STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Collaborator" #40512-444 Story by Gary Holland Teleplay by Gary Holland and Ira Steven Behr & Robert Hewitt Wolfe Directed by Cliff Bole THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1994 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION March 21, 1994 STAR TREK: DS9 - "Collaborator" - 03/21/94 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Collaborator" CAST SISKO BAREIL O'BRIEN WINN ODO KUBUS QUARK EBLAN BASHIR OPAKA DAX BEK KIRA CROWD VEDEKS Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES STAR TREK: DS9 - "Collaborator" - 03/21/94 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Collaborator" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE COMMANDER'S OFFICE CARGO BAY BAJORAN TEMPLE INFIRMARY KIRA'S QUARTERS OPS PROMENADE QUARK'S REPLIMAT SECURITY OFFICE HOLDING AREA BAJORAN TEMPLE ANTECHAMBER SHRINE CHAMBER STAR TREK: "Collaborator" - 03/21/94 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Collaborator" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE BAJOR BAY-jor BAJORAN buh-JOR-an BAREIL buh-RILE CARDASSIA car-DASS-ee-uh CARDASSIAN car-DASS-ee-en DAKEEN DAH-keen GOR'SHEEN GORE-sheen GUL DUKAT GULL du-KOT ILVIAN ILL-vee-un KUBUS OAK KOO-bus OAK KAI KYE KENDRA KEN-drah NERYS nar-EES OPAKA oh-PAH-kah PRYLAR PRIE-lar TOLENA TOE-len-uh VEDEK VE-dik WINN WIN DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/21/94 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Collaborator" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. PROMENADE - FIRST FLOOR (ORB SEQUENCE) (OPTICAL) Late at night. Both levels are completely deserted and the lights are low. There's an eerie quality to the play of light and shadows on the Promenade floor. 2 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) To reveal VEDEK BAREIL standing on the Promenade. He looks warily around as if he's as surprised to be there as we are to see him. Bareil begins walking cautiously down the center of the Promenade... intensely studying his surroundings as if the reason for his presence can be discovered in the shadows. 3 CLOSE ON BAREIL (OPTICAL) He walks toward us... curious now... He slows to a halt next to Quark's... looks around again... gradually turns in a complete circle... Until he suddenly backs into something. Bareil spins around and leaps away in sudden fear from... 4 A HANGED MAN (OPTICAL) Dangling from one of the crossover bridges in the Promenade. (We only see the body from the waist down.) 5 CLOSE ON BAREIL (OPTICAL) As he tries to regain his composure, but he is definitely rattled by this discovery. And as he gazes up we see a look of recognition come over his face. Just then, his attention is diverted by a strange rhythmic sound echoing through the Promenade. Bareil looks for the source of the sound and sees... DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/21/94 - TEASER 2. 6 KIRA (OPTICAL) Dressed in her workout clothing, playing Springball (Bajoran Handball) against a wall of the Promenade. She looks over at Bareil with an enigmatic smile as if amused by his growing confusion. 7 INCLUDE BAREIL (OPTICAL) BAREIL Nerys? KIRA (still playing) Vedek Bareil. Want to play? BAREIL (re: the hanged man) Help me. Without stopping her game, Kira glances at the Hanged Man with as if there's nothing unusual about him. BAREIL Please. Kira catches the springball in her hand, ending her little game. KIRA All right. 8 NEW ANGLE - SECOND LEVEL (OPTICAL) Kira is now on the second level standing by the railing which anchors the rope. She uses an ornate Bajoran knife to offhandedly slice through the rope with one easy cut. 9 ANGLE ON BAREIL (OPTICAL) As the body collapses into his arms. He looks down at the victim's face... 10 CLOSE ON VICTIM (OPTICAL) A male Bajoran monk, who we will eventually come to know as PRYLAR BEK. There's no noose around Bek's neck and he looks peaceful in death. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/21/94 - TEASER 3. 11 RESUME BAREIL (OPTICAL) as he looks up at Kira, who walks over to him. KIRA Who is it? BAREIL It's Prylar Bek. Kira looks down at the body and smiles. KIRA No it's not. 12 CLOSE ON BAREIL (OPTICAL) As he looks back down at the corpse in his arms and sees that he's now holding his own dead body. KIRA (amused) It's you. And as Bareil looks back at Kira in bewilderment... 13 INT. TEMPLE SHRINE CHAMBER - NIGHT (OPTICAL) Revealing that this has been an Orb experience. On BAREIL, the blue glow of an Orb playing off his face and then subsiding as his vision ends (as in "The Circle"). Bareil close the doors to the ark that holds the Orb of Prophecy and Change. Hold on Bareil, who is visibly troubled by the vision he has just experienced, and then... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/21/94 - ACT ONE 4. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) A14 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Establishing. A Bajoran transport is in dock. 14 INT. KIRA'S QUARTERS - CLOSE ON BAREIL Looking out the window. He's dressed only in a pair of loose-fitting Bajoran sweatpants. Suddenly two slender arms encircle his bare chest from behind. Bareil smiles slightly. BAREIL I thought you'd sleep until noon. 15 NEW ANGLE Include Kira, dressed in a nightshirt, and reveal that we're in Kira's Quarters. Kira tightens her embrace on Bareil and rests her cheek against his back. KIRA Shh. You're supposed to be relaxing. She runs her hand along his chest. BAREIL Oh, I'm... very relaxed. KIRA Good. Bareil opens his eyes and turns around so that he can return Kira's embrace. The two of them kiss. BAREIL And how are you feeling this morning? KIRA (smiling) Miserable. I wish you could stay here longer. BAREIL (playful) All right, I will. I'll stay a few more days. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - 03/21/94 - ACT ONE 5. 15 CONTINUED: KIRA You know you can't do that. BAREIL Why not? KIRA (with affection) Because in two days, you're going to be elected Kai. BAREIL (joking) Oh, that. You know there's no guarantee that I'm going to win. KIRA Of course you're going to win. The people need you. BAREIL Are you going to vote for me? KIRA Is that why you spent the past three days here? To get my vote? BAREIL Well, I know you don't agree with many of my views. So I thought a personal appearance might sway your opinion. KIRA (sheepish) I was going to vote for Vedek Tolena... He gives her a lingering kiss. KIRA (continues) But I suppose I might be persuaded to change my mind. BAREIL Good. (from the heart) Because your vote is the only one that matters to me. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/22/94 - ACT ONE 6. 15 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA I may not always agree with your interpretations of the prophecies, but I think you'll make a wonderful Kai. Besides, everyone knows you were Kai Opaka's personal choice to succeed her. BAREIL (grows serious) I could never replace Opaka. Bajor wouldn't have survived the occupation without her. A beat as they hold each other close. KIRA Once you become Kai, we'll never have these times together. BAREIL Listen to me, Nerys... No matter how busy I become... I'll always have time for you. KIRA It won't be easy... BAREIL I didn't say it would be. But I'm not going to lose you, Nerys. I promise you that. They kiss again, but gentler, with more love than passion. