STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "'Til Death Do Us Part" (fka "Umbra") #40510-568 Written by David Weddle & Bradley Thompson Directed by Rick Kolbe THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1999 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION January 15, 1999 STAR TREK: DS9 - "Til Death Do Us Part" - 01/15/99 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "'Til Death Do Us Part" CAST SISKO WEYOUN KIRA DAMAR ODO KASIDY BASHIR FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER O'BRIEN WINN WORF DUKAT EZRI THIRD BREEN QUARK SOLBOR JAKE SARAH PROPHET COMPUTER VOICE ROSS Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES MORN STAR TREK: DS9 - "Til Death Do Us Part" - 01/15/99 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Til Death Do Us Part" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE AIRLOCK CARDASSIA PRIME CAPTAIN'S OFFICE CARGO BAY CARGO BAY FOUR KAI WINN'S QUARTERS BEDROOM/LIVING ROOM KASIDY'S QUARTERS OPS PROMENADE QUARK'S SISKO'S QUARTERS WARDROOM BREEN CELL DAMAR'S QUARTERS JEM'HADAR BRIDGE DS9 - "Til Death Do Us Part" - 01/15/99 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Til Death Do Us Part" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ADAMI ah-DAHM-ee ANJOHL ahhn-JOLL (rhymes with roll) DAMA DAH-muh KILBY KILL-bee KLAVAATU klah-VAH-too MOBA MOW-buh MOW'GA MOHK'gha NAVATAN nuh-VAH-tun PAGH PAH PRENAR PRAY-nahr RELLIKETH RELL-ih-keth ROGATH ROE-gaath SHAMEKA shah-MEE-kah TALNOT TAHL-nut TENNAN ten-AHN TERELLIAN teh-RELL-ee-un XHOSA ZOE-sa STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "'Til Death Do Us Part" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE A bewildered JAKE faces CAPTAIN SISKO. JAKE Did they say why you can't marry Kasidy? SISKO The Prophets aren't saying I can't, they're saying I shouldn't. JAKE It's the same thing. I don't see why it's any of their business. SISKO Everything I do is their business. Jake can't argue with that. JAKE Have you told Kasidy? SISKO Not yet. She's on a cargo run. Won't be back for a couple of days. JAKE And when she gets back, what are you going to tell her? That one of the Prophets, who says she's your mother, Sarah, told you not to marry her? SISKO Jake -- you're not making me feel better. But before Jake can respond -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - TEASER 2. 1 CONTINUED: KIRA'S COM VOICE Captain, Kai Winn is here to see you. Sisko sighs. He isn't looking forward to this. SISKO Send her in. (to Jake) We'll talk later. Jake heads for one of the side doors and EXITS. A beat later, KAI WINN ENTERS from Ops. Her two Ranjens take up position just outside the door (one is an N.D., the other is the venerable SOLBOR). SISKO Your Eminence. Sisko's wedding is upstaging Winn yet again, but she does her best to act happy about it. WINN Congratulations, Emissary. I'm very happy for you. Sisko manages a polite nod, despite his misgivings about the Prophets' warning. DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - TEASER 3. 1 CONTINUED: (2) WINN This wedding is a momentous event for Bajor. I want to be sure the proceedings reflect its importance, so I've come to assist in the preparations. SISKO That's very kind of you, but I'm not sure it's necessary. WINN ("sweetly") There's no need to thank me. I'm glad to do it. (beat) I understand you asked Vedek Telna to perform the ceremony. Winn sees this as a snub, and plays vaguely hurt. WINN Perhaps you thought I wasn't available, but since I'm here, I'm sure you agree that it would be more appropriate for me to do it. Sisko doesn't know quite what to say -- he's not even sure there's going to be a wedding. WINN (taking his hesitation as a yes) I'll talk to Vedek Telna. I'm certain he'll be willing to step aside. Winn smiles at Sisko as if she's glad it's settled. WINN These are joyful days indeed. You've given the Prophets reason to smile. Winn sees the twinge of doubt flicker across Sisko's features. WINN Is something wrong, Emissary? You seem troubled. Sisko considers whether he should tell her. DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - TEASER 4. 1 CONTINUED: (3) SISKO The Prophets came to me in a vision... Winn can't stand the fact that the Prophets speak to Sisko and not her, but she does her best to hide it. WINN I see... SISKO They warned me that I'm going to have to face a great "Trial." WINN Did they say what it would be? SISKO I'm afraid not. The Prophets don't always make themselves clear. Winn suspects that Sisko knows more, but is keeping it from her. WINN I wouldn't know. They've never spoken to me... directly. (beat) In any case, I know that you're willing to do whatever the Prophets ask. In the face of her faith, Sisko can't bring himself to say that he's considering going against the Prophets' wishes. Winn stands to go -- WINN I'll pray that they give you the strength to face your Trial. I sense you're going to need it. With that, she turns and EXITS. Off Sisko's troubled face as he watches her go... 2 INT. OPS as Winn ENTERS and joins her two Ranjens. KIRA is standing at her post. KIRA May I show you to your quarters? DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - TEASER 5. 3 CLOSE ON WINN WINN Thank you, my child. As Winn starts down the stairs, suddenly the SCREEN WHITES OUT and we -- CUT TO: 4 INT. PROMENADE - VISION (OPTICAL) As the SCREEN WHITES IN, Winn finds herself near the entrance to the Temple. We hear the same HEARTBEAT SOUND that accompanies an Orb experience, and the scene has that same look. As Winn turns to get her bearings, she sees the Solbor Alien standing nearby. SOLBOR ALIEN Her pagh is strong. WINN (confused) Solbor? Suddenly the Kira Alien is behind her. KIRA ALIEN She will serve us well. Winn realizes that these people aren't who they appear to be, and it suddenly hits her what's happening. WINN (awed) Prophets... DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - TEASER 6. 4 CONTINUED: Winn kneels and bows her head. WINN I've waited so long for you to speak to me. How can I serve you? Suddenly the Sisko Alien is nearby. SISKO ALIEN The Sisko has faltered. You must bring the Restoration. WINN The Restoration? SOLBOR ALIEN Bajor's fate rests with you. WINN Tell me what to do. KIRA ALIEN The Guide will reveal the way. WINN What "Guide?" SISKO ALIEN He will come to you. WINN How will I know him? SOLBOR ALIEN He will have the wisdom of the land. DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - TEASER 7-8. 