To pop everything into place... use Courier 10 (or 10 characters per inch) set top margin at 0.4", bottom margin at 0.4" (or minimums) left margin at 1", right margin at .25 (or minimum) (I had to tell the program I was using legal paper) page breaks in hard copy indicated by ---page break--- regular tabs, hard returns and right flushes are used to position things to look as much like original as possible sometimes the formatting changes slightly (as in the numbers at the end of the lines), but I'm going to keep consistent because it's easier logo on front page will be noted when used but not included here as this may be sent in .txt, originally underlined words will look like _this_ I don't know what the (X) or the * (this on Cast, Locations and Chronology pages) designate. Notes: Cover: "Tempus, Anyone?", Written by John McNamara [and] Directed by Winrich Kolbe are all in large bolt print. The remainder of the text is in Courier 10 (10 characters per inch) Typos noted: none found graphic (see script.bmp) "Tempus, Anyone?" EPISODE FOURTEEN Prod. #457414 Written by John McNamara Directed by Winrich Kolbe _Production Draft_ November 30, 1995 FULL Blue 12/7/95 ---page break--- _LOIS & CLARK_ "_Tempus, Anyone_" FULL Blue 12/7/95 _CAST_ CLARK KENT/SUPERMAN LOIS LANE JIMMY OLSEN PERRY WHITE _______________________________________________________________ TEMPUS H.G. WELLS LANA LANG * MAJOR DOMO SPY ROOKIE BANK GUARD WOMAN ---page break--- _LOIS & CLARK_ "_Tempus, Anyone_" FULL Blue 12/7/95 _LOCATIONS_ _INTERIORS_: _EXTERIORS_: Daily Planet Daily Planet Newsroom Lobby Metropolis Street Clark's Apartment Bank TV Station Alley Windowless Room Cemetery * * * Ledge * * Clark's Deck ---page break--- _LOIS & CLARK_ "_Tempus, Anyone_" FULL Blue 12/7/95 _CHRONOLOGY_ SC. 1 - 25 DAY 1 * SC. 26 - 63 NIGHT 1 * SC. 64 - 78 DAY 2 * SC. 79 - 82 DAY 3 * SC. 83 - 84 DAY 1 (REPRISE) ---page break--- _LOIS & CLARK_ _The New Adventures of Superman_ "Tempus, Anyone" _TEASER_ FADE IN: 1 EXT. METROPOLIS STREET - DAY #1 1 LOIS and CLARK walk, each awkwardly burdened with reams of wedding-related documents. LOIS I can't believe it's next week. CLARK I know. LOIS The caterer needs a final head count, the band doesn't have a final song list... Clark, we're way behind. CLARK We'd be way ahead if people'd just stop trying to kill us. LOIS Let's keep our fingers crossed things stay quiet this week. They pass a police station where several WANTED POSTERS are pinned up. One catches Lois' eye -- a bank camera photo of a familiar face (minus the familiar beard): _Tempus_. She pauses for just a second, as if recognizing it, then moves on with Clark. 2 EXT. AROUND THE CORNER - DAY 2 Lois and Clark walk. She consults an actively-revised sheet of names. LOIS Is this the absolute, total and final guest count? CLARK Funny you should mention that. I ran into an old friend last night. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 2. 2 CONTINUED: 2 LOIS Who? CLARK Lana Lang. (X) LOIS Ah, an old _girl_friend. CLARK Lois, you're getting that sound in your voice. LOIS What sound? CLARK Like any minute claws are gonna pop out of your paws and I'll be getting you a saucer of milk. She's not worth it. We dated in high school. LOIS Smallville girl. Here in the big city. And ... ? CLARK I told her I was getting married LOIS Smart. And she was...? CLARK Really happy for me. LOIS So happy she'd like to come to the wedding. CLARK How'd you know? LOIS And how'd she take it? CLARK Take what? LOIS When you said, no. CLARK Ummm. Hm. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 3. 2 CONTINUED: 2 2 LOIS Clark. CLARK Well, you have to know Lana... (X) LOIS No, no, I don't, interestingly enough. CLARK She's kind of... insistent; just steamrolls through things, so it's not like I actually said she could come, she just sort of... said... she could... come. LOIS Let me get this straight. You're Superman. And your high school girlfriend can push you around. CLARK (beat, then:) Oh, God... (X) He SUPER-HEARS an alarm. CLARK (CONT'D) Speaking of Superman... LOIS Go. We'll finish this at the office. (he starts off, she stops him) Be careful. They kiss. He ducks away. 3 EXT. BANK - DAY 3 Riddled with bullet holes. Broken windows. Smoke pouring out, PEOPLE GAGGING as they exit. SUPERMAN appears, moves to a BANK GUARD. SUPERMAN What happened? (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 4. 3 CONTINUED: 3 BANK GUARD Some kind of rocket came through the window... set off gas... then this guy storms in... big guns... shooting up the place... took gold and jewels... SUPERMAN Which way'd he go? 4 EXT. STREET NEAR ALLEY - DAY 4 Lois walks by and hears a 'Psssst' from the alley. She stops, turns and a large GUN is aimed at her. A finger appears and crooks her to come in. She does. 5 EXT. ALLEY - DAY 5 Lois is led in by TEMPUS. Much as we remember him: arrogant, superior and armed to the teeth. Only now wearing 20th Century clothes. TEMPUS Hi, Lois. Remember me? LOIS No, I -- (stops) -- wait, the wanted poster. TEMPUS Come. I know I lost the beard but I'm in politics now and Joe Average doesn't trust facial hair. Oh, Lois, after all we meant to each other, I'm not ringing any bells? Then again, I suppose time travel... And now he pivots, revealing H.G. Wells' time machine at the far end of the alley. On it, his bag of jewels and gold from the bank. TEMPUS (CONT'D) ... can be a real brain drain. You want to drop your things and step onto the sled here? (she hesitates) Step on or be carried. Makes no difference to me. Frightened and annoyed, she sets her wedding plans down. LOIS God, it's always something... ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 5. 6 EXT. METROPOLIS SKY - DAY 6 Superman flies, scanning the streets below with TELESCOPIC BEAMS. He sees something. (X) 7 EXT. ALLEY - HIGH ANGLE (SUPERMAN'S TELE-POV) - DAY 7 Lois on the time machine, Tempus holding her at gunpoint as he flips levers and dials. 8 BACK TO SUPERMAN 8 Furious. He dives. 9 EXT. ALLEY - DAY 9 The time machine is glowing and rippling. Lois looks up. Brightens. LOIS If I were you, I'd put the gun down and work on my manners. TEMPUS Really. Why? Superman lands fast and reaches out to grab the gun from Tempus. But Lois and Tempus are already DISSOLVING. Superman's hands pass right through Tempus. Tempus laughs. He and Lois disappear in a BLAST OF LIGHT. (X) SUPERMAN Lois... LOIS! She and Tempus and the machine are gone. He's alone. 10 EXT. CEMETERY - DAY 10 A FLASH OF O.S. LIGHT again and Lois, dazed, stumbles into sight. She's alone. Barren trees, grey sky. Wind. Lois looks around, trying to get her bearings. Then sees something that makes her go ice cold. A gravestone. And chiselled on it: LOIS LANE, 1967 - 1993. Tempus' LAUGHTER ECHOES through the cemetery. FADE OUT: _END OF TEASE_ ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 6. _ACT ONE_ 11 EXT. CEMETERY - DAY - CONTINUOUS 11 Tempus' LAUGHTER fades. Lois stares at her own grave, numb. Then a man appears: sixtyish, mustachioed, bespectacled; dressed in an early-century suit. He is, we shall learn -- WELLS Miss Lane? My name is Wells. Herbert George Wells. Actually, we've met but I doubt you remember... LOIS You're the second person who's said that, now what is going on, is this some kind of -- ? (stops) Did you say Herbert George.