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/25/94 - ACT ONE 7. 15 CONTINUED: (3) KIRA I have to report for duty in less than an hour. BAREIL My ship leaves even sooner. KIRA That doesn't leave us much time. BAREIL The Prophets say that time is an illusion. That a minute can last an eternity if you let it. KIRA Do you really believe that? BAREIL I'm willing to give it a try. They kiss once more, with rising passion. Hold on them in each others arms for a beat, then cut to... 16 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Close on the station so the docking ring is off camera. (Note: If the docking ring is visible there must be two Bajoran transports in port.) DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/25/94 - ACT ONE 8. 17 thru OMITTED 18 19 INT. PROMENADE - OUTSIDE BAJORAN SHRINE To find VEDEK WINN surrounded by several Bajoran children. WINN (to the children; benevolently) I can't tell you how much it pleases me to see such beautiful, happy children... Remember now, honor the Prophets and they will always love you. The children EXIT and the crowd disperses. 20 NEW ANGLE To reveal Kira and Bareil approaching Winn. BAREIL As I understand the Sacred Texts, the Prophets' love is unconditional. They ask nothing in return. Winn turns and notices Bareil. She doesn't seem to be at all surprised to see him. On his part, Bareil wasn't looking for this meeting, and wants to avoid a public debate. WINN Thank you, Vedek Bareil, for reminding us how the Sacred Texts can be easily misinterpreted. BAREIL (smiling) Nothing pleases me more than providing you with an opposing viewpoint, Vedek Winn. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/21/94 - ACT ONE 9. 20 CONTINUED: WINN (pleasant) Somehow you never fail to do that. (a beat) I had no idea you were on the station. (looking at Kira) But I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised. BAREIL I would never even try to surprise you, Winn. I understand you've been keeping a very close eye on my activities these last few weeks. WINN The eyes of all of Bajor have been focused on you, Bareil. Why should I be any different? After all, the common wisdom is that you're destined to be the next Kai. KIRA Was that a concession speech? WINN Hardly. The choosing is still two days away. The Prophets may yet surprise us all. (to Bareil, with a curt look to Kira) Remember that, Bareil. I would hate for you to start celebrating prematurely. BAREIL I'd never dream of it. Not with such distinguished opponents as yourself and Vedek Tolena still under consideration. WINN All I ask is that the people follow the will of the Prophets. BAREIL I'm sure they will. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/21/94 - ACT ONE 10. 20 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA What brings you to the station, Vedek Winn? Winn doesn't bother to maintain her veneer of pleasantness with Kira. WINN My child, if I thought the Prophets wanted you to know the purpose of my visit, I would've informed you of it in advance. KIRA (not giving an inch) Now that I know that you're here, I'll be sure to inform Constable Odo to increase station security. WINN That won't be necessary. I feel quite safe here. KIRA It wasn't your safety that concerned me. WINN Just what are you trying to infer, child? BAREIL (to Winn) I'm sure Major Kira meant no disrespect. KIRA (with an edge) Oh, no. None at all. (pointedly, to Winn) I just want to make sure we avoid the violence that occurred during your last visit. WINN My child, I know you still hold me responsible for the deplorable attempt on Vedek Bareil's life. I can only pray that someday you will be cured of that unfortunate misconception. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - 03/21/94 - ACT ONE 11. 20 CONTINUED: (3) KIRA You can be sure that's one prayer that'll never be answered. WINN What a pity... for both of us. Kira's about to let loose with another cutting remark, but Bareil places a restraining hand gently on her shoulder. BAREIL (trying to extricate himself) Well, I'm afraid I have a transport to catch. WINN Of course you do. I'm glad we've had this chance to talk. BAREIL (traditional farewell) May the Prophets guide your path. As Bareil leads Kira away, she can't help but get in one last parting shot. KIRA And watch your every step. Bareil and Kira EXIT off camera. 21 NEW ANGLE - FIRST FLOOR AIRLOCK Down the Promenade and in the opposite direction from where Kira and Bareil went, arriving passengers step onto the Promenade. They are followed by a lone passenger, an older Bajoran man, who walks unassumingly with his head tilted down. A satchel- like bag is slung over his shoulder. The man, KUBUS, pauses to take in the Promenade. He has a gaunt, weary face. Seemingly wary of being recognized, he tilts his head down again, tries to blend in with the crowd... 22 NEW ANGLE - MOVING WITH KUBUS He walks along in the flow of foot traffic... no one notices him... until he bumps into a Bajoran man, EBLAN. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/25/94 - ACT ONE 12. 22 CONTINUED: EBLAN (politely) Excuse me... Kubus doesn't look up, simply walks on. Eblan continues on for a few steps... then turns around. He looks after Kubus, troubled by the sight of him... Curious and concerned, Eblan starts to follow Kubus... 23 NEW ANGLE - KUBUS AND EBLAN In the f.g., Kubus walks toward us, head tilted down. Eblan moves up alongside of him and grabs Kubus by the arm, turning him around... EBLAN Wait... I know you... KUBUS You must be mistaken. Kubus abruptly turns from Eblan and walks on. But Eblan is not easily dissuaded. EBLAN (dogging Kubus) No. I've seen you before. You... You're... (figures it out) Kubus. Kubus Oak. You worked for the Cardassians. 24 NEW ANGLE As people are stopping and looking at Kubus. Some don't want to get involved... some aren't sure Eblan's right, but others begin to block Kubus's path. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/25/94 - ACT ONE 13. 25 ANGLE ON KUBUS As he tries to push through the gathering crowd. KUBUS (trying to be forceful) Move. Get out of my way. Surprisingly the crowd, unsure what to do, starts to part for him. EBLAN (to the crowd) What are you doing? Don't let him get away. He's a traitor. Stop him. Just as Kubus begins to see daylight, Eblan grabs him by the shoulder and flings the frail old man up against a nearby wall. EBLAN You're not going anywhere. ODO (O.S.) (overriding all) What's going on here... 26 REVEAL ODO shouldering into the circle of people around Kubus, eyeing each Bajoran in turn. EBLAN See for yourself. Eblan steps aside so that Odo can get a clear view of Kubus. ODO (recognizing him) Secretary Kubus. Last I heard, you were living on Cardassia. KUBUS (tired) I decided it was time to come home. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - 03/21/94 - ACT ONE 14. 26 CONTINUED: ODO Welcome back. (matter-of-factly) You're under arrest. Kubus eyes Odo unhappily. Odo puts a hand on his shoulder, and begins escorting the unprotesting Kubus to the Security Office. 