4 CONTINUED: (2) WINN Of the land... ? I don't understand. KIRA ALIEN Only you can bring the Restoration. SISKO ALIEN Bajor's fate rests with you. The screen WHITES OUT and we -- CUT TO: 5 thru OMITTED 8 9 INT. OPS - WINN - CLOSE as she comes out of her vision. To Kira, only seconds have passed. KIRA Eminence, are you all right? Winn is so stunned by what happened to her it takes her a moment to focus. She looks at Kira, manages a nod... KIRA What happened... ? WINN (awed) The Prophets... they spoke to me... And as Kira reacts to this startling news, we... 10 OMITTED FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT ONE 9. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) 11 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) A Breen ship rips along at high warp. 12 INT. BREEN CELL EZRI sits on the bench. WORF's pacing, thinking out loud. WORF They will be feeding us soon. If we position ourselves on both sides of the door, we might be able to disarm the first Breen that comes through and -- EZRI Face it, Worf -- the old "guard- my-cellmate-is-ill" trick didn't work. Neither did your "I'll- make-a-tool-and-short-circuit-the- door" idea. WORF We must not give up. The first duty of any captured officer is to attempt escape. Suddenly the door slides OPEN and TWO BREEN ENTER. The first grips a NEURAL TRUNCHEON, which he keeps pointed at Worf. The second holds two small CANISTERS, which he tosses to the prisoners. They catch them with a practiced ease that tells us this has become a ritual. EZRI (wry) What's the special today? DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT ONE 10. 12 CONTINUED: Ezri pops open the lid. EZRI Algae paste. My favorite. The Breen stare at her for a beat, then turn and EXIT, the door sliding SHUT behind them. Worf opens his container and dips two fingers into the blackish- green muck. He brings them to his mouth and licks them. Ezri stares at the door thoughtfully. EZRI I wonder what the Breen look like under those helmets... WORF They say that no one has ever seen one and lived to speak of it. EZRI Maybe they're all furry... ? It's supposed to be really cold on Breen. WORF One thing is certain... EZRI (licking her finger) They're lousy cooks? WORF They are dangerous. They do not tolerate incursions into their space. During the Second Empire, Chancellor Mow'ga sent a fleet of Klingon ships to conquer their homeworld. They were never heard from again. Worf considers for a beat... DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT ONE 11. 12 CONTINUED: (2) WORF We've been traveling for three days. We could be in Breen space by now. EZRI Well, I don't think we should rule out the possibility that they saw our shuttle crash and decided to take us back to Deep Space Nine. Worf gives her a baffled look, then realizes. WORF You are being humorous. EZRI Not very, I guess. WORF Jadzia would also use humor to keep her spirits up. EZRI You didn't laugh much at her jokes, either. Worf pushes his food away and gazes at her with affection. WORF You are a lot like her. Something about the way he's looking at her sets off an alarm bell for Ezri. Suddenly she has the feeling that Worf is in some ways trying to recapture the relationship he lost when Jadzia died. DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT ONE 12-16A. 12 CONTINUED: (3) EZRI (yes and no) In some ways... Worf tenderly brushes a lock of hair from her forehead. WORF I thought I'd lost her forever... but you and I will have many years together. 12A EZRI - CLOSE She's not sure she's comfortable with his vision of the future. Off her uncertain expression... 13 thru OMITTED 14 15 EXT. CARDASSIA PRIME (MATTE SHOT) Establishing. 16 INT. DAMAR'S QUARTERS - BEDROOM WEYOUN's framed in the doorway, peering into the dark room. We hear CARDASSIAN SNORING from somewhere off camera. Weyoun wrinkles his nose at the stale smell of the room. WEYOUN Computer, lights. The LIGHTS COME ON. DAMAR, in uniform, is sprawled upon the dirty tangle of sheets on his bed, an empty bottle of KANAR gripped in one hand. WEYOUN Damar. Damar wakes and bolts upright, hair asunder, eyes bleary and disoriented. When his gaze falls on Weyoun -- DAMAR What are you doing here? Weyoun regards him with ill-disguised contempt. DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT ONE 17. 16 CONTINUED: WEYOUN Since you're ignoring your com- system, I decided to wake you myself. DAMAR (touching his throbbing head) I worked late last night. Weyoun picks a lady's GARMENT off the bed. WEYOUN Yes, I can see that. (drops the clothing) Get yourself cleaned up. We're leaving this afternoon. DAMAR Leaving? Where are we going? WEYOUN You needn't concern yourself with that. DAMAR (annoyed) Why didn't you tell me about this before? I have things to attend to. WEYOUN You mean your business with Dukat? Damar's surprised that Weyoun knows anything about Dukat. WEYOUN (smiles) Did you really think I didn't know he was here? Damar says nothing, for fear of making the situation worse. WEYOUN (shaking his head) Masquerading as a Bajoran... what is he up to this time... ? DAMAR He wouldn't say. DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT ONE 17A. 16 CONTINUED: (2) WEYOUN Yet you helped him all the same. For a moment we think Weyoun is going to lay into him, but instead he smiles. WEYOUN Such loyalty. It would be inspiring if it weren't so misplaced. And with that, Weyoun smiles and EXITS. Damar stares at the empty doorway for a beat, then moves to find another bottle of Kanar. DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT ONE 18. 16 CONTINUED: (3) As he lifts it to his lips, he spots his disheveled image in -- 17 A MIRROR on the wall. Unable to maintain contact with his own eyes, he turns away before taking a long drink, wincing as the liquor burns its way down. CUT TO: 18 INT. DAMAR'S QUARTERS - LATER Damar, his hair combed and his uniform straightened, is packing a small CASE and talking with the Bajoran DUKAT. DUKAT Have you arranged my transportation? DAMAR And your identity documents. A beat as Dukat studies him. DUKAT You don't look well. DAMAR I'm fine. Dukat shakes his head sadly. DUKAT What happened to the brave officer I served with? The one who stood at my side as we fought the entire Klingon Empire with a single ship? DAMAR (uncomfortably) Those were simpler times. DUKAT Those days might be gone, but the man I served with isn't. DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT ONE 19-21. 