-- ? (he nods) H.G. Wells? (he nods) The writer who died a long time ago, oh, my God, I'm dead. WELLS No. No, no, no -- LOIS What do you mean no? I'm looking at my grave with a dead writer! WELLS Miss Lane, I assure you -- you are very much alive and so am I. Please. Sit. (he gets her to a bench, sits with her) Now, I'm going to tell you something. And as I do, you'll begin to remember, like a dream recalled. So close your eyes and let the images unspool. (she does) We met on an extraordinary adventure. You see, before I was this elderly gentleman you now see before you, I was a time traveller... And as WE MOVE IN CLOSE on Lois, we -- DISSOLVE TO: ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 7. 12 FLASHBACK: SCENES FROM "TEMPUS FUGITIVE" 12 as narrated by Wells: WELLS (V.O.) ... and I had journeyed to the future in search of Utopia but found instead... Tempus. A violent psychotic with a bitter hatred for Superman. He tried to kill Clark (X) Kent As a baby, hoping to change future history. You stopped him. 13 BACK TO SCENE 13 as Lois's eyes snapping And WE PULL BACK. LOIS I remember. You're H.G. Wells. I know you. But... you're... well, I don't mean to be rude but you're a little... WELLS Older? (nods) Seventeen years. The me you met (X) was from 1899. The me you now see before you is from 1916. (X) LOIS Is it okay if I get a headache? WELLS Quite all right. After our escapade, Tempus escaped and built (X) his own time machine... then did something rather unique with it. Let me show you. 14 EXT. STREET OUTSIDE CEMETERY GATES - DAY 14 Wells and Lois emerge. She looks around. People, cars, and store fronts all identify it as Metropolis. LOIS It's Metropolis. WELLS Look carefully. She does. It is different. Not Our Metropolis. Garbage in the streets, graffiti on walls. Grim. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 8. 14 CONTINUED: 14 WELLS (CONT'D) Is it not more dirty than clean, more dark than light? LOIS (nods) Is this the future? WELLS No. Very much the present... He picks up a newspaper from atop a trashcan, unfolds it and the headline reads: GET TOUGH ON CRIME, SAYS PRESIDENT HESTON. WELLS (CONT'D) ... but an alternate present. LOIS President Heston? Charlton Heston is President? What is this place? WELLS A parallel dimension. LOIS A what? WELLS A second Metropolis; a sibling reality, co-existing with our own, hidden from us by a curtain of space, now parted. (excited at the discovery) A thousand details exactly alike -- and a thousand as startlingly different as the infinite choices in every moment. LOIS So, in plain English, Ben-Hur's President and I'm worm food. God, and I'm getting married next week. Why does this keep happening? A GANG walks by, all wearing bolstered pistols. Then across the street she sees a MAN in a business suit with a shotgun slung over his shoulder. Then up the street an OLD LADY, purse in one hand, machine gun in another. (General Rule: about a third of every extra in a street scene carries some kind of firearm.) (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 9. 14 CONTINUED: 2 14 LOIS (CONT'D) Do I want to know why so many people are wearing guns or is that just going to upset me more? WELLS From what little I've been able to gather, everyone is frightened, cynical, with no faith that society can protect them. That, and... He gestures to a sign over a store front that reads TEMPUS WEAPONS STORE -- BIG GUNS, SMALL PRICES. There's a grinning picture of Tempus and the motto: "Be Prepared For The Enemy!" WELLS (CONT'D) ... a certain someone is making sidearms affordable and attractive. LOIS (looking off) And that's not even the worst part. WELLS I know. They both watch, stunned, as a bus rolls by with a huge TEMPUS FOR MAYOR sign on it, with the slogan "_He's_ Prepared For The Enemy -- Are You?" LOIS Who's this 'Enemy?' What is he after, why'd he put us here? WELLS (head shake) Like you, I was kidnapped and dropped here without a clue why. LOIS Wait. If this place _is_ the same but different, then maybe there's a Clark here... and where there's a Clark... WELLS ... there's a Superman. Good thinking, my dear. They move off. ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 10. 15. INT. TV STATION - DAY 15 The set for a daytime talk show. Bleachers, cameras, a small carpeted stage with a cheesy backdrop and some chairs. THREE THUGS and Tempus sorting through the sack of gold and jewels from the bank heist. The head Thug is called MAJOR DOMO You're amazing, Mr. Tempus, I mean, how do you score this kinda swag and there's not a cop after you, not a bank with your picture in it? TEMPUS Major Domo? Can you keep a secret? MAJOR DOMO Sure. TEMPUS I have an inter-dimensional transport. Right here in this building, actually. And once a day, I pop out of this universe into an alternate one, take what I want and zip back here -- where I haven't so much as jaywalked. The guys just look at Tempus a second, then at each other, then back at Tempus. Domo bursts into laughter. So does Tempus. Then so do the others. TEMPUS (CONT'D) (under their laughter) Cretins. MAJOR DOMO Ahhh, Mr. Tempus, you kill me, I swear, if there's anybody funnier than you, I mean, hey, no wonder you wanna be on TV... TEMPUS Oh, I don't want to be on TV to entertain... anymore than I want people to know I really own this station. (moves to a camera, lovingly) You see, TV is power. The power to lull, pacify... (moves from camera to monitor) ... and influence, then -- once all eyes are glazed and all minds are jelly -- the power to _take_. (MORE) (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 11. 15 CONTINUED: 15 TEMPUS (CONT'D) The power to hold the world in your fist. Which is just what I'm going to do after I'm elected Mayor. MAJOR DOMO Whoa, is this guy deep or what? (X) Tempus' cell phone rings. He flips it open. TEMPUS Yes? INTERCUT: 16 EXT. METROPOLIS STREET - DAY 16 A SPY who works for Tempus follows along behind Wells and Lois, murmuring into his cell phone: SPY Wells and Lane have linked up. Looking very buddy-buddy. TEMPUS Where are they going? SPY Looks like the Daily Planet. TEMPUS No doubt in search of a super-hero. I love predictable behavior. TEMPUS OUT. The Spy melts into the Crowd. We pick up Wells and Lois in mid-conversation: LOIS Clark must be going out of his mind. They pass a MAN who pulls a gun and is handed a wallet by ANOTHER MAN as if it were the most natural thing in the world. LOIS (CONT'D) We've got to get back... WELLS Our only hope is to get Tempus' machine. To that end, I've begun piecing something together out of odds and ends... (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 12. 