27 NEW ANGLE To reveal Vedek Winn... who has observed the entire confrontation. She watches Kubus with contempt. 28 CLOSE ON KUBUS Who takes note of Winn as Odo leads him away. And as the crowd swallows Kubus up... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/21/94 - ACT TWO 15. ACT TWO FADE IN: 29 INT. TEMPLE ANTECHAMBER (ORB SEQUENCE) (OPTICAL) Bareil stands at the entrance to the Vedek's Assembly Room. Standing beneath him are Vedek Winn and several other Bajoran religious leaders. WINN The Prophets have spoken. All blessings on the new Kai. CROWD (walla) Kai Bareil... Blessings on the Kai... May the Prophets guide you... Follow your pagh... Suddenly the crowd is silenced as they stare past Bareil at the top of the staircase. 30 CLOSE ON BAREIL (OPTICAL) Bareil turns around. A bright light shines on his face. He winces and shields his eyes, squinting to make out what has drawn the crowd's attention. 31 NEW ANGLE - BAREIL'S P.O.V. (OPTICAL) A familiar-looking woman steps forward, silhouetted in the bright light. It's KAI OPAKA. 32 CLOSE ON BAREIL (OPTICAL) As he recognizes her. BAREIL Kai Opaka? 33 CLOSE ON OPAKA (OPTICAL) As she comes down the steps and stands beside Bareil. OPAKA Be at peace, my child. You must be strong... now more than ever. BAREIL Why did you leave us? DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - 03/21/94 - ACT TWO 16. 33 CONTINUED: OPAKA All is as the Prophets will it to be. As you will learn. Follow me. Bareil and Opaka walk down the stairs together. 34 FOLLOW BAREIL AND OPAKA (OPTICAL) As they walk together, Winn and the other Vedeks bow and step away from them. WINN Be careful, Bareil. The path she walks is a narrow one. See that you don't stumble. OPAKA Heed her words. BAREIL (to Opaka) But I don't deserve to walk in your path. OPAKA You must. It is your destiny. 35 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) As a monk comes forward with an ornate box. The monk's head is down, so we can't see his face. The monk looks up, and it's... 36 PRYLAR BEK (OPTICAL) The Hanged Man from the first vision. Bek smiles. BAREIL (surprised) Prylar Bek? BEK Accept this gift from the Prophets. Bek opens the box and Bareil looks down and sees... DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/23/94 - ACT TWO 17. 37 COILED SNAKE (OPTICAL) nestled inside the box. The snake hisses and bares its fangs. OPAKA You must not refuse their offering. 38 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) As Bareil hesitates. OPAKA Take it, my child. Its venom will make you stronger. Bareil steels himself, then reaches into the box. And pulls out... 39 HANGMAN'S NOOSE (OPTICAL) Bareil removes the noose and holds it up. He understands its significance all too well. CUT TO: 40 INT. TEMPLE SHRINE CHAMBER (OPTICAL) Bareil stares into the depths of the orb as the light plays over his face. He looks deeply troubled. 41 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-Establishing. Vedek Winn's Bajoran transport is still in dock. 42 INT. SECURITY - HOLDING AREA Kubus is sitting brooding in a holding cell. Odo ENTERS. ODO There was quite a mob gathering out there. I had to call in extra security to disperse it. KUBUS I never doubted your ability to handle the situation, Odo. You always were good at your job. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/21/94 - ACT TWO 18. 42 CONTINUED: ODO I could say the same for you. (with contempt) Secretary Kubus. Special liaison between the Cardassian Occupation Forces and their pawns in the Bajoran government. KUBUS (defensive) I served the only recognized government on Bajor during the Occupation. ODO Recognized... by the Cardassians. KUBUS If it wasn't for us, the situation on Bajor would've been ten times worse than it was. ODO Maybe. But I don't see how you could know that... seeing that you spent nearly all your time here on the station. (a beat) I remember Gul Dukat telling me once that you were his favorite Bajoran. KUBUS Really? I never could stand that arrogant tyrant. ODO You hid your feelings well. KUBUS It kept me alive. (changing the subject) Tell me about Bajor, Odo. On Cardassia one hears so many rumors. ODO What kind of rumors? KUBUS Oh, revolutions... famine... bloodshed... DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/21/94 - ACT TWO 19. 42 CONTINUED: (2) ODO Is that why you came back? To suffer along with your fellow Bajorans. (a beat) I hope you won't be disappointed to learn that things are nowhere near that bad. KUBUS Believe me... starving would be better than living another year on Cardassia. ODO Didn't your Cardassian hosts treat you well? KUBUS They treated me extremely well. Anything I wanted was mine for the asking... and I hated every minute of it. (a beat) Bajor is my home. I never should've left. KIRA (O.S.) But you did. And you're going to have to live with that decision. 43 REVEAL KIRA standing at the entrance of the Holding Area, having overheard Kubus's last speech. Kubus looks questioning at Kira. ODO This is Major Kira, the highest- ranking Bajoran on the station. KUBUS Then I suppose you're the one I should be talking to. KIRA Make it brief. I don't enjoy talking to collaborators. KUBUS I'm not asking you to like me. I'm simply requesting that I be allowed to return home. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/23/94 - ACT TWO 20. 43 CONTINUED: KIRA Your request is denied. KUBUS I doubt you have the authority to make that decision. KIRA But the decision's already been made. In the Ilvian Proclamation, all Bajorans who were members of the Cardassian Occupational Government were sentenced to exile. Your name was number four on the list. (a beat) Personally, I think you all got off too easy. KUBUS I'd like to appeal that ruling. KIRA There are no appeals. You'll be placed on the next transport headed out of Bajoran space. ODO Until then, I suggest you remain in my custody... for your own safety. Kira turns to leave, but Kubus refuses to give up. KUBUS Major, I'm an old man. I don't have many years left. What's the harm in letting me live them out on Bajor? KIRA When the Cardassians needed a new group of Bajorans to work in the mines, who approved the work orders? KUBUS The Bajoran Government. KIRA Whose signature was on the authorization forms? DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/21/94 - ACT TWO 21. 43 CONTINUED: (2) KUBUS (softly) Mine. KIRA You had to know those authorizations were death sentences. Did you ever once refuse to sign them? KUBUS (ashamed) No. KIRA (almost pitying him) And that's why you can never be allowed to set foot on Bajor again. If you did, it would dishonor the memory of every person you sentenced to death. Kira EXITS. Odo looks at Kubus for a beat, then follows Kira. 44 CLOSE ON KUBUS As he sits there pondering Kira's words. 45 thru OMITTED 46 DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/21/94 - ACT TWO 22. 