18 CONTINUED: DUKAT (Cont'd) (places his hand on Damar's chest) He's still within you. Reach in and grab hold of him, Damar. Cardassia needs a leader. Damar defers to the man he still admires so much. DAMAR You were its leader once. You could be again. DUKAT The Pah-wraiths have shown me that I have another destiny. (offering his hand) Good luck to you, my friend. Damar may not understand his mentor's new mission, but he respects Dukat nonetheless. DAMAR And to you. When he grips Dukat's hand, he seems to receive a transfusion of strength. Off this moment... 19 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 20 OMITTED 21 INT. PROMENADE Supernumeraries mill about the Promenade. (USE ALTERNATE TAKE WITHOUT BASHIR AND O'BRIEN.) We PUSH IN toward an airlock. From it emerges -- 22 THE BAJORAN DUKAT He pauses to take in the sights and sounds of the Promenade that was once his domain. Off this ominous moment, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT TWO 22. ACT TWO FADE IN: 23 thru OMITTED 25 25A INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS - CLOSE ON A BAJORAN SHAWL (FORMERLY SCENE 14) The fine cloth is covered with an intricate pattern of vivid colors and exquisite embroidery. The cloth begins to turn. We REVEAL that a smiling Kasidy Yates is wearing it over her hair. She faces a brooding Sisko, who's sitting on the couch. Her TRAVEL BAG is on the floor by the door. KASIDY Bajorans consider it good luck for a bride to wear a Navatan shawl. (off his distracted expression) What's the matter -- you don't like it? SISKO It's lovely. KASIDY Then why the long face? Sisko gestures to the couch. SISKO We need to talk. Kasidy sits down next to him. KASIDY Why do I have the feeling I'm not going to like this? She looks at him as they sit, hoping he'll say something to alleviate her apprehension. Instead, he sighs painfully and plunges into it. SISKO A few days ago, one of the Prophets came to me in a vision. It was Sarah. DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT TWO 23. 25A CONTINUED: KASIDY Your mother. Sisko nods. He knows he has to tell her the rest, but can't seem to find the right words. KASIDY (almost afraid to ask) What did she want? Sisko sees no other way to do this than to simply lay it out. SISKO She told me that the path I was meant to walk... (with difficulty) DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT TWO 24. 25A CONTINUED: (2) SISKO (Cont'd) -- is for me alone. That you can't walk it with me. It takes a moment for the reality of what he is saying to hit her. KASIDY (choked with emotion) Why? SISKO She said I'd know nothing but sorrow if I ignored her warning. KASIDY That almost sounds like a threat. SISKO No, it wasn't anything like that. She was worried for me. Like... a mother would be. Kasidy wills herself to ask a question she's afraid to hear the answer to. KASIDY What are you going to do? Sisko tries to put off saying what he's feeling. SISKO Kas, the Prophets can see things we can't... if she was that concerned, it must be for a good reason. KASIDY You're not answering my question. SISKO (anguished) Kasidy, I love you. I want to be with you... Kasidy can see that he can't bring himself to say it. KASIDY Then be with me Ben. SISKO I can't... I can't go against the Prophets... DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT TWO 25-26. 25A CONTINUED: (3) Kasidy fights the tears she feels welling up. SISKO Kasidy, please try to understand. She stands and slowly removes the RING Sisko gave her and places it on the shawl at her side. She crosses to the door, picks up her travel bag and EXITS without looking back. Sisko looks down at the ring sitting atop the shawl, frustrated and full of regret. DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT TWO 27. 26 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Breen ship continues at warp. 27 INT. BREEN CELL Worf and Ezri are asleep on the bench, but she's stirring uncomfortably. EZRI (far away) No... no... Worf stirs, realizes she's having a nightmare. WORF (shaking her awake) Ezri... She bolts upright and cries out -- EZRI No. Worf tries to calm her -- WORF It's all right -- you were only dreaming. Ezri looks around, still panicked. EZRI Where are we... ? WORF We're still aboard the Breen ship. EZRI (remembering) They were chasing me... in an ice cave... it was so cold I could barely breathe... WORF Shh... it's over now... EZRI I couldn't get away... every time I looked back they were right behind me... Then one of them grabbed me with this big claw. DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT TWO 28. 27 CONTINUED: WORF Breen do not have claws. EZRI How do you know? Besides, it was a dream. Dreams are full of things that don't seem to make sense. WORF That is why it's best to ignore them. EZRI How can you say that? Dreams contain valuable insights. Sometimes the things that don't seem to make sense are actually the key to what your unconscious is trying to tell you. Worf frowns as Ezri pushes on -- EZRI Anyway, I got away from him... but there wasn't any place to run. And just when I thought he was going to kill me, he reached up and took off his helmet. WORF (despite himself) And? EZRI (knowing how strange it is) And... it was Julian. WORF Doctor Bashir? DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT TWO 29. 27 CONTINUED: (2) EZRI Isn't that strange? I wonder what it means? WORF (dry) That Doctor Bashir is a Breen? EZRI Very funny. (more to herself) The cave could symbolize the womb. My subconscious could be trying to tell me that I need to confront emotions I repressed at birth. (suddenly confused) But which one? I've been born nine times. WORF This is ridiculous. Ezri's stung by his brusque dismissal. EZRI I'm a counselor. Analyzing dreams is part of my job. WORF Jadzia never talked about her dreams. EZRI Well, I'm not Jadzia -- am I? Before Worf can respond, the cell door OPENS and THREE BREEN pour inside, holding their weapons and truncheons like they mean business. The First uses his weapon to hold Ezri at bay, while the Second and Third move toward Worf. The Third Breen steps close to Worf, then suddenly emits a strange metallic SCREECH. Worf starts at the sudden, jarring sound, but stands his ground. The Breen uses his truncheon to motion toward the door, but Worf defiantly crosses his arms in front of him and stays put. The Breen turns to his companion, emits a short SCREECH, and gets a SCREECH in reply. DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT TWO 30. 