16 CONTINUED: 16 He extracts what looks like bits of a walkman jury-rigged to a radio. WELLS (CONT'D) It's not finished but if I can get it to work, it _should_ home in on the flux capacitator in Tempus' dimensional transport, assuming it has one. 17 EXT. DAILY PLANET - DAY 17 Lois and Wells come around the corner. She sees the Planet and heaves a sigh of relief. LOIS Well, at least this world isn't _completely_ nuts. A banner has just been unfurled-over the face of a nearby building. It has a huge picture of Perry and says: PERRY WHITE FOR MAYOR. WELLS In fact, there even may be some hope. LOIS (looking off) More than hope. She points across the crowded street. Clark is walking toward them. Different glasses, a more subdued style of dress -- but it's Clark. LOIS (CONT'D) Clark! He hears his name called and looks out at the sea of faces. LOIS (CONT'D) Clark, it's me! Over -- She's cut off by a rapid report of GUNFIRE from down the street. Everyone drops low. MANY pull guns. A car SQUEALS into view, the DRIVER shooting at a storefront, the MAN in the store FIRING back. The car then peels out of sight. Lois looks over at Clark and sees him in motion. He ducks behind a building -- then she hears a familiar O.S. WHOOSH. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 13. 17 CONTINUED: 17 LOIS (CONT'D) (smiles as she scans the skies) Things can't be all bad. Come on. If he's anything like my Clark he'll be back inside mumbling some lame excuse. 18 INT. PLANET - DAY 18 We start TIGHT ON 'Perry White, Editor,' etched on Perry's office door, then REVEAL several new WHITE FOR MAYOR posters stacked nearby-- then PERRY WHITE himself steps right up to a poster to give it the once-over. This Perry is a bit less dapper, more rumpled and denim-ed, like a 60's college professor. But the poster has him in a sharp suit and tie, hair artificially thickened. Perry (X) grimaces. PERRY Now who did this? That's not my tie, not my coat... and that hair; I look like Malvolean Dan Rather. (X) All right now, who in the Sam Hill messed with my poster? Come on now, speak up! Lois and Wells step off the elevator and Lois smiles at Perry's tirade. LOIS Well, it seems like the closer we get to the bullpen, the more things get familiar. PERRY. Who turned me into a pretty boy! JIMMY (O.S.) I did. Perry turns. The room goes silent. Jimmy steps out of the conference room. Wearing a suit, tie... and mustache. PERRY Mr. Olsen... Lois's jaw drops as she watches the following Bizarro World exchange: (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 14. 18 CONTINUED: 18 JIMMY Polls have shown you're skewing a little old, White. I talked to your campaign manager and we decided to run some new posters. I like them. Lois moves toward the two, amused and amazed. Wells trails. LOIS I don't believe this... PERRY Mr. Olsen, sir, I like Tarzan's hair and George Hamilton's duds much as the next fella but I'm just a Memphis word stringer... this ain't me. JIMMY It's a better you. A younger you. Ever since you jumped into this race you've been way ahead and I want to keep you there. My paper's put a lot on the line for you, White. LOIS (close now, looking at Jimmy) Oh, my God. PERRY (hears her, turns, sees her) Oh, my God. He drops his coffee cup. It SHATTERS. PERRY (CONT'D) Lois? Is that you, honey? LOIS It's me. Perry laughs and pulls her into a fierce embrace. PERRY I don't know how this can be 'n I don't care -- I'm happier 'n a preacher in a month of Sundays! Where've you been? What happened to your hair? (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 15. 18 CONTINUED: 2 18 LOIS Well, I... I... uhhhh... JIMMY (holding out his hand) James Olsen, Miss Lane. LOIS Hi. PERRY Mr. Olsen's the new owner. LOIS Owner. Really. PERRY Boy wonder of the computer world. Decided to roll his dice on our rag. JIMMY White talks about you all the time, Miss Lane. Said you disappeared in the Congo. LOIS Congo. The... gun running story, three years ago. Yes. (to Wells) I did. For a while. But -- PERRY We hired an army to go over and look for you. Never did find... well, you. What happened? LOIS What happened is... I'm fine. Obviously. Thanks to my friend here. Mr. Wells. WELLS Hello. LOIS He runs... a mission. PERRY You've been in a mission for three (X) years? LOIS I was sick. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 16. 18 CONTINUED: 3 18 JIMMY Too sick to make a phone call? WELLS Coma. Totally incapacitated. Just came out of it yesterday and said, 'Herb, get me to the Planet.' I naturally wondered _what_ planet and then she explained to me -- Lois glances at the elevator -- and sees Clark step off. LOIS Clark... She can't help herself. As he moves toward the stairs, she runs to him and practically flies into his arms. LOIS (CONT'D) Oh, Clark, I'm so glad to see you. (whispers) You and Superman. Before he can respond, she kisses him on the lips. His eyes go wide. Then he gently but firmly pushes her off. CLARK Miss. Who are you... and what's Superman? She looks at him, dumbfounded. At that moment, a striking woman of twenty-nine steps off the elevator. Looks at Lois with a sharp territorial anger. This is LANA LANG. (X) LANA (X) Clark? Who is this? CLARK I don't know. LANA (X) Well, I guess she knows _you_. So she ought to know me. I'm Lana (X) Lang. Mr. Kent's fiancee. (X) She holds out her right hand. Lois stares. FADE OUT: _END OF ACT ONE_ ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 17. _ACT TWO_ FADE IN: 19 INT. PLANET - DAY - CONTINUOUS 19 Lois and Lana face off, Clark between them. (X) LANA (X) And you are ... ? LOIS Uhh, I... Wells appears at Lois' side. WELLS Lois Lane. And still a bit feverish, I'm afraid, aren't you, my dear? LOIS I, I guess. He leads her off. Jimmy and Perry join Lana and Clark. (X) 20 LOIS AND WELLS 20 move to a corner. In the b.g., Perry and Jimmy smooth things over with Clark and Lana. (X) LOIS He doesn't know me... WELLS I know this is one in a series of dreadful shocks -- LOIS But why -- ? WELLS Obviously the Lois of this dimension died before Clark arrived in Metropolis. LOIS And there's no Superman. He didn't even know who that was. WELLS Oh, my. Lois watches as Lana and Clark move back to the elevators (X) and Perry and Jimmy head back to the bullpen. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 18. 20 CONTINUED: 20 LOIS It doesn't matter. We don't belong here and the only way we're getting back is with super-help. WELLS Do you have a plan? LOIS (nods) But first I need an excuse to team up with Clark Kent. They move off toward Perry and Jimmy. 21 CLARK AND LANA 21(X) at the elevators. She is waiting for a car, going over a list of details. LANA (X) ... and we're meeting my parents at seven to go over the final guest list. CLARK Okay. He glances into the bullpen -- and watches Lois talking with Perry and Jimmy. LANA (X) Last thing -- I saw that little stunt you pulled a few minutes ago. CLARK Stunt? LANA (X) Don't give me those puppy eyes. The gunfight out front? You ducked away and... ? She makes the flying motion with her hand. CLARK Honey, nobody saw me. I just used the... (makes laser vision motion with his hand) ... zzz, burned out his tires and the cops got him. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 19. 21 CONTINUED: 21 LANA (X) Clark, you promised. CLARK (hits button) Boy, this is one slow elevator, huh? LANA (X) They'd lock you up in some lab and study you. And even if you broke out, you'd never have a life. (hugs him) We'd never have a life. No one will ever love you more than I do... CLARK I know. LANA (X) ... and no one understands you better. So promise this is the last time. PING, the elevator doors open. CLARK Here you are. LANA (X) (as she gets on) Promise me. CLARK See you at seven. (X) LANA (X) Clark -- The doors close and shut her up. Clark crosses to get some coffee. 22 BULLPEN 22 Lois, Perry and Jimmy. PERRY Darlin', you want your job back, you got it. As long as it's okay with Mr. Olsen. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 20. 22 CONTINUED: 22 JIMMY If half of White's said about you is true, Lois, I'm lucky to have you. LOIS Good, then I want to dive right into an expose on Tempus. PERRY (to Jimmy) Did I tell you she's the best? LOIS Since I'm a little out of touch with things maybe I ought to work with a partner... 23 23 THRU OMITTED THRU 24 24 24A INT. DAILY PLANET - CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY 24A Lois and Clark talk as Wells fiddles with his tracking device. CLARK So. Perry says you want to do an (X) expose on Tempus. LOIS Yeah, but first we have to talk (X) about us. CLARK Us? (X) LOIS Well, you actually. For (X) instance... how many people know you're from another planet? CLARK What. LOIS Or that you can bend steel in your bare hands, leap tall buildings in a single bound -- ? CLARK Hey, keep your voice down... (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 21. 24A CONTINUED: 24A LOIS (complying) That you came here as a baby, in a spaceship -- CLARK (to himself) Oh, God, Lana said this was gonna (X) happen... LOIS -- you were found by the Kents and raised in Smallville, Kansas -- CLARK (self) I didn't listen. LOIS -- but from there, I'm sure things get different because -- CLARK (to Lois) Okay, just tell me: Are you from the government? Lois and Wells chuckle at the notion. WELLS Certainly not, my boy. LOIS No, we're from another dimension. Clark just looks at them. 24B INT. DAILY PLANET - BULLPEN - DAY 24B Lois, Clark and Wells emerge from the conference room. (X) Wells trailing behind, fine-tuning a nearly-finished tracker. CLARK I'm sorry, I just... I have a lot of trouble believing all this. LOIS What? That Tempus is a criminal? That he's H.G. Wells or that we're from a parallel Metropolis? (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 22. 24B CONTINUED: 24B CLARK No, that this other me flies around in tights. LOIS Well, your Mom made them... CLARK My Mom? LOIS Martha Kent. CLARK But the Kents died when I was ten. They stop. LOIS Oh, Clark, I'm sorry... Who raised you? CLARK I kind of bounced around. (off her look) It's okay, it was a long time ago, I'm fine. LOIS Are you? A moment. They look at each other. CLARK This is the weirdest feeling. I know I shouldn't talk to you, I _know_ I should just walk away but... LOIS What? CLARK (studying her) ... I can't. Then a HARSH BEEPING from Wells' tracking device and he steps up to them, elated. WELLS It works! The tracking device, it's locked onto Tempus' transport. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 23. 24B CONTINUED: 2 24B LOIS Clark. Please. Help us get back where we belong. WELLS Yes. Help us rid your world of Tempus before he destroys it. As Clark's about to answer, Lana walks up. (X) LANA (X) Clark? Where've you been? Although she's talking to Clark, she's looking at Lois. CLARK Uhhhh.. (looks at watch) ... oh, right, seven, your folks. (X) We were just... LOIS ... working on a story. LANA (X) Together? CLARK Perry teamed us up. LANA (X) Did he. LOIS (to Clark) But we can take point while you deal with your wedding. I know how overwhelming it can all get. Just promise we'll meet up later? Lois and Clark lock eyes. LANA (X) Let's go, Clark. LOIS Clark? CLARK (to Lois) I'll catch up with you back at the Planet. About one. LOIS Great. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 24. 24B CONTINUED: 3 24B Lana leads Clark off. (X) LANA (X) I don't like having to come look for you. You know how Dad gets when you're late... LOIS (after they're gone) I'm not sure, but I think I hate her. 25 EXT. ANOTHER STREET - DAY 25(X) Lois and Wells walk, following the BEEPS and light flashes of the tracker. WELLS We cross the street here, then round that corner there, then... Major Domo appears, gun in hand. (X) LOIS Don't tell me. A mugging. (X) MAJOR DOMO A kidnapping. (X) 26 INT. WINDOWLESS ROOM - NIGHT #1 26 Wells is being strapped into a steel chair by Domo. Lois (X) has a blindfold removed from her eyes by Tempus. (X) TEMPUS You know, you really shouldn't walk around unarmed. My stores are offering a nice deal on a twelve clip automatic. (produces it) Twenty-four rounds with every purchase... and a free pair of sunglasses. (X) WELLS You may do what you wish with me, Tempus, but I implore you: let the girl go. TEMPUS God, Herb, who writes your dialogue? You sound like The Prisoner of Zenda. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 25. 26 CONTINUED: 26 LOIS You're not going to get away with this. TEMPUS And you sound like Lois Lane, in trouble again. Not gonna get away with what, Lois? LOIS With... well, whatever you've got planned. TEMPUS My plan is to become Mayor of Metropolis by killing Perry White. But wait, somebody might try and stop me -- big, brawny, looks good in blue? Gee, if _only_ I lived in a dimension with no Superman. Oh, wait. I do! (laughs) And you're headed for another dimension yourself, Lois. . Slightly more... spiritual. Hope you've been good. (X) 27 INT. WINDOWLESS ROOM - LATER 27 Tempus wheels in a TV. (X) TEMPUS I've missed you, Herb. Sure, (X) you're a few years older, I'm a few pounds lighter... you're about to (X) be a corpse, I'm about to be a god, but it's the same old us, together again, hm? Only now, you want _my_ machine. And it's in the building, right here. WELLS where is Lois Lane? TEMPUS Just standing around. He aims the remote and hits the button. The TV switches on. ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 26. 28 ON TV: LOIS STANDING ON THE LEDGE OF A BUILDING 28 She is blindfolded and her hands are cuffed behind her back. The ledge is very narrow.. Sheer wall above, sheer wall below. No windows. The skyline and the wind buffeting her tell us she's up high. TEMPUS Think she has any idea she's five hundred feet in the air? A ledge-brick Lois is standing on crumbles from its mortar and -- 29 EXT. THE LEDGE - NIGHT 29 Lois SCREAMS and nearly tumbles off. Fights for balance and regains her footing. LOIS No, no stay calm... You're high up, you're blind, you can't use your hands, the ledge is falling apart and you're alone. (beat) Okay... panic. 