPERMAN _Lois_... (X) LOIS Here I go. One... Two... Oomph! Lois sticks her hand through the light-field. The SPARK jumps from the second gap. Superman's fingers are already three. SPRAKK! The current flies back down the way it came and blows up the control panel. The LIGHTS on the cages flicker out. The floor's minefield goes dark. Lois jumps from the cage. Superman slumps still weakened. LOIS (CONT'D) Clark! (X) 48 INT. LAKE'S DEN - NIGHT 48(X) Tim and Amber, alone, sipping champagne. Loving looks. An ALARM goes off, they leap up. AMBER What's happening? TIM There's a problem in the zoo. (X) 49 INT. THE LAIR 49 Tim and Amber rush through the entrance and see the empty cages. Superman stands before them. (X) TIM Whoops. LOIS (O.S.) You got that right. Lois leaps from the shadows and with several LIGHTNING (X) MOVES she kicks, belts and flips Tim and Amber into Kung-Fu dreamland. LOIS (breathless) ... have a nice rest... of your lives... in prison! (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" FULL Blue 8/30/95 54. 49 CONTINUED: 49 SUPERMAN You know, you looked like you enjoyed that? (X) LOIS (shaking out sore hand) Well, don't worry, it's not (X) something I'd make a career out (X) of... (X) (then) Why don't we... call the cops and (X) go somewhere and... Talk? (X) SUPERMAN Yeah... We've got a lot of 'splainin' to do. (X) LOIS Excuse me? (X) SUPERMAN I'll... tell you all about it. (X) And he scoops her off, starts off, we... (X) DISSOLVE TO: 50 INT. THE DAILY PLANET - DAY #4 50 CLOSE ON the front page of that day's edition of _The Daily_ _Planet_. Big photo of Tim and Amber in cuffs being dragged in separate directions by cops. They're clinging to each other desperately. The headline reads "Perfect Couple Perfectly Evil." SUDDENLY the page is ripped down the middle forever splitting Tim and Amber Lake. Lois, having done the ripping, appears between the two halves of the front page. LOIS With any luck, that'll be the last time Tim and Amber Lake ever see each other. 51 WIDEN TO INCLUDE 51 Perry, Jimmy, Clark, the staff. Everybody bursts into APPLAUSE and CHEERS. "Welcome Back!" banners strung between pillars. PERRY Great job! You two want a lifetime contract, you let me know! (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE" Pink Rev. 9/1/95 55. 51 CONTINUED: 51 CLARK Actually, we're working on that. LOIS Definitely. Clark pulls away to watch the revelry. Perry steps up. PERRY Now I know you two have had a little difficulty in the past few weeks. We're okay, Perry. PERRY And you'll stay okay. As long as (X) you face things together. (X) (raises glass) So. Here's to being... together. (X) LOIS I'll drink to that. (X) The staffers toast, APPLAUD. Clark steps over to his desk. 52 AT CLARK'S DESK 52 Clark opens his drawer and takes out the engagement ring box. Opens it, looks at the ring, and at Lois laughing in the happy crowd. Clark sees Jimmy watching him with a grin. CLARK What do you think? JIMMY C.K.... there's no time like the right time. Clark smiles and CAMERA RISES TO INCLUDE A BANNER: "Lois and Clark -- Welcome Back!" FADE OUT: _THE END_