27 CONTINUED: (3) Suddenly he moves to jab Worf with his truncheon -- Worf raises an arm to parry, but as soon as its tip touches him he's jolted by some sort of energy. Every muscle in his body instantly tenses up and he collapses to the ground. Ezri instinctively steps forward to intercede, but the First Breen jabs her and she falls to the ground as well. The Breen grab hold of Worf and start to drag him from the cell. EZRI (getting to her feet) Where are you taking him? But the door slides SHUT in her face. Off Ezri's worried expression... 28 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establish the station. 29 INT. KAI WINN'S QUARTERS Winn stands before a Bajoran SHRINE that's been set up in the room. She lights a CANDLE and places it on the shrine, where several other CANDLES already burn. WINN ... make me worthy of your great task. Grant me the strength not to fail you... As Winn concludes her devotions and turns from the altar, Solbor ENTERS behind her. SOLBOR Eminence? DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT TWO 31. 29 CONTINUED: WINN Yes? SOLBOR There's a man here who's requested an audience with you. Winn enjoys seeing supplicants, and she's feeling generous today. WINN Show him in. Solbor nods and ducks back the way he came. Winn finishes her devotions, and turns to see -- 30 DUKAT in the doorway with Solbor. He acts like a humble man, nervous in the presence of a great figure. SOLBOR This is Anjohl Tennan, from Relliketh. WINN Welcome, my son. DUKAT (bowing his head) Thank you for seeing me, eminence. WINN How can I help you? DUKAT I've come to ask your blessing, so that I may have prosperity in the coming season. WINN What is it you do? DUKAT I'm just a simple man of the land. The phrase sends a chill through the Kai. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT TWO 32. 30 CONTINUED: WINN (tremulously) Of the land... ? DUKAT I'm a farmer. I grow moba and -- Seeking confirmation, Winn suddenly reaches toward his left ear to feel his pagh. She reacts as if sensing something powerful. A beat, then she lets go... and a smile of anticipation spreads across her features. WINN Your pagh is strong, Anjohl. (beat) I've been waiting for you... Winn is playing right into Dukat's hands, but he acts like a simple man who doesn't understand what she means. Off the wonder in Winn's face as she contemplates the power of the Prophets... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT THREE 33. ACT THREE FADE IN: 31 INT. KAI WINN'S QUARTERS Winn and Dukat are seated as Solbor carries in a TEA TRAY with an ORNATE TEAPOT, CUPS and LINEN NAPKINS. Dukat acts as if he's not worthy of this treatment, and rises to assist -- DUKAT Let me help you. It's not right for a Ranjen to wait on a common farmer. Solbor's face tells us he agrees, but Winn motions that Dukat be seated. WINN Sit. You're our guest. Dukat complies, and Solbor begins to pour the tea. 32 WINN watches Dukat carefully. She's convinced this apparent innocent contains hidden depths of knowledge that he himself is unaware of. WINN (when he's finished) Thank you, Solbor. SOLBOR (bowing his head) Your eminence. With a last glance Dukat's way, Solbor EXITS. Dukat unfolds his napkin, marveling at its texture. He picks up his teacup as if he's afraid he's going to spill it in his clumsiness. DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT THREE 34. 32 CONTINUED: DUKAT If I told my neighbors I had tea with the Kai, they'd never believe it. Winn smiles, tries to put him at ease. WINN Tell me about yourself, Anjohl. You came here to pray for prosperity. Have things been difficult for you? DUKAT Yes... Rogath blight destroyed my entire crop last year. WINN I'm sorry to hear that... DUKAT Most of the farms in Relliketh fell victim to it. WINN (more to herself) "And the land shall be poisoned by a great evil." (off his look) It's from the Ancient Texts. Talnot's Prophecy of the Final Days. DUKAT I see... WINN Tell me more about this blight. DUKAT Unfortunately the only way to eradicate it is to burn your fields at the first sign of contamination. Winn listens intently, trying to assemble some spiritual message from his words. WINN Go on. DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT THREE 35. 32 CONTINUED: (2) DUKAT Then you let your land lie fallow for a season -- to allow for the restoration of the soil. WINN (intent) Restoration? DUKAT (nods) The following year, the fields will be fertile again. WINN (turning it over in her mind) The poison must be purged away... so the land can be reborn. DUKAT (puzzled by her strange words) Eminence... ? WINN Do you pray to the Prophets, Anjohl? DUKAT Every day. WINN And have they ever answered you -- in a vision, or in your dreams? DUKAT There have been times when I've thought I felt their presence. But spoken to me? No. Surely they'd reserve such a blessing for someone like you. WINN You're right, the Prophets have spoken to me. (beat) They told me they were going to send you here. DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT THREE 36. 32 CONTINUED: (3) DUKAT (at a loss) Me? WINN You've been blessed, Anjohl. They have anointed you to be my Guide. DUKAT I don't understand... WINN You are to help me bring about the Restoration of Bajor. Dukat is clearly overwhelmed... DUKAT Surely the Prophets would choose someone more worthy. WINN You should have more faith in yourself, Anjohl. And in the Prophets. DUKAT (chastened) Of course... WINN Rest assured, they'll reveal what they want from us... and together, we'll walk the path they've laid out... And off this ominous prospect... 33 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE Kira is reporting to Sisko, who's sitting at his desk studying a PADD. KIRA ... the bottom line is, the chief won't be able to get to it for a few days. DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT THREE 37. 33 CONTINUED: Sisko tosses the PADD down in front of him. SISKO Not good enough. Kira is taken off-guard by his gruff response. SISKO I told General Martok his ships would be repaired by tomorrow. KIRA We've got Engineering crews working twenty-six hours a day. We're doing the best we can. Sisko takes a breath and backs off. SISKO I know you are. (beat) Things are just a little... complicated for me right now... KIRA (with sympathy) I can imagine... Sisko studies her for a beat, decides to confide in her. SISKO The Prophets came to me... they told me that Kasidy and I aren't meant to walk the same path. Kira takes a moment to assimilate this information. KIRA I see... well, that explains that. (a beat) I'm sorry. SISKO So am I. Kira can see that Sisko is torn, tries to offer him some support. KIRA The Prophets wouldn't ask you to do something like that without a reason. DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT THREE 38. 