47 INT. COMMANDER'S OFFICE As Winn ENTERS, leaving her aides to wait in Ops. SISKO is seated behind his desk. He gives Winn a gracious, if noncommittal, smile. SISKO Vedek Winn. What can I do for you? WINN Emissary, it has recently come to my attention that there are some on Bajor who believe my relationship with you is not all it should be. SISKO Really? WINN Personally, I find such a perception, however inaccurate, to be most distressing. SISKO (smiling) I suppose the question we have to ask ourselves is whether or not that perception is inaccurate? WINN Don't tell me that you, yourself, Emissary, believe you and I are... how shall I put this... SISKO (mischievous) Enemies? WINN (correcting him) At odds. SISKO Well, let's see. How could I have come to such a conclusion? (a beat) Maybe it has something to do with the fact that the last time you were on this station, you claimed I was a danger to Bajor. That I was here to destroy your people. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/22/94 - ACT TWO 23. 47 CONTINUED: WINN I'm afraid you, like some others, may have misinterpreted me. Though I agree that, taken out of context, my words might appear... inflammatory. SISKO Perhaps you should clarify yourself. WINN What I was really saying... and what I have always maintained... is that you, Emissary, were sent here by the Prophets, to challenge our long-held beliefs. To enable Bajorans everywhere to come to a new, deeper understanding of our personal spirituality. SISKO (playing along) I see. I have to admit that interpretation never occurred to me. (pointedly) Let me make sure there are no further misunderstandings between us. Am I right in assuming that you no longer consider the Federation to be an enemy of Bajor? WINN Emissary, I admit that I had some concerns about Bajor's application for Federation membership. But now I see that the Federation's presence here is essential to our long-term security and growth. SISKO Then you support the idea of Bajor joining the Federation? WINN If that is the will of the Prophets, I would never oppose it. Sisko knows that Winn hasn't exactly answered his question, but for now, he's satisfied. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/22/94 - ACT TWO 24. 47 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO I'd be grateful if you'd tell that to the Bajoran people. Winn gives Sisko her most charming smile. WINN Nothing would make me happier than to please you, Emissary. (Winn brightens as if she's just had a great idea) Perhaps you and I could address the Vedek Assembly together. So that everyone can celebrate our new friendship. SISKO An excellent idea. Maybe some time next week... Winn knows this is a long shot, but it's worth the try. WINN Why wait, Emissary? I'm sure the Assembly would grant us an immediate audience. SISKO I'm sure they would. Unfortunately, if we were to appear in public together before the choosing, it might be misconstrued as an endorsement of your bid to become Kai. They both know this cuts to the heart of why Winn has come to see Sisko. WINN I doubt that, Emissary. It's common knowledge that you support Vedek Bareil. Although I've been pleasently surprised that you haven't made any public statement to that effect. (a beat, fishing) As of yet. SISKO The election of the Kai is strictly an internal matter to Bajor. As a Federation officer, I would never interfere. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/22/94 - ACT TWO 25. 47 CONTINUED: (3) WINN (relieved) What an enlightened philosophy. Sisko stands and escorts Winn to the door. SISKO (not letting her off the hook) So then, it's agreed. I'll be seeing you sometime next week. I'm sure our appearing together in front of the Vedek Assembly will do wonders for Federation/Bajoran relations. Winn doesn't really want to follow through with Sisko's plan, but she knows that she can't back out now without forcing an ugly confrontation. WINN I look forward to it. Winn EXITS into... 48 INT. OPS As Winn ENTERS, she's approached by Dax. DAX Vedek Winn... Security Chief Odo has requested that you stop by his office before leaving the station. WINN (nods in acknowledgement) Please inform him that I'll be there shortly. 49 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Winn's ship is still in port. 50 INT. KIRA'S QUARTERS It's late and Kira is in a t-shirt, sipping tea and reading a PADD. ODO'S COM VOICE Odo to Major Kira. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/21/94 - ACT TWO 26. 50 CONTINUED: Kira puts down her PADD. KIRA (to com) This is Kira. 51 INT. SECURITY OFFICE Odo is working at his computer. ODO (to com) Major... sorry to disturb you. But I thought you should know... Secretary Kubus is about to leave for Bajor. 52 INT. KIRA'S QUARTERS As before. Intercut as necessary with Security. KIRA (to com) How can that be? ODO'S COM VOICE Vedek Winn has granted him sanctuary. KIRA I'll be right there. Kira gets up. KIRA (to com) Kira to Ops. DAX'S COM VOICE Go ahead. KIRA Dax, has Winn's ship left the station? 53 INT. OPS Dax is at her station, working the night shift with a skeleton crew. Intercut as necessary. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/21/94 - ACT TWO 27. 53 CONTINUED: DAX (to comm) Not yet, but I was about to clear them for departure. KIRA'S COM VOICE Keep those docking clamps locked on. I don't want that ship going anywhere until I say so. DAX (to comm) Understood. Dax executes her orders. 54 INT. SECURITY OFFICE Odo is still working at his computer. Kira ENTERS. KIRA (wasting no time) Tell me what happened. ODO (eyes still on the computer) Kubus requested a private meeting with Vedek Winn. They talked for ten minutes. After which Winn asked for the use of my computer. She accessed some information from the library system. KIRA And? ODO And then she called the Provisional Government and informed them she was granting Kubus sanctuary. KIRA Do you know what she looked up? ODO I'm trying to find out right now. Odo works for a beat, then... DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/23/94 - ACT TWO 28. 54 CONTINUED: ODO (re: the monitor) Hmm. 55 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) To include the monitor, on which is a photo of Prylar Bek, the monk from Bareil's visions. KIRA That's Prylar Bek. Why would Winn be interested in another Bajoran collaborator? ODO I'm not sure. (theorizing) But Bek and Kubus did know each other. Bek was the liaison between the Cardassians and the Vedek Assembly at the same time Kubus was Secretary to the Occupational Government. They spent a lot of time together on the station. KIRA (gets an idea) Hold on a minute. See if Winn accessed any information on the Kendra Valley Massacre. Odo works the computer and brings up a new file. ODO You're right, she did. Do you think Kubus told her something new about the Massacre? KIRA What else is there to know? DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/31/94 - ACT TWO 29. 55 CONTINUED: KIRA (Cont'd) Kai Opaka's son and forty-two other Bajoran freedom fighters were ambushed and killed because Bek gave the Cardassians the location of their encampment. He made a full confession in his suicide note. You were here then. You must've read it yourself. 