30 EXT. WINDOW ACROSS THE STREET - NIGHT 30 The Spy aims a TV camera at Lois. 31 INT. WINDOWLESS ROOM - NIGHT 31 Tempus pulls up a nice lounge chair and settles in to watch. TEMPUS Oooh, watch the foot there, Lois... 32 ON TV: CLOSE SHOT OF LOIS' FOOT 32 sliding over onto this loose brick. It starts to give. 33 LOIS ON THE LEDGE 33 slides the foot further, gets it off that brick. 34 BACK TO SCENE 34 TEMPUS Whew. Close, huh? (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 27. 34 CONTINUED: 34 Grabs a bowl of popcorn. Munches. WELLS Tempus, I cry out to whatever humanity there is in you -- don't do this. TEMPUS Why? WELLS It's barbaric and cruel. TEMPUS Sure... but it's fun. WELLS What do you gain by killing her? TEMPUS Herb, if I wanted to kill her, I'd beat her to death with a frozen lamb chop and eat it. 35 LOIS ON THE LEDGE 35 She is moving, back to the wall, feet scraping side to side. LOIS There has to be a window, keep moving, you'll find a window... We see, of course, there is no window. 36 BACK TO SCENE 36 Tempus salts his corn. TEMPUS No, I want to torture her, terrify her... 37 ON TV: BRICKS UNDER LOIS' FEET 37 starts to crumble and loosen. She moves along, fast. More bricks start to crumble and she's losing her balance. TEMPUS ... send her into spasms of sheer horror. ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 28. 38 BACK TO SCENE 38 WELLS But _why_? TEMPUS It's good TV! Fun for the whole family! And then of course there're those magic words guaranteed to make it a ratings bonanza. 'Help! Superman! Save me!' Except there _is_ no Superman, so now I've _got_ to see what happens. 39 EXT. LEDGE - NIGHT 39 Lois is standing on the only two bricks still set in the wall. And they're quivering. 40 INT. WINDOWLESS ROOM - NIGHT 40 Tempus fires some popcorn into his mouth as Wells watches, helpless. TEMPUS But, ask yourself, Herb, _why_ is (X) there no Superman here? Because this Clark lost his parents, didn't have their loving support? Or has he been denied that daily impetus? Being in love with a woman who's always throwing herself into death's jaws and screaming for ... ? 41 ON TV - LOIS 41 Lois, about to tumble LOIS Help! 42 OMITTED 42 43 LOIS ON THE LEDGE 43 as the bricks give way and she tumbles off. LOIS CLAAAAAAAAAAA-RRRRRK! ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 29. 44 BACK TO TEMPUS 44 grinning, munching his corn. TEMPUS Only thing that could ruin this'd be a commercial. FADE OUT: _END OF ACT TWO_ ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 30. _ACT THREE_ FADE IN: 45 EXT. CLARK'S APARTMENT - NIGHT 45(X) Lana and Clark are bidding her PARENTS farewell. (Mrs. Lang(X) checking the clip on her gun). Clark SUPER-HEARS Lois' (X) SCREAM: LANA (X) ... and we want cloth napkins, not paper, right, Clark? Clark? CLARK I'll get back to you on that. He's gone in a flash. 46 EXT. MID-AIR - NIGHT 46 Lois, blindfolded and hands tied, tumbles, SCREAMING. The ground rushes up. 47 EXT. BUILDING - NIGHT 47(X) She plummets at high speed, about to pancake, when a BLUR intercepts and WHOOSHES her off screen. 48 INT. WINDOWLESS ROOM - NIGHT 48 Wells breathes a sigh of relief. Tempus seems more delighted than ever as they watch -- 49 EXT. BUILDING - NIGHT 49(X) Lois and Clark as they arc into frame. He takes off her (X) blindfold and lands her gently. PAN TO a Second Spy with (X) camera filming this at street level. (X) 50 BACK TO SCENE 50 TEMPUS Well, bravo, Mr. Kent. My plan is working perfectly. WELLS Your plan? TEMPUS Yes, Herb. I'm the bad guy. We always have a plan. ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 31. 51 EXT. BUILDING - NIGHT 51(X) Clark snaps the cuffs off Lois. CLARK You sure you're okay? LOIS Fine. Thank you. CLARK Who did this? LOIS Tempus. CLARK We should call the police. LOIS Well, okay, that's _one_ way of handling it. CLARK What's the other? LOIS (leading him off) Let's talk about that... 52 EXT. STREET - NIGHT 52 Lois and Clark walk. CLARK Look, I don't want to be a hero. LOIS Really. Then why did you go after that gunman this morning? Why did you save me just now? CLARK I help when I can... but I want to live my life. LOIS Well, that's why you've got your secret identity. CLARK A what? A secret what? LOIS Just go with me on this... She pushes him through a doorway. WE REVEAL it's a ski store, having an off-season sale. ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 32. 53 EXT. STORE - LATER THAT NIGHT 53 Lois and Clark emerge with a bag. LOIS It's not a ski suit -- I mean, it _is_ but it's more than that -- it's a symbol, you're making yourself into a beacon. CLARK Are you always like this? LOIS Sorry, I'm a little high-strung. CLARK Lady, you're a Stradivarius. LOIS (exasperated) Maybe this'll help. She hands him the bag. He takes it. She pulls her wallet out of her purse and shows him a picture of Superman. LOIS (CONT'D) That's what I'm talking about. CLARK That's... what I'm afraid of. He flips to another photo: Lois and Clark. CLARK (CONT'D) Is that... us? LOIS Well, it's me and him. CLARK Are we -- ? She shows him the ring. CLARK (CONT'D) This is just too weird. He flips to another picture: Clark and the Kents. CLARK (CONT'D) Oh, my God. He just stares at them. Has to sit on a bus bench. Lois sits with him. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 33. 53 CONTINUED: 53 CLARK (CONT'D) They're alive? (she nods; pause) Does he... spend a lot of time with them? LOIS Yes. CLARK That's good. That's... He lets it trail, overwhelmed. LOIS They're very proud of him. I bet your parents were, too. CLARK I guess so. It was a long time ago. LOIS What happened? CLARK Car wreck. I saw it happen. I was pretty fast, even then, but... not fast enough. Lana said I (X) shouldn't blame myself. One man can't really make a difference... no matter what kind of powers he has. LOIS I know things are different here. I know _you're_ different. But trust me... powers or no powers... one man can change any world. He flips back to the picture of Superman. CLARK His Mom made that, huh? LOIS Yeah. CLARK You sew as well as she does? LOIS Well... ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 34. 54 INT. CLARK'S APARTMENT - NIGHT 54 Lois on the phone, at the dining room table, surrounded by bolts of red and yellow cloth, a sewing machine. Littered at her feet, a half dozen red-and-yellow S's -- crooked, mis-sewn or otherwise botched and discarded. In the kitchen behind her, a huge kettle is bubbling and steaming. LOIS Look, Jimmy -- sorry, Mr. Olsen -- I think it's a bad idea for Perry to debate Tempus tomorrow.. She gets up and moves to the boiling pot. Grabs a pair of tongs. LOIS (CONT'D) No, I certainly don't want him to look like a coward but Tempus said he was going to kill Perry... No, he didn't say where or when. With the tongs she fishes a boot out of the caldron -- it's soaking wet and dyed bright red. She lets it drop back in. LOIS (CONT'D) But if there's anybody in the Tempus camp that you might be able to get to... you know... open up, in exchange for some... I don't know... money, _now_ might be a good time. Yes, security's a good idea, too. (looks off) I'm working on that angle myself. Bye. She hangs up and glimpses a photo of Lana and Clark, arms (X) around each other. She turns away from it and sees another one. She shakes her head. LOIS (CONT'D) I've gotta get out of here. She hears the sounds of Clark struggling O.S. LOIS (CONT'D) How's it fit now? CLARK (O.S., behind a screen) Tight. LOIS Let me see. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 35. 54 CONTINUED: 54 She moves so she can see him. He straightens up. All we see is his head. Bit of cape and shoulders. LOIS (CONT'D) Still need a few more pieces here and there... CLARK I just remembered something; from that picture. It's in that trunk over there. She moves to a trunk. Kneels and opens it. CLARK (CONT'D) My Mom gave it to me when I was little. She said it was on the blanket they found me in. She takes out the S. Smiles. Looks back at her aborted sewing attempts. LOIS It always shows up just in the nick of time. 55 EXT. CLARK'S APARTMENT - DECK - NIGHT 55 Lois is waiting out here alone. Then she hears him come through the door. She turns. He stands there, backlit: Superman. He takes her breath away. She just stares. SUPERMAN (heads back in) I knew it, I look stupid. LOIS (catching his arm) No. No. You look great. She takes his hand and they move to the edge of the deck. 56 EXT. 2ND BUILDING WINDOW - NIGHT 56 The First Spy with his camera. (X) 57 INT. WINDOWLESS ROOM - NIGHT - TIGHT ON TV 57 With Lois and Superman on it, being shot from across the way. REVEAL Tempus and Wells, watching. Tempus is sorting through a selection of ties. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 36. 57 CONTINUED: 57 TEMPUS The heroine creates her hero. A mythically moving moment. Herb? Am I still a man in your eyes if I weep? WELLS This is what you want. You _want_ her to create Superman. TEMPUS Very good, Herb. Mind like that, you missed a big career on game shows. 58 EXT. CLARK'S DECK - NIGHT 58 Lois and Superman. SUPERMAN (looking down at self) Are you sure about this? LOIS I'm sure. (off his hesitation) But you're not. So why don't we get you comfortable? SUPERMAN How? 59 EXT. SKY - NIGHT 59 We soar. Superman, with Lois in his arms, swoops into (X) view. A SONG kicks in. He and Lois bank out of view. 60 EXT. SKY - NIGHT 60 Urged on by Lois, Superman flies above the clouds. Then she points down. He sighs. 61 EXT. SKY - NIGHT 61 He dives down into the Metropolis skyline. She gestures for him to go lower. He hesitates. She whacks his shoulder. Reluctantly, he drops out of frame. ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 37. 62 EXT. METROPOLIS STREET - NIGHT 62 A ROOKIE COP and a DEADLY THUG are in a standoff, both with guns on each other. ROOKIE Okay, put it down. (nervous) C'mon. Don't make me... y'know... They-hear a WHOOSH. They both look and 63 SUPERMAN AND LOIS 63 hover down into view. (X) LOIS (whispers) Go on... SUPERMAN (nervous; stiff) Officer, maybe I could... help out here? The Cop and the Thug both just stare as Superman walks over to the Thug. The Thug FIRES. The bullet bounces off Superman's chest. Superman takes the gun. Crushes it in his fist. The Thug faints. SUPERMAN (CONT'D) (to Cop, as he moves back to Lois) If everything is all right, I'll just... get outta here. (X) ROOKIE Thanks... uhhhh... ? LOIS (mouths) Superman. SUPERMAN (to Rookie) Superman. ROOKIE Superman? SUPERMAN (whispers to Lois) He thinks it's stupid. ROOKIE Cool name. Thanks... Superman! Lois and Superman soar out of frame. SONG kicks in again. (X) ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 38. 64 EXT. SKY - DAWN - DAY #2 64 Lois and Superman bank into the spray of sunrise spreading over the clouds. LOIS Well, nobody's laughed so far. And I don't see any men with nets. How's it feel? SUPERMAN Well. It feels.... (grins). ... great! 65 EXT. CLARK'S DECK - DAY 65 Superman and Lois LAND. SUPERMAN My whole life, I've never felt so good about being me. Thank you. He puts his hands on her shoulders. About to kiss her. And she starts to let him. LOIS Wait. I can't. SUPERMAN You're right, that was crazy. I'm sorry. LOIS No, it's okay, it's -- SUPERMAN -- this feeling I keep having when I'm around you, I can't control it LOIS It's fine, we're fine. I should straighten the line on your cape before we go out again. She leads him back into his apartment. 66 INT. CLARK'S APARTMENT - DAY 66 Superman and Lois walk in. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 39. 66 CONTINUED: 66 SUPERMAN Just 'cause I'm not wearing glasses, you sure nobody's going to recognize me? LOIS Positive. LANA (O.S.) (X) Clark! She is standing there, waiting. Furious. LANA (X) What are you doing? SUPERMAN Lana. Hi. (X) LANA (X) What's going on? SUPERMAN Lois knows. About me. And... well, I've decided that I need... no, that the world needs me. LANA (X) Needs you to _what_? Model men's underwear? Bring capes back into fashion? LOIS All right, that's it -- SUPERMAN Lois -- LANA (X) Clark. You didn't... you didn't go out like that and... (makes flying motion) People didn't see you? LOIS Yes, of course they saw him! He's Superman! LANA (X) I don't know how you talked him into this or what you're really after but _this_ is between him and me. (MORE) (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 40. 66 CONTINUED: 2 66 LANA (CONT'D) (X) (to Superman) I want things the way they were, Clark; I want what you promised. Or else -- The phone rings. Superman hesitates, then picks up. SUPERMAN Hello. (to Lois) It's for you. LANA (X) That's it. SUPERMAN Lana... (X) Lana storms out as Lois takes the phone. (X) LOIS (into phone) Hello? SUPERMAN (goes after Lana) (X) Lana, come on, this is stupid... (X) LOIS (into phone) Who is this? 67 INTERCUT TEMPUS - IN WINDOWLESS ROOM 67 with Wells. Tempus is now in a suit and the tie he picked out earlier. A MAKEUP MAN has just finished dabbing on some base. TEMPUS (disguised) (X) I can't tell you, too dangerous. But Perry White _will_ die... Major Domo enters. TEMPUS (CONT'D) ... unless you get to the TV station on Carlin Avenue. Now. Tempus hangs up and dismisses the Makeup Man. (X) (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 41. 67 CONTINUED: 67 TEMPUS (CONT'D) Out. I couldn't possibly look any (X) better. What have you got for me, Major Domo? MAJOR DOMO That bomb you asked for. He takes a small BOMB out of his pocket. MAJOR DOMO (CONT'D) Enough firepower in this little sucker to level a building. TEMPUS (tucks bomb in Wells' pocket) Not armed, Herb. Just yet. But I'd be careful just the same. He gives Wells' face a friendly pat. TEMPUS (CONT'D) I'd hate to blow our friendship. (moves to door with Domo) Right before the debate, cut him loose. Domo nods. TEMPUS SCENE OUT. 68 BACK TO LOIS AND SUPERMAN 68 as she explains the phone call to him: LOIS ... whoever it was, he said there's a debate on TV in a couple minutes... and Tempus is going to kill Perry. 