33 CONTINUED: (2) Sisko can't keep the tinge of resentment from his voice. SISKO You'd think they'd tell me what it is. KIRA It doesn't always work that way, you know that. (beat) What they're asking isn't easy. But they've never led you down the wrong path. Sisko has to admit they haven't. SISKO Not so far. But there's always a first time. (anger rising) To them, I'm "The Sisko" -- an instrument for carrying out their wishes. They forget that I'm human -- with dreams and wishes of my own. They say marrying Kasidy is a mistake. Maybe it is but it's my mistake to make. Kira doesn't have an answer for him, all she has is her faith. KIRA I wouldn't go against the Prophets. (beat) You're doing the right thing. A moment between them. DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT THREE 39. 34 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) (STOCK) A huge Jem'Hadar battleship cruises at warp. 35 INT. JEM'HADAR BRIDGE N.D. JEM'HADAR man various consoles. The Jem'Hadar First wears a VIEWING HEADSET that allows him to Conn the ship, Weyoun wears another. He moves to the FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER, who's at a side console, studying a monitor. Her face is mottled and flaky, similar to the last time we saw her in "Penumbra." We also see evidence of the disease on her "clothing," since it too is actually part of her. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER When do we reach the rendezvous coordinates? WEYOUN Approximately thirty-six hours. (beat) May I say that your plan is brilliant. I'm confident it will turn the war in our favor. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER Let's hope you're right. Suddenly overcome with exhaustion, she steadies herself against the console. WEYOUN (with concern) Founder... She waves him off, stands straight again. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER About Damar -- I trust he won't be a problem? WEYOUN I'm sure he'll have "concerns," but you needn't worry about that. I'll deal with him when the time comes. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER See that you do. I find him most trying. DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT THREE 40. 35 CONTINUED: WEYOUN (with a small bow) I'll have the temperature lowered again. You'll be more comfortable. With that, Weyoun moves to speak with the Jem'Hadar First. Off the Founder's face as she stares at the monitor... 36 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Breen ship continues at warp. 37 INT. BREEN CELL Worf is splayed on the bench, his eyes glazed and unfocused, his face beaded with sweat. Ezri mops his brow, trying to keep him from slipping further away. WORF (disoriented) -- never give up... fight them... Sto'Vo'Kor... Ezri is pained by her inability to do anything for him... DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT THREE 41. 37 CONTINUED: EZRI Worf. What did they do to you... ? WORF (rambling incoherently) I will not dishonor her memory... The sound of her voice seems to help him focus. WORF Alexander... ? EZRI Wake up. Please. Worf shakes the cobwebs from his head and his eyes clear. WORF Ezri... Ezri helps him to a sitting position. A beat as he regains his focus. EZRI Where'd they take you? WORF An interrogation chamber... Worf reaches up to touch his temple, where we see -- 38 A SMALL WOUND WORF They used some kind of cortical implant to probe my memory. DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT THREE 42. 38 CONTINUED: EZRI I wonder what they were trying to find out... ? WORF I don't know. (self-recriminating) I lost consciousness. EZRI That's probably a good thing. WORF I should have tried harder to resist them. Angry at himself, Worf lurches to his feet. His balance is shot and he nearly falls over. EZRI Careful. But he ignores her, starts to stalk around the room. WORF These Breen are without honor. EZRI (motioning him over) Why don't you sit down -- eat something? She holds up a food cannister, but Worf slaps it from her hand and it SMASHES against the wall. WORF This is intolerable! They have us caged up like animals! He slams a fist against the wall in frustration. EZRI Worf, stop it. WORF A Klingon would rather die than be in captivity! EZRI What are you going to do? Kill yourself and leave me here alone? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT THREE 43. 38 CONTINUED: (2) WORF This is no time for your jokes! EZRI It's no time for Klingon chest- thumping either! Worf stops in his tracks and glares at her. Suddenly the door OPENS and a Breen starts inside. Pumped with adrenaline, Worf instinctively goes at him. He gets off a vicious blow that would fell a Nausicaan, but the Breen doesn't even stagger. He takes a swipe at Worf, knocking him back. 39 thru OMITTED 40 41 TWO MORE BREEN plunge through the doorway and set on Worf with their truncheons. He falls to the ground as every muscle in his body contracts at once, but the Breen keep at him, determined to teach him a lesson. EZRI (moving to intercede) Stop it! One of the Breen grabs hold of Ezri. As he drags her toward the door, we... 42 OMITTED FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT FOUR 44. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 43 INT. KAI WINN'S QUARTERS - LIVING ROOM Winn and Dukat are eating dinner together at an exquisitely set table. Winn sips springwine and watches Dukat scarf his food. WINN You have quite an appetite. Dukat sees her nearly full PLATE, realizes he's been eating too fast. DUKAT (apologetic) It's been a long time since I could afford fresh klavaatu... Winn waves off his apology with a smile. WINN Enjoy it. Winn holds up an old-looking BOTTLE with Bajoran lettering. WINN More springwine? DUKAT (nods) It's extraordinary, I've never had anything like it. Winn begins to fill his GLASS. WINN It's a rare vintage, from before the Occupation. I was going to give this bottle to the Emissary as a wedding gift. DUKAT I'm honored that you'd choose to share it with me. Winn floats a seemingly casual observation, but it's intended to probe her "Guide's" feelings about Sisko. DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT FOUR 45. 