56 OMITTED 57 CLOSE ON KIRA As she ponders Odo's words. WINN (O.S.) Major Kira. Kira looks up and sees... 58 VEDEK WINN Standing in the door to Security. WINN May I speak to you? KIRA Of course. Kira nods her good-bye to Odo and EXITS into... DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/22/94 - ACT TWO 29A. 58A INT. PROMENADE It's after hours, so Quark's is closed and the Promenade is virtually deserted. Kira and Winn walk and talk. WINN I was told you were the one who stopped my ship from leaving. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/24/94 - ACT TWO 30. 58A CONTINUED: KIRA That's right. I did. (a beat) You're the last person I would expect to help a collaborator like Kubus. Unless, of course, he has something you need. WINN My needs are no concern of yours, child. (a beat) Now I suggest that you allow my ship to depart immediately. KIRA (not fazed) You're free to leave any time you want. (a beat) Unfortunately, in light of public feelings about Kubus, I can't allow any ship with him aboard to leave the station until it's undergone a thorough security check to prevent sabotage. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/23/94 - ACT TWO 31. 58A CONTINUED: (2) KIRA (Cont'd) And that includes a molecular scan for nanotechnology. WINN How long would such a scan take? KIRA I'm no expert, but I'm sure it could take days... or even weeks. 59 OMITTED 60 ANGLE ON WINN As she weighs her options. After a long beat, she allows herself a slight smile. WINN Very well. It seems the Prophets have decided you will have a part in this after all. (laying her cards on the table) In exchange for sanctuary, Kubus has agreed to provide the name of the man who was responsible for the Massacre at Kendra Valley. KIRA Prylar Bek was responsible for the massacre. Everyone knows that. WINN Bek was a pawn... an intermediary. He killed himself to prevent the discovery of the real traitor. KIRA The real traitor? WINN Bek's superior... the person who ordered him to reveal the location of the rebel base to the Cardassians... the man who was truly responsible for the massacre... Vedek Bareil. 61 CLOSE ON KIRA As she reacts to the mention of Bareil's name in shock and disbelief. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/21/94 - ACT TWO 32. 61 CONTINUED: Hold on her dismayed expression for a beat, then... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/24/94 - ACT THREE xx33 ACT THREE FADE IN: 62 INT. PROMENADE Only a few seconds later. A shocked Kira still faces Winn on the darkened, otherwise deserted Promenade. KIRA Do you really think I'm going to let you get away with this? No one's going to believe the word of a convicted traitor like Kubus. WINN I never said I believed him either. I'm only trying to protect the spiritual life of Bajor. KIRA Don't flatter yourself. You're trying to grab power. Nothing more. WINN My child, do you want to risk the consequences of having a collaborator become the next Kai? KIRA He's not a collaborator. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/21/94 - ACT THREE 34. 62 CONTINUED: WINN That's yet to be determined. But if he is chosen, and then turns out to be guilty... the ramifications for Bajor would be catastrophic. It would shatter faith in the authority of the Kai. And without a strong Kai, Bajor can't survive. KIRA But you can't condemn Bareil without proof. WINN I don't intend to. I was planning to conduct a quiet investigation when I returned to Bajor. But I didn't know who to trust with such a delicate assignment. Until now. Kira realizes what Winn is offering her. KIRA You want me to do your dirty work for you. WINN All I care about is the truth. And I believe the Prophets have chosen you to help me find it. KIRA I'll find the truth. Don't worry about that. But I want you to keep Kubus's accusations from becoming public until I've had a chance to prove Bareil's innocence. WINN You have my word. Let the Prophets be my witness. (a beat) But if you discover proof of his guilt... KIRA (interrupting) Whatever I find out, I'll share with you. Winn studies her for a beat and then nods. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/24/94 - ACT THREE 35. 62 CONTINUED: (2) WINN Then it's decided. They start to walk down thePromenade. WINN (continuing, gentle) Oh, and child, one last thing. I know you're under a terrible strain, but if you're wise, you'll never speak to me with such disrespect again. Winn smiles benevolently, but it's a frightening threat all the same. 63 INT. DARKENED CARGO BAY Close on Kubus. KUBUS It was the day after the raid... 64 INCLUDE KIRA AND WINN Who are listening his story. KIRA (interrupting) You mean the massacre. WINN (a slight reprimand to Kira) I think we all know what happened that terrible day. KIRA I just want to make sure he gets his story straight. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/21/94 - ACT THREE 36. 64 CONTINUED: KUBUS Don't worry about that, Major. Do you think I could forget the deaths of forty-three Bajorans, one of whom was the Kai's son? KIRA Were you aware at the time that Prylar Bek was a collaborator? KUBUS (dismissive of the idea) He wasn't a collaborator. He was only a messenger between the Cardassians and the Vedek Assembly. (a beat) But I could see in the weeks prior to the massacre that something was bothering him. He was tense, nervous. He was in constant communication with someone in the Vedek Assembly. KIRA Do you know who? KUBUS Not at the time... but the day after the... incident, Vedek Bareil came to visit him on the station. KIRA You saw them together? KUBUS I saw Bareil enter Bek's quarters, which were in the same section as mine. He was in there for a couple of hours. At times I heard shouting through the bulkhead. WINN (hoping for the worst) Did you hear what they were saying? KUBUS No. But I did see Bareil when he left the station. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/23/94 - ACT THREE 39. 64 CONTINUED: (2) KUBUS He looked very upset. (troubled) The next morning, Bek hung himself. KIRA (half to Winn) That's all the evidence you have? KUBUS Isn't that enough? Bek was obviously working with Bareil. When he realized the enormity of what he'd done, he must've wanted to confess. Bareil wouldn't allow it, so Bek took the only way out he had. KIRA That's a fascinating story but it's all conjecture. (to Winn) There could be a dozen explanations for why Bareil came to see Bek. WINN And it's up to you to find out which of those explanations is true. Kira looks to Kubus, who meets her gaze and there is something about his calm almost uninterested stare that says he believes he's telling the truth. 65 CLOSE ON KIRA As she reacts to Kubus's quiet conviction. 66 INT. KIRA'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) Kira is talking to Bareil on a monitor. Bareil is smiling, but he seems somewhat perplexed. BAREIL (on monitor) What exactly is it that you're asking me, Nerys? Kira gives a nervous smile. This is very uncomfortable and she's trying to keep it light. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/22/94 - ACT THREE 38. 