69 INT. TV STUDIO - DAY 69 Cameras MANNED. Tempus and Perry at opposing debate lecterns. Small AUDIENCE. Including Major Domo and Jimmy. Two COPS. PERRY Now let's just yank up the carpet and get to the brass tacks, Mr. Tempus. Your whole campaign is about the enemy. (MORE) (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 42. 69 CONTINUED: 69 PERRY (CONT'D) 'Prepare for the enemy, arm for the enemy.' You're selling guns to ten-year-olds 'cause of this enemy... So I want to know -- who is it? TEMPUS Up to this point I didn't have the sort of evidence I now possess. But I am prepared to state for the record that the enemy is very real. The enemy... is an invading force of aliens from outer space. PERRY You're nuttier 'n Squirrel Heaven. Jimmy, standing just off stage, gives Perry a thumb's up. TEMPUS (checks watch) Scoff if you will, Mr. White, but the aliens -- We hear an O.S. WHOOSH. Getting closer. Building. TEMPUS (CONT'D) -- are here. A FLYING BLUE BLUR becomes Lois and Superman. They move protectively to Perry. LOIS Are you all right, Perry? PERRY (stares at Superman) I'm fine... my Lord, who is -- ? What -- ? PEOPLE get to their feet for a better look, staring and murmuring. Superman X-RAYS the walls. Moves to the back wall. TEMPUS Everyone get back! He's very dangerous! Superman shoves the cheesy flat aside, revealing a steel door. He grabs the handle and peels it from the frame as if it were cardboard, revealing Wells, tied in his chair. (This is the Windowless Room we've been in.) Domo has just cut Wells loose. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 43. 69 CONTINUED: 2 69 He backs away from Wells and Superman, hiding his knife. WELLS Superman, be careful, there's a bomb... TEMPUS (loud, for the cameras) A bomb? Did he say bomb? SUPERMAN I see it. He grabs it out of Wells' pocket, releases Wells. MAJOR DOMO (like a bad actor struggling with bad dialogue) He has got a bomb! The alien has got a bomb! Panic. Screams. The Cops FIRE at Superman. Bullets RICOCHET. Domo moves toward Lois. 70 OMITTED 70 71 INT. TV STATION - DAY 71 Bullets fly off Superman. One bullet SPARKS into the bomb. TEMPUS Stand back! Everyone back! I will save us! And with a flourish Tempus produces a GLOWING chunk of Kryptonite. LOIS No! She lunges for Tempus but Domo grabs her. Two Thugs hold guns on her. Superman has no idea what this green rock is. He starts for Tempus. SUPERMAN You've got a lot of explaining to do, Mister Temp -- (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 44. 71 CONTINUED: 71 As he gets close, the effect hits him. He gets woozy. Then drops to his knees. The bomb slips out of his hand to the floor. TEMPUS I think you're the one who owes this planet an explanation -- invader! Superman tries to get up but can't. The cameras close in. Tempus smooths his hair for his close-up, then assumes a dramatic world-savior pose. FADE OUT: _END OF ACT THREE_ ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 45. _ACT FOUR_ FADE IN: 72 INT. TV STATION - DAY 72 Tempus holds the rock to Superman like Van Helsing with a cross on Dracula. He kneels down and shoves the damaged bomb far from Superman. It skitters across the floor and runs smack into Wells' feet. He kneels gingerly, examining it as -- TEMPUS You are part of an invading army, are you not? SUPERMAN (in agony) No... TEMPUS You're here to conquer us. JIMMY (to Domo and Thugs) Put those guns away. LOIS (struggling in Domo's grip) Stop it, you're killing him! TEMPUS I am holding the alien at bay with the only alloy known to weaken him. You should feel fortunate I was prepared! He can't hurt us now! LOIS He's not part of an army, he's not here to hurt us! TEMPUS So that's why he flew in here, ripped a door open, threatened us with a bomb? Wells, meanwhile, picks up the bomb and holds it to his ear. It is now ticking. He looks rather worried. LOIS That's a lie -- (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 46. 72 CONTINUED: 72 TEMPUS (to cameras) Let me tell you what's a lie, people. (to Superman) This is the lie! He's been among us for years, hiding, learning -- waiting to strike! He indicates "roll 'em" and on a monitor we see 73 MONITOR: CLARK AND LOIS IN THE ALLEY 73(X) shot from Act Three: Spy #2's video of Clark landing Lois. (X) 74 OMITTED 74 75 INT. TV STATION - DAY 75 Tempus stalks around the crumpled Superman, playing it up for the cameras. TEMPUS That's right! Clark Kent, mild-mannered reporter for a great Metropolitan newspaper! Superman looks at Lois -- his greatest fear realized. LOIS I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I never meant for this -- PERRY Kent... JIMMY My God, who'd've thought? TEMPUS Aided and abetted by Perry White, James Olsen and Lois Lane! The cameras all swivel to Perry, Lois and Jimmy. PERRY Now you hold on here... LOIS You're twisting everything. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 47. 75 CONTINUED: 75 JIMMY (flips his cell phone) The circus is over. Alien or not, this man has rights. I'm calling the police. TEMPUS That's right, hide behind the law -- but you can't fool the people! They know! Wells walks up. WELLS Tempus... TEMPUS They've seen the enemy and they know that one man is ready to protect them! WELLS ... this, uh, explosive device? It's activated. TEMPUS One man is ready to lay down his life to save a world! And that man is me! WELLS It's ticking. It's going to explode. TEMPUS What? WELLS The bullet must've damaged it. TEMPUS It's ticking? WELLS Yes. TEMPUS It's gonna blow! WELLS I said that. TEMPUS Run! (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 48. 75 CONTINUED: 2 75 Tempus drops the rock and bolts for the door. A CROWD of PEOPLE do the same. He fights his way through. TEMPUS (CONT'D) Out of my way, out of my way! WELLS You can't do this! TEMPUS Will you idiots _move_! In the melee, Domo and the Thugs are distracted. Lois stomps on-Domo's foot and belts him. Perry slugs one gun-toting Thug, Jimmy the other. Lois runs onto the stage past Superman and picks up the fallen Kryptonite, hurling it away from him. Meanwhile, the cameras all focus on Tempus and Wells in the throng trying to escape. WELLS These are innocent people! You can't just abandon them! TEMPUS Watch me! (pulls gun) (X) Clear out, you morons, or I'll blow you away! 76 OMITTED 76 77 INT. TV STATION - DAY 77 Wells steels himself. WELLS I loathe this sort of behavior but you leave one little choice! He jerks Tempus around and belts him. Tempus collapses into the throng of people as -- Weak, Superman gets to his feet and picks up the bomb. He tries to crush it. Can't. Too weak. Suddenly, its ticking becomes a RISING WHINE. Everyone screams. Panic. A camera pivots back to Superman and Lois just as -- (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 49. 