43 CONTINUED: WINN I doubt he would've been able to appreciate it as much. Not being Bajoran. Dukat plays it as if he's hesitant to raise a controversial subject. DUKAT I suppose not. The Prophets may have chosen to speak through him, but he's not truly one of us, is he? Winn leans in, sensing they have similar opinions about Sisko. WINN No, he isn't. DUKAT There are times when I find myself wondering if he really understands our people. Dukat catches himself, as if he thinks he's said too much. DUKAT Still. It's not my place to question why the Prophets would choose him to be their Emissary. WINN You forget that the Prophets chose you to be my Guide. Speak your mind freely, Anjohl. Dukat takes the license she's offered him. DUKAT The Emissary didn't suffer through the Occupation. He has no idea what the Cardassians did to us. Those years left many scars on Bajor's soul -- how can he help heal what he could never comprehend? Winn is lapping it up, he's feeding the resentments she's kept to herself for a long time. WINN I've often asked myself the same thing. DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT FOUR 46. 43 CONTINUED: (2) DUKAT I survived the Occupation purely by chance. When the Resistance destroyed the Cardassian outpost in Relliketh, Gul Dukat had a hundred Bajorans rounded up. His intention was to send us to the capital for public execution. Something in Dukat's story jogs Winn's memory. She leans forward with an intent look in her eyes. WINN One hundred from Relliketh... when did this occur? DUKAT Just before the great famine. Winn nods, a memory coming back to her. DUKAT By sheer luck, my transport was rerouted to a labor camp. Years later, I learned that a dispatcher misread the orders. Winn stares at him, stunned. WINN His name was Prenar. And he didn't misread the orders. DUKAT (puzzled) How could you know that? Winn tells her story with a faraway look in her eyes, as if she can scarcely believe the coincidence herself. WINN I was a Ranjen in those days... I convinced the Vedek who led my order that we needed to take a more active role in the Resistance... He let me remove some gemstones from our tabernacle... I used them to bribe various Cardassians in exchange for small acts of leniency. (beat) Prenar was one of them. DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT FOUR 47. 43 CONTINUED: (3) WINN (Cont'd) I paid him to reroute a transport from Relliketh. Now it's Dukat's turn to be "stunned." DUKAT You saved my life... He reaches across the table and -- 44 TAKES HER HAND in a gesture of gratitude. DUKAT Even then our fates were linked. Their eyes lock as they're both jolted by the realization that the Prophets guided them to this moment. A beat, then they both become aware of their physical contact. There's an undercurrent of sexual tension, and Dukat gently withdraws his hand, as if realizing the inappropriateness of his touching so august a person. He awkwardly turns his attention back to his plate. Off Winn as she steals a glance at the mysterious man who's come into her life... 45 OMITTED 46 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS Sisko stands in the DARKENED room staring at the MODEL of the house he intends to build on Bajor. Without Kasidy, it suddenly seems a lonely place to be. A long moment, then the door CHIMES. Sisko doesn't seem to hear it. A beat, then the CHIME sounds again. SISKO Yes. The door OPENS to reveal Quark, carrying a small, wooden BOX. DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT FOUR 48. 46 CONTINUED: The Ferengi quickly takes in the temperature of the room, then warily approaches Sisko. QUARK Sorry to interrupt, but I have something for you. With a hint of trepidation, he holds up the box. QUARK The... (how to put it?) -- item you ordered. Sisko had forgotten all about it, and whatever it is has suddenly darkened his mood even more. He takes the box from Quark, stares down at it. He slowly OPENS the box, revealing a DIAMOND WEDDING RING. The thought that he'll never put it on Kasidy's finger pierces Sisko's heart. QUARK (awkwardly) Terellian diamonds aren't easy to come by, especially with this war on. Needless to say, it was non- refundable. Sisko nods vaguely. SISKO Thanks, Quark. Quark nods and starts toward the door. He hesitates for a moment, then turns back to face Sisko. QUARK Seems a shame to let something so beautiful go to waste... With a meaningful look Sisko's way, Quark EXITS. Sisko stares at the diamond for a long moment, then CLOSES the box. He moves to the window and looks out at the stars, trying to reconcile himself with the decision he's made. Off his conflicted countenance... 47 OMITTED DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT FOUR 49-50. 48 OMITTED (BECOMES SCENE 54A) 49 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Breen ship at warp. 50 INT. BREEN CELL Worf paces alone, angry and very worried. A few beats, then the door OPENS and two Breen throw an unconscious Ezri inside. Worf would like nothing better than to go at them again, but his concern is for Ezri. The Breen EXIT as he moves to her. WORF Ezri... Her face is covered with sweat. With her eyes closed, she mumbles disjointed fragments of memories. EZRI (delirious) Don't worry, Garak, I'll help you through this... Worf carefully picks her up and starts to carry her over to the bench. EZRI I'm not just saying it because I'm your sister, you have a gift... He sets her down and wipes her brow. Suddenly -- 51 HER EYES POP OPEN and she looks up at him. DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT FOUR 51. 51 CONTINUED: EZRI No more algae-paste. For a moment Worf thinks she's snapped out if it, but HER EYES CLOSE and she sinks back into delirium. EZRI I'm not like you, Joran, I'm not a murderer... WORF Shh... it's all right. Ezri frowns, her eyes still closed. EZRI I was your wife... why won't you talk to me? Worf feels a stab of guilt and tenderness toward her. EZRI (smiles) I love you... Worf smiles down at her... EZRI Kiss me... Julian... Worf stiffens, pulls away. He backs off a few steps, his features darkening. Off his shattered expression... 