66 CONTINUED: KIRA I guess I'm asking whether or not you came to the station to see Bek that day. BAREIL (on monitor) I visited Bek, yes. But that hardly makes me a collaborator. KIRA (almost apologetic) I know that. It's Vedek Winn who needs convincing. BAREIL (on monitor) Poor Winn. I'm afraid her desire to become Kai has clouded her judgement. KIRA I wouldn't take her lightly, if I were you. She's determined to ruin you. BAREIL (softly, on monitor) Nerys, I know you're concerned for me. And I appreciate it... more than you know. I wish you could be here with me right now. KIRA So do I. BAREIL (on monitor) But believe me when I tell you, there's no reason to worry. I had nothing to do with the massacre. And Winn will never be able to prove otherwise. KIRA All right. But I still need to know why you came to the station. BAREIL (on monitor) Because Bek was a deeply troubled man seeking spiritual guidance. His guilt from betraying the Kendra Valley base was overwhelming. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - 03/21/94 - ACT THREE 39. 66 CONTINUED: (2) BAREIL He called me for help and I came as soon as I could... (sad) I only wish I'd been able to do more for him. KIRA What did he tell you about the massacre? BAREIL (on monitor) Nerys, you have to understand, he was a monk speaking in confidence to his Vedek. I can't betray that trust. KIRA I understand. But is there anything else you think I should know? About Bek, or the massacre? BAREIL (on monitor) Nothing that will satisfy Winn. KIRA Then I'll have to keep looking. But one way or another, I'm going to prove to Winn that you're innocent. BAREIL (on monitor) Thank you, Nerys. I don't know what I'd do without you. KIRA (smiles) I wouldn't worry about that... I'm not going anyplace. Kira reaches out and touches the screen with her hand. He reaches back and touches his side of the screen. And as they hold hands electronically, we... CUT TO: 67 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) (STOCK) Re-Establishing. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/30/94 - ACT THREE 40. 68 INT. SECURITY OFFICE (OPTICAL) Odo works at his computer, while Kira watches over his shoulder. ODO Just as I thought. When the Cardassians left, they purged all records of communication between the station and Bajor. KIRA Then we'll have to get the information from the other end. ODO I'll establish a computer link with the Bajoran Central Archives. That way I can access the files of the Vedek Assembly. Odo starts working on the computer. Kira sits down on his desk, the weight of the world on her shoulders. Odo can't help but notice. ODO Are you all right? KIRA I'm fine. ODO You don't look fine. KIRA It's nothing. ODO (doesn't believe her) If you say so. KIRA I mean, he says he's not guilty. I know he's not guilty... ODO But you're afraid he's guilty. KIRA (a beat, then simply) I love him, Odo. Odo doesn't know how to respond. This is a little too personal for him. And though he would never admit it, he's a little jealous. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/30/94 - ACT THREE 41. 68 CONTINUED: ODO Really... Well... I... KIRA What? ODO I was wondering when you were going to figure that out. You humanoids... when it comes to emotional attachments, you never see the obvious. (changing the subject) I'm into the Vedek Assembly archives. KIRA Can you retrieve the communications records between the station and the Assembly. ODO I'll need a time frame. KIRA Try the week leading up to the Kendra Massacre. Odo gives instructions to the computer, then... ODO That's odd... KIRA What? ODO All the communications records between the Assembly members and Bek for that week have been sealed. KIRA Sealed by who? ODO It doesn't say. It just indicates a security seal. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/21/94 - ACT THREE 42. 68 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA (surprised) In the Assembly records? Who has that kind of authority? Realizing the unhappy import of what he's about to say, Odo is both somber and -- for him -- gentle. ODO Only a Vedek. 69 CLOSE ON KIRA As she reacts. The weight of the world just got a lot heavier. FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/24/94 - ACT FOUR 43. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 70 OMITTED 71 INT. QUARK'S (CONTINUOUS) It's early in the day. QUARK isn't quite ready to open. He's with a Dabo Girl counting strips of latinum into her hand, one at a time. QUARK Eight... nine... ten. Quark looks up at her like he's done. The Dabo Girl just stares at him expectantly with her hand still out. QUARK (continuing) Okay... okay... eleven. (she's still waiting) Fine... Twelve, thirteen, fourteen. And not a strip more. The Dabo Girl gives Quark a kiss on the head, then leaves with her money. She passes by Kira and Odo, who have just entered. Odo looks at the girl, then looks back at Quark, somewhat accusingly. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/21/94 - ACT FOUR 44. 71 CONTINUED: QUARK (continuing, explaining) I hate payday. Quark looks over at a grim faced Kira. QUARK (continuing, to Odo, re: Kira) Whatever she told you, I didn't do it. ODO Relax, Quark. No one's accusing you of anything. QUARK The day's still young. KIRA (trying to nice) Don't be so defensive. QUARK I can't help it. Between the two of you, I'm developing a persecution complex. KIRA I'm sorry to hear that. QUARK (suspicious) All right... what's going on? You want something from me, don't you? KIRA (no kidding pal) How'd you know? ODO (before Quark can answer) It's simple. We've been here over a minute and we haven't insulted him, threatened him, or arrested him. QUARK Exactly. So what is it and how much trouble is it going to cause me? DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/21/94 - ACT FOUR 45. 71 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA No trouble at all. We just need you to bypass a security seal. QUARK (faux innocence) Isn't that... illegal? ODO (harumphs) Spare us. KIRA Quark, this is important. We need access to certain communication files in the Vedek Assembly records. QUARK Perfect. Not only is it illegal... it's sacrilegious. KIRA I'm sure the Prophets won't mind, this one time. QUARK (to Kira) Okay, but I'm going to need written authorization from you, countersigned by Commander... ODO (interrupting) Just do it, Quark... Quark realizes he has no choice. QUARK Sure, and then when things go wrong, I take the fall. KIRA Nothing's going to go wrong. QUARK That's what you think. But I happen to be a firm believer in Rule of Acquisition number two-hundred and eighty-five... Kira and Odo look at Quark expectantly. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/24/94 - ACT FOUR 46. 71 CONTINUED: (3) QUARK (professorial) "No good deed ever goes unpunished." Quark activates his computer monitor and gets ready to go to work. ODO You can access the Vedek Assembly's records through the Bajoran Central Archives... QUARK (dismissive) Of course I can... if I want to barge in like some rank amateur. Quark gets started, then senses that they're still standing there, staring at him. QUARK (doesn't want them looking over his shoulder) This is going to take a little while. I'll let you know when I'm done. Kira and Odo exchange a look, and we... CUT TO: 71A INT. PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL Kira and Odo are standing on the overpass that Bareil saw Bek hanging from in his vision. ODO (indicating an area of the bridge) It happened right about here. Bek hanged himself in front of dozens of witnesses. (dryly) It caused quite a stir. KIRA At least he had the decency to feel guilty about what he'd done. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/24/94 - ACT FOUR 47. 71A CONTINUED: ODO It's strange. Bek and I were passing acquaintances here on the station. From what little I knew about him, I always thought he was a good man. KIRA Good men don't betray their own people. ODO (sadly) If there's one thing I've learned about humanoids, it's that in extreme situations, even the best of you are capable of doing terrible things. QUARK (O.S.) Ah, there you are. Kira and Odo turn around and see... 71B QUARK looking pleased with himself. QUARK (continuing) The good news is... I broke through the security seal. The bad news is... the file's empty. All the transmission records have been erased. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/29/94 - ACT FOUR 48-51. 71C CLOSE ON KIRA As she reacts to the news. 72 thru OMITTED 82 82A INT. OPS Kira looks over O'Brien's shoulder as he tries to reconstruct the transmission records. O'BRIEN They were erased all right. KIRA Is there anything you can do about it? O'Brien starts working the computer. O'BRIEN I could scan the empty file for traces of recurring data fragments... There's always a faint residue of the original data if you know where to look. But to unscramble those fragments so they form a coherent pattern could take a while... KIRA So what you're telling me is that we're never going to retrieve that information. O'BRIEN Not in time to do you any good. (gets an idea) Hold on a second... let me see something. O'Brien begins working the computer. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/24/94 - ACT FOUR 52. 82A CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN Maybe I can't get you the data, but I might be able to find out who erased it. Their retinal scan would've been noted by the authorization subroutine when they logged on. KIRA But wouldn't the scan have been erased, too? O'BRIEN Sure. But even a fragment of a retinal scan might be enough to identify the user. Here, I'll run a sweep of the authorization subroutine and see if we can find anything. O'Brien's been working through all of the above. 82B INCLUDE THE MONITOR (OPTICAL) A string of glyphs and numbers flash across the monitor. Eventually, the computer isolates several clusters of numbers. O'BRIEN Okay, these are mathematical representations of fragments of the retinal scan. We can use them to reassemble a portion of the original image. As O'Brien manipulates the data, the numbers are replaced by a small indistinct image fragment. As O'Brien continues to work, the image coalesces into a photo of a Bajoran eye, though some sections of the iris are missing. O'BRIEN Not bad. Now we'll cross-reference it with the Assembly's main Archive and try and see who it belongs to. A whole series of close-ups of eyes flash by at rapid speed on the monitor as the computer compares the partial retinal scan to the Assembly records. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/24/94 - ACT FOUR 53. 82C ANGLE ON O'BRIEN AND KIRA As they watch the images flash by. 82D CLOSE ON THE MONITOR (OPTICAL) As a match is made. The image of the retinal scan is now complete. O'BRIEN I think we've got something. O'Brien leans over and hits a control. Kira tenses and the computer zooms out to reveal... 82E BAREIL'S FACE (OPTICAL) And some personal information from his user file. 82F CLOSE ON KIRA This is what she's been fearing all along. Hold on her reaction for a beat, and then... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/22/94 - ACT FIVE 54. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 83 INT. TEMPLE ANTECHAMBER (ORB SEQUENCE) (OPTICAL) Bareil finds himself surrounded by Vedeks, who bow to him respectfully.. VEDEKS Blessings on Kai Bareil. Bareil turns around, disoriented, and finds himself on... 84 INT. PROMENADE (OPTICAL) The legs of the Hanged Man once again before his eyes. BEK (O.S.) (angry) You... Trying to find out who said his name, Bareil turns around a hundred and eighty degrees and sees... 85 PRYLAR BEK (OPTICAL) Emerging from the Bajoran Shrine on the Promenade. BEK I trusted you... I needed you... and you let me die. Bareil turns back to see what happened to the Hanged Man, and suddenly he's in... 86 INT. KIRA'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) Female hands reach around Bareil and embrace him from behind. Bareil turns, expecting to see Kira and instead sees... 87 VEDEK WINN (OPTICAL) Wearing the same nightclothes Kira was wearing. Winn kisses Bareil passionately. WINN You will be rewarded. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/22/94 - ACT FIVE 55. 87 CONTINUED: Bareil pulls away from her embrace only to find himself back in... 88 INT. TEMPLE ANTECHAMBER (OPTICAL) Bareil turns and sees Kira dressed in her nightshirt. KIRA Accept this gift from the Prophets. Bareil goes to embrace Kira, but as he reaches her, we see Kira's shoulder jerk forward as if she's jamming her fist into his stomach (her hand is off-camera). Bareil flinches, then Kira pulls her arm back, and Bareil turns away from her, holding his belly. 89 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) To reveal that Kira is holding the Bajoran dagger she used to cut down Bek. 90 CLOSE ON BAREIL Who collapses only to be caught at the last minute by Kai Opaka, who cradles his head in her lap. OPAKA May the Prophets comfort you, my child. Bareil tries to speak, but he's dying. OPAKA May they comfort us all. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/22/94 - ACT FIVE 56. 91 thru OMITTED 93 94 EXTREME CLOSE-UP ON BAREIL (OPTICAL) His eyes closing in death. MATCH CUT TO: 95 INT. TEMPLE SHRINE CHAMBER (OPTICAL) Extreme close up on Bareil as his eyes snap open and his face is bathed in the light of the orb. 96 NEW ANGLE As Bareil closes the doors of the ark. 96A NEW ANGLE There's a tinkling of chimes at the door. BAREIL Come in. Kira ENTERS, looking troubled. BAREIL Nerys? KIRA Did you really think I wouldn't learn the truth? BAREIL The truth isn't always easy to recognize. KIRA I recognize it now. And I don't like what I see. (a beat) Why did you do it? Why did you erase those transmission reports? Bareil gives her a small smile. BAREIL Winn made a good decision when she chose you to head her investigation. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/24/94 - ACT FIVE 57. 96A CONTINUED: KIRA You haven't answered my question. BAREIL You already know the answer. KIRA I won't believe it until I hear it from you. This is a moment Bareil's been dreading. There's a beat before he can bring himself to speak. BAREIL Nerys, don't make me do this. KIRA I don't have any choice. Winn is waiting to hear from me. Do you really want me to tell her that you were the one who ordered Bek to give the Cardassians the location of the resistance base? That you were responsible for the deaths of those forty-three people? (a beat) That you killed Kai Opaka's son? BAREIL (blurting it out, trying to stop Kira from talking) The Cardassians were determined to eliminate all resistance in the Kendra Valley. If someone hadn't told them the location of the base, they would've wiped out every village in the area. That would've meant the deaths of twelve hundred innocent Bajorans. (a long beat) I couldn't allow that. Kira feels betrayed. There's no anger in her, only sadness. KIRA There must've been another way. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/22/94 - ACT FIVE 59. 96A CONTINUED: (2) Kira stares at Bareil. At first, he can't bring himself to look at her, but finally, he meets her gaze. KIRA I believed in you. I defended you. And Winn was right all along. (defeated) Now she'll destroy you. BAREIL No. I destroyed myself. 97 ON BAREIL There's nothing more he can say. 98 ON KIRA The sight of him standing there in pain is too much for her. She turns away and EXITS. 99 CLOSE ON BAREIL All alone, everything that matters to him turned to ashes. 100 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 101 INT. OPS Kira ARRIVES on the Turbolift, deep in thought. She quietly moves down to the Ops Table, watched by Dax and O'Brien. Dax and O'Brien share a look of concern, but Kira betrays no emotion. She's hoping to throw herself into her work. KIRA What's our status? DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/24/94 - ACT FIVE 58A. 101 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Everything's under control. DAX You had a subspace transmission from Vedek Winn. She seemed anxious to talk to you. Kira allows herself one small, weary sigh. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/22/94 - ACT FIVE 59. 101 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA I may as well get this over with. Open a channel to the Vedek Assembly. Put it on Monitor Seven. Kira crosses to a monitor behind engineering. (NOTE: O'Brien is not at his station.) 102 INCLUDE THE MONITOR (OPTICAL) As Vedek Winn's face appears. She seems positively cheerful. WINN (on monitor) I was wondering when you'd contact me, child... KIRA I was waiting until I completed my investigation. WINN (on monitor) I must congratulate you on a job well done. I knew the Prophets were right in picking you to assist me. KIRA You sound like you already know what I'm going to tell you. WINN (on monitor) Oh, but I do. Bareil just made a surprise announcement to the Vedek Assembly. He's withdrawn himself from the choosing. He no longer wishes to be the next Kai. Kira tries to speak, but it all seems futile. WINN (continuing, on monitor) I know this is painful for you, child. But you've done all of Bajor a great service. Whoever is chosen tomorrow as the new Kai will owe you a debt of gratitude. ("good-bye") May the Prophets guide you. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/24/94 - ACT FIVE 60-60A. 102 CONTINUED: Kira nods numbly and ends the transmission. 102A CLOSE ON KIRA As she tries to come to terms with Bareil's withdrawal. 102B INCLUDE DAX Who has joined Kira. DAX (concerned) Are you all right? KIRA It doesn't make sense. Kira looks over at Dax as if she has all the answers. KIRA Bareil's an honorable man. He wouldn't hide from the consequences of his actions by covering them up. (a beat) There's something I'm missing. She turns to O'Brien. KIRA Chief, I need to get back into the Vedek Assembly Archive. O'Brien's glad she hasn't given up. O'BRIEN (with enthusiasm) Yes, sir. And as O'Brien and Kira go back to work... 103 thru OMITTED 104 105 EXT. BAJORAN TEMPLE (MATTE) (OPTICAL) The next day. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/24/94 - ACT FIVE 61. 106 INT. TEMPLE ANTECHAMBER Kira is waiting outside the door to the Vedek Assembly room as the Vedeks file out. There's quite a buzz off-screen, implying that this is only part of a larger room and that these are the last few Vedek to leave. Winn EXITS, wearing the vestments of the Kai. She approaches Kira with a patient smile. After a slight hesitation, Kira reluctantly bows forward. KIRA (acknowledging Winn's new title) Kai Winn. Winn reaches forward and takes hold of Kira's ear to read her pagh. WINN Your pagh is strong, my child. Be at peace. In time you will learn I am not your enemy. KIRA I hope that's true. WINN I know you do. (an afterthought) Oh, and please tell Commander Sisko that I'm going to have to postpone appearing with him before the Assembly. At least, for now. Winn smiles sweetly and EXITS. 107 NEW ANGLE As Bareil finally emerges from the Vedek Assembly chamber. He takes Kira off to one side where they can talk privately. BAREIL Nerys... I didn't expect to see you here. KIRA (simply) You forgot to erase the transit files. Bareil looks at her blankly. BAREIL I'm not sure I understand what you mean. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/24/94 - ACT FIVE 62. 107 CONTINUED: KIRA You did a wonderful job erasing the transmission records, but you forgot all about the transit files. The files that prove you weren't a collaborator. BAREIL Let it rest, Nerys. It's over now. The people have chosen Winn. KIRA Only because you withdrew. But you didn't have to. The transit records clearly show that you were on a personal retreat at the Dakeen monastery during the week leading up to the massacre. I checked the Dakeen transmission records and you had no contact with anyone except for one transmission after the massacre, ordering you to return to the Vedek Assembly. BAREIL That's enough, Nerys. KIRA It's not enough. There's no way you could've ordered Bek to reveal the location of the Kendra Valley encampment. You've been covering up for someone else. Someone who means more to you than me. More to you even than becoming Kai. BAREIL (trying to stop her) Nerys, please, don't. KIRA Why not? It's the truth... isn't it? Who else meant that much to you... It had to be Kai Opaka. (a beat as she lets it sink in) Opaka knew where the resistance cell was located because her son was a member. DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/24/94 - ACT FIVE 63. 107 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA (Cont'd) She was the collaborator, wasn't she? 107A CLOSE ON BAREIL Even though he's been exonerated in Kira's eyes, he's still feels the burden of Opaka's actions. BAREIL She sacrificed her own son to save a thousand people. (a beat) I had to protect her. 107B NEW ANGLE As Kira realizes the implications of what Bareil has done. KIRA So now instead of you, we have Winn to lead us. BAREIL (with simple faith) It's the will of the Prophets... KIRA The question is... where is she going to lead us? DEEP SPACE: "The Collaborator" - REV. 03/23/94 - ACT FIVE 63. 107B CONTINUED: BAREIL Down paths she can't possibly imagine. And she's going to need our help along the way, even if she doesn't realize it yet. KIRA And what happens to us? BAREIL What do you want to happen? Kira walks over and kisses him. They stare into each others' eyes for a beat. Then... KIRA Let's go pay our respects to the new Kai. Bareil smiles at Kira, and she smiles back. They've reached a deeper understanding. 108 NEW ANGLE Kira takes Bareil's arm and the two of them walk out of the antechamber. And as they EXIT, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END