77 CONTINUED: 77 Superman cracks the bomb in half, opens his mouth and (X) shoves the central explosive in. (X) LOIS No, Clark, you're too weak! Too late. He gulps and -- A LOW, RUMBLING BOOM! Superman's eyes go wide. He passes out. Lois drops down with him. Everyone stops. The cameras move in. LOIS Clark ... ? Clark! PERRY Is he -- ? LOIS He's not breathing. WOMAN He saved us... Did you see that? JIMMY It was amazing. We'd all be dead if he hadn't -- LOIS (shaking him) Clark, please... He coughs. Breathes. Lois hugs him. He brings his hand up to his mouth belches. SUPERMAN 'Scuse me. Is everyone okay? PERRY We're fine, thanks to you, Kent. JIMMY Why didn't you tell us about yourself before? LOIS (steps in) I'm sure everyone has a lot of questions -- but the important thing to remember is, he's here to help. WELLS He is in every way no less than a... Superman. (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 50. 77 CONTINUED: 2 77 PERRY (mulling) Superman... JIMMY Kind of a nickname, Kent? SUPERMAN Well... JIMMY I love it. And the suit is great. Stand alone kind of thing, touch of patriotic, lotta muscle. White, we ought to get you one of these. PERRY No, thank you, sir. There's only one... Superman. JIMMY That name. I can see it right now on the front page of the -- 78 DAILY PLANET HEADLINE: SUPERMAN! 78 The paper is lowered by a pair of hands, revealing we are 79 EXT. DAILY PLANET - DAY #3 79 A crowd is gathered around a podium under a 'WHITE FOR MAYOR' banner. Jimmy is at the podium. JIMMY I am proud to announce the official returns are in and the winner by a ninety-seven percent margin... is Perry White! The Crowd CHEERS. Perry mounts the dais. PERRY Thank you, thank you. As a great man once said, 'It's not me you elected, but what I stand for.' Of course I'm speaking of my close personal friend and our former President... But of course, we all (X) know him as... The King! (X) The Crowd goes WILD. And as we glimpse the back of a black-haired man wearing spangled whites, gigantic metal sunglasses, surrounded by Memphis Mafia Secret Service. (X) The Former President thrusts his hands in the air in a (X) double peace sign. ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 51. 80 INT. PLANET LOBBY - DAY 80 Superman and Lois, alone. LOIS I'm sorry the secret identity thing got blown. SUPERMAN It's all right. Honestly, I don't know how you think a pair of glasses would keep people from finding out. It's ridiculous. LOIS Don't get me started. So is Lana (X) okay with all this? SUPERMAN Lana said it was her or Superman. (X) LOIS I'm sorry, Clark. SUPERMAN I wish I felt half as bad about losing her... as I do about losing you. (they look at each other) What if I asked you to stay? LOIS I can't. SUPERMAN But I'm not sure how to... be this. You made it happen. LOIS All I did was help you make the right choice. You'll keep doing that. You just have to believe in yourself as much as I do. SUPERMAN Lois, I don't just need your help... I need _you_. LOIS So does he. SUPERMAN What I'm trying to say is... I know it's crazy but... I think I... I... (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 52. 80 CONTINUED: 80 LOIS So does he. He lets this sink in. Looks at her. SUPERMAN Does he know what he has? LOIS We both do. SUPERMAN (touches her cheek) We all do. Wells walks in. WELLS Well, Tempus is taken care of and all is right again in both universes. (to Lois) Except for you, my dear. Are you ready? After the briefest hesitation, looking at Superman -- LOIS Yes. WELLS We're in the alley across the street. (holds the door for her) Right this way. A last look between Lois and Superman. Then she moves off. Wells looks at Superman. WELLS (CONT'D) I must say, my boy, I envy you. SUPERMAN Me? Why? WELLS (gestures to the crowd outside) With every eye upon you, every breath held in anticipation, you hold in your hands a world waiting to be shaped. SUPERMAN So why am I so scared? (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 53. 80 CONTINUED: 2 80 WELLS What do you think Shakespeare meant when he wrote, 'In apprehension how like a god'? Have your apprehensions, Clark, but know that you've found your true destiny. And in you, a once-hopeless world has found its future. Good luck to you. Wells claps his shoulder and moves off. 81 EXT. PLANET - DAY 81 Wells moves through the crowd. Then, a moment later, Superman steps out and is greeted by CHEERS and CRIES. Swarmed. As Perry, Jimmy and The Former President wave (X) from the podium and give him the thumbs up. 82 EXT. ALLEY - DAY 82 Across the street from the Planet. Lois is near the dimension machine, watching. Wells comes through the crowd surging around Superman. They take a moment to regard him. WELLS He's quite a man, the Clark Kent of this world. She nods. Across the sea of people, Superman and Lois lock eyes. Wells sees the tears Lois is fighting. LOIS I just wish he didn't have to be alone... WELLS The hardest lesson of all is that love can be so fair to some, so cruel to others. (looking at Superman) Even those who would be gods. Then Wells and Lois move onto the machine together. WE PAN AWAY, see a FLASH of lights O.S. (X) 83 EXT. ALLEY - OUR METROPOLIS - DAY #1 (REPRISE) 83 The Superman of Our World is just exiting the alley Lois disappeared from in the Tease. He looks utterly defeated. Then -- Lois, Wells and the machine materialize. He (X) whirls. She jumps off. (X) (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 54. 83 CONTINUED: 83 They run to each other and embrace. SUPERMAN Oh, my God, are you all right? LOIS I'm fine, I'm fine... SUPERMAN What happened? You were gone for almost ten seconds. LOIS Ten seconds? SUPERMAN The weirdest ten seconds of my life. I didn't know where you were, what to do and then.,.. LOIS What? SUPERMAN ... I just got this feeling. Of what my life would be like if I lost you. Surrounded by people, mobbing me, telling me they loved me but... without you it was... so lonely. They embrace, tight. SUPERMAN (CONT'D) What happened to you? 84 EXT. STREET OUTSIDE ALLEY - DAY 84 Lois comes out with her wedding papers. Clark is one step behind, straightening his tie. LOIS A long story. I'm just glad to be back. A cop car pulls to a stop. COPS get out and Tempus is pulled from the back in handcuffs. TEMPUS You bone-headed backward Cro-Magnons! CLARK Hey, isn't that -- ? Isn't he -- ? (CONTINUED) ---page break--- "TEMPUS, ANYONE?" (#14) FULL Blue 12/7/95 55. 84 CONTINUED: 84 LOIS -- wanted for bank robbery. In _this_ dimension, anyway. Lois gives Tempus a wave. He glares. TEMPUS I won't forget this! (to cop) Any of you! You fools think you can hold me? Tempus is led off. LOIS Clark, about Lana Lang? (X) CLARK Yeah? LOIS Let's go ahead and invite her. I think I have a pretty good idea why it didn't work out between you two... (looks at him tenderly) ... and why it'll _always_ work with us, no matter how crazy the world gets. They kiss and exit frame. REVEAL Wells in the crowd, observing, a paper cup of tea in his hand. He checks his watch, smiles and moves off. FADE OUT: _THE END_