51A EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 51B INT. KAI WINN'S QUARTERS - BEDROOM (FORMERLY SCENE 52) Winn's lying in bed, thoughts of Dukat making it impossible for her to sleep. A moment, then we hear a COM-BEEP. Winn sighs with annoyance. DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT FOUR 51A. 51B CONTINUED: WINN Yes. SOLBOR'S COM VOICE Forgive me for disturbing you at this hour, Eminence, but Anjohl is here and he insists on seeing you. At the mention of his name, a smile of anticipation flashes across Winn's features. She sits up, her unloosed HAIR falling about the shoulders of her NIGHTGOWN. WINN I'll be right there. She stands and starts to pull on her ROBE. 51C INT. KAI WINN'S QUARTERS - LIVING ROOM (FORMERLY SCENE 53) as Winn -- having taken a few minutes to get herself together -- ENTERS to see a bleary Solbor standing with a fully dressed Dukat. Solbor removed some of his outer vestments earlier in the night, leaving only the simple robes underneath. WINN Anjohl Dukat reacts to the sight of her with her hair down -- suddenly she seems more woman than Kai. DUKAT (struck by her appearance) Eminence... (then formal again) I hope I didn't wake you. WINN It's all right. (turning to him) You can go, Solbor. Solbor frowns slightly, then bows his head. SOLBOR As you wish. Solbor EXITS to the anteroom, leaving Winn and Dukat alone. DUKAT (excited) Something wondrous has happened. DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT FOUR 51B. 51C CONTINUED: DUKAT (Cont'd) I spoke with my brother in Relliketh. He told me that this morning, when he went to inspect the fields, he found moba saplings sprouting from the soil. But it's impossible. We only planted last week. (awed) Tell me. Could it be a sign? WINN Yes... a sign from the Prophets. Dukat seems overwhelmed, as if everything that's happening to him is too much for this simple farmer to handle. WINN They're telling you that your farm will thrive under your brother's care. They don't want you to go back to Relliketh. They want you at my side. Moved by the Prophet's sign to them, Winn seizes Dukat's hand -- DUKAT Then this is where I'll stay, eminence... WINN (giving her first name) Adami... A moment as their eyes lock. DUKAT Adami... what a beautiful name... Dukat reaches up as if to stroke her hair, but then suddenly remembers himself and pulls his hand back. WINN (softly) It's all right... the Prophets have brought us together... He looks into her eyes, then pulls her to him... and as they begin to kiss, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... "- REV. 03/19/99 - ACT FIVE 52. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 52 OMITTED (BECOMES SCENE 51B) 53 OMITTED (BECOMES SCENE 51C) 54 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 54A INT. CARGO BAY FOUR (FORMERLY SCENE 48) Kasidy checks a PADD as her CREWMEN move some CARGO CONTAINERS up a ramp and out the Airlock. KASIDY That's the last of it. (to a crewman) Tell Kilby to start the final departure check. The Crewman nods and EXITS up the ramp. Kasidy picks up her SHOULDER BAG, takes a last look around. We get the sense that she's going to miss being based on this station that's become her home. As she turns to go, the door OPENS and Sisko ENTERS. Their eyes lock across the room. A beat, then he starts toward her. She watches him approach, wondering what he's come to say. SISKO (simply) I made a mistake. I don't care what the Prophets want, I want to marry you. We'll worry about the rest later. Kasidy is still hurting from what happened, and she needs to be sure it won't happen again. KASIDY Ben, don't do this to me -- not if you're going to change your mind again. DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT FIVE 53-54. 54A CONTINUED: SISKO I won't. I love you. Kasidy answers by throwing her arms around him. SISKO Let's go. KASIDY Where? SISKO (beaming) Where do you think? And as he grabs her hand and leads her away... 55 INT. WARDROOM ADMIRAL ROSS and Sisko, both in uniform, stand at the window chatting. Jake, who's in formal-looking CIVILIAN CLOTHES, stands nearby with NOG. Bashir ENTERS and steps up next to O'Brien. O'BRIEN Didn't think you were going to make it. BASHIR I just heard about it twenty minutes ago. DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT FIVE 55. 55 CONTINUED: An annoyed Quark overhears as he passes by carrying a tray of CHAMPAGNE GLASSES -- QUARK Me, too -- and I'm the caterer. (moving away) I can't work under these conditions... BASHIR (melancholy) Too bad Ezri and Worf couldn't be here... O'BRIEN (bucking him up) They probably got held up picking out a wedding present. Bashir musters a smile. Off their shared determination to hold off the possibility that their friends are gone for good... 56 ACROSS THE ROOM we see ODO and a quietly troubled Kira. Finally, Odo says something. ODO Usually when we come to events like this, you're the one who has to remind me to smile. Kira snaps out of her reverie and musters a smile. ODO I wonder why they decided not to have a Bajoran ceremony? (lightly) I hope the Prophets forgive them. DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT FIVE 56. 56 CONTINUED: KIRA (quiet) So do I... Off Kira's face as she tries to put her worries aside and be happy for Sisko. We hear the SOUND of a Boatswain's PIPE, and cut to -- 57 OMITTED 57A NOG as he sounds the ANCIENT CALL ("Piping the Side" - used to honor important personages coming aboard). The group falls silent; Ross centers himself in front of the window, checks the PADD in his hand a last time. The door OPENS and Kasidy ENTERS, wearing a simple but stunning outfit and holding a small BOUQUET. Jake steps up to escort her to Sisko. JAKE You look beautiful. 58 SISKO watches his bride approach, his face beaming. 58A ODO AND NOG ODO (sotto) Well done... NOG Considering I only had a few minutes to practice... When Kasidy reaches Sisko's side, the couple turns to face Ross. ROSS One of the most pleasant duties of a senior officer is the privilege of joining two people together in matrimony. Today it is my honor to unite Kasidy Danielle Yates and Benjamin Lafayette Sisko in marriage. He turns to Kasidy. DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT FIVE 57. 58A CONTINUED: ROSS Kasidy, do you accept this man as your husband, to love and cherish above all others, until death separates you? KASIDY I do. Ross turns to Sisko. ROSS Benjamin, do you accept this woman as your wife, to love and cherish above all others, until death separates you? SISKO I do. Ross nods to Jake, who produces the rings. Kasidy picks up a WEDDING BAND, takes Sisko's hand. ROSS These rings symbolize your love for each other, and your promise to abide by the vows you've made today. He nods to Kasidy. KASIDY With this ring, I thee wed. She slides it on his finger. Sisko takes the diamond RING, reaches for Kasidy's hand. Suddenly the SCREEN WHITES OUT and we -- CUT TO: 59 INT. CARGO BAY - VISION (OPTICAL) THE HEARTBEAT SOUND and the CHARACTERISTIC LOOK tell us we're in a vision. Sisko turns to find the SARAH PROPHET standing at a distance, concern etched on her features. SARAH PROPHET This is not meant to be, Benjamin. But Sisko is unmoved -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT FIVE 58. 59 CONTINUED: SISKO I've made my decision. SARAH PROPHET Your trial is at hand. You must be strong. SISKO Kasidy gives me strength. Why can't you understand that? 60 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE - VISION (OPTICAL) CUT TO: The Sarah Prophet's features soften and we see she cares about Sisko. SARAH PROPHET If you do this, you will know only sorrow. SISKO You shared my mother's existence, you must have some idea what love is. You should know that I'll never be happy without Kasidy. She seems to understand, and her face is tinged with sadness. SARAH PROPHET Your path is a difficult one. 61 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS - VISION (OPTICAL) CUT TO: The Sarah Prophet and Sisko stand near the model of his house. She's much closer to him now. SARAH PROPHET I cannot change what is to come. SISKO I know. Tears glistens in her eyes as she tenderly takes his hand. SARAH PROPHET Be careful, my son. DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT FIVE 59. 61 CONTINUED: And with that, the SCREEN WHITES OUT and we -- CUT TO: 62 INT. WARDROOM - CLOSE ON SISKO as he comes out of his vision. Ross has noticed his hesitation and gently prods him to continue. ROSS Ben? Sisko looks into Kasidy's eyes and knows in his heart that he's doing the right thing. SISKO With this ring, I thee wed. 63 CLOSE - THEIR HANDS as Sisko slides the ring on her finger. 64 SISKO AND KASIDY as he looks into the face of the woman he's willing to defy the Prophets for. ROSS By the power invested in me by the United Federation of Planets, I pronounce you husband and wife. Sisko and Kasidy kiss, and the gathering breaks into APPLAUSE. And as people move forward to congratulate the couple... 64A EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Jem'Hadar battleship cruises at impulse. 64B INT. JEM'HADAR BRIDGE Jem'Hadar man their stations. Weyoun -- wearing his viewing headset -- paces thoughtfully. The door OPENS and Damar ENTERS with a head of steam. DAMAR I need to talk to you. DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT FIVE 59A. 64B CONTINUED: Weyoun hasn't been looking forward to this moment. WEYOUN Oh? DAMAR I demand to know where we're going. Damar is sure Weyoun's going to slap him down, and he's ready to stand his ground. To his surprise, Weyoun flips up his eyepiece and smiles graciously. WEYOUN Of course. In fact, I was just about to come to your quarters to discuss the matter. DAMAR (suspicious) Were you? WEYOUN I've kept you in the dark too long, and for that I apologize. You are the leader of Cardassia. You deserve to know everything we're doing. Damar is completely thrown by Weyoun's respectful demeanor, but it's a welcome change. Weyoun throws an arm around his shoulder as he continues -- WEYOUN I have a feeling you're going to be very pleased... Off Damar's anticipation to hear what's going on... (whatever it is, you can bet it's not good for the Federation) 65 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Breen ship cruises at impulse. 66 INT. BREEN CELL Worf sits, in a foul mood, glowering at Ezri. She has recovered somewhat and sits at the opposite end of the bench. DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT FIVE 60. 66 CONTINUED: Finally she can't take it anymore -- EZRI Will you stop that! He continues to glare. EZRI What's wrong? You haven't said a word to me in hours. WORF I should have known not to trust you with my heart. Ezri has no idea where this is coming from. EZRI What is that supposed to mean? WORF You dishonor me and yourself. EZRI I must've missed something while I was gone. WORF How long have you had these feelings for him? EZRI For who? WORF Doctor Bashir! (off her incredulous look) After the Breen brought you back, you spoke his name. EZRI (surprised) I did? DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT FIVE 61. 66 CONTINUED: (2) WORF You said you loved him! Ezri is completely thrown by this revelation. EZRI Julian? I said I was in love with Julian? WORF Do not try to deny it. EZRI Look, I admit that I find him charming. (not to mention) And he's an attractive man. Worf can't stand to hear another word -- WORF You are in love with him! EZRI (adamant) I am not! WORF Then why do you dream about him? This one throws her back for a second. She can't think of anything to say until -- EZRI (a bit wan) You're the one who said dreams don't matter... This is all the confirmation Worf needs. He turns away, quietly seething... WORF I should have known. Jadzia had feelings for him as well... EZRI (exploding) Will you stop comparing me to her! DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT FIVE 61A. 66 CONTINUED: (3) The force of her outburst contains everything she's been bottling up -- their prolonged incarceration, the possible penalty for Reassociation, and most of all, her unconscious fear that Worf may be right about Bashir. Both are momentarily taken aback by the force of her fury. As they stare at each other, wondering what they've unleashed between them, the cell door OPENS to reveal three Breen. DEEP SPACE NINE: "'Til Death... " - REV. 03/19/99 - ACT FIVE 62. 66 CONTINUED: (4) One holds a neural truncheon, the other two have SIDEARMS. Breen Three SCREECHES an order to his men, who train their weapons on our heroes... 67 INT. JEM'HADAR BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Worf, Ezri and FIVE Breen MATERIALIZE in a Dominion TRANSPORTER EFFECT. (NOTE: We should not recognize where they are until the next shot.) We've never seen one of the Breen before -- he has distinctive MARKINGS on his suit that we'll eventually learn identify him as a high-ranking GENERAL. Worf and Ezri get their bearings, then react with surprise when they see something off-screen. 68 NEW ANGLE revealing Weyoun and Damar. N.D. Jem'Hadar man the Bridge stations. Weyoun steps forward and bows graciously to the Breen General. Damar hangs back, and it's clear from his face that he's not sure he likes what's going on here. WEYOUN We meet at last... The Breen general SCREECHES a reply, which Weyoun seems to understand perfectly well. WEYOUN (re: Worf and Ezri) Gifts? How thoughtful. Weyoun smiles and turns to Worf and Ezri. WEYOUN You should be honored... you're witnessing an historic moment: the birth of an alliance between the Dominion and the Breen. (beat) Changes everything doesn't it? Worf and Ezri exchange a worried look. As they ponder what this alliance portends for the Federation, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END